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S. Questions Year BT Crite
No ria
Unit – I
Part A
1. What are the data required for any hydrological studies?

2. (Dec
Enlist the different forms of precipitation. 2013)
3. (Dec
What is meant by Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) over a basin?
List the methods of computing average rainfall over a basin

Define hydrology.

6. (Dec
List the different types of precipitation.
State the importance of ocean in Hydrologic cycle.

The recession curve of a hydrograph is sometimes called the depletion curve, why?

9. (Dec
Define precipitation. 2017)
Define orographic precipitation

What are the disadvantages of weighing bucket type?

12. What is the objective of the hydrological study?

13. What is the importance of hydrology?

14. Enlist the various phases of a hydrological cycle.

15. Define infiltration.

16. Define evaporation.

17. Define transpiration.

18. Define runoff.

19. How the precipitation can be measured?

20. What are all the demerits of Non- recording type rain gauge?

21. (Dec
Enlist the types of recording and non recording rain gauges. 2016),
Write short notes on rain gauge density.

23. (Dec
What are all the methods available to find the average depth of precipitation over an 2017)

Define isohyets.

What is the use of Double mass curve?
26. Define Hyetograph.
27. Write short notes on intensity-duration curves.

28. What is the use of frequency analysis?

29. State Hydrologic equation.

30. Define air mass.

31. Define air front.

32. Define Cyclone.

33. Distinguish between continental air mass and maritime air mass.

34. How is intensity of rainfall classified? (May

35. What do you understand by frequency of point rainfall? (May
36. (May
List the transportation and storage components in the hydrological cycle. 2016),
37. A catchment has six raingauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfall recorded by the (May
gauge is as follows. Determine the standard error in the estimation of mean rainfall in 2016),
the existing set of raingauges. (Dec
Station A B C D E F

Rainfall (cm) 82.6 102.9 180.3 110.3 98.8 136.7

38. (Dec
Sketch the hydrologic cycle. 2016),
39. How is precipitation expressed? (Dec
40. What is an extra tropical cyclone? (Dec
41. What are the various components of hydrologic cycle? (May
42. What is the objective of using recording rain gauges over non recording raingauges? (Dec
43. What is the driving force of the natural circulation of water near the surface of the earth? (May
44. What will happen to a tropical maritime air mass moving over land at a higher (May
temperature? 2012)

Part B

1. Describe the working principle of a non-recording type rain gauge with neat sketch,
Mentioning its advantages and disadvantages.

Explain the different methods of determining the average rainfall over catchment
due to a storm. Discuss the relative merits and demerits of the various methods.

3. (May
Explain with the help of a neat sketch about the hydrological cycle with its various (May
components and man’s interferences in various parts of this cycle. 2016),
4. How is precipitation measured? Discuss the three methods which convert the
point precipitation to areal precipitation and comment on the best method.

The average annual rainfall of 5 rain gauges in a basin 890, 540,450,410 and
550 mm respectively How many additional gauges are required if it is desired to limit
the error to only I0%?

6. (May
Discuss critically the various methods of deriving the areal precipitation over a
catchment from rain gauge measurements. Also bring out the merits and demerits of
each method.

7. (May
What are the precautions to be taken in selection a site for the location of a rain
gauge? Explain.

8. (Dec
Describe the methods of determining the average depth of rainfall over an area. (Dec
(a) What is an optimum rain gauge network design?
(b) The normal annual rain fall depths of 6 rain gauge station are 55,77,40,57,85 and
23cms respectively. If the error in the estimation of basin mean rainfall should not
exceed 15% how many additional rain gauge should be installed in the basin.

10. Discuss the need for continuous recording of precipitation. Enumerate the various (May
recording type rain gauge with neat sketch and discuss its principle, constructional 2012),
features and also mention its advantages and disadvantages. (Dec
11. (May
With the help of a neat sketch, portray schematically the natural circulation of water near
the surface of the earth.

12. The ordinates (in mm) of a rainfall mass curve for a storm, which commenced at 06.30 (May
hrs recorded by self recording raingauge at 15 minutes interval are as follows: 2014)

0,12.4, 22.1, 35.1, 63.7, 81.9, 109.2, 123.5, 132.6, 143.3, 146 and 146. Construct the
hyetograph of this storm for a uniform interval of 15 minutes. Also compute the
maximum intensities for durations of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes and plot the
intensity duration graph.

13. (May
The normal annual rainfall at stations A, B, C and D in a basin are 80.97, 67.59, 76.28
and 92.01 cm respectively. In the year 1985, the station D was inoperative and the
stations A, b and C recorded annual precipitation of 91.11, 72.23 and 79.89 cm
respectively. Estimate the rainfall at station D in that year.

14. In catchment, whose shape can be approximated by a pentagon, four rain gauge (May
stations are situated inside the catchment. The coordinates of the corners of the 2016),
catchment that define its boundaries and the coordinates of the four rain gauge stations (Dec
are given below. Also, given are the annual rainfall recorded by the four stations in the 2015)
year 2005. Determine the average annual rainfall over the catchment in that year by the
Thiessen mean method.

Distances are in km Corner a is the origin of co-ordinates

Catchment Corner Co - Corner a Corner b Corner c Corner d Corner e

boundary ordinates (0,0) (120,0)
(120, 80) (60, 140) (0, 80)

Station P Q R S

Co-ordinates (40,50) (80,20) (80,60) (40,80)

Annual rainfall 120 110 100 125


15. (May
Explain elaborately about the distribution of fresh water resources in the world. 2016),
16. (Dec
Explain in detail about precipitation measurement methods with suitable neat sketch. 2016),
17. (Dec
List and describe the different types and forms of precipitation. (May
18. Enumerate the considerations that weigh the selection of a rain gauge site. (Dec
19. (Dec
Rain gauge station D was inoperative for part of a month during which a storm occurred.
The storm rainfalls recorded in the three surrounding stations A, B and C were 85, 67
and 90 mm respectively. If the average annual rainfall for the three surrounding stations
A,B, C and D are 750, 840, 700 and 900 mm respectively. Estimate the storm rainfall at
station D.

