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Self-evaluation questionnaire

Section 1:
Choose from the existing options (a or b) the one that best describes you. There are
no right or wrong answers – studies have shown that approximately 50% of the
population agrees with each option.

1. When the office phone rings:

a) you rush to be the first one to answer it;
b) you hope that someone else will pick up the phone.
2. For the most part, you are:
a) mindful of what’s happening around you;
b) mindful of your own feelings.
3. It’s worse for you:
a) to be starry-eyed;
b) to be caught in a routine activity.
4. When you interact with others, you are:
a) mostly harsh;
b) mostly lenient.
5. You feel at ease when:
a) you criticize others;
b) you pass value judgements.
6. A messy workplace is:
a) something that has to be cleaned;
b) something that can be tolerated.
7. Usually:
a) you make decisions quickly;
b) you make decisions after careful consideration.
8. When you are waiting in a queue, you usually:
a) talk with others;
b) mind your own business.
9. For the most part, you are:
a) realistic;
b) idealistic.

10. You are more interested in:
a) what does exist;
b) what could exist.
11. When you make a decision, you rely more on:
a) data/information;
b) wishes/feelings.
12. When you evaluate others, you tend to be:
a) objective and impersonal;
b) subjective and sentimental.
13. You prefer contracts to be:
a) signed according to all the legal requirements;
b) based on a handshake.
14. You are happier when:
a) you can see the outcome of a completed project;
b) you are in the midst of working on a project.
15. At a party, you usually:
a) you interact with plenty of people, including people you’ve just met;
b) you interact with only a few close friends.
16. You tend to rely more on:
a) verifiable facts;
b) rumors and conspiracy theories.
17. You prefer writers who:
a) give precise accounts of what’s happening;
b) use a lot of symbols and metaphors.
18. You find yourself more attracted by:
a) a logical thinking process;
b) a harmonious relationship.
19. If you had to let somebody down, you would do it:
a) in a direct and honest way;
b) in a gentle and delicate way.
20. In the workplace, you enjoy more:
a) scheduled tasks;
b) unexpected tasks.

21. You usually prefer:
a) unwavering statements;
b) provisional statements.
22. Interacting with strangers:
a) energizes you;
b) exhausts you.
23. The facts:
a) speak for themselves;
b) embody principles.
24. You believe that visionaries and theoreticians:
a) are annoying;
b) are fascinating.
25. During a heated debate, you usually:
a) hold your ground;
b) look for the common ground between you and your interlocutor.
26. It’s better to be:
a) just, fair;
b) lenient.
27. In the workplace, it’s easier for you to:
a) expose errors;
b) appease others.
28. You feel better:
a) after you make a decision;
b) before the time when you have to make a decision.
29. For the most part, you tend to:
a) speak your mind;
b) listen.
30. Intuition is:
a) usually trustworthy;
b) often deceiving.
31. For the most part, children:
a) don’t help enough with family chores;
b) don’t use their imagination enough.

32. When you lead others, you tend to be:
a) firm and unwavering;
b) forgiving and lenient.
33. You are:
a) mostly calculated;
b) mostly sentimental.
34. For the most part, you tend to:
a) stabilize things;
b) explore possibilities.
35. You are:
a) mostly calculated;
b) mostly spontaneous.
36. You consider yourself to be:
a) mostly extrovert;
b) mostly introvert.
37. For the most part, you are:
a) a pragmatic person;
b) an enthusiastic person.
38. When you talk, you focus on:
a) the details;
b) the big picture.
39. My favorite compliment is:
a) ”You are a rational person”;
b) ”You are a sentimental person”.
40. I’m governed by:
a) my thoughts;
b) my feelings.
41. After I’ve completed a project, I like to:
a) fine tune all the details;
b) move on.
42. I prefer to work:
a) with deadlines;
b) without deadlines.

43. You are:
a) a talkative person;
b) a quiet person.
44. You tend to interpret what you are told:
a) mostly in the literal sense;
b) mostly in the figurative sense.
45. You often see:
a) only what you have in front of you;
b) mostly what you can imagine.
46. It’s worse to be:
a) weak;
b) stubborn.
47. Under difficult circumstances, you are mostly:
a) tough;
b) understanding.
48. For the most part, you tend to make choices:
a) carefully;
b) impulsively.
49. You tend to be:
a) in a hurry;
b) relaxed.
50. In the workplace, you tend to:
a) socialize with colleagues;
b) mind your own business.
51. For the most part, you trust:
a) your experience;
b) your ideas.
52. You usually are:
a) a down to earth person;
b) a detached person.
53. You see yourself as a:
a) calculated person;
b) sensitive person.

54. You cherish the fact that you are:
a) a reasonable person;
b) a devoted person.
55. You prefer things to be:
a) clearly set up and organized;
b) barely outlined.
56. You would describe yourself as:
a) determined and serious;
b) cozy and relaxed.
57. You would describe yourself as a:
a) conversationalist;
b) good listener.
58. You pride yourself with your:
a) sense of reality;
b) vivid imagination.
59. For the most part, you focus on:
a) core elements;
b) overtones.
60. It’s a bigger mistake to be:
a) overly merciful;
b) overly objective.
61. For the most part, you are moved by:
a) clear evidence;
b) an impactful speech.
62. You feel better when you:
a) make a decision;
b) keep your options open.
63. It’s desirable to:
a) make sure that everything goes according to plan;
b) let things follow their own course.
64. For the most part, you are:
a) easily approachable;
b) reserved.

