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Journal of Applied Horticulture, 6(2):125-128, July-December, 2004

Effect of integrated management practices on yield and

time of harvest in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

Ajay Kumar, Surjan Singh and D.S. Cheema

Department of Vegetable Crops, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004, India

The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of integrated management practices on yield and harvesting span of
tomato. The experiment consisted of five cultural treatments and four varieties, planted in a split plot design. Number of primary
branches, fruit trusses, fruits, fruit weight, marketable yield and incidence of fruit borer were the highest in November transplanted
crop, allowed to grow as such, and were lowest in March transplanting. Topping in both November and February transplantings
reduced fruit yield, characters contributing to yield and incidence of fruit borer. Hybrid TH2312 out performed other varieties for most
of the characters. Harvesting span of November transplanted-topped crop was the longest and that of March transplanting the shortest.
The effect of topping in delaying the harvesting span was more conspicuous in November transplanted crop compared with February
transplanting. This effect also varied with the varieties/dates of transplanting, being well marked in TH2312 and CR-2-P8-5-1 in
November transplanting and only in Nagcarlan in February transplanting. The incidence of blotchy ripening and sunscalding was
highest in March transplanting and the lowest in November transplanting, whereas the reverse was true in case of incidence of fruit
borer. Topping increased incidence of blotchy ripening, sun-scalding and decreased the incidence of fruit borer infestation in both
November and February transplanting.

Key words: Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., topping, transplanting time, hot-set, yield, varieties, fruit borer, sun-scald, prunning

Introduction temperature, manipulation of cultural practices like topping and

modifying the dates of sowing if involved to explore the
Under north-Indian conditions of Punjab, harvest from the tomato
possibility of extending the supply period of tomato, many ensure
crop is available from second fortnight of April to first week of
remunerative returns to the tomato growers and an affordable
June-a period even less than two months. The lean availability of
market price to the consumers, beyond the first week of June.
tomato during late summer is mainly because of high summer
Though several reports have highlighted the role of genotypes
temperature prevailing in the preceding months. Temperature has
and temperature on fruit setting in tomato, not much information
a marked effect on the fruit-set in tomato, although tomato plant
is available regarding the role of cultural treatments like topping
can grow under a wide range of temperature, yet fruit-set is usually
individually as well as in conjunction with the genotypic
poor when the average maximum day temperature is above 30°C
variability, in extending the growth period of tomato. So, the
and the average minimum night temperature is above 22°C. Night
present study was designed to make use of some genotypes, in
temperature plays an important role in fruit setting of tomatoes.
conjunction with topping, and different dates of planting for late
The optimum night temperature of 15 to 20°C is required for
setting of fruit under relatively high temperature conditions.
fruit setting in tomatoes. Fruit fails to set when night temperature
is below 13°C. During summer, day temperature in north Indian
plains prevails generally above 40°C, which reduces flowering,
Materials and methods
fruit setting, fruit size and induces flower drop. In Punjab, the The investigation was carried out at the Vegetable Research Farm,
summer crop of tomato passes through two extremes of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, on a sandy loam soil,
temperature i.e. nearly freezing minimum temperature during during the 2001-2002 growing season. Seed of the determinate
December-January and maximum temperature of 40-45°C in tomato cvs. TH2312 (V1), Nagcarlan (V2), CRXNSS-1-1 (V3)
May-June. Fruit setting becomes a problem due to high and CR-2-P8-5-1 (V4) were sown outside, in nursery beds that
temperature from April onwards. Moreover, fruits that set late in were 1.5 m wide and about 20 cm high on 17 Oct. 2001, 11 Dec.
the season, parthenocarpically or otherwise due to weather 2001 and 31 Jan. 2002. These varieties were being maintained
fluctuations, are subject to adverse effect of high temperature at in the Department of Vegetable Crops, where from the seeds were
fruit ripening, resulting in poor pigment development and its obtained for the experiment. Seeds were sown in rows, 10 cm
uneven expression on fruit surface. Wide genotypic variability apart and seeds were placed in the rows 2 cm part and 1 cm deep.
for flowering and fruit setting under high temperature conditions While preparing beds well rotten cowdung manure was applied
has been reported by Berry and Uddin (1988), Abdul-Baki (1991), @ 2.5 kg m-2 and mixed well in the soil. NPK Fertilizer (12:32:16)
Banerjee and Kalloo (1991), Dane et al. (1991), Cheema and was added along with cowdung manure @ 25 g m-2. Nursery
Singh (1993), Shete et al. (1994) and many others. Besides beds were applied light irrigation with watering can once or twice
identifying genotypes that can give mature fruits under high depending upon the weather conditions. A green manure crop of
126 Effect of integrated management practices on yield and time of harvest in tomato