20. Point rainfalls due to a storm at several rain gauge stations in and around a basin and (Dec
the area of polygon associated with each of the rain gauge stations is given in table 2014)
below. All rain gauge stations except stations L, N and O are located within the basin.
Determine the mean depth of rainfall over the basin by the
1. Arithmetic mean method and
2. Thiessen polygon method.
Compare the results obtained by the two methods.

Rain gauge station A B C D E F G H

Rainfall due to storm (cm) 8.8 7.6 10.8 9.2 13.8 10.4 8.5 10.5

Area of polygon (km2) 570 920 720 620 520 550 400 650

Rain gauge station I J K L M N O

Rainfall due to storm (cm) 11.2 9.5 7.8 5.2 5.6 6.8 7.4

Area of polygon (km2) 500 350 520 250 350 100 160

21. A catchment has 8 rain gauges of which one is self recording type and remaining are (May
standard type. The error in the mean rainfall estimation (E) is 5 %. The annual rainfall at 2013)
the 8 stations is given below. Determine the number of additional rain gauges required
to be installed.

Station No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rainfall (cm) 75 85 95 87 102 116 58 93

22. Describe the salient characteristics of precipitation in India in general and TamilNadu in (May
particular. 2015)

23. (May
Explain the following relationships relating to the precipitation over a basin.
(i) Depth – Area relationship
(ii) Maximum Depth – Area – Duration Curves
(iii) Intensity Duration Frequency relationship

24. A sub basin with area of 1038 sq. km has 7 stations. The normal annual rainfall depths (Dec
for all the seven stations are given in the table. Determine the optimum number of rain 2012)
gauge stations to be established in the basin if it is desired to limit the error in the mean
value of rainfall to 10%. Indicate how you are going to distribute the additional rain
gauge stations (if required). Is it possible to have zero percent error in the estimate of
the mean value?
Station A B C D E F G

Normal annual rainfall depth (cm) 62 94 62 47 32 88 70

25. (Dec
Annual rainfall of station A and the average annual rainfall of five surrounding stations
from 1996 to 1977 are given in table below. Check the consistency of data of station A.
If data is found inconsistent, then correct the inconsistent data.

Year Annual precipitation of station A (mm) Average annual precipitation of 5 stations

surrounding station A (mm)

1996 1430 1410

1995 1100 1260

1994 1170 1100

1993 1100 1230

1992 1200 1150

1991 1220 1430

1990 1280 1150

1989 750 950

1988 1120 1230

1987 1250 1350

1986 1380 1440

1985 1210 1360

1984 1760 1730

1983 1400 1080

1982 1240 970

1981 1760 1320

1980 1480 1350

1979 1740 1410

1978 1420 1270

1977 1580 1260

Unit II
Part A

1. What is meant by infiltration index? (May

What are the factors affecting evaporation?

Define evapotranspiration.

State Darcy’s law.
Why should consistency analysis be carried out?

Define Isohyet.

Distinguish between steam flow and runoff

Define infiltration capacity rate.

Define storage coefficient.

Two lake P-with surface evaporation 32.4m and Q -with surface evaporation 28.4m
1400m away are separated by land lying on an impervious layer with an elevation of
24.4m. Determine the flow between the lakes taking the permeability as 34.4 m/day.
Neglect the infiltration loss.

11. Why Rainfall-Runoff relationship is necessary? Justify.

What is effective rainfall to a hydrologist?

Why should consistency analysis be carried out for rainfall data?

State Darcy's law and its limitations.

Sketch the stage discharge relationship and state its purpose.

16. Enumerate the methods used to estimate the amount of evaporation from a water

17. Write short notes on evaporimeters.

18. Enlist the types of evaporimeters.

19. Define pan coefficient.

20. State the Daltons law of evaporation.

21. Name the analytical methods of determining the lake evaporation.

How will you reduce the evaporation from a water surface?

What are all the factors affecting transpiration?

Enlist the instruments used to measure transpiration.

25. (Dec
Define infiltration capacity of a soil. Comment on the actual infiltration rate observed, f a 2012)
in a given soil when the rate of rainfall, i is less than the infiltration capacity, f.

26. (Dec
Enumerate the factors affecting infiltration capacity of soil. 2013)

Define infiltrometer and mention its types.

28. (May
Write short notes on Hortons equation. 2015)

Define φ index.
Write short notes on water losses.

31. Define effective rainfall.

32. Define Interception.

33. Define Transpiration ratio.

34. Write short notes on water balance method. (Dec

35. Define W- Index.

36. (May
Differentiate between φ index and W index. (May
37. (May
What are the factors that influence the rate of evapotranspiration? 2014),
38. (Dec
List the various data needed to estimate the potential evapotranspiration from a given 2016),
area. (Dec
39. (Dec
Distinguish between field capacity and permanent wilting point. 2016),
40. Differentiate between ‘Potential ET’ and ‘Actual ET’. (Dec
41. Consider a rainfall hyetograph. Superimpose the infiltration curve over the rainfall (Dec
hyetograph. What is represented by the area of the rainfall hyetograph above the 2014)
infiltration curve? What is represented by the area of rainfall hyetograph below the
infiltration curves?

42. Define sublimation. (Dec

43. How do you find the effective rainfall? (May
44. What is the effect of decrease in atmospheric pressure on rate of evaporation? State (Dec
the reason for the effect. 2012)

45. Evaporation amounts are high in tropical climates and tend to be low in polar regions. (May
Why? 2012)

46. As the rainfall supply continues, the rate of infiltration decreases. Why? (May
47. Define rainfall intensity. (Dec
Part B

Explain the step by step procedure involved to adjust the rainfall record at a
suspicious station through the double mass curve technique.

2. What are the factors should be considered in selecting a site for a stream gauging
station? Explain the dilution method of flow measurement.

3. State the Horton's equation for infiltration capacity curve and sketch with salient
components of the curve.
4. Explain briefly about the φ - Index and W - Index.

5. (May
Explain with neat sketch the various methods of estimation of evaporations from the 2014),
surface of waterbodies.
Differentiate the reservoir evaporation from the agricultural field evaporation.

7. Define infiltration. Enumerate and explain with sketches the different types of (May
infiltrometers. Discuss which infiltrometer you would choose. How is double ring 2012)
infiltrometer better than a tube infiltrometer?

