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12 Meena Lagna

Pisces as the Ascendant creates a bridge through which celestial benediction flows to the
individual thus blessed and impels him to do good for humanity. In fact, unless this is his
life's pursuit, he seems miserable and mentally disturbed. He faces many difficulties during
his childhood and adult years. But fortune smiles on him in old age and a glow of satisfaction
and maturity radiates from his face. Generally speaking, he is healthy, learned, respected in
society, and sympathetic to his associates and relations. His marriage partner is usually clever
and tactful, but he enjoys other clandestine relationships. His status is high and people look to
him for advice and guidance. His vitality may run low, he may have eye trouble, and his
sources of income are not always legitimate.

When the SUN is in the Ascendant the native can be tormented by his own relations, but is
adored by the opposite sex. He is often unlucky, poor, indigent, and humiliated. He is able to
gain from maritime products.

The MOON provides an auspicious influence. This individual is happy, his emotions are
tranquil, he is learned, and he attains his composure and stability. Family relations are
harmonious and life itself progresses honorably. The person possesses great beauty and has
lovely eyes and a fair complexion. He enjoys "hidden treasures," attractive partners and
receives a good education.

With MERCURY in the Ascendant, an individual has enhanced skills in various crafts; his
property grows in value, and his spouse cooperates with him in his endeavors. He may
become a skilled negotiator or eminent diplomat;

VENUS is exalted in Pisces in the Ascendant, and the inner glow, vitality and maturity of the
native is of the highest order. His life is graceful and he is fond of the opposite sex. He
sometimes becomes entangled in secret relationships that he may find hard to share with
others. But even these secrets may ultimately lead to a unique social position. He is greatly
honored by the state and becomes wealthy, respected, and very eminent.

MARS in the same position shapes an individual who is fearless, wealthy, religious and
devoted to a higher cause. He also attains honor from the state. Whatever happens to him is
primarily the result of his own efforts; he believes in earning his own bread and building his
own castle. However, he often becomes cruel, dull-witted, licentious, or shortsighted.

When JUPITER is in Pisces in the Ascendant, the native possesses the soul of a sage and has
taken an incarnation once again to give a new direction to society. He is regal in appearance,
devoted in his attitude, god-fearing by disposition, and exceptionally learned and wise. He
will possess immense wealth, be universally respected, and attain high status. He enjoys "the
good life," and thus finds himself in compromising situations.
SATURN in Pisces is not very desirable. An individual with this planetary position is trusted
by the government and possesses sound physical and mental health. His old age is peaceful,
contented, and renowned, and he achieves success abroad. Unfortunately, the spiritual
unfoldment of the individual does not receive much impetus. The disillusionment he
sometimes feels with life and career does not bestow spiritual insight. It simply introduces an
element of frustration. He feels disenchanted yet cannot see the hidden spiritual reality in
things. He sometimes becomes religious, but in a conventional way and with an eye for
personal gain; and therefore esoteric wisdom eludes him.

When RAHU occupies this position, the individual tends to become godly and religious, but

Under the impact of KETU, the native becomes philosophical, contemplative, and engages in
metaphysical speculation. Towards the end of life he may become reclusive.

Aries gives special results in the Second house: the native looks at the world from a new
viewpoint and evaluates social status, affluence, and human relationships from an original and
unique standpoint He does not feel envious of those who have them, but discharges his own
obligations with whatever be possesses. Though he may not possess much, he is contented
with what he has.

The SUN, being strong in this sign, is absolved from the malefic influence it would otherwise
possess. There will be no defect of eyesight, nor any lack of social status. People will want to
gain this individual's attention, and his speech will be commanding; people will automatically
obey him.

With the MOON in this position, the individual may not possess much wealth and his education
may be impeded, but he will have to support a large family nevertheless. The feeling of
helplessness which arises due to a shortage of money will not sour his social respectability.
He will enjoy a status which will not depend upon material possessions: his empathy for
others will make him honorable and respected.

