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Class -5 Science Lesson – 10(Essential For Life

: Air And Water)

Multiple Choice Questions Page no. (82)

Tick the correct options.

1. What is a blanket of air around the earth called?

Ans. atmosphere.

2. Which of the following gases is used in fire extinguisher?

Ans. carbon dioxide.

Multiple Choice Questions Page no. (85)

1.What percent of total water is used for drinking ?

Ans. 3

2. Air __________ on heating.

Ans. expands.

Page no. (87)

Tick the correct Answers.

1.Which of the following gases is necessary for burning?

Ans. oxygen.

2. Which of the following forms a layer of a sediment in water?

Ans . sand.

3. Which of the following methods can be used to purify drinking water?

Ans. both of these.

4. Which method is used to separate insoluble impurities from water?

Ans. filtration.

Q.5 What is the amount of water vapour present in water is called ?

Ans. Humidity

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. A mixture of sand and water can be separated by using filtration.

2. We add chlorine tablets in water to kill germs.

3. Sand is an insoluble impurity .

4. During the process of evaporation , the water is lost .

5. The pressure exerted by air is called atmospheric pressure .

6. Air consists of about 78% of nitrogen.

C. Identify the process in the given pictures and write their names in the space provided .

1.Sedimentation 2. Decantation 3. Filtration

D. Very short answer questions :

1.What is the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Ans. 21%

2. Name the instrument that is used to measure atmospheric pressure.

Ans. Barometer.

3. Name two methods to remove insoluble impurities from water.

Ans. Sedimentation , filtration .

4. Name one chemical by which rate of sedimentation can be increased.

Ans. Alum .

Q.5 Write two uses of air ?

Ans. Air is necessary:

1. for burning

2. for breathing

E. Short Answer Questions.

1. What is chlorination ?

Ans. Addition of chlorine tablets in water to kill germs and to make water pure is called chlorination.

2.What is loading ?

Ans. The rate of sedimentation can be increased by adding alum .this process is known as loading.

Q.3 What is atmosphere ?

Ans. Our earth is surrounded by a blanket of air called atmosphere.

Q.4 The atmosphere acts as a blanket over the earth and protects it from harmful rays of the sun.

(a) What happens as we go higher up in the atmosphere ?

Ans. As we go higher up in the atmosphere, the amount of air become less.

Long Answer Questions.

1. Write an activity to show that air occupies

Q.2 Write the brief about the layers of atmosphere.

Ans. The atmosphere has five main layers .

1. Troposphere is the lowest layer. All the changes in the weather occur here.
2. Stratosphere is present above the troposphere. Ozon gas present here.
3. Mesosphere is the third layer meteoroids and small rocks moving ion space are burnt in this
4. Troposphere is the fourth layer space shuttle move in this layer.
5. Exosphere is the outer most layer.

Q.3 How can we purify drinking water?

Ans. We can purify water by using these methods.

1. Boiling: Water is heated for ten minutes. Boiling kills the germs present in the water and makes
the water pure.
2. Chlorination: In this process chlorine tablet is added in the water to kill germs and make water
pure .
3. Water purifier :Electrical water purifier is used to get pure water.

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