8. Explain with neat sketches how to evaporation is measured using evaporation pan.

9. (Dec
Elaborate on the factor affecting infiltration, different methods of infiltration and losses (May
of precipitation. 2013),
10. (May
Write short notes on the various methods of reducing evaporation losses from water 2015)

11. (May
A reservoir with average surface spread of 4.8 km 2 in the first week of November has 2014),
the water surface temperature of 30°C and relative humidity of 40%. Wind velocity (May
measured at 3 m above the ground is 18 km/hr. The mean barometer reading is 760 2016)
mm of Hg. Calculate the average evaporation loss from the reservoir in mm/day and
the total depth and the volume of evaporation loss from the reservoir in mm/day and
the total depth and the volume of evaporation loss in the first week of November. Use
both Meyer’s equation as well as Rohwer’s equation. Take saturation vapour pressure
at 30°C as 31.81 mm of Hg.

12. (May
The following observations were taken from a double tube infiltrometer with inside ring 2014),
diameter of 30 cm. Plot the infiltration capacity curve and find the constant rate of (May
infiltration. Also, compute the average the average infiltration rate for the first 10 and 2016)
first 30 minutes.

Time (min.) 0 2 5 10 20 30 45

Cumulative volume 0 200 470 840 1405 1840 2245


Time (min.) 60 80 100 120 150 180

Cumulative volume 2510 2745 2885 2990 3130 3270


13. (Dec
Determine the E.T. and irrigation requirement for a wheat, if the water application 2016),
efficiency is 65% and the coefficient for the growing season (C u) is 0.8 from the (May
following data. 2013)

Month Mean monthly temp. °C Monthly % of sunshine Effective rainfall (cm)


Nov. 20 7.20 2.5

Dec. 17 7.15 2.7

Jan. 15 7.25 3.4

Feb. 16 7.15 2.1

14. (Dec
A sub-basin with area of 1038 km2 has 7 stations. The normal annual rainfall depths for 2014)
all the seven stations are given below in table. Determine the optimum number of rain
gauge stations to be established in the basin if it is desired to limit the error in the mean
value of rainfall to 10%. Indicate how you are given to distribute the additional rain
gauge (if required). Is it possible to have zero percent error in the estimate of the mean

Station A B C D E F G

Normal annual rainfall depth (cm) 62 94 62 47 32 88 70

15. (Dec
Describe how the following influence the evaporation process. 2014)
(i) Wind
(ii) Relative humidity
(iii) Temperature
(iv) Soluble salts

16. (Dec
For a given basin the following are the infiltration capacities at various time intervals 2014)
after the beginning of the storm. Make a plot of the infiltration capacity curve and
establish an equation of the form developed by Horton. Also determine the total rain
and excess rainfall.

Time (min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8

Precipitation rate (cm/h) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 7.5 7.5

Infiltration capacity (cm/h) 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.4

Time (min) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Precipitation rate (cm/h) 7.5 7.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

Infiltration capacity (cm/h) 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.85 1.8 1.8

17. (Dec
Use the combination method to calculate the evaporation rate from an open water 2014)
surface subject to net radiation (energy required for evaporation) of 200 W/m 2, air
temperature 25°C, relative humidity 40 percent and wind speed 3 m/s, all recorded at
height 2 m and atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa. Take psychrometric constant
γ = 67.1 pa/°C.

18. (Dec
An isolated 3 – h storm occurred over a basin in the following fashion: Estimate the 2014)
runoff from the catchment due to this storm.

% of catchment area Φ – index (cm/h) Rainfall (cm)

1st hour 2nd hour 3rd hour

20 1.00 0.8 2.3 1.5

30 0.75 0.7 2.1 1.0

50 0.50 1.0 2.5 0.8

19. (Dec
An isolated storm in a catchment produced a runoff of 3.5 cm. The mass curve of the 2013)
average rainfall depth over the catchment was below. Calculate the φ index for the

Time from beginning of storm (h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Accumulated rainfall (cm) 0 0.5 1.65 3.55 5.65 6.8 7.75

20. (Dec
The infiltration rates observed during a test on a double ring infiltrometer are as given 2013)
below. Determine the constants f 0, fc and k of the Horton’s equation which fits the
above data.

t (hr) 0.0417 0.125 0.333 0.75 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5

f (cm/h) 0.781 0.747 0.662 0.535 0.370 0.255 0.224 0.218 0.207

21. (Dec
The infiltration capacity in a basin is represented by Horton’s equation as 2015)
f p=3.0+ e−2 t
Where fp is in cm/h and t is in hours. Assuming the infiltration to take place at capacity
rates in a storm of 60 minutes duration, estimate the depth of infiltration in the first 30
minutes and the second 30 minutes of the storm.

22. (Dec
The infiltration capacity of soil in a small watershed was found to be 6 cm/h before a 2015)
rainfall event, it was found to be 1.2 cm/h at the end of 8 hours of storm. If the total
infiltration during the 8 hours period of storm was 15 cm, estimate the value of the
decay coefficient kh in Horton’s infiltration capacity equation.

23. (Dec
A storm with 10 cm of precipitation produced a direct runoff of 5.8 cm. The duration of 2015)
the rainfall was 16 hours and its time distribution is given below. Estimate the φ index
of the storm.

Time from state (h) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Cumulative rainfall (cm) 0 0.4 1.3 2.8 5.1 6.9 8.5 9.5 10

24. (May
What are the various abstractions from precipitation? 2015)
25. (May
In a 140 minute storm, the intensity of rainfall in successive 20 minute intervals are 6, 2015)
6, 18, 13, 2, 2 and 12 mm/hr. Assume φ index as 3 mm/hr and initial loss as 0.8 mm.
Determine the runoff and W – index for the storm.

