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Answer in groups. Your groups are already assigned. You can find the group assignments on the groups
link to the left of the theology course site. Only one person needs to submit for the entire group.
Deadline for submission is Dec. 3, Thursday.

Submission is through the Blackboard theology course site, through the PeTa link. Email submissions
will not be entertained. (This is to avoid flooding my inbox while we are exclusively online).

How are Christians acting socially responsible?

Matthew 25:40
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of
mine, you did for me.”

Why does the Catholic Church have her own social teaching?
Because all men, as children of God, possess a unique dignity, the
Church with her social teaching is committed to defending and
promoting this human dignity for all men in the social sphere. She is not
trying to preempt the legitimate freedom of politics or of the economy.
When human dignity is violated in politics or economic practices,
however, the Church must intervene.

“The joy and hope, the grief and anguish of the men of our time,
especially of those who are poor or afflicted in any way, are the joy and
hope, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well” (Gaudium et Spes, Second
Vatican Council). In her social teaching, the Church makes this
statement specific. And she asks: How can we take responsibility for the
well-being and the just treatment of all, even of non-Christians? What is
a just organization of human society, of political, economic, and social
institutions supposed to look like? In her commitment to justice, the
Church is guided by a love that emulates Christ’s love for mankind.

a. Who is benefitting from the principles of Catholic social teaching?

b. Who are the “least” in your hometown?
c. What is at the root of the Christian concern for a just society?

Rubrics for grading:

Rubric 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Amount of Information All questions are All questions are All questions are One or more questions
(x3) = perfect score is addressed and all addressed and most addressed, and most were not addressed.
12 questions answered questions answered questions answered
with at least 2 with at least 2 with 1 sentence about
sentences about each. sentences about each. each.

Quality of Information Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly Information has little or
(Practical use) (x2) = relates to the main topic relates to the main relates to the main nothing to do with the
perfect score is 8 (Units 3 & 4). It includes topic (Units 3 & 4). It topic (Units 3 & 4). No main topic (Units 3 &
several supporting provides 1-2 supporting details and/or 4).
details and/or examples details and/or
from the lessons. examples from the examples are given.

Organization (x1) = Information is very Information is Information is The information

perfect score is 4 organized with well- organized with well- organized, but appears to be
constructed paragraphs constructed paragraphs are not disorganized.
and subheadings. paragraphs. well-constructed.

6 pts. for submission!

Perfect score = 30/30

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