MERCURY in the Second house in Aries will introduce an element of deception into one's
social relations. Even when the individual is not rich, he will give the impression of
affluence. His speech will be deceptive, equivocal, and often critical, though very polished.
Over a period of time, his deceptions will be exposed and he may be abandoned by his
friends. He will violate the trust placed in him by those friends and take liberties with their
spouses. He will acquire some wealth from marriage.

VENUS, normally a very auspicious planet in the Second house, loses much of its benefic
impact in Aries. An individual with such a position of Venus seldom feels much gusto for
undertaking any new initiative; his interest in his relations is also much reduced. He begins to
covet other people's wealth and marriage partners.

MARS makes the individual sexually lusty and gives him warm feelings for his relations; his
speech is penetrating, without any weakness in it, and he acquires much wealth through his
own efforts. He gains no happiness from his children, but his personal health is very sound.

JUPITER in Aries in the Second house produces much wealth, a very extensive social circle,
and sound health. Such an individual will be exceptionally rich and very much honored. His
speech will be impressive and his advice much valued. His longevity will be good and the
last phase of life will be devoted to religious practices.

SATURN in a similar position reduces the life of the person at worst, makes him miserly,
interested in black magic, and prone to feel unattractive. His speech will be coarse and he
may often be untruthful. He may even engage in theft.

With RAHU, the individual suffers from mouth and speech diseases, but he will acquire
wealth by surreptitious means and may live long.

KETU, if afflicted, will give a hoarse voice, defective vision, and a sinister look.

1 The above references to flesh and fish as indicative of a coarse spirit, or the reference to burial grounds, reflects
Hindu rather than Western society. The student should remember that astrological indications are modified by the
type of society in which one lives.

Taurus in third house shapes a completely different land of individual. His goal in life is
not the search for a new land or a field for chivalrous activities; he believes in an easy-going
life, in the enjoyment of sensual pleasures and in the socially accepted norms of human
existence. He is generous and his parties are well attended. Renowned for his generosity, he is
learned and powerful, honored by the state.

The SUN in this sign makes the individual invincible to those who disagree with him. He
prefers to keep his own company, has a sharp mind, and travels widely.

With the MOON in Taurus, the individual becomes a nourishing force: he devotes much
time to helping and encouraging the people around him, to financing and guiding the
activities of his siblings, with whose lives his own is intertwined. He favors the company of
younger people and is always willing to spend money on those he loves. He is refined in
taste, well-educated, travels with ease, and is respectful to elders.

When MERCURY occupies Taurus, the person becomes learned, frequently travels from one
place to another, and has so many business associates and friends that he seldom has time for
his family. He maintains liaisons with the opposite sex.
With VENUS in Taurus, the libidinous nature of the person is so intense that he may cast
aside all responsibilities in order to satisfy his sexual urges. He has a large number of lovers,
many of whom cling to him for selfish personal ends. Though refined in taste, artistic in
nature, and capable of cultivated behavior in respectable company, he is often accused of
indulging in lewd, immoral, and secret activities.

MARS makes the person notoriously indulgent in sensual pleasures and somewhat anti-
social as well. Such a person is unmindful of his expenditures, and though he may attain
great social status and professional success, he creates problems for his siblings and friends.
JUPITER shapes a family-oriented individual. Fulfilling obligations is often more important
to him than pursuing his own betterment.

SATURN can bring undesirable company, selfish siblings, and a self-centered attitude
towards life. The person becomes a miser but he attains a respectable professional position
and acquires wealth as well.

RAHU makes the personality strong, but that strength is often directed towards evil designs.
The attainment of one's personal desires, especially those of a sensual or material nature, is
more important than working for religious causes. Nevertheless, the native does know the
difference between right and wrong.

KETU shapes a native who often remains isolated, immersed in his own thoughts, but when
it occupies Taurus it becomes truly difficult, shunning all respectable company. The
individual is lonely, craving love and affection which he is unable to secure; he favors
alternative expressions of sexuality and' is much disliked by others.

When Gemini occupies the Fourth house, the immediate physical surroundings are good
and comfortable, but the individual may have to rely upon his spouse for emotional or
psychological support in life. Such an individual is very attached to his family and has an
honorable status in society. His friends are of the intellectual type, but his approach to life is
essentially passive, accepting things and conditions as they come to him rather than creating
conditions to his own advantage.