Jantar (Sesbania aculeata) was grown in the field (July-August) characters except for total soluble solids. Among the sub-plot
and buried in the soil with furrow turning plough on 4th September treatments i.e. varieties, mean squares were also significant for
and irrigated. Disk-harrow was run twice before making the beds. all characters except for number of primary branches and total
Beds were made with a tractor driven bed maker with attachment soluble solids. The mean squares for interaction were significant
for fertilizer application. 20 kg N (45 kg urea) alongwith 25 kg for number of fruits plant-1 and marketable yield plant-1. The
P2O5 (155 kg Superphosphate) and 25 kg K2O (45 kg Muriate of mean values for different characters (Table 1) revealed that the
Potash) per acre was added in the soil. The remaining 35 kg N maximum number of primary branches, number of fruit trusses
(75 kg urea) was supplied after the appearance of first flowers and fruit weight were observed in treatment T1 (7.75, 25.00 and
truss. For weed control, Stomp 30 EC (Pendimethalin 30% EC) 32.80) significantly more than those of the other treatments. Thus,
litre/acre was applied 3-4 days before transplanting. Seedlings time of planting plays an important role in influencing the vegetative
were transplanted at the 4-5 true leaf stage in single rows on and reproductive growth of tomato. Early planting might have given
beds spaced 1.35 m apart and with an -in-row spacing between higher number of primary branches than late planting because
plants of 45 cm. There were ten plants in each plot in rows. temperature prevailing at the time of planting was quite congenial
Seedling from the 17 Oct. sowing were transplanted on 28 Nov., for growth of plants, and sufficient time was available allowing
those from the 11 Dec. sowing on 22 Feb., and those from the 31 for maximum expression of the genotypic potential for
Jan. sowing on 19 March. The plants from seed sown on 17 establishment and growth of underground and aerial plant parts.
Oct. were protected from frost in the field by covering with In case of later plantings i.e. February and March, the crop is
polythene sheets until the middle of February. The plants from subjected to higher temperature in field immediately after
seeds sown on 11 Dec. were protected from frost with low tunnels transplanting and reproductive phase sets in when the plants have
of polythene sheets of 100 gauze thickness during December and not attained much of vegetative growth, which is reflected in
January. It was not necessary to protect the plants for seed sown reduced number of primary branches. Among varieties, the
on 31 Jan. Plants developed from seedlings transplanted on 28 maximum number of primary branches plant-1, fruit trusses plant-1
Nov. were not (T1) or were topped (T2) in the first week of March; and fruit weight was observed in V1 i.e. (6.53, 16.40 and 21.27).
22 Feb. were not (T3) or were topped (T4) by mid-March; and Sharma and Tiwari (1992) also obtained higher number of fruits
19 March were not topped (T5). In T5, plants were not topped plant-1 in February 13-transplanted crop compared with March
because there is little vegetative growth and topping was not 25-transplanted crop. Kadam et al. (1991) observed that number
expected to benefit fruit set. The experimental design was a of fruits plant-1 was the highest in early transplanting i.e. on 15th
split-plot with three replications. Topping at the dates were main November, followed by 15th December, 14th January, 13th
plots and cultivars were the split. The observations were February and 15th March. Joshi et al. (1992) concluded that
recorded for number of primary branches, fruit trusses, number topping decreased number of fruits plant-1. The reduction in
of fruits plant-1, fruit weight, total yield plant-1, marketable yield number of fruits plant-1 may have been due to reduced number
plant-1, harvesting span, total soluble solids, colour development of lateral branches on the topped plants. Campos et al. (1987)
and incidence of fruit borer. also reported that pruning above third truss decreased both yield
and number of fruits plant-1. The highest fruit weight (74.5 g)
Results and discussion was observed in treatment T1. Topping in both November and
February transplanted crop produced less fruit weight compared
The analysis of variance revealed that mean squares were with plants left as such of the corresponding time of planting.
significant, for main plot and sub-plot treatments, for most of the This may be due to reduced plant foliage, thereby reducing the
Table 1. Mean values of different characters as affected by cultural treatments and varieties
Treatments Number of Number Number Average Total Marketable Harvesting Total Incidence
primary of fruit of fruits fruit yield yield span soluble of fruit
branches trusses plant-1 weight (kg (kg (Days) solid borer
plant-1 plant-1 (g) plant-1) plant-1) (°Brix) (%)
T1 (November transplanting 7.75 25.00 32.80 74.5 2.45 1.36 29.00 4.9 46.20
not topped)
T2 (November transplanting 6.16 14.50 19.12 71.5 1.37 0.74 30.75 4.9 42.22
T3 (Mid-February transplanting 5.83 13.16 17.47 69.25 1.21 0.59 28.50 4.7 35.21
not topped)
T4 (Mid-February transplanting 6.00 11.41 16.58 68.00 1.13 0.52 29.00 4.8 32.21
T5 (March transplanting) 5.25 4.75 5.54 66.5 0.37 0.22 21.00 4.7 30.20
CD (P=0.05) 1.13 2.81 0.32 1.0 0.36 0.14 1.88 NS 0.09
V1 (TH 2312) 6.53 16.40 21.27 71.8 1.55 0.90 27.66 4.9 35.00
V2 (Nagcarlan) 6.13 11.66 14.65 68.8 1.03 0.51 28.73 4.9 37.70
V3 (CRXNSS-1-1) 6.13 11.60 16.17 68.6 1.12 0.47 27.20 4.8 38.80
V4 (CR-2-P8-5-1) 6.00 15.40 21.14 70.6 1.52 0.87 27.00 4.8 36.80
CD (P=0.05) NS 2.21 0.25 1.9 0.26 0.11 0.98 NS 0.11
Effect of integrated management practices on yield and time of harvest in tomato 127