26. (Dec
Calculate the annual water loss from a 5 km 2 reservoir, when the wind speed at 2 m 2012)
height is 10.3 km/hr, es and ea are 14.2 and 11.0 mm of mercury respectively. Use the
E=0.291 A u2 (e s−ed )
Where E = rate of evaporation in mm day-1
A = surface area of reservoir in m 2
u2 = wind speed in ms-1 at 2 m height
es and ed are in millibars (mb)

27. (Dec
Define infiltration rate, f and cumulative infiltration, F and show how they are related 2012)

28. (Dec
The following are the monthly pan evaporation data at a certain place in a certain year. 2012)
The water spread area in a lake nearby in the beginning of January in that year was
2.8 km2 and at the end of December it was measured as 2.55 km 2. Calculate the loss of
water due to evaporation in that year. Assume a pan coefficient of 0.7.
Mont Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Evap 167 143 178 250 286 214 167 167 167 214 167 167

29. (May
Calculate the water loss over the months April – September from a surface water 2012)
source having water spread area of 10.86 km 2 reservoir, when the wind speed is 9
knots, es and ed are 15.3 and 11.2 mm of mercury respectively. Use the equation,

E=0.291 A−0.0 5 u2 (e s−ed )

Where E = rate of evaporation in mm day-1
A = surface area of reservoir in m 2
u2 = wind speed in ms-1
es and ed are in millibars (mb)

30. (May
Evaporation loss from a reservoir can be estimated by the water budget method. 2012)
Identify the necessary items in a water budget and describe how these must be

31. (May
Draw a typical curve of infiltration rate with time and discuss critically the efeatures. 2012)
32. (Dec
The following observations were taken from a double tube infiltrometer with inside ring 2017)
diameter of 35 cm. Plot the infiltration capacity curve and find the constant rate of

Time (min.) 0 2 5 10 20 30

Cumulative volume (cm3) 0 278 658 1173 1924 2500

Time (min.) 60 90 150 120

Cumulative volume (cm3) 3345 3875 4595 5315

Unit III
Part A

1. (May
What is a synthetic unit hydrograph?
The recession curve of a hydrograph is sometimes called the depletion curve.

3. (Dec
Define unit hydrograph. 2017)
Write short notes on return flow.

5. (Dec
Define base flow 2013)
Define S curve hydrograph.

Distinguish between hyetograph and hydrograph.
8. (Dec
What do you understand by time of concentration of a catchment? 2015)
9. (May
What is meant by base flow separation? 2013)
List any four factors which affect the hydrograph.

List out the uses of unit hydrograph.

Compare the hygrographs obtain from a watershed and rural watershed

13. (Dec
Define runoff. 2017)
Enlist the components of runoff.

Write short notes on drainage density.

What are the methods to determine the unit hydrograph?

Write short notes on method of super position.

Define S-curve technique.

19. (Dec
Define instantaneous unit hydrograph. What are its characteristics? 2015)
Define drainage density.

What are all the applications of unit hydrograph?

What are all the advantages of instantaneous unit hydrograph over direct unit

Define stream density.

Define concentration time.

Define overland flow.

Define Direct runoff.

Define isochrones.

28. (May
Enumerate the two main components of a hydrograph of discharge against time. 2012)
Define surface runoff.

Define subsurface runoff.

31. (Dec
Define base flow. 2016)
Define effective precipitation.

33. (May
What are the uses of synthetic unit hydrograph? 2014),
34. (May
What is the effective rainfall hyetograph? 2014)
35. (May
How do you determine time of concentration?
36. (Dec
Draw the single peaked hydrograph with its components.
37. (Dec
A system has a discrete pulse response with ordinates 0.1, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.1 units. The 2014)
system has a pulse input of 3 units in the first time interval followed by 4 units in the
second time interval. How many non – zero terms are there in the output function Q?

38. (Dec
Enumerate the three types of synthetic unit hydrographs. 2014)
39. (Dec
What is the need to separate base flow from the flood hydrograph? 2015)
40. (Dec
Define interflow. 2012)
41. (Dec
List the main factors on which the shape of the rising limb of a runoff hydrograph 2012)

42. (May
Define a T – hr UH. 2012)

Part B

1. (May
What are the physiographic factors affecting the flood hydrograph? Discuss the role
of these factors.

2. (May
How do you obtain the ordinates of S – curve hydrograph? 2015)
3. (May
What is a hydrograph? Draw a single peaked hydrograph and explain its components. 2014)
The ordinates of a 4h unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of a
8h unit hydrograph

Time (hour) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44

Ordinate in
0 24 84 159 184 151 103 64 36 17 6 0

What are the diffident procedures used for the base flow separation?

What do you understand by unit hydrograph? How is it derived? Explain its use in

construction of flood hydrograph resulting from two or more periods of rainfall.

A runoff data at a stream gauge station for a flood are given below in the table;

Drainage area is 42 km 2. If the duration of rainfall is 3 hours, derive a 3 hours unit

hydrograph for the basin.

Time (hrs) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Total Runoff (m3/s) 50 47 75 120 225 290 270 145

Base flow (m3/s) 50 47 46 45 45 45 46 48

Time (hrs) 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45

Total Runoff (m3/s) 110 90 80 70 60 55 51 50

Base flow (m3/s) 50 53 54 57 60 55 51 50

8. Explain a procedure of deriving a synthetic unit hydrograph for a catchment by using

Snyder's method.

The effective rainfall hyetograph of a complex storm has duration of 12 hours, with
rainfall intensities of 1.5, 0.5 and 5.0 cm/hr respectively in successive 4 hour period.
The ordinates of the corresponding direct runoff hydrograph read at 4 hour intervals
are 150, 250,529,313,394, 212,102 and 45 m 3/sec respectively. Determine the
ordinates of the 4 - hour unit hydrograph.

10. (May
A watershed has the following data. Area of watershed: 82 km 2, Distance between 2014)
the outlet and further most point: 12.6 km, total length of channels of various orders:
440 km and elevation difference between outlet and further most point: 656 m.
Determine the drainage density, form factor, channel slope and average overland
flow length.

