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Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception, Baybay, Leyte



QUIZ 1 BusEd 22
Principles of Marketing
MODULE 1- Lesson 1
1st Semester

NAME: Jed G. Crisostomo


Instructions: Answer the following questions sensibly. Write your answer

the questions and send via google classroom - classwork. Send your
answer in PDF

1. Identify the principles of marketing and explain each. (15 points)

 PRODUCT - A product is an object that is offered for sale. Depending

on the context, a product could be a service or an actual object.
There are three types of objects that it can take: real objects, virtual
objects, and cyber objects Everyone knows that every product comes
with a price tag. The market, quality, promotion, and target segment
affect the price that can be paid. There is a functional and a life cycle
to any product, and at the end of that cycle, it must be replaced or

 PRICE - Price is the amount of money charged for a product or a

service in its most basic sense. However, there must be more to it
than that. The price, in general, is the sum of all the values that a
customer gives up in exchange for the benefits of owning or using a
product or service. For the product to exist or to be used, the
customer must pay a certain amount of money, which we call price.

 PLACE - When we talk about a place, we're talking about the

process of getting your products and services to the customers.
Customers can buy your products or services wherever they are sold.
In order to increase sales of a product, a business must choose a
location that is convenient for the customer base and reach out to
them. In order to succeed in business, it is crucial to carefully plan the
placement and distribution of your product. It's important to know
where your potential customers are, where your location should be,
and how to get them there.

 PROMOTION - When you promote your business or products, you

are bringing attention to them. Promotion encompasses all of a
company's efforts to raise awareness of its products and services.
Promote your product or service by showing prospective customers
the benefits of using it.

2. Write 2 strategies of marketing a product. Use your own words. (15


A. PAID MEDIA ADVERTISING.- To broadcast your brand message

and reach your target audiences, you need to buy ad inventory on a
media channel or publisher site. Sponsored content is a type of digital
advertising that is used to promote a brand's products and services.
B. SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING - These are advertisements that are
served to users on the various social media platforms. When users
interact with a platform, social networks use that information to serve
highly relevant ads. It's not uncommon for social advertising to result
in huge increases in conversions and sales at a lower cost of
acquisition when the target market's demographics match those of a
social platform.

Rubrics for Q#2

Relevance /completeness 10 pts
Grammar 05 pts
Total 15 pts
Relevance /completeness 10 pts
Grammar 05 pts
Total 15 pts

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