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FAQs stands for Frequently Asked Questions

1. Western Astrology Vs. Vedic Astrology
I’ve heard this question a lot. They are asking which one is accurate. The truth is… no one. The
other one is not more accurate than the other one, and vice versa. First of all, they are different. If you
are studying Vedic, I swear you will be confused because Vedic don’t have the touch of Greek
mythology, or touch of Babylonian’s old teachings, even if it has Babylonian’s teachings, it will still be
The motto about there’s only one truth is true, but in reality, people are already seeing the truth but
not the whole piece of it, and the problem with that, instead of expanding and finding connections, they
are completely shifting their view. That makes them walk in circle around the truth and asking “where
is the truth?” In reality, it’s in your front, in your back, it’s everywhere, you just have to open your mind
then learn to listen and see the bigger picture instead of just looking and believing at one thing. That’s
why asking if Western astrology is more accurate than Vedic astrology, and vice versa, will not make
sense in the long run. Every thoughts, everyone, and everything is a piece of truth, and between Vedic
and Western Astrology, you just need to know the focus of each field. Understand them independently.
It’s just like asking which one is beautiful, an American or Indian? People will have different opinions,
but those opinions will not really define which one is beautiful, coz the truth is, they are both beautiful,
it just depend on how you see them.
2. Is it needed to memorize asteroids if I want to fully dive deeper in Astrology?
The answer is a straight no dear. There are thousands of asteroids out there, and I’m not even
including those unnamed ones. But the real answer why it is not that important is, because they are not
even ruling a sign. Rulership of a planet is so important coz other than aspects, it is one of the way on
how you will connect all the things in someone’s chart, or whatever chart it is, and this will lead us to
it’s subFAQs which talks about what if a house is empty and what if a sign is not even ruling any house.
 What if a sign is not even ruling any house?
This specific thing is what we called interception. It is happening when a house expand
more than 30 degree, and this will automatically force another sign to rule two houses, and
that’s what we call duplication. So, if the sign is intercepted, does that mean they don’t have
sense in our chart? The answer is no. You have to know what is the planet that’s ruling that
intercepted sign, for example, if Aries and Libra is intercepted, then look for Venus for Libra,
and Mars for Aries. That’s the first step on how you’ll gonna activate those intercepted sign.
Where will you see them working? In the house where they are intercepted.
 What if a house is empty?
If a house is empty, you have to first know what the sign that’s ruling that empty house
is, and just like the intercepted sign, look for what planet that’s ruling that sign is (for example,
empty Virgo 5th house, then look for Mercury). That’s how you’re gonna see how are those
empty houses manifesting in your life. There’s a misconception with this one, they are saying
if it’s empty, you are lacking something, or that house is partially or completely invisible. The
truth is, it’s not. Even it’s empty, it will still be there. You can never remove a portion of your
life. You’re not a god or something haha. Those houses will still exist and function like the
other one even it’s empty. Lastly, I suggest that you should really understand the houses more
deeply. So, you won’t be confused with this one.

