6 Case Study in CP

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Case Study Definition Similarities Differences Example

1. Atheoretical case They are entirely Selected for analysis

study descriptive and move in a because of an interest in
theoretical vacuum: they the case rather than an
are neither guided by interest in the formulation
established or of general theory
generalizations nor
motivated by a desire to
formulate general
Purely descriptive case
studies do have great
utility as basic data-
gathering operations, and
can thus contribute
indirectly to theory-
2. Interpretative They make explicit use of Selected for analysis Michael C. Hudson's
case study established theoretical because of an interest in imaginative and insightful
propositions. the case rather than an case study of Lebanon in
In these studies, a interest in the formulation the light of existing
generalization is applied of general theory development theories, in
to a specific case with the which he discovers a
aim of throwing light on serious discrepancy
the case rather than of between the country's
improving the socioeconomic and
generalization in any way. political development.
Hence they are studies in
"applied science."
3. Hypothesis- Start out with a more or Theory-building or serves to generate new
generating case less vague notion of instrumental case studies hypotheses,
studies possible hypotheses, and
attempt to formulate
definite hypotheses to be
tested subsequently
among a larger number of
cases. Their objective is to
develop theoretical
generalizations in areas
where no theory exists
4. Theory- Are analyses of single Theory-building or
confirming case cases within the instrumental case studies
study framework of established
generalizations. It
strengthens the
proposition in question.
5. Theory- infirming Are analyses of single Theory-building or
case study cases within the instrumental case studies
framework of established
generalizations. Merely
weaken the
6. Deviant case Are studies of single cases Theory-building or refines and sharpens
study that are known to deviate instrumental case studies existing hypotheses.
from established
generalizations. They are
selected in order to reveal
why the cases are
deviant-that is, to uncover
relevant additional
variables that were not
considered previously, or
to refine the (operational)
definitions of some or all
of the variables.

Arend Lijphart, and Harry Eckstein identified five types of case study research designs (depending on the research objectives), Alexander
George and Andrew Bennett added a sixth category: [22]

1. Atheoretical (or configurative idiographic) case studies – the goal is to describe a case very well, but not to contribute to a
2. Interpretative (or disciplined configurative) case studies – the goal is to use established theories to explain a specific case
3. Hypothesis-generating (or heuristic) case studies – the goal is to inductively identify new variables, hypotheses, causal
mechanisms and causal paths.
4. Theory testing case studies – the goal is to assess the validity and scope conditions of existing theories.
5. Plausibility probes – the goal is to assess the plausibility of new hypotheses and theories
6. Building block studies of types or subtypes – the goal is to identify common patterns across cases

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