When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual struggles against hostile forces but
overcomes them. He is intelligent and capable of pursuing the deeper problems of life
effectively, but he is cut off from his mother's love. He rises high in his career and acquires
much prestige in life. He is, however, not much recognized for consistency in his relationships.

The MOON produces a nurturing environment. It makes the individual contented, well-educated,
sensitive, supportive to his family members and fond of physical comforts and sensual
pleasures. His affections are well-balanced; his warmth is modulated by social decorum and
personal fidelity and his wealth seldom gives him a swollen head. He is a respected and
honorable figure, but this does not make him arrogant or inconsiderate.

MERCURY in this sign signifies greatness and maturity of the soul. Essentially a family man,
enjoying an amiable environment and pursuing his intellectual studies and vocation, such a
person enjoys respectability and honor from the government. He is healthy, renowned, wealthy,
and contented. He becomes in some way a leader of the community in which he resides.

When VENUS occupies this sign and house, the person enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, but he does
not attain quite as much status as with Mercury in Gemini. Venus also produces clandestine
liaisons, bad company, and weak morals.

MARS affects the individual in a radically different manner. It produces warmth in social
relationships, bestows material wealth and property: he earns from land and agriculture,
technological knowledge, and courageous behavior. He has great stamina and a capacity for
exploring new areas of experience, but for marital happiness it is not an auspicious

With JUPITER in this position the individual has an excellent family life. He is well-respected,
his relationship with his mother is very happy, and his children are promising future citizens of
the country. He is sober, well-balanced, wealthy, and leads a religious life.

SATURN makes the individual more self-centered, interested purely in his own enjoyment and
prosperity. His health is poor, and he is very secretive in his behavior and relationships. He
travels overseas, and though he is seldom happy, he is very persevering.

RAHU can make the individual very intriguing and intelligent, though he will be frequently
depressed as if beset with immense difficulties.

KETU makes a person psychologically sensitive. His mind will be sharp, and he will be
attracted towards philosophy. His emotional nature, however, will be barren.
Cancer in the Fifth house energizes the individual's thinking and strengthens his
creative faculties so much that he must, at some time in his life, leave the imprint of his
thoughts on the world around him. Though the extent of that imprint may vary, the
individual's renown will certainly be extensive. He will be especially attached to his father,
whom he will serve well. He will be polite, but never content. His sexual urge will be

When the SUN occupies this sign, contradictory influences will affect the individual: he will
be primarily a comfort-loving sensualist, living in a make-believe world, but the thirst for
social position and power combined with a deep comprehension of nature's secrets will churn
his heart, and no compromise will be possible. He may have one or two children, but will
secure no help from them.

An ideal situation arises with the MOON occupying this sign. The native will be blessed with
well-mannered, intelligent children, will be contented, and will have a good education. He
will be in demand socially and will be well-placed in life.

MERCURY will activate the native's mind. His comprehension and power of expression,
both verbal and literary, will make him greatly renowned. His educational career will be
smooth and his special aptitude for economics, international trade and legal or trade
negotiations will make him much sought after. His family situation, his mother's love and his
marital happiness will go a long way toward bestowing upon him a very clear, penetrating
and objective approach to life. His learning will take him to distant places.

MARS will destroy any happiness from children. It can lead to abortions and perhaps to
children who will seem to take care of the individual but who cannot be relied upon. The
educational career of the native will not be smooth. He will be too excited about life and his
impulsiveness will involve him in difficulties. He will be religious and self-sacrificing, but
his friends will feel uncomfortable around him.

An exalted JUPITER in the Fifth house will be a great asset for the individual, but its
influence on children will not be what one might expect: it will enable the individual to
acquire an excellent education, superb official status and coveted international honors, but he
will probably be denied any offspring. The absence of any issue is primarily intended to
make him turn towards spiritual knowledge. Such a planetary position will protect the
individual from a materialistic outlook and establish him on his spiritual path.

SATURN in this position is very disturbing. Its effects can be summarized as: restrictions in
education, obstruction of mental pursuits, disturbances in marital relationship, and indigence
in monetary affairs.

