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International Journal of Social Science Research

eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

International Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR)

eISSN: 2710-6276 [Vol. 2 No. 4 December 2020]
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Manimegalai Ambikapathy1* and Asiah Ali2

Faculty Communication and Media Studies, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA
Faculty Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding author:

Article Information:
Abstract: Malaysian citizens were in panic due to spreading
of COVID-19 disease (Corona Virus) since December 2019.
Article history: The Malaysian Prime Minister has enforced a movement
Received date : 5 October 2020
control order (MCO) on 18th March 2020 as a mitigation
Revised date : 8 October 2020 effort to reduce community spread and the overburdening of
Accepted date : 17 November 2020 the country's health system. In obeying MCO order, majority
Published date : 24 December 2020 of the Malaysian citizens was requested to stay indoor in
avoiding outside activities. Few industries in Malaysia were
To cite this document:
requested to work from home (WFH) such as
Ambikapathy, M., & Ali, A. (2020). telecommunication, human resource, academic, insurance,
IMPACT AND CHALLENGES marketing sectors and many more. Generally, work from
TOWARDS EMPLOYEES WORK home can provide advantages and disadvantages to the
workers especially during a severe pandemic situation.
(MCO) PERIOD. International Journal Of
Social Science Research, 2(4), 97-107. Malaysian publics are in varied of feelings and emotions due
to Covid-19 impact. On top of this, they are requested to
comply job duties from home. Thus, this study is mainly to
examine the impact of working from home and to identify the
challenges faced by employees those working from home. The
result showed that, working from home give positive impact
on saving cost and time, productivity, finished task on time
and work life balance.

Keywords: Work from home, impact, challenges, cost

saving, productivity, self-discipline.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

1. Introduction
Malaysian citizens were in panic due to spreading of COVID-19 disease (Corona Virus) since
December 2019. It’s started from Wuhan, China and spread to almost 200 countries and has been
addressed as a global outbreak pandemic disease by World Health Organization (WHO). The
Malaysian Prime Minister has enforced a movement control order (MCO) on 18th March 2020 as a
mitigation effort to reduce community spread and the overburdening of the country's health system. In
obeying MCO order, majority of the Malaysian citizens were requested to stayed indoor in avoiding
outside activities.

Few industries in Malaysia were requested to work from home (WFH) such as telecommunication,
human resource, academic, insurance, marketing sectors and many more. WFH is defined as a situation
of the working environment when employees are transforming from physical appearance to a state of
mind using laptop and technology in completing their jobs. It is also referred as the ideas of workers
do not need to present to their working place. The advancement of information technology has made
WFH as an effective and convenient method to produce a productive working environment without
attending to physical job place (Shareena & Mahammad Shahid, 2020).

Generally, work from home can provide advantages and disadvantages to the workers especially during
a severe pandemic situation. Malaysian publics are in combination with different types of feelings and
emotions due to Covid-19 impact. On top of this, they are requested to comply job duties from home.
Instead of completing house cores jobs, they need to spend time productively for office jobs. Thus, this
study is mainly to identify opinions of employees towards work from home during MCO period. In
achieving the main objective, researcher constructed few sub objectives such as:

1. To examine the impact of working from home

2. To identify the challenges faced by employees those working from home

2. Literature Review
Work from home is a situation when an employee can perform his or her office jobs without presenting
to company or organization. Grough (2012) define WFH as employees who carry out remunerative
jobs with his or her home or in the surrounding grounds. A homeworker is an industrial outworker who
carries out paid work from home. According to Subramaniam, Overton and Maniam (2015), the
common definition for WFH is a combination of flexi-time, working from home, teleworking,
permanent part-time and career break and for Bailey et al., (2002), work from home environment is
most suitable to high independent individual, knowledge-bask with less face to face contact employees.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

Dutcher (2012) examines how working from home employees influences individual productivity by an
experimental method and he found out that working from home increases productivity of individuals
when involving creative tasks by alone without interferences from surrounding people. Halpern (2005)
investigated how work from home employees can improve health while saving cost based on the data
from the US National Study of Changing Workforce (NSCW). Result proved that, those employees
working from home, can save more money compared to attending physical jobs due to cutting
transportation and food consume costs.

Using semi structured interview with parents and teacher, Puwanto et al., (2020) identify few
advantages and disadvantage of WFH such as working from home are more convenient in completing
work, does not follow stipulated hours. Not only that, WFH can help employees in reducing transport
costs due to workers no need to spend money to pay for transportation expenses. Furthermore, Puwanto
added WFH can minimize the level of depression experienced by employees while having more free
time at home. However, they do reveal about the disadvantages of WFH which are employees can be
lacking in motivation to work effectively due to they don’t feel working environment at home.
Furthermore, employees need to bear admin cost by themselves such as electricity, internet cost,
printing expenses and so on.

