Essay Question. The Total Score For All Sections Is 100 Points

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Academic Year 2021 (2)
Subject : Intro to IR
Lecturer : M. Sigit Andhi Rahman, Ph.D.
Study Program : International Relations
Date of Exam : Tuesday, 16 March 2021 (7:30 – 9:30)

Name : Raditya Sisuka Hakim

IRE Class 6
Student ID : 016202000029
Introduction to International Relations
Mid Exam

Instructions to Students
1. There are three sections of this test: 1) map identification, 2) short-answer question, and 3)
essay question. The total score for all sections is 100 points.
2. The time allowed for this examination is 120 minutes/ 2 hours.

A. Map identification (total score: 20).

Write the names of the 10 countries indicated by these numbers

25.....Nepal.... 28…..Mongolia……

31….Bangladesh….. 33……Thailand…..

44……Taiwan….. 41……Kalimantan (Indonesia)…..

47….East Timor… 42…North Korea……

29……China…. 27……Male…..

B. Short-answer questions (5 questions, with a total score: 20)

1. Define these IR concepts and terminologies

a. Peace of Westphalia
The Wesphalia Treaty (The Peace of Westphalia / The Westphalia Treaty) the year 1648,
was a treaty that ended 30 years of war at the same time succeeded in becoming a
milestone in the history of a state in a modern way the concept of the nation-state and
the initiation of a system of relations international called Wesphalian System. In
international legal terminology the term is the right to determine one's destiny itself
(Right Self Determination) is still a debate
b. Relative gains
Relative advantage (relative advantage) is the degree to which an update is considered
more than the previous one. The level of profit can be seen from the aspects of
economics, social pretensions, suitability, and adoption satisfaction and Relative gain is
measured in economic terms
c. Appeasement
Appeasement, is a diplomatic effort made by a country to avoid conflict.
d. Critical Theories
Critical theory is a social theory that emphasizes the analysis of social life as a whole
with the orientation of creating social transformation. The implementation of this
theory is not directed anywhere but to encourage social change in society. The social
change in question is the creation of a society that is free, just, and independent from
cultural and ideological domination and includes the term "hegemony" to describe the
domination of a handful of elites operating in a capitalistic system to exploit the
consciousness of the masses of society in large numbers.

2. Mention examples of global actors?

 International Economic and Financial Organisations.

 International Governmental Organisations (IGOs)

 Media.
 Multilateral Development Banks.
 Nation-States.
 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
 Trans-National Corporations (TNCs)
 United Nations (UN) System.

3. Briefly explain the basic assumptions of Realism.

 States are the principal or most important actors
Realism only emphasizes the state as the main actor, although in the development of
international relations, non-state actors also play an important role in the world political
 The state is viewed as a unitary actor.
The state is seen as a unitary actor who can at least make a policy on a particular issue.
The state is integrated with the outside world, which is the only one in its sovereignty
over the international political arena.
 The state is essentially a rational actor.
The state is considered a rational actor, even though realists are actually afraid of
people's misunderstanding of the state as a rational actor.
 National Security usually tops the list.
The military field and other security related issues dominate world politics. Realists
consider that security to be the most important part in interactions between countries.
4. What are the core principles of liberal internationalism?
The principle of liberal internationalism emphasizes the essence of dependence on economic
factors that can create a society's prosperity and achieve the creation of a global order in a
system of international relations that is more inclined towards a world order of liberalism with
the aim of "profit for peace", which means liberalism countries. which has a relationship without
violence, and relations between democratic countries in accordance with the theory of
democratic peace.
5. What is foreign policy?
Foreign policy in general can be interpreted as a actions or strategies a country uses in
interacting withother countries in order to achieve their interests.

C. Essay questions (3 questions, with a total score: 60)

1. Give an example of current global issues, and then discuss it with an IR theoretical perspective
(20 points)
Topic : Environment
The topic of the environment is appearing more and more frequently on the
international agenda over the last three decades, therefore environmental issues have become

an issue important in the study of international relations. With the growing number of human
population, human social and economic activities to keep up with the standard a better life has
threatened the environment. Environmental problems life has actually led countries to
cooperate international. The international regime has been formed in a number of specific areas
to overcome various kinds of environmental issues, including acid rain, depletion of the ozone
layer, whaling, toxic waste, global warming, and extinction of biodiversity. The ozone regime is
one such example very successful from international cooperation on the environment. The
ozone regime or the Montreal protocol makes international agreements for reduce and stop the
production of CFC gas (Choloro fluoro carbon), as well stop the destruction of the ozone layer
that has occurred in recent decades this. However, several other regimes, were less successful
due to lack strong commitment and real cooperation from the countries that are participate.
environmental issues can lead to international conflicts over scarce resources, such as water
and, limited food. Through cooperation international is believed to be a solution to this problem
and can maintain the global environment.
The environment becomes a multi-dimensional and complex problem because of this
various factors involved in it. Economic, political, social, scientific factors knowledge, technology
and humanity, enter into mutual interests related. This involves the government, non-
governmental organizations, social organizations, entrepreneurs, the wider community
participate in preserving sustainability environment, then this also encourages global concern
(global Concern) on this issue. The attention of the world community to the problem
environment can not be separated from the spotlight of the study of International Relations. On
the side another, the development of the science of International Relations can also be called a
part from driving the emergence of international cooperation for conservation efforts
environment. However, international cooperation occurs in the system order international area,
making it difficult to reach areas small within a country. Therefore, the effectiveness of
international cooperation in environmental conservation efforts also require an active role from
the government in a country. International cooperation is an important part of this study of
international relations studies, to solve environmental problems life. Cooperation in the
international system can be classified based on existing global issues, such as the transformation
of international issues, security, trade, economy, environment, and many other issues
2. Why did liberal theorists predict that the world would become a more stable place after the end
of the Cold War, and why did realists disagree with them? (20 points)
Theorists have elaborated on them and that the literature has shed light on these
obstacles whereas in some cases the occupation of a peace has also led to a more hostile state
of international relations between nations. It is possible that peace in a pragmatic neo-realist
perspective in view of international politics amid anarchy and security competition is limited.
Unlike their neo-liberal counterparts and pragmatic neo-realists when it comes to discussions of
peace. Liberalism assumes that the world will be stable after the cold war because the cold war
is not the same as previous wars which ended in destruction, suffering as well as trauma.
However, the cold war ended with peace, namely with the agreement on normalization of
relations between America and the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the end of the cold war
was interpreted as the victory that was achieved by capitalism and liberalism.

3. It may be comforting to travel around the world and find Nike and H&M stores, Xerox machines,
and Starbucks-but what are the costs to local businesses? What is the loss economically and
culturally? Do you think this form global of global homogenization is good or bad? (20 points)
Answer :
Traveling all over the world and finding a shop such as buying an item or food, it is not
worth the costs incurred out there (more expensive). Economic losses :
 Can lead to an inexpensive lifestyle in the community
 The death of local businesses due to the sale of goods from abroad.
So for cultural losses occur, among others, as follows :
 Consuming fast food
 A glamorous (luxurious) lifestyle
 Excessive symbolism
 There are people who adhere to the understanding: hedonism, imitating western-style
In my opinion, homogenization has a bad impact because homogenization is viewed
negatively which leads to the imitation of cultural diversity, identities and cultures which are
mixed with each other in a fast pace.


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