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They of fair ladies those that loveliest shone,

Of tender maidens she's the ultimate beauty like dawn

Drowned in tears and making piteous moan,

Left for that ravening beast, chained on the rocks alone.

On the cold granite at the ocean's rim,

These folk had chained her fast and gone their way;

Fresh in the softness of each delicate limb

The pity of their bruising violence lay

To hide its pleading charms, no veil was thrown

Only the fragments of the salt-sea-spray forlorn

Rose from the churning of the waves, wind-blown,

To dash upon a whiteness creamier than their own

But now, she's awake and alive

Swollen and heavy with love

She's changing and it's strange

But she loves the change


She is darkness

Down to her core

She is hellfire

Raising from her soul

Like the badass against them all

But still the best over the people

She stands with grace and power

She is made of tempests

And savage storms and with untamed quests

A queen made of flawless fearlessness

Made of bravery and playful wickedness

She is the ultimate queen

In the underworld she reigns supreme

Tearing down the sinners of time

With her undying lover within her line.


From the solid ground I now stand

I may say things you misunderstand

I am human who can make mistakes

But I proved to the world that I am not fake

I have gone through heaven and hell

Getting back up every time I fell

Many times my life was prosperous or tight,

But in chaos, I put up a good fight.

Feeling the moments of pains and ecstasy,

I paved the way toward my own legacy

Bewitched by the essence of mother's nature,

I live humble despite of all the pressure

Now, by taking a new direction,

I can clearly see my validation l

Successfully overcoming suffering and pain,

And becoming the master of my destiny's domain


Soaring high, flying free

Spread your wings for all to see

Head of white, eyes of gold

Your picture's found on symbols old

Great masterpiece, unfurl your wings

Soaring where the water sings,

Blue heavens touch earth below

Where fruitful fields and flowers grow.

Where wars, now past, have set us free,

Sweet symbol of your liberty

Fly on; fly on, your strength increase

God lift you up on winds of peace.

Born by the strong currents of wind on high

The majestic eagle soars in the afternoon sky,

Effortlessly flapping its feathery wings to gain height

Peacefully soaring; to those below a wondrous sight


Out in the deep dark depths

Monsters swim beyond comprehension

They sit around drinking meth

Having their perception

Most ugly shapes and horrible aspects,

Such as Dame Nature self mote to see

Or shame that ever should so fowl defects

From her most cunning hand escaped bee.

All dreadful portraits of deformity:

Spring headed hydras, and sea-shouldering whales;

Great whirlpools, which all fishes make to flee,

Bright scolopendras, armed with silver scales

For there is hunger, there is a need

Yet there is no tale to be said

It is driven, so it will feed

And leave not even the dead

Back to depths of oceans deep

Coils return to darkling dreams

There will linger, in its half-sleep

Waiting for sailor's scream.


That which you give, you will receive.

Just simple justice I believe

The correct balance must be kept

You have no choice, you must accept.

The punishment that you deserve

Repenting misdeeds will not serve

Forget the lies you have been taught

Your protestations count for naught

The scales must be balance exactly

No one is punished unjustly

The credit and the debit side

The law is equally applied

Each life we live a step towards

Where we received our just rewards

A destination is still unknown

Because we are at last full grown


In the jungle, a lion's roar,

Loud rumbling from its core

Magnificent mane of golden brown,

He is king but wears no crown

Predator and enemy they have two,

Human hunters, Hyenas too.

The lion and his lioness pride,

If you cross them, run, don't hide.

His sharp teeth glisten perfectly white,

This is very much a dangerous sight.

Better run, and try not to fight,

For shall be charge at you, at the speed of light

"King of the jungle" he is named.

This animal shall not be tamed

For the lion's roar is his symbol,

His pride, so true, abides.


It is belelieved that this Harp, which I wake now for thee

Was a siren of old, who sung under the sea?

And who often, at eve, through the bright waters roved,

To meet, on the green shore, a youth whom she loved.

But she loved him in vain, for he left her to weep,

And in tears, all night, her gold tresses to sleep,

Till heaven looked with pity on true love so warm,

And changed to this soft harp the sea-maiden's form.

Still her bosom rose fair- still her cheek smiled the same

While her sea-beauties gracefully formed the light

And her hair, as let loose over her white arm it fell

Was changed to bright chords uttering melody's spell

Hence it came, that this soft harp so long has been known

To mingle love's language with sorrow's sad tone:

Till though didst divide them, and teach the fond lay

To speak love when I'm near thee and grief when away.


A single breath, a toe over the line

I draw the string and slowly raised my bow.

The Scorpio's heart will be mine

My form is good, my prowess I will show.

Through my fingers, I let the bow string slip

Sagitta flying through the air away

It hits Antares, I heard him rip

I made sure that it is there to stay.