Through a survey research with 50 respondents in examining their perception towards working from
home employees, indicated that concentration can be given to the work only if they work in office and
they added further that work from home is very stressful due to unable to manage and balance personal
and professional life. In addition, results revealed that work from home need few preparations such as
high speeds internet connectivity and with comfortable surrounding and appropriate facilities and
equipment but for positive impact, respondents agreed that WFH can save travelling time and give
more space to spend with family due to the flexibility of time (Shareena & Mahammad, 2020). A
similar content shared by Amabile & Kramer, (2013) found that work from home is helping the
employees to balance their office work with their routine work. The study also added that work from
home saves time, increases productivity, and also helps the employees to give time for their personal


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

According to MicroExec (2013), there will be many distractions for employees work from home due
to they need to complete house chores, take care of children and their other relevant jobs which needs
to be completed. Carter (2016), in examining the impact of WFH; identify that workers are more
productive and efficient in office environment surrounding rather than at home. He added further,
employees face depressed when they work from due to overburden of house and office work. Carter
also said, continuous isolation and inadequate tools to work from home work will affect the
professionalism of the employees in the corporate world.

Work from home encourage a communication gap between superior and the subordinates and other co-
employees to communicate with the team due to online interaction. They don’t feel the physical
communication feelings therefore, the amount of effective communication will be affecting (Go, 2016).
Employees that work from home feel that they are missing out from team work and communication
(Russell, 2013). Russell added further, WFH employees can complicate their process by not providing
a physical separation between work and home due to they failed to structure and manage their time
accordingly and it will be led to depression. Interestingly, a study by Church in examining the benefits
from WFH, identify that employees that work from home are cost beneficial and highly motivated and
helping in improving job satisfaction. In addition, through an empirical research by Breckmann &
Rupietta (2012) proved that employees working from home has a positive impact on work effort and
they added too that the more often employees work from home, the higher productivity they can
provide to their top management.

Bailyn (1988), through a research with WFH employees from three case studies, found out that selected
respondents mentioned their productivity increases while working from home. This positive impact on
productivity is mainly due to their higher autonomy and thus increased their motivation to perform the
best from home. While, Bloom et al., (2015) from an experimental to examine the effect of working
from home employee performance in a travel agency found that working from home increases overall
performance of employees. They explain further that higher productivity associated with a softer
working environment and by higher work effort as employees tend to have lesser breaks.

Research by Jang (2009) revealed that work from home employees are enjoying higher levels of work-
life balance, which in turn impacted positive well-being. This can guide a good and happy family
environment among employees and their family members. Crosbie and Moore in examining work life
balance from WFH employee’s via interview method with 45 respondents between December 2001
and June 2002 revealed that few negative implications were found out such as reducing social contact
and effective interaction with others due to loneliness. Furthermore, employee’s self - esteem also
impacted badly due to work from home because they don’t feel professional way when works from
home. In addition, employees feel that they work for longer hours if they WFH compare to physical
jobs. This caused problems in people’s family relationships. However, they found few advantages
from WFH throughout their study such as employees feel that they had more personal time with family
and children when working from home.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

Nurul, Maizatul & Ruzanna (2016) identify few guidelines for employees WFH for a better impact
such as employee should have high discipline and self-motivation with time management skills for
effectiveness from WFH. Such as setting rules for family can help to keep an employee to stay focus
during work-hours. A schedule is needed for an employee to keep the task on track to complete it by
or before deadlines. They should start and finish work on time every working days in order to maintain
the discipline in work. They also added that employees WFH must be willing to attend seminars and
training by themselves so that their knowledge and skills will up to the par with their office colleagues.
Employees who choose to work at home must maintain active communication with supervisor and with
colleague. Communication with co-workers can be completed via few methods such as email, instant
messages and video calls, to help employees to complete of task effectively.