65. You enjoy:
a) action and adventure stories;
b) fantasy and heroic stories.
66. It’s easier for you to:
a) organize the work of others;
b) identify yourself with others.
67. The quality you wish you had more is:
a) a powerful will;
b) emotional intelligence.
68. For the most part, you are:
a) thick-skinned;
b) thin-skinned.
69. You tend to notice:
a) mess, litter, and clutter;
b) change opportunities.
70. For the most part, you are:
a) formalist;
b) whimsy.

Section 2:
Each question has five possible answers. Choose the one which best describes you.
There are no right or wrong answers.

1. What time of day you prefer?

a) sunset;
b) noon;
c) dawn;
d) evening;
e) afternoon.

2. When you wish to be informed, you usually read:
a) the same newspaper;
b) more than one newspaper;
c) the first available newspaper;
d) only the headlines;
e) what others advise you to read.
3. You are invited to a costume ball. How do you go about it:
a) I don’t put on a costume;
b) I choose a custom-made costume;
c) I choose a traditional outfit;
d) I emulate a celebrity;
e) I emulate a character from my favorite novel.
4. What do you do if you inherit a house?
a) I immediately turn it into a second home;
b) I’ll think about it later;
c) I use it to party with my friends;
d) I immediately move in;
e) I’ll immediately rent/sell it.
5. You plan to buy yourself a bag. It should be made of:
a) metal;
b) plastic;
c) leather;
d) rubber;
e) textiles.
6. Think about a man and a woman, on the beach, wearing swimsuits. What are they
a) they enjoy the sun, while joking and laughing;
b) they enjoy the sun, without speaking to each other;
c) they flirt;
d) they ignore each other because they haven’t been introduced;
e) they argue.

7. Which of the following words best describes you:
a) steadfast;
b) affectionate;
c) intelligent;
d) adaptable;
e) joyful.
8. Think about a flag. Where do you think it is hoisted?
a) on a ship at sea;
b) in front of a conference hall;
c) at the entrance of a port/airport;
d) on a castle;
e) on a ship entering port.
9. Think about friendship. Which word would best describe this feeling:
a) sweet;
b) salty;
c) sour;
d) bitter;
e) sourish.
10. Think about an old building. What would you like to do first?
a) to know its history;
b) to take a picture of it;
c) to visit it;
d) to get to know the people living in it;
e) to discover unknown/unexplored areas.

Section 3:
The next 80 sentences form 40 pairs. From each pair, please choose the sentence
which best describes you. There are no right or wrong answers.

1. I like to take action.

2. I solve problems in an orderly fashion.

3. I enjoy being a part of well-organized groups.

4. Deadlines are important to me.

5. I can’t accept indecision.

6. New ideas have to be tested before being implemented.

7. I like to set my own goals.

8. When I start something, I go all the way.

9. I trust others to evaluate my performance.

10. I believe in the step by step approach.

11. Planning is the key to success.

12. Long deliberations seem useless to me.

13. I believe that teams are more effective than individuals.

14. I value experience a lot.

15. I enjoy working with others.

16. I can juggle multiple projects at the same time.

17. Interacting with others is important.

18. I learn by doing.

19. I try to understand what other people feel.

20. I feel comfortable making decisions.

21. I believe I can „read” others.
22. I’m looking for challenging situations/projects.

23. I’m receptive to other people’s needs.

24. I like being successful.

25. I’m open to other opinions.

26. I appreciate diversity.

27. I like innovation.

28. I’m annoyed by long and slow tasks.

29. I’m more focused on the future than on the past.

30. I make decisions without overthinking.

31. I’m always on the lookout for opportunities.

32. I like things to be done in the best possible way.

33. I’m always competing with people around me.

34. I’m an impulsive person.

35. I like to solve problems in a creative way.

36. I usually jump from one task to the next.

37. I envision and make plans all the time.

38. I don’t like to waste time.

39. Others think of me as a person who makes decisions in a heartbeat.

40. I like to summarize the main points.

41. I’m calm under pressure.

42. Cooperation is a keyword for me.

43. I use logic in order to test alternatives.

44. I can anticipate how others will react to a certain event.
45. I believe that my mind is leading my heart.
46. I’m able to assess the mood in the room.

47. Analysis precedes action.

48. I overtly express my feelings.

49. When making decisions, I rely on data and direct observation.

50. I see myself as a good communicator.

51. I focus on each task, as they come along.

52. I enjoy teaching others.

53. Facts speak for themselves.

54. I believe that people need one another in order to accomplish something.

55. Critical decisions cannot be made easily.

56. I’m always asking questions.

57. Emotional effervescence causes trouble.

58. I avoid the nitty-gritty details.

59. I tend to start projects without completing them.

60. I believe in the scientific approach.

61. I enjoy working on new products.

62. I’m comfortable with the idea that no two people are alike.

63. I enjoy reading.

64. I like to organize everything.

65. I like to use my imagination as much as possible.

66. I like to do things that I’m good at.

67. My mind is always active.

68. I pay attention to the nitty-gritty details.
69. I enjoy being well liked.
70. I can quickly merge two projects.

71. I test my ideas on others.

72. A positive way of relating with others is essential.

73. Communication is a purpose in of itself.

74. I enjoy being intellectually stimulated.

75. Teamwork and debates within the team are a creative act.
76. Self-awareness is a keyword for me.

77. I enjoy tossing ideas.

78. I learn by interacting with others.

79. Abstract ideas seem interesting.

80. I believe in myself.


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