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Celtic Lace Mini & Celtic Lace Junior are join-as-you-go methods that you can

use for any size afghan squares, but they work especially great with smaller squares. It is also very good for squares that
are edged in a solid st like sc or dc. If your squares are lacy, it may be best to choose a different join or add a round of sc
or dc.

 A stack of granny squares! Any squares will do but be aware, this join will add a round of dc to them. If that will not work
(for example, if your squares are edged with a round of chain loops), you might want to add a quick round of sc to them,
or choose an alternative join - like my flat braid join tutorial
 Appropriate hook for yarn, tapestry needle for weaving ends

Abbreviations – US Terminology
as folls as follows
beg beginning
ch(s) chain(s)
ch-sp(s) chain space(s)
ch-1 sp(s) chain 1 space(s): number denotes number of chains in chain space
dc double crochet
incl including
lp(s) loop(s)
rep(s) repeat(s)
RS right side
sc single crochet
ss slip stitch(es)
st(s) stitch(es)
tr treble crochet
WS wrong side
yoh yarn over hook

Special Abbreviations
beg dc beginning double crochet: sc, ch 1 (counts as 1 dc)
beg tr beginning treble crochet: sc, ch 2 (counts as 1 tr)


Celtic Lace Mini Join

First, get your squares ready! My squares for this demo are a grid of 4×4 = 16 squares.

Rnd 1 Using background yarn, ss in corner st, (3 sc in corner, sc in all sts across) 4 times, ss in first sc.
Rnd 2 (sc, Chain 4, 3TR), All in corner st: **(Skip 3 SC, (2DC, Chain 1, 2DC) in next stitch) 6 times, skip 3 SC, (3TR, chain 2,
3TR) in next SC to make corner, repeat from ** 3 more times, omitting final corner on last r epeat. 2TR in first corner
stitch to complete it. Join with slip stitch in second chain of round.
Rnd 3 [In corner chain space: (SC, Chain 5, SC), (chain 5, SC in next chain space) 6 times, chain 5] 4 times, join with a slip
stitch in first SC. Cut yarn and finish off.

ROW 1, MOTIFS 2-4 (join 1 side)

Rnds 1 and 2 Work as for Motif 1
Note: For Round 3, we will be using a Flat Braid Join (FBJ) to join as we go.
My original FBJ tutorial is here, but I’ll go ahead and document it again.
Rnd 3 Work 1 side of the square up to the first 2 ch of the second corner
Line up your squares as shown at left to join the next side.

For the third ch of your 5-ch corner lp, you’ll be using the Pull Loop Through
(PLT) join as folls: Release lp from hook, insert hook through adjacent loop
on completed motif (Motif 1 here), grab lp, Pull Loop Through the ch-sp. Ch
1, so that the ch encases the corner lp of the completed motif. Ch 2 to
complete the ch-5 lp. The photos beow show this process.


Sc in same corner space to complete corner. Repeat the PLT joining process for the next 6 chain-5 loops. For the third
corner, (sc, ch 5, sc).
Note: See below I did not join this third corner, because it lies on the “inside” of the blanket, rather than the perimeter.
The second corner was joined immediately to its adjacent loop because it lies on the perimeter of the blanket. You’ll pick
up these loose corners on the second row of squares.
Continue around your motif until you reach the beginning. Join and cut yarn. Weave ends.

Repeat for all of the squares in this row. I have 4. Notice in photo at right, all
corners along the top are joined, and along the bottom are not.

Row 2, Motif 5 (join 1 side)

Rnds 1 and 2 Work as for motif 1.
Rnd 3 Work 1 side to 2 chains of second corner loop as shown below.

Join the diagonal corner loop in the usual way, as shown below.

Continue around the square to the beginning, join, cut yarn and finish off.
Notice the bottom right corner of motif 1 is not yet joined up.

Row 2, Motif 6-8 (join 2 sides)

Rnds 1 and 2 Work as for motif 1.
Rnd 3 Work 1 side, and join second corner loop to diagonal corner chain as with Motif 5.


Work across, joining the second side, and join the third corner with that
loose corner we left unworked from Motif 1. Join third side, do not join
fourth corner yet. Continue around to beginning, join, cut yarn and finish
off. Now you can see a close-up of the former 4-corner meet up. This criss-
cross “X” is a really lovely detail.

For all remaining motifs, join up corners as you have learned here.
Perimeter corners join immediately and center corners are picked up by the
diagonal square to make the X. So on the bottom row of squares, all corners
will be joined up.

Celtic Lace Junior Join

Rnd 1 Work as for Celtic Lace Mini
Rnd 2 [(Sc, ch 3, sc) in corner st to make corner, (ch 3, sk 3, sc in next st) 6 times, ch 3] 4 times, ss in first sc.
Rnd 3 (Beg tr, ch 2, 3tr) in first corner ch-lp, * (2dc, ch 1, 2dc) in next 7 ch-sps, (3tr, ch 2, 3tr) in next ch-sp to make
corner, rep from * 3 times omitting final corner on last rep, 2 tr in first corner to complete it, ss in beg tr.
Rnd 4 * (Sc, ch 5, sc) all in ch-sp to make corner, (ch 5, sc in next ch-sp) 7 times, ch 5, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc, cut
yarn and finish off.

For all remaining motifs, work as for Celtic Lace Mini, joining on Round 4 as you go.


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