Davis (2020), identify few challenges faced by WFH employees such as managing time. Managing
time is very crucial jobs for employees work from home due to she or he needs to engage with multi
task such as house works, take care child and completing office jobs as well. Information Technology
(IT) maintenance is another challenge faced by WFH employees because when anything went wrong
with hardware, software and internet connection, they are helpless in continuing jobs. Distraction also
a biggest challenge because employees are requested to connect with few duties therefore, distraction
might impact employees to perform job effectively. Additionally, a previous study by Flores (2019)
reported that more than half of employees realized that fostering collaboration with co-workers during
work from-home can be challenging since they have difficulties in separating work-life and home-life.
3. Method
This study was applied to various occupation of employee’s and random selection during COVID-19
MCO period through quantitative method. Survey was a prominent research design for this study due
to the feature of survey method in collecting rich and huge information about a group of people or large
number of people on analysing their opinion and perception. Constructed survey questions were
distributed to the employees using google form via internet medium. The data was collected during
March until June 2020, where the time frame when all employees are restricted to work from office.
There were 57 respondents responded to this study. Close-ended questions were created based on
selected items and variables which were adapted and adopted from Church (2015). Tested variables
are as per below:

1. Demographic variables:

• Age
• Gender
• Occupation Field


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

2. To examine the impact and outcome of WFH:

• Cost saving
• Productivity
• Job satisfaction
• Work life balance

3. To identify the challenges faced by employees from WFH:

• Self- discipline
• Face-to-face contact
• Visibility
• Communication
• Atmosphere

4. Results and Discussion

In revealing the basic or descriptive data, this study contained 33 percent of males and 67 percent of
females. 23 percent are from age 18 to 30 years; 53 percent from age group 31 to 39 years; and 14
percent from age 40 to 49 years. The occupation sectors are divided into Education (77 %),
Management (16%), Production (2%), and other services (5%). Researchers manage to conduct pilot
study to test the reliability of the questions. The Cronbach's alpha value is 0.905, which indicates a
high level of internal consistency for the Likert scale questions. Through this test, items showed high
correlation values because of the high reliability. Thus, calculating the reliability coefficient, the
research instrument reliability level has been identified.

The researchers tried to find out the impact while working at home and also to figure out the most
common challenges faced by WFH employees during COVID-19 pandemic. Chi square test has been
used in order to test those constructed hypotheses for inferential results.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

4.1. Inferential Results

H1: Working from home creates positive impact to the cost saving

Based on the inferential result, researcher reports that there is a significant impact on the cost saving
due to the tested significance value of the chi-square test of p=.001 (df =5, p<.05). The result shows a
significance impact. Thus, working from home creates positive impact to the cost saving because
employees are saving a lot especially from petrol cost and time to commute to the workplace.
Hypothesis 1 accepted. This is similar with results shared by (Puwanto et al., & rby Shareena &
Mahammad) because both of them mentioned that work from home can save cost especially transport
cost. In addition, Church (2015) also indicated that work from home can beneficial employee in saving
cost. Its supported by Halpern, he said that WFH employees can save more money compared to
attending physical jobs.

H2: Working from home creates positive impact to the productivity

Based on the test result, the researcher reports that there is significant impact on the productivity due
to the significance value of the chi-square test of p=.003 (df =11, p<.05). Thus, our data found that
employees who working from home finishes the targets or task on time. However, this result is
contradictory with Carter’s (2016) results because Carter in examining the impact of WFH; identify
that workers are more productive and efficient in office working environment surrounding rather than
completing jobs at home.

H3: Working from home creates positive impact to the job satisfaction

For testing hypothesis 3, based on the test result, the researcher reports that there is no significant
impact on the job satisfaction when employee working from home due to the significance value of the
chi-square test show p=.182 (df =12, p<.05). The result revealing no significance impact for job
satisfaction. This result is coherent with Puwanta and the colleague’s finding in 2020 because they
concluded that employees work from home are lacking in motivation to work effectively due to they
don’t feel working environment at home (Shareena & Mahammad, 2020).
H4: Working from home creates positive impact to the work life balance


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

Based on the test result, the researcher reports that there is significant impact on the work life balance
when employee working from home due to the significance value of the chi-square test of p=.000 (df
=4, p<.05). The result shows a significance impact because the employees able to maintain between
work and life. This finding is similar with Amabile & Kramer, (2013) data. They found that work from
home is helping the employees to balance their office work with their house routine work. Alike finding
with Jang (2009) showing that work from home employees are enjoying higher levels of work-life
balance, which in turn impacted positive well-being.

H5: Self-discipline, face to face contact, visibility, communication, and atmosphere are challenges
working from home

The researchers tried to find out whether self-discipline, face to face contact, visibility, communication,
and atmosphere are the main challenges faced by employee’s those working from home during
COVID-19. Chi square test has been used in order to test those hypotheses.

