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HOS-200 Introduction to Hospitality

Class Expectations and Agreement
The class is centered on TRUST, RESPECT, and EQUALITY. You have my respect and trust from the
beginning. The following expectations serve as a guide on how to be successful in the class. I have high
expectations for you all because I want to see you succeed in your careers. Everyone will be treated
equally, and consistent grading practices will be adhered to.

Be sure to use your calendar on the home page to monitor your due dates. Assignments are due on the
due date indicated on the calendar. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE RUBRIC

Please acknowledge that you understand the class expectations by reviewing and signing this

Late Assignment Policy

10% penalty each day an assignment is late. Assignments submitted 10 days after the due date will
receive 0 points. A late assignment with less points is better than a zero!

There are no exams in this class; assignments are periodically spread across the 15-week semester.
Learn to manage your time efficiently. Due dates for all assignments are clearly outlined in Halo.

It is strongly recommended that you auto-save your work and save a copy of all assignments (in-process
or completed) in the cloud or somewhere secure other than a computer hard drive. Losing your work
due to computer issues is not an accepted reason for submitting a late assignment.

Timeliness and Presence

Habitual tardiness at the start of class demonstrates that your priorities lie elsewhere. Coming into class
late is distracting to other students. Be respectful of those who want to learn. Your participation grade
will be penalized for habitual tardiness. Important announcements will be made at the beginning of
each class and will not be repeated. You will have to ask a fellow student what you missed.

If you are unable to attend class or need to leave early, please notify me in advance. Leaving in the
middle of class is also distracting. Your participation grade will be penalized for leaving class without
prior notice. Time your fluid breaks accordingly.

Use of Technology

There will be designated times during class in which you will be asked to use a laptop and/or mobile
device. At all other times, laptop screens must be closed, and mobile devices (tablets and cell phones)
must be face down or stowed away.

You will be permitted to use a laptop, tablet, or mobile device during class to access online material and
activities. It is expected that you will limit your use of technology to only class-related material. I have
been teaching long enough to recognize when a student is distracted by non-class-related content on
their laptop, tablet and/or mobile device. It is also distracting for students around you who come to
learn. Please be respectful of others.

There are no exams for this class; you do not need to take copious notes. I recommend that you take
notes on the assigned reading material so that you are prepared to participate in class discussions. All
lecture slides will be available on Halo by Friday’s. I encourage you to be actively engage in the lecture and
class discussions and refer to the lecture slides later to prepare for your assignments.

Zoom Etiquette

If we must use Zoom for class instruction or if you need to Zoom into class for SDS approved absences, the
following are GCU policies:

• Start synchronous classroom on mute (by default, attendees will be muted upon entry to Zoom
• Live video picture, not a static photo (this means you must turn on your video for all Zoom sessions)
• Maintain GCU dress code and decorum
• Consider the use of a private, appropriate background location for learning free of distractions and
other individuals in proximity of remote instruction
• Use your given first name and last initial when you enter the meeting.

Participation Grade = PRESENCE and ENGAGEMENT

During class time, you are expected to be present and engaged. Your participation grade for each topic
(2 weeks, except for Topic 1) will be determined as follows:

12 points – Presence and engagement in class (6 each week except for Thanksgiving holiday
week and Veteran’s Day holiday – 8 points for the week)

8 points – Contribution and participation in Group Discussions/Activities in class (4 each week)

Topic 1 Participation: Posting in the Class Introduction in Halo (10 points). Introducing yourself in
class day 1 or 2 (5 points). Acknowledgement of reading Welcome Announcement in Halo and
agreement to Class Expectations via Acknowledgement (5 points).

Alternatively, in the weeks with a guest speaker you will have the opportunity to write a thank you note
to the guest to show your appreciation and comment on what you learned from them. Thank you notes
will be provided at the beginning of class and collected at the end.


2 points – Habitual tardiness (2 or more times over a two-week period)

2 points – Using laptop/mobile device during class at times other than when asked

2 points – Using laptop/mobile device during a guest speaker presentation

Ways to Make Up Participation Points

4 points – Attend the HOS Welcome Back Event on Sept. 23rd

4 points – Attend the HOS Hiring Event Oct 5th

4 points – Attend a Hospitality Club event


Please acknowledge that you understand the class expectations by reviewing and honoring this
agreement. To agree, respond in the comments with: “I agree with the expectations”.

I, ____________________________________________ have reviewed and acknowledge the class

expectations as outlined above.



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