RAHU might, in the same position, lead to a few children, but they may be deeply disturbed.
The individual himself is likely to indulge in underhanded activities; his goals will be very
materialistic and directed solely towards personal satisfaction.

KETU here can make the native psychologically unbalanced. His thinking may be very

With Leo occupying the Sixth house, the individual endures much physical hardship.
There may be sudden loss of wealth, or he may be tempted to gamble.

When the SUN occupies this sign, the individual defeats his adversaries. His health is
generally good, but he suffers from serious eye trouble.

The MOON in this sign signifies a setback on account of one's children, who become very
rebellious. The individual is subjected to litigation and incurs debt.

MERCURY brings loss of family property and marital unhappiness.

With VENUS, the number of one's adversaries increases. Many secret schemes are worked
against the native. He suffers from diseases pertaining to the urinary tract and is also
susceptible to venereal diseases.

MARS in this position produces strength and courage, which enable the individual to face his
adversaries squarely. However, he is liable to suffer from serious physical injuries.

JUPITER will enable the individual to receive unexpected help in his career and to secure
money. However, he must protect himself against stomach disorders and pressure on his

SATURN may involve the individual in diseases like cancer or paralysis when severely

RAHU will bring diseases which will be extremely difficult to diagnose and eradicate. The
individual may be almost bed-ridden without much hope of remedy.

KETU will subject the individual to scandal, divorce, and debt.

Virgo in the Seventh house gives a normal importance to sexual relations. The importance
of sex to such a person is as an expression of the finer feelings in life and a means to establish a
closer bond between two people. The native has his own individual code of behavior and ethics.
His creative faculties blossom when his urge to win the object of his love is aroused.

The SUN in this sign does not harmonize with the basic nature of Virgo. This fundamental
incompatibility produces ill health to the spouse and other health complications, perhaps
involving the partner's reproductive system.

The MOON in this house is auspicious, resulting in an attractive, intelligent, and fortunate
spouse. Conjugal felicity is assured, and the children will be joyous and lucky.

MERCURY in this sign produces a special affluence. The individual is renowned for his learning,
intelligence, good manners and status in society. His married life is happy. Together with his
partner, he may exemplify a new way of life.

VENUS will take advantage of the native's flexible mind and degrade it to the level of an
obsession with sense gratification. His clandestine affairs, secret indulgences and unsavory
associations will taint his life and activities with unethical practices.

MARS makes the individual very sociable, warm in friendship, and concerned about social
decorum. Quick in understanding and skilled in adaptability, he may strike a well-maintained
balance between his career and family life. He will be very careful about finances.

JUPITER will impart ethics with intelligence, thus leading the individual to involvement in public
service. He will have a loving spouse, respectable status, and honor from the state; he will be
much in demand because of his personal character.

SATURN will fail the individual as regards marriage: he may be deficient in sexual potency. His
manners and associations are likely to be depressive.

RAHU will inflict some inscrutable sorrow which the native and his partner will be unable to
reveal to others; neither will they be able to live together.

KETU will cause the individual sexual difficulties of some kind. He will, however, be much
renowned in life.
With Libra in the Eighth the individual is born with creative vision. He receives from the
unknown depth a quality of sensitivity which greatly enhances 'both pleasure and pain. He is
basically honest, religious and helpful, but his intentions are greatly impeded by his family
and by external conditions. He wishes to enjoy the secret pleasures of life, and is unable to do
so to his heart's content. Social obligations, moral pressures, and physical limitations keep his
desires secret, though when expressed in poetry they embody a mystic sentiment.

The SUN in this sign impels the individual to operate on a low material level, but the innate
mystic vision within him may enable him to become a leader of society. If he becomes a
military general he will lead a victorious army. If he is an administrator he will be tersely
efficient He will be very wealthy and carry secrets of state in his heart.

With the MOON in this sign the individual acquires a sense of beauty and orderliness which
will make him extremely popular. He will have tremendous appeal to the opposite sex. His
children will be remarkable, and he will often get unexpected lifts in life.

