Novena To Our Lady of Remedies

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Diocese of Tarlac

Our Lady of Remedies Parish

San Manuel, Tarlac
O Sovereign Queen of Heaven, Mary most holy, Mother
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, sanctified and exalted above the
Nine Days whole hierarchy of Heaven, I salute Thee, O Mary; and I praise
Thee with all the fervour of my heart be- cause of the celestial
life Thou didst live on earth, until that happy day arrived, when,
resplendent with glory and majes- ty, Thou wast raised to the
sublime Throne prepared for Thee by the Blessed Trinity and
Novena to crowned with immortal splendor, Queen of the Angels and
By that indescribable happiness which then filled Thy soul, I

Our Lady of Remedies

implore Thee to obtain from Thy beloved Son the graces for me
to model my life as much as possible on Thine, so that I may
merit hereafter to behold Thy radiant countenance and to pay
homage to Thee in the Heavenly Court of Thy glory. Sweet
Queen of Heaven, assists me to gain the favours I ask for in this
Novena. May the blessings I receive redound unto the glory of
God until that happy day arrived, when, re- splendent and unto
Thy own honour. Amen.

The author of this Novena was Don Francisco de Gongora.

SEVENTH DAY praise Thee because, during Thy exile in the land
Virgin most lovable, filled with infinite graces, Re- nowned of Egypt, an angel of the Lord appeared unto
Queen of Patriarchs, and more fruitful of good works than all men, I Thee and directed Thee to return with Thy chaste
salute Thee, O Mary; and I praise Thee because of Thy ready spouse, St. Joseph, and Thy Divine Child, to
obedience to the edict of the Emperor, to go to distant Bethlehem, Nazareth.
where, under conditions of ab- ject poverty, Thou gavest birth to Thy I beg of Thee, O Mary, the second Esther, to grant
Son, the Eternal King, the only-begotten of God the Father. A me the grace that after the labours, anxieties, and
deserted cave was Thy only dwelling and the Divine Babe rested in a hostilities of this life, Thou mayest lead me to the
lowly manger; but from that humble abode Thou didst fill the heavens domain of the Blest, to that safe and secure haven
and the earth with rejoicings, and the angels and men with gladness where Thou dwellest in glory.
and happiness.By that unutterable joy which Thy pure heart felt in May the petitions I present to Thee, dear Mother,
that blissful hour, I implore of Thee, O Sovereign Queen, to grant me redound unto the exaltation of God and unto
the grace of imitating closely Thy most willing obedience. Thine own honour.
The favours I ask for during this Novena, may they redound to the Amen.
glory of God and to Thine own honour. Amen.

Most glorious Virgin Mary, full of grace, Queen of the Angels,
surpassing them in power and privileges, I salute Thee, O Mary; and I
VIRGEN DELOS REMEDIOS kailangan Dinadala mo ang kasagutan
Lyrics by: Fr. Christopher A. Lozano and Fr. Alex Balatbat Ang aming mahal na si Hesus
Music by: Bro. Arwin Tan
Ang paglingap mo’y walang kupas Sa
Sa aming paglalakbay Sa nararanasang buhay kapwa taong naghihirap Iniadya mo sa
May tanong na di mahanapan Ng tunay na kasagutan panganib
Minsan ay pinagtangkaang takasan Di madala ng puso ang Pagkatao naming magkakapatid Payo mo
sakit kami’y tumalima
Lumikha ng pagkalito at pagkabagabag Sa utos ni Hesu Kristo Sundin ang
loob ng iyong anak At ang daan
KORO: naming ay matuwid
Ituro mo sa amin ang daan
O Birheng Mahal, Virgen Delos Remedios Pag-aantabay mo’y (Koro 2x)