11. (May
For a catchment of 8.6 km 2 area, the mass curve of rainfall of 4 hours storm is given 2014)
below. Determine the effective rainfall hyetograph and the volume of direct runoff
from the catchment due to the above storm, taking φ index for the catchment as 0.8

Time from start of storm (hr) 0 0.5 1 0.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Accumulated rainfall (cm) 0 0.4 1.1 2.3 3.8 4.8 5.6 6.2 6.7

12. (May
The ordinates of a 4 hr U.H. of a basin of area 300 km 2 measured at 1 hr intervals 2016),
are 6, 36, 66, 91, 106, 93, 79, 68, 58, 49, 41, 34, 27, 23, 17, 13, 9, 6, 3 and 1.5 m 3/s (Dec
respectively. Obtain the ordinates of a 3 hr U.H for the basin using the S- curve 2013)

13. (May
A drainage basin of area 530 km 2 has experienced a 12 h storm with rainfall 2016)
intensities of 2.5, 1.8, 2.3 cm/h respectively in successive periods of 4 h each. The
percentages of the distribution graph of storms of 4 h duration are 5, 15, 30, 20, 13,
9, 5.5 and 2.5. Determine the ordinates of discharge hydrograph.

Assume an average φ index of 0.8 cm/h and neglect base flow.

14. (May
What is a dimensionless unit hydrograph? How is it useful in constructing a synthetic 2016),
unit hydrograph of the basin? (Dec
15. (Dec
Given below are the ordinates of a 6 hr unit hydrograph for a catchement. Calculate 2016),
the ordinates of the DRH due to a rainfall excess of 3.5 cm occurring in 6 h. (Dec
Time 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69

UH 0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 8 0


16. (Dec
Two catchments A and B are considered meteorologically similar. Their catchment 2016),
characteristics are given below. For catchment A, a 2 hr unit hydrograph was (Dec
developed and was found to have a peak discharge of 50 m 3/s. The time to peak 2015)
from the beginning to the rainfall excess in this unit hydrograph was 9.0 h. Using
Snyder method, develop a unit hydrograph for catchment B.

Catchment (A) Catchment (B)

L = 30 km L = 45 km

Lca = 15 km Lca = 25 km

A = 250 km2 A = 400 km2

17. (Dec
From the basin map of a given watershed, the following quantities are measured: L = 2014)
150 km, Lc = 75 km and drainage area = 3500 km 2.From the unit hydrograph derived
for the watershed, the following are determined: t R = 12 h, tpR = 34 h and peak
discharge = 157.5 m3/ Determine the coefficients Ct and CP for the synthetic
unit hydrograph of the watershed.

18. (Dec
When suitable simple isolate storms are not available, data from complex storms of 2014)
long duration will have to be used for unit hydrograph derivation. Explain the
procedure of obtaining of a UH from the complex flood hydrograph resulting from a
rainfall excess consisting of three consecutive durations of D – h and effective
rainfall (excess rainfall) values of P 1, P2 and P3.

19. (Dec
The UH is a simple linear model that can be used to derive the hydrograph resulting 2014),
from any amount of excess rainfall. Enumerate the basic assumptions inherent in
this model. (May
20. (Dec
Derive the six – hour unit hydrograph from the following data for a watershed having 2014)
a drainage area of 216 km 2, assuming a constant rainfall abstraction rate and a
constant baseflow of 20 m 3/s.

Six – hour period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Rainfall (cm) 1.5 3.5 2.5 1.5

Streamflow (m3/s) 26 71 174 226 173 99 49 33 26 22 21

21. (Dec
A drainage basin of area 580 km 2 has experienced a 12 h storm with rainfall 2013)
intensities of 2.5, 1.8, 2.3 cm/h respectively in successive periods of 4 h each. The
percentages of the distribution graph of storms of 4 h duration are 5, 15, 30, 20, 13,
9, 5.5 and 2.5. Determine the ordinates of discharge hydrograph. Assume an
average φ – index of 0.8 cm/h and neglect base flow.

22. (Dec
Given the following inflow hydrograph to a certain stream channel reach, calculate 2013)
the outflow by the Muskingum method. Assume initial outflow is 10 m 3/s and K = 4 h
and x = 0.25.

Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Inflow (m3/s) 10 20 40 80 120 150 120 60 50 40 30 20 10

23. (May
Explain the construction procedure of S curve hydrograph. 2013)
24. (May
The ordinates of 4 h unit hydrograph of a basin area of 630 km 2 measured at 2 hour 2013)
interval are given below. Obtain the ordinates of 6 h unit hydrograph.

Time (hrs) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

4 h UH 0 25 100 160 190 170 110 70 30 20 6 1.5 0


25. (May
The ordinates of a 4h unit hydrograph of a basin are given below. Determine the 2015),
ordinates of a 12 h unit hydrograph for the basin. (Dec
Time (hour) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44

Ordinate in
0 20 80 130 150 130 90 52 27 15 5 0

26. (May
The ordinates of 4 hr unit hydrograph at 2 hr interval are 0, 12.52, 21.32, 23.54, 2015)
17.84, 14.79, 12.18, 10.04, 8.26, 6.51, 4.98, 3.95, 3.05, 2.26, 1.60, 1.07, 0.53 and 0
m3/s. Determine the ordinates of 12 hr unit hydrograph.

27. (Dec
Following are the ordinates of a storm hydrograph of a river draining a catchment 2012)
area of 423 km2 due to a 6 hr isolated storm. Derive the ordinates of 6 – h unit
hydrograph for the catchment.

Time from start of storm -6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48


Discharge (m3/s) 10 10 30 87.5 115.5 102.5 85 71 59 47.5

Time from start of storm 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102


Discharge (m3/s) 39 31.5 26 21.5 17.5 15 12.5 12 12

28. (May
A 6h, 10 mm UH for a basin has the following ordinates. 2012)
Time (h) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

Discharge (m3/s) 0 12 75 132 180 210 183 156 135 144 96

Time (h) 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60

Discharge (m3/s) 87 66 54 42 33 24 18 12 6 0

Using the 6h UH given above, derive the flood hydrograph due to the storm given

Time from beginning of storm (h) 0 6 12 18

Accumulated rainfall (mm) 0 40 50 100

The φ index can be assumed to be 1.67 mm/h. Assume base flow to be 20 m 3/s
constant throughout.

29. (May
An acceptable 1- hour 1 mm UH has been derived for a catchment. Its ordinates are 2012)
shown in table below.

Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

U (t) (m3 s-1) 0 12 35 24 16 8 3 0

What is the approximate area of the catchment.

30. (Dec
Explain in detail about the factors affecting hydrograph. 2017)

Unit IV

Part A

Define flood.

Write short notes on Gumble’s method.

Write short notes on reservoir routing.