MERCURY will afflict the individual with sexual weakness, though to compensate there will
be other qualities such as sharp intellect, laudable academic achievement, and well-cultivated
social associations. He will be attached to his mother and spouse and will live a life of

VENUS will help the individual receive much unearned wealth. He will be a source of envy
to his siblings and colleagues.

MARS will-bestow warmth and passion to the native's life and drive him to seek hidden
pleasure in undesirable quarters. He may receive money from an inheritance.

JUPITER will also make the individual vulnerable to the affliction of secret pleasures and
sorrows, as well as to diseases like diabetes.

SATURN will make the native powerful, in social demand. He will draw his sources of
inspiration from abroad and die of a lingering illness in a foreign land.

RAHU will encourage the individual to indulge in antisocial activities and lead a very
secluded life.

KETU may subject the native to sexual aberrations and to the possibility of disfiguring
diseases if seriously afflicted.
Scorpio in the ninth - Under the impact of Scorpio the individual is caught between the urge
to do good to humanity and merge himself with the universal flame on one hand, and the
desire to gain worldly pleasures and experience sensual gratification on the other. The actual
expression of this conflict may differ from person to person depending upon various
planetary combinations, but basically the native is torn by this duality.

When the SUN occupies this sign, the urge towards spiritual philosophy is great and the
individual tries to acquire esoteric knowledge. Once he is in touch with the source of this
knowledge he may pursue it earnestly.

With the MOON here the individual's interests are deflected to material affluence. Family life
and the acquisition of wealth become so important to him that higher interests in life are
virtually absent.

With MERCURY in this sign this tendency is further accentuated by a capacity to justify
such attachments intellectually.

With VENUS, the moral fiber of the person is very loose. The native becomes very secretive
about his way of life and is covetous of other people's status, pleasures, and privileges. He
knows that these feelings are not ethical; hence there is secrecy in his life.

With MARS in this sign, the individual may succeed in exploring the unknown However, his
eyes are set on material goals and his explorations tend to be limited to physical reality. He
undergoes hardships for the sake of his goals, and he succeeds in his tasks. If his devotion
and energy are directed towards a spiritual mission he may unhesitatingly become a martyr.
In his life there will be more action than philosophy.

JUPITER occupying Scorpio in the Ninth house will produce much affluence and a religious
temperament. Interest in the hidden side of life will be heightened, and the individual will be
occupied with religious observances. The primary objective of all his endeavors, however,
will be personal advancement and the attainment of greater material status.

SATURN in this sign will make the individual a selfless person dedicated to helping others
and carrying out social responsibilities. He may well have some healing touch and psychic
power. Neither involvement in conventional religion nor the arduous path of spiritual
discipline will interest him.

RAHU will bring the individual into contact with those who are dabbling in nature's secret

KETU helps the individual to secure a true insight into spiritual secrets.
Sagittarius in the Tenth house has the unique quality of transforming almost every
planetary influence into an auspicious one. A life of respectability and spirituality provides
satisfaction in everything the individual does.

When the SUN occupies this sign the demeanor of the individual is regal and his career is
often administrative. He functions as a leader and society looks to him for guidance and

The MOON makes the native's life a channel of comfort and inspiration. People may come to
him for guidance and consolation. His role in society will be that of a father providing
sustenance, guidance, and protection, as well as that of a mother, giving comfort, solace, and

MERCURY in this sign will provide abundant opportunities for the individual to develop his
intellect. His sociability will be pronounced; his marriage and family life harmoniously assist
his social functioning.

However, one must be careful about VENUS in this sign. The individual under its influence
will be respectful and well-placed in life, but his craving for material comforts and sensual
gratification will often make him transgress social taboos.

MARS will give the native dauntless courage, skill in military strategy, respectful regard for
his fellow workers, and a leadership role in society. There will be order and vision in
everything he wishes to do.

JUPITER is extremely auspicious here; it bestows greatness, wisdom, status, and tremendous
respectability. Even learned persons come to such an individual to Seek enlightenment and
guidance. He demonstrates considerable occult powers and a capacity for spiritual healing.

When in Sagittarius, SATURN will shed its traditional isolationist attitude. It will inspire the
individual to give up his ruthless worldly designs and work for universal transformation, a
better society, and uninhibited social intercourse.