History of our Lady of FIFTH DAY

Remedies Virgin most Holy, crowned with the stairs, kind Moth- er
Patroness of San Manuel, Tarlac of the Holy Apostles, Chosen Vessel, excelling all God’s elect,
I salute Thee, O Mary; and I praise Thee because you were
The Venerated Image of the Blessed Virgin under the selected to be the Mother of the Divine Word, who be- came
title of Our Lady of Remedies was already the titular Patron- man in Thy pure virginal womb; thus raising Thee to the most
ess of the church of San Manuel before World War II. It is exalted dignity on earth, whilst Thou, dear Sover- eign Queen,
not known however who brought the statue to San Manuel. didst profess Thyself as merely the Handmaid
The former church was situated in población where Our La- dy of the Lord. I beg of Thee, dear Virgin Mother, to give me a
of Remedies Academy is now located. During the war, the share in the sublime humility whereby Thou didst merit to
church was greatly damaged and demolished to the ground. be the Mother of God, that thus I may be accounted to be, by
The statue was kept by a faithful servant who brought it grace, Thine own dear child. May the favours I seek during this
everywhere he or she went to hide from the bar- baric novena redound unto the glory of God and unto Thine honour.
Japanese Imperial Army. After the war in 1944, the statue Amen.
was given to Doña Patrocinio Lim de Bautista, a faithful SIXTH DAY
servant of the Lord and devotee of the Blessed Vir- gin, for
Most Holy Virgin, Queen of Prophets, you were as a
safe keeping. In 1949, Doña Etang as everybody called her
Light shining clear and bright, guiding those inspired men of
built a church on her own land. From that time the faithful have
God. As a docile instrument of the Holy Spirit Thou didst
displayed a great love and devotion for this statue which is
Thyself resound with inspired words, more sweetly sound- ing
very grateful in its lives and though small (about two and a
and melodious than the prophecies of old. I salute Thee, O
half feet in height) its beauty is most strik- ing. The faithful
Mary, and I praise Thee for the great charity which prompted
devotion of the people of San Manuel have frequently
Thee to travel to a mountainous country to visit Thy cousin, St.
rewarded with great favors from heaven. The first parish priest
Elizabeth, and to await the birth of her son, St. John the Baptist,
was the Reverend Father Jose O. Valerio who in 1949 worked
who was destined to be the Great Prophet and Precursor of
tirelessly to spread the Word of God.
Thine own Divine Child. And so, on account of Thee,
Immaculate Mother, the child was sanc- tified, and his mother,
St. Elizabeth, was filled with the Holy Spirit. I entreat Thee to Divine Spirit. May the bless- ings I seek in this Novena
visit me often, O Powerful Queen, and guard me so that Thy redound unto the glory of God
gracious presence may banish the depressing darkness of sin and unto Thine own honour. Amen.
and that my soul may be filled with the glowing light of the
Most Clement Mary, most amiable and gracious Mother,
wise Teacher of the Church’s Doctors and more learned in Those who wish to make the Novena should go to
divine knowledge than all of them together, I sa- lute Thee, O confession and receive Holy Communion at least once dur-
Mary; and I praise Thee because Thou wast presented to God ing the nine days - if possible they should receive every day
in the Temple, though you were yourself the most beautiful and - thus putting themselves into the best dispositions possible
most worthy Temple of the Blessed Trinity. By the unutterable and increasing their confidence in the Blessed Virgin Moth- er,
joy you experienced when you found the Child Jesus amongst who will surely grant their petition if such be not against God’s
the doctors in the Temple, I entreat Thee, gracious Lady, to Holy Will.
present me to my sovereign Lord in this life, so that I may The Novena can be made at any time during the year, espe-
praise Him eternally in the next.Dearest Mother, grant unto me cially before Feast of the Sovereign Queen, but the most ap-
the petitions I present to you during this Novena, if such be propriate time is in preparation for the Feast of the Most
according to the Will of God. Amen. Sweet Mother of Remedies. If you are unable to make the
Novena in the Church, it could be made in your home, be-
fore an Image of Our Lady, saying the special prayers; culti-
FOURTH DAY vating in her honor the virtue of chastity; avoiding mortal
sin; mortifying the senses; and endeavoring to consecrate
Most powerful Virgin, Strength of the Martyrs, and oneself entirely to God.
Thyself the most courageous of all, I salute Thee, O Mary; and In such holy dispositions, we begin the Novena by making
I praise Thee because by Divine Providence you were wedded the sign of the Cross and reciting the following act of Con-
to the glorious St. Joseph yet lived a virginal and celestial life; trition.
I beg of Thee through the merits of thy chaste Spouse that you
will obtain from Thy Divine Son, Jesus, the grace of my soul
to attain to such purity, that I may be wor- thy to be His
beloved one by grace. Further I beseech Thee, O Purest Virgin,
that I may dwell hereafter, in Thy serene presence and may
raise my voice in canticles of honour to Thee forever. Amen.
ACT OF CONTRITION imploring Thy mercy and pardon. Thou hast promised to have
pity on me and to pardon me, if I purpose the true amendment
My Lord and my God: Prostrate at Thy Sacred Feet, of my life.
and penetrated with a deep and heartfelt sorrow, I humbly I have a deep regret, dear Lord, for having so little corre-
yet confidently have recourse to Thee, I, Thy servant, who sponded with the many great favors Thou hast granted me
have so many times offended and despised Thee by my sin- ful during the course of my life; and I deeply grieve for having
actions. I come to Thee now, O Lord, repentant and con- trite, offended Thee, from whom I have received nothing but graces
and blessings despite my many grave faults.
My Lord and my God, you have suffered for me; you have FIRST DAY
shed your blood for me in those terrible torments on the
Cross. To give me life, Thou hast laid down Thy life, and O Mother of Mercy and Consoler of the afflicted, Or-
with Thy precious blood Thou hast cleanest my soul so often nament of Virgins and the Purest of Creatures, I salute Thee, O
tarnished by sin. Sovereign Queen: I praise and glorify Thee because from the
How many favours, how many gifts have you bestowed on very first instant of Thy conception, Thou wast filled with
me! And yet to such great love and mercy I have responded grace. Through this wonderful privilege of Thine, O dearest
with black ingratitude and rank disloyalty. Mother, grant that, by thy kind intercession, I may
Forgive me, dear Lord and God; I firmly purpose to amend be free from sin and that my heart may be ever filled with an
my life, with the Aid of Thy divine grace. Through the mer- its earnest desire to serve Thy Son, my Creator, faithfully, and to
of Thy Sacred Passion and Death, grant me pardon, dear Jesus. be always thy obedient servant also, O Mary, my Mother. May
From this day forward, I resolve no longer to sin, but to love the favours I ask of Thee during this Novena redound unto the
Thee only in return for Thy great love. glory of God and unto Thine Honour. Amen.