Define prism storage.

5. (May
State the types of flood routing.
What is meant by probable maximum flood?

What is flood? Mention its significance in hydrologic studies.

Differentiate between Reservoir routing and channel routing.
9. (Dec
Define flood routing.
10. (May
Differentiate between maximum probable flood and design flood.
Flood can only be estimated and not measured –substantiate.

What is meant by flood routing and what are its types?

13. (May
Define design flood.
14. (Dec
Define MPF. 2012)
15. (Dec
State any two formulae to calculate flood discharge. 2017)
Define attenuation.

Define lag value.

What are all the methods available to determine the flood peak?

Define return period.

Define prism storage and wedge storage.

Define standard project flood.

Write short notes on flood control measures.

Write short notes on flood forecast.

24. (Dec
Write short notes on flood warning system. 2017)
25. (May
A flood of a certain magnitude has a return period of 25 years. What is its probability of 2014)

26. (Dec
What is flow routing?
27. (Dec
What are the uses of flood flow frequency analysis? 2014)
28. (May
Define recurrence interval.
29. (May
Write a note on reservoir flood routing. 2013)
30. (Dec
What are the limitations of flood frequency studies? 2015)
31. (Dec
According to Gumbel’s extreme value distribution, how the probability of occurrence of 2012)
a flood peak of magnitude greater than or equal to Q is expressed?

32. (May
What is a probability that a 5 – year flood will occur atleast once during the next three 2012)

Part B

1. (May
Describe the Muskingum method of channel routing and discuss on extreme value 2013)
series. Assume the values of the coefficients K and X for the reach.

2. How the gumbel’s method is used to determine the flood analysis? (Dec
Explain the procedure for reservoir routing.

4. (May
(a)Define the following ; (i) SPF (ii) MPF (iii) Design flood (iv) Design storm (Dec
(b)Enumerate the methods for determining maximum flood discharge in river. 2016),
Determination the design flood discharge(allowing an increase of one third) for a
bridge site with the following data:
Catchment area =2x105 hectares
Duration of storm =8 hours
Storm precipitation =3 m
Time of concentration + 2 hours
Gauged discharge for a part flood with average maximum daily rainfall of 18 cm was
3400 cumec.

Explain the different methods of estimating deign floods with their limitation.

Write short notes on
(i) Flood control methods (ii) Flood routing methods

Discuss the modified plus method of reservoir flood routing.

9. (May
Write down the procedures for determination of flood magnitude by Gumble’s method. 2013)
Explain the different structural methods used for flood mitigation.

Describe the various empirical methods used for the estimation of peak flood.

What are the methods of estimating design flood? What are their limitations?

Describe the method of estimating a T'-year flood using Gumbel’s method of

14. (May
What are flood control measures? Mention some of the flood control measures to 2013),
mitigate the effect of floods. (Dec
15. Describe the method of estimating a T-year flood using log-Pearson type III

Explain how the reservoir flood routing is estimated?

17. (May
From the analysis of available data on annual flood peaks of a stream for a period of 2014)
40 years, the 50 year and 100 year floods have been estimated to be 878 m 3/s and 970
m3/s. Using Gumbel’s method, estimate the 200 year flood for the stream. From the
table of yn and Sn are 0.5436 and 1.1413 respectively.

18. (May
A flood of a certain magnitude has a return period of 40 years. Determine the 2014)
probability exceedance and probabilty of the flood of magnitude equal to or greater
than the given magnitude occuring atleast once in sucessive years, two times in 10
sucessive years and once in 10 sucessive years.

19. (May
In a frequency analysis of rainfall, based on 15 years of data of 10 minutes storm, the 2014)
following values were obtained. Arithmetic mean of data = 1.65 cm, standard deviation
= 0.45 cm. Find, using Gumbel’s extreme distribution, the recurrence interval of a storm
of 10 minutes duration and a depth equal to 3 cm.

20. (May
Explain briefly about various structural and non structural flood control measures.
21. (May
How do you determine the magnitude of flood of specific return period?
22. (May
Route the flood hydrograph given below through a channel reach and derive the 2016),
outflow hydrograph. The values of K and x for the reach may be taken as 4 hr and 0.25 (May
respectively. Time is in hours and inflow is in cumecs. 2015)

Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Inflow 10 20 40 80 120 150 120 60 50 40 30 20 10

23. (Dec
An analysis of annual flood series of a stream indicated the mean value and standard 2016),
deviation of the flood series as 940 m 3/s and 203 m3/s respectively. What is the (Dec
magnitude of a flood of return period of 500 years in this stream? Assume that the 2015)
annual flood series follow Gumbel’s distribution and the sample size is very large.

24. (Dec
The mean annual flood of s river is 600 m 3/s and the standard deviation of the annual 2016),
flood series is 150 m3/s. What is the probability of a flood of magnitude 1000 m 3/s (Dec
occurring in the river within next 5 years? Use Gumbel’s method and assume the 2015)
sample size to be very large.

25. (Dec
Explain the rational method of estimating the peak discharge of small catchments with 2016),
its merits and demerits. (Dec
26. (Dec
Design of water control structures involves consideration of risks. When, a water 2014)
control structureis said to fail? How will you calculate the natural, or inherent,
hydrologic risk of failure?

27. (Dec
A culvert has an expected life of 10 years. If the acceptable risk of at least one event 2014)
exceeding the culvert capacity during the design life is 10 percent, what design return
period should be used? What is the chance that a culvert designed for an event of this
return period will not have its capacity exceeded for 50 years?

28. (Dec
Explain the step by step procedure of Log Pearson Type III distribution used in flood 2014)
frequency analysis.
29. (Dec
The storage capacity and stage outflow relationship of a flood control reservoir are 2014)
given in the following table. Route the design flood hydrograph given below through the
reservoir up to time 6.00. The initial reservoir level is 3.15 m. Use a routing interval Δt =
15 minutes.