3. Did modern planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) replaced the traditional rulers of
Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio?
The answer is straight no, but western astrology is divided in modern and traditional. When we said
modern, it is including Neptune, Uranus and Pluto as rulers, and it is including some asteroids for more
in-depth reading. However, as I said earlier, asteroids are not that important. If you are a beginner, put
them at the bottom of your list of the things to learn in astrology. But even in modern astrology, they
are not declining the role of traditional rulers of Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio. Aquarius is ruled by
Uranus then co-ruled by Saturn, Pisces is ruled by Neptune then co-ruled by Jupiter, and Scorpio is
ruled by Pluto then co-ruled by Mars. However, there’s a problem with these 3 additional planets ruling
a sign which is their movement. Their movement makes them different than the rest of the planets.
These planets are the outermost planets and their movement is very slow, therefore the scope of their
effect is larger, they are coming to the next sign, generation by generation. With this slow movement,
there’s no enough change to represent a sign. For example, put 5 people with same rising, let’s say
Scorpio rising in the same generation. If you will use Pluto as their chart ruler, there are no enough
varieties to differentiate them. Since they are on the same generation, then they have Pluto on the same
sign, or probably, on the same house as well. If you will use Mars instead, it will give more details, and
you can differentiate them better than using Pluto. With this problem or situation, it will be a good idea
to use traditional rulers, and now let’s discussed a li’l something about these planets.
Traditional rulers are the luminaries (Sun and Moon), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
These planets are not just associated with the zodiac signs, but also in days. Sun for Sunday, Moon for
Monday, Mars for Tuesday, Mercury for Wednesday, Jupiter for Thursday, Venus for Friday, and
Saturn for Saturday. These 7 traditional planets also have planetary hours, which they rule different
hours in 24 hours. You can search that on google coz I swear, that’s a lot to type.
4. What are the considerations for stellium?
First, let’s discuss what stellium is. Stellium is a configuration, and a configuration are the different
formations formed by different aspects in our chart. When we said aspects, they are the sextile, trine,
opposition, square, conjunction and etc. Stellium is a configuration with 2 or more conjunctions, making
a cluster of 3 or more planets in a sign or a house. So that’s the thing that you should consider first, the
planets should conjunct each other. But since we talked about the aspects, we should also include the
orb. The orb is the distance of a planet at the absolute aspect of it, and when we say absolute, it is the 0
degree orb aspect. In, an aspect can stretch up to 10 degree orb, in most astrologers, it can
only stretch up to 8 degree orb, but the moon is an exception. Don’t matter what your source is, an
aspect to moon can stretch up to 13 degree orb coz it is so fast, that even in a long distance, a planet can
already feel it’s effect even it’s 13 degree away from the 0 degree orb of an aspect.
5. Tips for beginners in studying astrology.
My answer in this question is much more empirical. It may not work with you, but that’s how
learning astrology is. It’s full of searching for answers, experimenting, exploration, discoveries, and
etc. It’s a journey dear.
 Search, search, and search.
Don’t stop searching for answers coz those basic things that you’ll gonna find will be
your foundation, and as your foundation get bigger and stronger, your understanding about
astrology will get deeper, richer, and wiser.

 Get a help.
Find someone who will help you, find an experienced and reliable mentor if you can,
and don’t be frustrated or afraid to ask someone if you can’t understand something.

 Go for a big chunk

You’re not gonna learn properly with the memes, articles online, and people’s shallow
opinions. Use google correctly. Find a good community that talks about astrology, find a free
references before you invest for something, if you want to invest then find a reliable and
credible mentor and pay for their courses or invest for a good references, and communicate
with other people about the things that you learned.

 Learn to listen first before asserting

This is just basic etiquette that you can apply to almost everything. You don’t know
everything my dear, and honestly, you can’t. So, be humble, calm yourself down, and don’t be
so egoistic. Relax, you don’t need to always debate or trashtalk something. Use hearing other
people’s sincere thoughts about something as a chance to learn through their point of view.

 Teach and share what you know.

You don’t have to be professional to teach something. Other than it can help other
people, it can help you as well, coz it will push to organize your thoughts and have a concrete
flow of it.

 Practice reading.
When you saw a chart, use it dear. It’s your opportunity to practice. Engage with the
people when they are asking something about their chart.

 Be exposed with other fields.

Sometimes, the answers about something can be found in another field. So, don’t limit
yourself. Astrology have a very broad scopes, it’s philosophical, logical, mathematical,
psychological, sociological and etc. Like I said before, everything is a piece of truth.

 Generally, be open and a good person.

What I mean for this is not be a saint or trying hard to be perfect. Just be humble and
nice to others. I swear, this will open a lot of things in your life, especially in spirituality and
astrology. Be empathetic and don’t manipulate other people. Be honest and have an integrity.

 Experiment and apply

Learn to play with what you know. Ask other people if it’s resonating with them, look
for answers if it’s not, then experiment things until you finally got the answers. Always consider
other people’s experiences. Learning astrology is like making thesis as well. You synthesize,
hypothesize, conclude, read related references and etc.

 Be patient
Everything takes time. Don’t be frustrated and don’t give up. YOU CAN DO IT!

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