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Work Output

Discuss and identify what is important between the body or sexuality.

Good morning sir! I’m Cynthia Lyka Calimbas, and the topic that I chose is all
about identifying what is important between the body or sexuality.

We already know that our body is the whole human being from top to toe in the
way it appears to us, where we can able to see our beauty and imperfection such as skin
tone, body hair, sexual organs, moles, freckles, hair color and type, eye color, nose shape,
ears shape, body shape, body deformations, mutilations and other variations such as
amputations, scars, burns and wounds. On the other hand, let us define what is sexuality,
sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality refers
to a person's sexual orientation or preference. Sexuality is all about our sexual feelings,
thoughts, attractions and behaviors towards other people. Our sexual orientation is who
we are emotionally, mentally, and physically attracted to. This may be same-sex
(homosexual), male-female (heterosexual) or bisexual orientation. So, let’s identify what
is the importance between the body and sexuality.

         For me, body and sexuality are both important to us. Our body image is important
because the way we see ourselves influences every aspect of our lives such as our mental
health, our physical self, and how we interact with other people. Some people think that
they need to change how they look to feel good about themselves. But for me, all we
need to do is to change the way we see our body and how we think about ourselves.

Our sexuality plays an important role in our identity and sense of self. Sexuality is
central to our self-identity, and not being able to express this is damaging to our sense of
self-worth and over all mental health. Some people, coming out leads to acceptance and
support, but this may not always be the case. If we choose to come out, try to prepare
ourselves to cope with people’s responses. Many people will support us, but there may be
others who don’t.

         Sexuality is an important and positive part of our lives because it includes our
sexual orientation, our sexual health, the way we act in relationships; how we feel about
our bodies; how we interact with both males and females; and also, our understanding of
who we are sexually. And for me, our body is part of sexuality and how we feel about our
bodies whether we know it or not, the way we see our bodies has a big influence on us
every day, including the decisions we make. Some people who feel bad about their bodies
sometimes make sexually unhealthy decisions. But the better we feel, the better the
decisions we’ll make.

And that’s all, thank you for watching sir!

Work Output

Discuss and identify what is important between the body or sexuality.

Good morning sir! I’m Cynthia Lyka Calimbas, and the topic that I chose is all about
identifying what is important between the body or sexuality.

We already know that our body is the whole human being from top to toe in the way it
appears to us, where we can able to see our beauty and imperfection such as skin tone, body hair,
sexual organs, moles, freckles, hair color and type, eye color, nose shape, ears shape, body
shape, body deformations, mutilations and other variations such as amputations, scars, burns and
wounds. On the other hand, let us define what is sexuality, sexuality is not about who you have
sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality refers to a person's sexual orientation or preference.
Sexuality is all about our sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviors towards other
people. Our sexual orientation is who we are emotionally, mentally, and physically attracted to.
This may be same-sex (homosexual), male-female (heterosexual) or bisexual orientation. So,
let’s identify what is the importance between the body and sexuality.

         For me, body and sexuality are both important to us. Our body image and the way we feel
about how we look may not be a reflection of what we actually look like. We may think we are
thinner or fatter than we actually are, or the parts of our body are not the shape, size or color we
would like, and this can make we feel unhappy or dissatisfied. So, that’s why our body image is
important because the way we see ourselves influences every aspect of our lives such as our
mental health, our physical self, and how we interact with other people. Some people think that
they need to change how they look to feel good about themselves. But for me, all we need to do
is to change the way we see our body and how we think about ourselves. Our sexuality plays an
important role in our identity and sense of self. Our sexuality is central to our self-identity, and
not being able to express this is damaging to our sense of self-worth and overall mental health.
For some people, coming out leads to acceptance and support, but this may not always be the
case. If you choose to come out, try to prepare yourself to cope with people’s responses. Many
people will support you, but there may be others who don’t.

         Sexuality is an important and positive part of our lives that includes our sexual
orientation, but also things like our sexual health, the way we act in relationships; how we feel
about our bodies; how we interact with both males and females; and our understanding of who
we are sexually. For me, our body is part of sexuality and how we feel about our bodies whether
we know it or not, the way we see our bodies has a big influence on us every day, including the
decisions we make. People who feel bad about their bodies sometimes make sexually unhealthy
decisions. But the better you feel, the better the decisions you’ll make.

And that’s all, thank you for watching sir!

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