Not a solitary sound reaches my ears

My bow is lowered and I close my eyes

My heart pounding in my ears quiet fears

I'm hoping that my sight didn't lie

Anticipation turns to joy and I,

Achieved my dream when I let my string fly.


So many directions

Which way will you go

Will you sit and watch the day

Or is it time to grow

There is no right answer

Or path that you should take

But it is about intention

In decisions that you make

Will you find the beauty

Without a change of view

Or maybe a change of direction

Is just what you must do

There's many way to get there

It's just that you must stand

You know where you are going

Deep within your heart


With my body wrapped around you

And eyes meant to soothe you

Something safe and something new

Reminding you of constant youth

My whispers were eternal

A sound meant to please

I said I was nocturnal

Then putting you at ease

Days went by

My scales shed

Parts of me

Come off dead

The real me was underneath

I pressed my teeth against your cheek

By then you knew

I was about to strangle you


When the radiant morn of the creation broke

And the world in the smile of God awoke,

And the empty realms of darkness and death

An orbs of beauty and spheres of flame

From the void abyss high myriads came

In the joy of youth as they darted away

Through the widening wastes of space to play

Their silver voices in chorus rung

And this was the song the bright ones rung


Castor casually casts light

On towards as astral kite

Nocturnal in flight.

Stellar bodies vested in place

Transit around Earth spinning in space

Empty ream grace.

The other perfect, unashamed

Immortal radiance acclaimed

Off alone unnamed.

Notice now Pollux up on high

Overhead, aloft in the sky

Fortunes fiery eye.

Gemini arise, cosmic flow

Emerging as tho to bestow

Mirades glow

Incandescent wonders, the awe

Nightly array, celestial law

It is without flaw.


The great Overdog,

The heavenly beast

With a star in one eye,

Gives a leap in the East

He dances upright

All the way to the West,

And never once drop

On his forefeet to rest

I'm a poor underdog

But tonight I will bark

With the great overdog

That romps through the dark


The Dragon steals the water of life

The Dragon steals the water of life

The Dragon steals the water of life

A Hydra eats those who lie.

This is the story of Darren Gunn,

His life was a shortened one.

While hunting some snakes having no lucky breaks

Was warned of one snake, the seven-headed Drake

Found himself consumed by a giant one.


It begins as a noise in the background

Keeping steady beat as it makes it round

It can be found at any time of the day

It's just simple, just push play

It creates a story for everyone's life

As it understand your struggles and strife

It's impossible to stop; its purpose will be served

As if not to judge on whether or not you deserve

To light up your day or slow down the time

To yell at the world, or even to cry

To help you with whatever you may need

Or just to be there for wherever you please

It will live until the end of time

Serving its purpose, to let its light shine

It can't be stopped if the will is steady

It can be unleashed, it's always ready


With these hands, I will defend you

With these arms, I will hold you

With this heart, I will love you

When the fear comes, I will shield you

When the pain comes, I will heal you.

When the sadness comes, I will protect you.

For I shall not just stand at the base

Of these walls and watch as you seal

Yourself behind them

I will break those walls

Smash through them, and

Embrace your soul

I shall not judge, mock, or exploit

Your soul, rather, I will provide

Comfort and security - safe haven.

A safe heaven where you can be your

True self without fear of ridicule

A safe haven for you and me.


As I place my elegant crown

On my radiant head

A tingle of power

Shivers down my spine

Icy pearls and diamonds

Cling to my silky skin

Golden netted ribbons

Curl around my back

Dizziness like drugs

Drives me forwards

But my passion for this hysterical ass is none

My heart is weak and my spirit gone

This beautiful crown

It's a part of me- protecting me

And deep in the heart of this forest

I know I am safe


Mythical bird, show me your secret

Hatch forth from your shell

Plumage of orange and scarlet

Emerge glorious from where you dwell

Fiery bird, you must reveal

Your astounding, magical ways

Where from these lives you steal

Forever reincarnating well into your days

Secretive bird, is it time?

Reducing yourself down to ashes

Ready to absolve your stint of crimes

Reborn perfect, free from previous gashes

Ensorcelled bird, please don't retreat

Back into your familiar cocoon

I'm uncertain if again we'd meet

Just afraid I might be gone too soon.


You are the shield and the sword

The armor that covers

The love that protects

For a man seeking comfort

When the days are cold and all goes wrong

When the days grow dark and the nights are long

When I have no hope because all of it is gone,

And when the fearsome storm rages on and on,

The sun will shine agarn and the storm will cease,

And the whole wide world will be at peace.

When it seems that no one care,

I don't need to worry; you're always there.

You are the shield

You are the unbreakable protector

You are anything that can be

I know I'm safe with you.

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