Per cent of cumulative yield 100 et al. (1974) also reported similar
A results. Topped plants i.e. treatment T2
80 T1
and T 4 produced lower yield as
60 T2 compared with untopped plants i.e.
T3 treatments T1 and T3. These results
T4 were in agreement of Matia-Rahman
et al. (1988) and Anserwadekar et al.
(1980). Among varieties, maximum
total yield (1.55 kg plant -1) and
marketable yield (0.90 kg plant-1) were
obtained in variety V1 followed by V4
Per cent of cumulative yield

(1.52 kg plant-1). Marketable yield

T1 being a function of total yield was
affected by the same factors as
influencing the total yield plant -1.
T3 Marketable yield as per cent of the total
T4 yield was marginally (4-5%) decreased
T5 by topping, presumably due to reduced
top growth and increased exposure to
direct sun leading to higher percentage
of scalded fruits. The longest
Per cent of cumulative yield

harvesting span 30.75 days was

observed in treatment T2 (November
transplanted topped crop) while
treatment T5 (March transplanting) had
T3 the shortest span of only 21 days.
T4 Topping during November and
T5 February planting i.e. treatment T2 and
T4 increased harvesting span by 7 to
10 days compared with untopped plant
left as such in respective planting. This
Per cent of cumulative yield

was a positive factor to compensate

T1 the loss of yield by relatively higher
T2 market price late in the season. The
T3 harvesting span of variety V2 was the
T4 longest while it was shortest in variety
V4. The effect of total soluble solids
was non-significant. The intensity and
26-Apr 3-May 10-May 17-May 24-May 31-May 7-Jun 14-Jun uniformity of colouring pigments
Harvest date (particularly lycopene) is affected by
Fig 1. Yield of different genotypes (A=TH2312; B=Nagcarlan; C=CCR X NSS-1-1; D=CR-2-P8-5-1) the temperature conditions prevalent
of tomato on various dates of harvest. at the time of ripening. Fruits maturing
photosynthetic function of the plant. Reduced photosynthates and late in the season generally suffer from blotchy ripening.
their translocation could be responsible for impaired development Treatment T5 showed the highest incidence of blotchy ripening
of the fruit reflected as reduction in weight. Similar results were (12.1) and sun-scalding (11.9%) while treatment T1 showed
reported by Veliath and Ferguson (1972), Sharfuddin and Ahmed lowest incidence of blotchy ripening (2.2%) and sun-scalding
(1986) and Joshi et al. (1992). Among the varieties, the highest (2.1%). Topping in both November and February planted crop
fruit weight (71.8 g) was observed in V1. The maximum total showed higher incidence of blotchy ripening and sun-scalding
(2.45 kg plant-1) and marketable yield (1.36 kg plant-1) were than plants left as such. This was due to reduced top growth and
obtained in treatment T1 (November transplanted allowed to grow increased exposure of fruits to direct sunlight by topping which
as such). The lowest yield of 0.37 kg plant-1 was observed in T5 hindered the development of lycopene. Among varieties the
(March transplanting). It was due to inadequate vegetative growth incidence of blotchy ripening and sun-scalding was the highest
and in turn lower number of fruit trusses plant-1. Moreover, the in V2 (8.4% and 10.2%) while variety V1 showed less incidence
number of fruits/trusses was also low due to harsh weather of blotchy ripening (2.3%) and sun-scalding (3.07%) and
conditions and these factors had pronounced cumulative effect developed normal colour evenly distributed over the entire fruit
for causing reduction in yield plant-1. Kadam et al. (1991) also surface. The incidence of fruit borer was higher in treatment T1
reported the highest yield when transplanting was done on 15th (46.20%) while it was lower in treatment T5 (30.20%). Topping
November. The succeeding transplantings made on 15th December, in both November and February transplanted crop reduced the
14th January, 13th February and 15th March were accompanied incidence of fruit borer due to reduced vegetative growth leading
by a continuous decrease in yield at an increasing rate. Nandpuri to thorough coverage of insecticides. The lowest incidence was
128 Effect of integrated management practices on yield and time of harvest in tomato

observed in variety V1 (35%), while it was highest in variety V3 Dane, F., A.G. Hunter and O.L. Chambliss, 1991. Fruit set, pollen fertility
(38.8%). and combining ability of selected tomato genotypes under high
temperature field conditions. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 116(5): 906-
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