Stage (m) 3.15 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05

Storage (m3) 15 49 110 249 569 1180 2180

Discharge (m3/s) 0 0.21 0.72 1.25 1.89 2.61 3.40

Stage (m) 4.08 4.15 4.20 4.27 4.35 4.50

Storage (m3) 2440 3140 4050 5380 8610 18600

Discharge (m3/s) 3.57 3.91 4.25 4.62 5.21 6.20

Time (h: min) 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 2.00

Inflow (m3/s) 0 0.04 0.12 0.25 0.53 1.10 3.00 6.12 8.24

Time (h: min) 2.15 2.30 2.45 3.00 3.15 3.30 3.45 4.00 4.15

Inflow (m3/s) 9.06 0.20 8.75 8.07 7.36 6.66 5.98 5.32 4.67

Time (h: min) 4.30 4.45 5.00 5.15 5.30 5.45 6.00

Inflow (m3/s) 4.11 3.65 3.29 3.00 2.73 2.49 2.27

30. (Dec
Describe the various steps involved in the I.S.D method of reservoir routing. 2013)
31. (Dec
Differentiate between: 2013)
(i) Hydraulic and hydrologic routing
(ii) Channel and reservoir routing
(iii) Prism and wedge storage

32. (Dec
Is it possible to predict and contain a flood? How? 2012)
33. (Dec
Define the following: 2012),
(i) Complete Duration Series (May
(ii) Partial Duration Series 2012)
(iii) Annual exceedance Series
(iv) Extreme Value Series

34. (Dec
If a structure has a design life of 15 years, calculate the required design return period if 2012)
the acceptable risk of failure is 20% (1) in any year and (2) over the design life.

35. (Dec
A reservoir for detaining flood flows in one acre in horizontal area, has vertical sides 2012)
and has a 1.524 m diameter reinforced concrete pipe as the outlet structure. The
headwater – discharge relation for the outlet pipe is given in Table 1. Use the level pool
routing method to calculate the reservoir outflow from the inflow hydrograph given in
Table 2. Assume that the reservoir is initially empty.
Table 1 – Elevation – discharge relation for the detention reservoir
Elevati 0.0 0.1524 0.3048 0.4572 0.6096 0.762 0.9144 1.0668 1.2192 1.3716 1.524
on, H

Discha 0 0.085 0.227 0.481 0.85 1.218 1.699 2.209 2.747 3.313 3.88
rge, Q

Elevati 1.6764 1.8288 1.9812 2.1336 2.286 2.4384 2.5908 2.7432 2.8956 3.048
on, H

Discha 4.417 4.9 5.38 5.805 6.173 6.541 6.853 7.164 7.475 7.787
rge, Q

Table 2 – Inflow Hydrograph

Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Inflow 0 1.699 3.398 5.097 6.796 8.495 10.194 9.061 7.929


Time 90 100 110 120 130 140 150


Inflow 6.796 5.663 4.53 3.398 3.265 1.132 0


36. (May
Annual maximum values of 10 minute duration rainfall at a place from 1913 to 1947 are 2012)
presented in table below. Develop a model for storm rainfall frequency analysis using
the extreme value Type I distribution and calculate the 50 year return period maximum
values of 10 – minute rainfall at Chicago.

Year Annual Year Annual Year Annual Year Annual

maximum 10 maximum 10 maximum 10 maximum 10
minute rainfall minute rainfall minute rainfall minute rainfall
in inches in inches in inches in inches

1913 0.49 1922 0.57 1931 0.96 1940 0.34

1914 0.66 1923 0.80 1932 0.94 1941 0.70

1915 0.36 1924 0.66 1933 0.80 1942 0.57

1916 0.58 1925 0.68 1934 0.62 1943 0.92

1917 0.41 1926 0.68 1935 0.71 1944 0.66

1918 0.47 1927 0.61 1936 1.11 1945 0.65

1919 0.74 1928 0.88 1937 0.64 1946 0.63

1920 0.53 1929 0.49 1938 0.52 1947 0.60

1921 0.76 1930 0.33 1939 0.64

37. (May
A 4400 ft reach of channel has a muskingum K = 0.24 and X = 0.25. Route the 2012)
following inflow hydrograph through this reach. Assume the initial outflow = 739 cfs.

Time (h) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Inflow (cfs) 819 1012 1244 1537 1948 2600 5769

Time (h) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5

Inflow (cfs) 12866 17929 20841 21035 20557 19485 14577

Time (h) 7.0 7.5 8.0

Inflow (cfs) 9810 6448 4558

Unit V

Part A

Define Aquifer parameters.

What is a perched aquifer?

3. (May
List out Dupit’s Assumptions.
Define the term transmissibility co-efficient of aquifer.

Draw a neat sketch to indicate the different types of aquifers.

Distinguish between water table aquifer and pressure aquifer.

7. (Dec
State Darcy's law and its limitations.
8. (Dec
Explain the terms "storage coefficient" and "transmissibility”. 2013)
Distinguish between confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer.

What are the assumptions made in driving thiem’s equibilirium equation for steady
radial flow?

State Dalton’s law of evaporation and its applicability in the field.

12. (May
Sketch the diagram of divisions of sub surface water. 2014)
13. (May
What do you understand by pumping test?
14. (May
What is transmissibility? 2016),
15. (Dec
What are the characteristics of perched aquifer?
16. (Dec
Distinguish between aquitard and aquiclude.
17. (Dec
Define hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer and state its units.
18. (Dec
Distinguish between specific capacity of a well and the specific yield of an aquifer. 2015)
19. (Dec
What are the commonly used methods to assess the recharge of ground water in an 2015)

20. (Dec
Define intrinsic permeability and state its units. 2012)
21. (May
Define drawdown. 2012)
22. (May
Relate the transmissivity and the coefficient of permeability of a horizontal confined 2012)
aquifer of thickness B.

23. (Dec
Enlist the formations that serve as good aquifers. 2017)

Part B

1. Discuss the principle of recuperation test of an open well with a neat sketch.

2. (Dec
Describe the different types of aquifers with neat sketches.
3. At a certain point in an unconfined aquifer of 3km 2 area the water table was at an
elevation of 102 m. Due to natural recharge in a wet season its level raise to 103.2 m.
a volume of 1.5 Mm 3 of water was then pumped out of the aquifer caving the water
table to reach a level of 101.2 m. Estimate specific yield and volume of recharge during
wet season.