Based on the test result, the researcher reports that there are significant challenges on the self-discipline,
face to face contact, visibility, communication, and atmosphere. The significance value of the chi-
square test for self-discipline show p=.000 (df = 7, p<.05). The result shows a significance challenge.
For the face to face contact challenge, the significance value of the chi-square test for the face-to-face
contact show p=.017 (df = 5, p<.05). The result shows a significance challenge as well for WFH
employees. Next, for visibility variable or challenge, the significance value of the chi-square test show
p=.000 (df = 6, p<.05). The result shows a significance challenge for WFH employees.

Similarly, for communication challenge, the significance value of the chi-square test show p=.000 (df
= 8, p<.05). The result shows a significance challenges faced by employees in communicating well
with others due to WFH employees are using depending to electronic devices for communication.
Lastly, for atmosphere variable as one of the challenges for WFH employees, the significance value of
the chi-square test show p=.000 (df = 7, p<.05). The result shows a significance challenge too. These
challenges are in line according to Crosbie and Moore in examining work- life balance from WFH via
interview method with 45 respondents between December 2001 and June 2002 revealed that few
negative implications were found out such as reducing social contact and effective interaction with
others due to loneliness. It’s further added with Go 2016, because he said work from home encourage
a communication gap between superior and the subordinates and other co-employees to communicate
with the team due to online interaction. They don’t feel the physical communication feeling thus, the
amount of effective communication will be affecting.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

5. Conclusion
Overall, in examining the impact and the challenges faced by employees those working from home
during Covid-19 pandemic situation, with the assistance of online survey method with 57 respondents,
researcher managed to conclude the results according to descriptive and inferential results. Selected
variables were constructed such as demographic variable, impact variable and challenge variable.
Demographic variables were divided into age, gender and occupation of the selected respondents and
for the impact variables, few items were created such as cost saving, productivity, job satisfaction and
work and life balance. However, for the challenge variables, constructed items were from self-
discipline, face to face contact, communication, visibility and atmosphere.

Majority of the responded respondents are female, from 31 to 39 years old and most of them are from
education field. For approving and rejecting constructed hypotheses earlier, with the assistance of chi-
square test, data depicted that working from home employee’s during MCO period, provided positive
impact to their financial support. Employees are saving a lot of their costs and time as well from
performing jobs while staying at home. Furthermore, data proven that, even work from home
employees are not physically expose to office environment, but due to their commitment to their work,
productivity of jobs increased tremendously regardless working from home or working from office.

Finding also proved that, WFH employees are achieving and fulfilling a good job satisfaction especially
when the maximum productivity aims were achieved by WFH employees. Results exposed that those
responded employees felt that they achieved a huge satisfaction towards their job performances and
these impacted a significant impact to perfect and balance life style in between work and office jobs.
Thus, helping in achieving a positive well-being for themselves, family and country too.

Despite, results proved many positive impacts WFH during crisis situation, WFH employees are faced
few challenges while performing their office jobs and work jobs simultaneously. Through inferential
results, researcher concluded that the first and foremost challenge faced by selected respondents in this
research are engaging and maintaining appropriate self-discipline. Maintaining self-discipline is very
crucial to be follow and practice by everybody and it should practice by high commitment. Therefore,
maintaining a good self-discipline is the main challenges faced by employees WFH, followed by
lacking of face to face contact. This busy world is adapting to a high and new technological world with
the usage of information technology. Everybody is connected easily with technology advanced
regardless to location, areas, connection and so on. Though, we are connected borderless, but lack of
face to face contact is one the challenge faced by current WFH employees especially during pandemic
and MCO order situation.


Copyright © 2020 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS-All rights reserved

International Journal of Social Science Research
eISSN: 2710-6276 | Vol. 2, No. 4, 97-107, 2020

In addition, invisibility and lacking of communication between colleagues are another challenge faced
for those working from home employees. According to respondent’s data, visibility and effective
communication are crucial to perform given task efficiently. Thus, without visibility and proper
communication between colleagues, employees might feel that they are inadequate in getting support
from co-workers. At last, it can demotivate them to perform better. Finally, working atmosphere from
home is totally awkward and different from office environment or having virtual office environment is
one of the challenges faced by them when completing office jobs from home.

In a conclusion, WFH environment is giving huge impact to most of the employees but challenges
proposed throughout this research and expected challenges should consider carefully by top
management especially human resources and ministry of human resources in Malaysia in combating
back those challenges. So that, a productive work from home environment can be made. Thus, WFH
employees can produce the best for a better productivity to themselves, company and country. This
result is a guideline for overcoming any future challenges for those working from home. Researcher
would like to suggest some suggestion for future such as would like to explore this research with a
larger respondent from variety of sectors and to combine with in-depth interview to collect personal
emotions and feelings from WFH employees.

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