O Virgin Mary of Remedies, a second Abigail, in thy beauty
and prudence, model, of all who serve the Lord and most
perfect of all creatures. I salute Thee, O Mary; and I praise
Thee because, just as the beautiful clear dawn announces the
rising of the resplendent sun, so Thy own birth heralded the
coming of the Divine Jesus, Thy beloved Child, Our Sav-
iour.O sweetest Mother, happy Precursor of Thy dear Son,
grant that Thy unblemished wisdom may illuminate my
mind so that thus enlightened, I may welcome Jesus within my
soul and keep Him always close to my heart. May He
graciously bestow upon me the blessings I ask for during this
Novena, if such be agreeable to the Divine Son, who liveth and
reigneth in the unity of the Father and the Holy Spirit, world
without end. Amen.
CONCLUDING PRAYER peace throughout the world.
For myself I pray that I may progress in holiness and in the love
O Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, in of virtue and that I may ever abhor sin and avoid vi- cious
deep and humble submission I beseech Thee to intercede with habits. I implore the grace of being well prepared at the time of
Thy Divine Son, that He may grant the many petitions which I death, and when I must render the strict account- ing at my
humbly present to Him - the conversion of unbeliev- ers - the Judgment, may you be there, dear Mother, to bless and support
extension of the Holy Church - steadfast zeal amongst the me; so that afterwards I may be accounted wor- thy to enter thy
faithful - concord between Christian nations - health to the sick Court in Heaven, where Thou reignest as Queen and may enjoy
- relief to the infirm - courage to those who are dying - and the felicity of thy company in union with the Father Almighty
and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. PRAYER TO OUR LADY
(To be said every day of the
Nine Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to the Fa- thers Novena after the Act of Contrition).
are then recited, to conclude the devotions each day.

O Great and Sovereign Virgin Mary of Remedies,

abundant and ever-flowing fountain of mercies, before whom
the angels and saints bow down, in thy presence I prostrate
myself with deep reverence, I, who am the most ungrateful
creature, and I beg of Thee to look down in pity upon this, thy
devoted child. And in order to constrain Thee the more, O
Most Pure Mother of Sinners, Comfort of the Afflicted, and
Helper in all our needs, I proclaim myself thy humble slave.
Aid me and protect me, that I may serve Thee well, and that I
may obtain what I ask for in this Novena - if it be according to
the Will of thy Son, Jesus, and for Thy Honour and glory.

Then follows each day a special prayer to Our Lady of

After this special prayer, the following is said:

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