4. A 30 cm diameter well completely penetrates an artesian aquifer. The thickness of (Dec

strainer is 25 m. Determine the discharge from the well when the draw down in the 2012)
well is 4 m and the coefficient of permeability is 45m/day. Assume radius of influence
as 350 m.
5. Derive an expression for the steady state discharge of well fully percolated into a (May
confined aquifer. 2014)
Write short notes on (i) pumping test (ii) recuperation test on yield of a well.

7. (Dec
Derive Darcy’s equation from first principle.
A stream flows in the approximate centre of a flat alluvial valley bounded by
impermeable shale. The valley average 2000 m in width and contains an alluvial
aquifer in hydraulic connection with the stream. The hydraulic conductivity of the
aquifer is 0.054 cm/s. During irrigation season recharge can be assumed to be
steady and uniform over the valley. Observation, wells‟ indicate that during
irrigation the water table at a distance of 150 m from the stream is 3.5 m above the
impermeable shale and 1.5 m above the stream level. Make any suitable
assumptions if necessary and calculate the discharge from the aquifer to the stream
and find the maximum water table level.

9. (Dec
How do you determine the specific yield of well? 2016),
State Dupuit-Forcheimer assumptions and its uses in groundwater hydrology?

11. List the various types of aquifers and explain with neat sketches about groundwater
column and its characteristics.

12. In a certain area groundwater discharge into a canal. The soil has hydraulic
conductivity K = 1.0 cm/s and a porosity of 0.2. The groundwater flow is practically
horizontal and the gradient of the head is 1 in 100 along flow direction, in plan view,
that is at 45° to line of the canal. A conservative tracer is introduced into the
ground at a point "A" perpendicular distance of 6 m from the canal. If dispersion and
diffusion of the tracer are assured negligible estimate how long it will take for the tracer
to appear in the canal.
13. (Dec
How is the pump test conducted for evaluation of aquifer parameters?
14. (May
What do you understand by recuperation test? Derive the equations used in the test.
15. (May
A 30 cm diameter well penetrates 25 m below the static water table. After 24 hours of
pumping at the rate of 5400 litres/ minute, the water level in a test well at 90 m distance
is lowered by 0.53 m, and in a well 30 m away, the drawdown is 1.11 m. What is the
transmissibility of the aquifer and also determine the draw down in the main well?

16. (May
Derive an equation to determine the steady state discharge of a confined aquifer.
17. (May
A sandy layer 10 m thick overlies an impervious stratum. The water table is in the
sandy layer at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground surface. Water is pumped out from a
well at the rate of 100 lps and draw down of the water table at radial distances of 3 m
and 25 m is 3 m and 0.5 m respectively. Determine the coefficient of permeability of an

18. (Dec
State the assumptions and limitations of Dupuit’s theory. 2016),
19. (Dec
In an artesian aquifer of thickness 8 m, a 10 cm diameter well is pumped at a constant
rate of 100 l.p.m. The steady state draw down observed in two wells located at 10 m
and 50 m distances from the center of the wells were 3 m and 0.05 in respectively.
Determine (i) the transmissivity of the aquifer. (ii) the hydraulic conductivity of the

20. (Dec
On the basis of occurrence and field situations, how aquifers are classified in general? 2014),
With relevant sketches, explain in detail the salient features of such aquifers. (Dec
21. (Dec
Sometimes the aquifers may be stratified with different permeability in each stratum.
Consider a situation in which the flow is parallel to the stratification. Derive an
expression for the transmissibility of such aquifer formation.
22. (Dec
A 30 cm diameter well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of saturated depth
40 m. After a long period of pumping at a steady rate of 1500 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissivity of the aquifer. What is the drawdown
at the pumping well?

23. (Dec
Write down the equation for the unsteady radial flow into a well in a confined aquifer.
Explain each term in the equation.
24. (May
Derive an equation to determine the steady state discharge of a confined aquifer.
25. (Dec
A 30 cm well penetrating a confined aquifer is pumped at a rate of 1200 lpm. The
drawdown at an observation well at a radial distance of 30 m is as follows. Calculate
the aquifer parameters S and T.

Time from stare (min) 1.0 2.5 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000

Drawdown (m) 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.5 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.0

26. (Dec
Explain the following:
(i) Perched water table
(ii) Intrinsic permeability
(iii) Bulk velocity
(iv) Well loss

27. (Dec
Develop the equation relating the steady state discharge from a well in an unconfined
aquifer and depths of water table at two known position from the well. State clearly all
the assumptions involved in your derivation.

28. (Dec
Write short notes on: 2013)
(i) Confined aquifer
(ii) Vadose zone
(iii)Perched aquifer
(iv)Cone of depression

29. (Dec
A field test for permeability consists in observing the time required for a tracer to travel 2012)
between two observation wells. A tracer was found to take 10 h to travel between two
wells 50 m apart when the difference in the water surface elevation in them was 0.5 m.
The mean particle size of the aquifer was 2 mm and the porosity of the medium is 0.3.
If kinematic viscosity is 0.01 cm 2/s, estimate (1) the coefficient of permeability and
intrinsic permeability of the aquifer and (2) the Reynold’s number of flow.

30. (May
A field test for permeability consists in observing the time required for a tracer to travel 2012)
between two observation wells. A tracer was found to take 6 h to travel between two
wells 42 m apart when the difference in the water surface elevation in them was 0.85
m. The porosity of the aquifer is 20%. Estimate the coefficient of permeability of the

31. (May
A 20 cm diameter tube well taps an artesian aquifer. Find the yield for a drawdown of 2012)
3.0 m at the well. The length of the strainer is 30 m and the coefficient of permeability
of the aquifer is 35 m/day. Asume the radius of influence as 300 m.
If all other conditions remain same, find the percentage change in yield under the
following cases:
(i) The diameter of the well is 40 cm
(ii) The drawdown is 6.0 m
(iii) The permeability is 17.25 m/day

32. (May
Differentiate between the following: 2012)
(i) Aquitard and aquifuge
(ii) Effluent stream and influent stream
(iii) Porosity and specific yield
(iv) Hydraulic conductivity and intrinsic permeability

33. (Dec
Two parallel rivers A and b are seperated by a land mass as shown in figure. Estimate 2017)
the seepage discharge from river A to river B per unit length of the river.

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