RAHU will enable the individual to draw forth enduring passions, emotions, feelings and
ideas from the Sea of Immutability and display them to the world in purity, harmony and

KETU in this sign shapes a native who is quite disorganized, though mentally very sharp. He
will say and do things which his peers will fail to understand or appreciate.
Capricorn in the Eleventh house makes the native a great believer in human individuality.
He thinks that one should express his own individuality without depending upon any exterior
support; even divine assistance should not be accepted. Undeterred by any setback, such an
individual adopts a materialistic attitude toward life. This makes him cruel, believing in the
achievement of the end rather than the purity of the means adopted to reach it. He does not
believe in religious ethics. He has siblings, a large number of associates, and friends who all
encourage his unethical approach to life and the adoption of self1sh means.

The SUN in this sign is extremely weak, and incapable of arousing higher feelings in the
heart of the native unless supported by other influences. He works in servitude and does not
benefit from it. .

The MOON brings some psychological refinement to the person. He is well-educated and
respectful of social values, but his immediate circumstances are so adverse that these values
cannot grow effectively.

MERCURY arouses a strong desire to take part in humanitarian activities, but the individual
is so burdened with family responsibilities that he cannot nourish his cherished ideals. He
will be a great support to his family, and in society he will be renowned for his generosity,
despite his serious limitations.

VENUS will excite the native's lascivious tendencies. He will be sociable in order to have his
appetites satisfied. Though he is amiable and will be liked by his friends and associates, his
covetousness will be so pronounced that he may seduce his friends' spouses and have affairs
with older or divorced partners.

With MARs, the native will always have plenty of money and may in fact be fabulously

JUPITER will shape an individual who earns a very respectable position in society. He will,
however, miss great opportunities to develop his spiritual nature, and will prefer to engage in
materialistic enterprises and attain the highest eminence thereby.

SATURN may cause a break in the native's education and some sorrow from his children, but
its effect on his general prosperity will be substantial. He will attain a coveted position in
society, and will be wise and philosophical in temperament.

RAHU in this sign will produce a sense of detachment, and acceptance of whatever
circumstances come one's way.

KETU will make the individual deeply philosophical. He will be an idealist and may have the
capacity to develop paranormal powers.
With Aquarius occupying the Twelfth house, the individual will be well-meaning and
desirous of being helpful, but his life situation will not allow him to carry out his cherished
desires to any great degree. He will live in a dream world devoid of reality. He will be a
mixture of extravagance and niggardliness, which suggests that his spending will be
thoughtless. His health may be unsound.

The SUN in this sign will take the native to the very depths of human helplessness, even
beyond teats and grief. He will suffer from a shortage of funds, but unexpected help will
always be forthcoming. Generally, he will die after a prolonged illness and perhaps after a
long coma.

The MOON will disturb the native's educational career and mental balance. The desire to
spend money will be there, but there may be limited finances. It will be difficult for the
individual to stay in one place for long. His speech will be measured, but physically he will
be weak.

With MERCURY in this sign, the native's marriage will take him away from his home to live
among foreigners.

VENUS in this sign will deny all personal comfort and pleasure to the person, who will be
subjected to unexpected misfortunes in life.

MARS will not be good in this sign: it will sap the vital energy of the person and make him
suffer both physically and psychologically. He will be a miser, due either to lack of finances
or acquisitive tendencies. Extramarital relationships will make a deep-rooted impact on his

JUPITER also does poorly here. It can make the individual waste his resources; lose his best
opportunities, and finally end his life as a frustrated person.

SATURN sometimes produces a serious physical illness. Much of the native's earnings may
be wasted; he will be crafty and will succeed in achieving status in society, but there will be
no peace of mind. Fear and insecurity will have great control over the psychology of the

RAHU will make the individual very acquisitive, lawless, and prone to associate with bad
company. His end may be sad and he may die in a very pitiable condition.

KETU will produce diseases which will not be easily treated. This shadowy plant:. may make
the individual interested in abstract philosophy, upon which he may spend some of his
money. He will associate with those people who will drain away his energy.

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