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Water Conservation I

Given: 4 2BHKs on each floor.

10 Floors.
5 people per Household.

To Calculate: Calculate Water Demand for building (Design Case)

Calculate capacity of UGT & OHT. Represent with diagram.
Calculate STP
Calculate RWH Capacity. Represent on layout of design case. Show
Mark location of RWH.


• Calculate Water Demand for building. (Design Case)

Water Demand = 135L * No. of people in the building
No. of people = 4 (2BHKs) * 5 (People per Household) * 10 (Floors) = 200 People
Water Demand = 135L * 200 = 27000L = 27 Cubic Metres
Water Demand = 27 Cubic Metres

• Calculate capacity of UGT & OHT. Represent with diagram.

UGT Capacity = 60% of the total water demand
= 60% of 27000
= 16200L
UGT Capacity = 16.2 Cubic Metres
OHT Capacity = 40% of the total water demand
= 40% of 27000
= 10800L
OHT Capacity = 10.8 Cubic Metres
• Calculate STP
STP = 150L * No. of people in the building
= 150L * 200
= 30000L
STP = 30 Cubic Metres

• Calculate RWH Capacity

1. RWH = Mean Annual Rainfall in mm (Mumbai) * Area of Open Green Space in

m² * Runoff Factor of Vegetation Flat (0-1% slope)
= 0.025m * 2534m² * 0.1
= 6.33 Cubic Metres
RWH Capacity of Open Green Space = 6.33 Cubic Metres
2. RWH = Mean Annual Rainfall in mm (Mumbai) * Area of Recreational Ground in
m² * Runoff Factor of Turf Flat (0-1% slope)
= 0.025m * 760m² * 0.25
= 4.75 Cubic Metres
RWH Capacity of Recreational Ground = 4.75 Cubic Metres
3. RWH = Mean Annual Rainfall in mm (Mumbai) * Area of Building Roof Garden
in m² * Runoff Factor of Roof Garden (100-200mm thick)
= 0.025m * 1200m² * 0.3
= 9 Cubic Metres
RWH Capacity of Building Roof Garden = 9 Cubic Metres
4. RWH = Mean Annual Rainfall in mm (Mumbai) * Area of Building Pavement in
m² * Runoff Factor of Gravel Pavement
= 0.025mm * 120m² * 0.75
= 2.25 Cubic Metres
RWH Capacity of Building Pavement = 2.25 Cubic Metres
5. RWH = Mean Annual Rainfall in mm (Mumbai) * Area of Road in m² * Runoff
Factor of Concrete
= 0.025mm * 366m² * 0.95
= 8.69 Cubic Metres
RWH Capacity of Road = 8.69 Cubic Metres

Total RWH Capacity = RWH Capacity of Open Green Space + RWH Capacity of
Recreational Ground + RWH Capacity of Building Roof Garden + RWH Capacity of
Building Pavement + RWH Capacity of Road

= 6.33 + 4.75 + 9 + 2.25 + 8.69

Total RWH Capacity = 31.02 Cubic Metres

1780 Vrushank Warang

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