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Requirement: Market research and pitch deck

Indicate what valuation method will be used

Market Analyst questions


1) Who are our competitors? (Elsa speak, Speechace)

2) What are our competition target customers? (B2B, B2C etc)
3) How much of the market share belongs to competitors in 2019 - 2021?
4) What market advantage do they have?
5) What are our competitors doing to acquire customers? (market tactics)
6) How are customers currently solving the problem that our product addresses?
7) What products do competitors offer? How does our target market view these competitive
8) How much is this industry evolving and what changes/improvements to expect in the
foreseeable future?


1) What's the average pricing for our competitors

2) What pricing structure do the competitors use?
3) Determine suitable price? (based on countries purchase power) - what is the best price
to charge based on countries (target audience receptive to our price point)
4) What kind of promotions are our competitors advertising? Bulk buys / annual
subscriptions? Free gift with purchase? Discounts? Sales events


1) Who are our customers?

2) What is our customer demographic?
3) What countries and areas do we expect to market the product
4) What motivates, influences and incentivizes these customers to choose us?
5) Customer 5 year forecast (What does the customer's growth look like in 5 years
6) How are our competitors perceived by our target audience?

Market share

1) How much market capital is in this sector?

2) What is the total sales and revenue in this sector?
3) What is the size of our target market? How many potential customers are there?
4) Which market is the easiest to penetrate in the current competitive landscape?
5) What market share should a company establish in order to position ourselves as a
unique brand/establish a visible brand?
6) What countries will find our product useful? (top 10)
7) A 5 years market forecast (What the market will look like in 5 years)
8) What business models are available for us?
9) Whats is the best business model to adopt
10) How does our business model compare in our industry? Are we missing opportunities?
11) What exactly is our value proposition — the reason customers should choose us? How
can we best convey our benefits?
12) What social media channels does our target market use? Should we boost our presence
on those channels?
13) Can we find marketing partners to expand our reach? (Name and reason)

Valuation (product, company)

1) What is the valuation of competing companies in the field?

2) What is the revenue for all major competitors?
3) What is the customer's growth?
4) How much revenue do we expect to generate in comparison to competing companies?
5) What is a realistic financial projection for our company and what factors can affect it.
6) Forecast a 5 year project plan (income)
7) Are our new products or services unique compared with what already exists?

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