Chapter - 5. Test

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Enhancing bearing capacity of fiber reinforced clayey


5.1 General
As per the objective, we visited the Canal site. The Canal is constructed by
contractor under supervision and guidance of government department
“SardarSarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd.”.

Site is located at near village :Bhachau. We collected the four different soil samples
to carried out the test

5.1.1 Test on Sample

We were tested the basic properties of soil to identify the classification.

We were tested the following test on soil
1. Grain size analysis
2. Atterberg’s limit
3. M.D.D. & O.M.C. by standard proctor
4. Swelling pressure

5.2 Method of Test

5.2.1 Grain Size Analysis
1. Purpose
Sieve analysis of soil retained on 75micron, for quantitative determination
of grain size distribution in soils.
2. Reference
IS:2720 (Part-4)
3. Apparatus
Balance: - Weighed sensitive to 0.1 percent of the weight of sample to be
Sieves - 2-mm IS Sieve, 425-micron IS Sieve, and 75-micron IS Sieve
conforming to the IS:460 (Part-1)-1978 , Rubber Pestle and Mortar

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

4. Procedure
The riffled and weighed fraction shall be spread out in the large tray or
bucket and covered with water.
Two grams of sodium hexametaphosphate per litre of water used should
then be added to the soil.
The mix should be thoroughly stirred and left for soaking.
The soaked soil specimen may be washed on the 75-micron IS Sieve until
the water passing the sieve is substantially clean.
The fraction retained on the sieve should be tipped without loss of material
in a try, dried in the oven and sieved through the nest of sieves 2mm,
425micron and 75micron either by hand.
The fraction retained on each sieve should be weighed separately and the
masses recorded.
The permissible maximum mass of sample on the 200mm diameter sieves
shall be as follows
Table -2. Sieves used for Test
IS Sieve Designation Maximum Mass of Sample g
2-mm 200
425-mm 50
75-mm 25

5. Calculation:
Table -3. Observation & Calculation

Cumulative % Passing
IS Sieve Weight
Weight Retained (cum. % finer, N)
Designation Retained g

Mass of Sample - Cumulative Weight Retained

%of Passing =
Mass of Sample

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

5.2.2. Atterberg’s Limit

1. Purpose
Determination of liquid limit for soil.
2. Reference
IS 2720 (Part-5)-1985.
3. Apparatus
Container, Wash bottle, Oven, Balance, Cone Penetrometer, Distilled
Water, Quantity: 500g
4. Procedure
A soil sample weighing about 150g from thoroughly mixed portion of the
soil passing 425 micron IS Sieve.
About 150g of soil sample is taken and made paste with distilled water.
In the case of highly clayey soils, to ensure uniform moisture distribution,
it is recommended that the soil in the mixed state is left for sufficient time
Wet soil paste is transferred to cylindrical cup, ensuring that no air is
Level the soil up to the top of the cup and placed on the base of cone
The penetrometer is adjusted in such a way that cone point just touches the
surface of the soil paste in the cup.
Note down the initial reading.
Release vertical clamp and allow cone to penetrate. Take the reading after
5 sec
Penetration should be taken between 16-26 mm
If reading does not come between 16-26, repeat the test by adjusting water
The exact moisture content of each trial shall be determined
5. Calculation
Liquid Limit = M.C / (0.65 + 0.0175 X)

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

MC = moisture content
X = penetration

Test Performing of Liquid Limit

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

Test Performing of Plastic Limit

5.2.3. M.D.D. & O.M.C. by Standard Proctor Test

1. Purpose
To determine the relationship between the water content and the dry
density of soils using heavy compaction.
2. Reference
IS:2720 (Part 7):1980
3. Apparatus
Cylindrical Metal Mould: It shall be either of 100mm diameters and 1000
cm2 volume or 150 mm diameter, and 2 250-cm2 volumes.
Sample Extruder (Optional): It consists of a jack, lever frame or other
device adopted for the purpose of extruding compacted specimens from
the mould.
Balances: One of 30kg capacity sensitive to 1g, and other of 200 g
capacity and sensitive to 0.01g.

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

Oven: thermostatically controlled, with interior of non-corroding material

to maintain temperature between 105oC and 110oC. Container: Any
suitable non-corrodible airtight container to determine the water content
for tests conducted in the laboratory.
Steel Straightedge: A steel straightedge about 30mm in length and having
one beveled edge.
Sieve: 19-mm and 4.75-mm.
Mixing Tools: Miscellaneous tools, such as tray or pan, spoon, trowel and
spatula, or a suitable mechanical device for thoroughly mixing the sample
of soil with additional of water.
Metal Rammer: 50-mm diameter circular-face and weigh 2.6kg with a
drop of 310mm above the soil.
4. Procedure:
A 5-kg sample of air dried soil passing the 20 mm IS test sieve shall be
taken. The sample shall be mixed thoroughly with a suitable amount of
water depending on the soil type.
The mould with base plate attached shall be weighed to the nearest 1 g
(m1). The mould shall be placed on a solid base such as concrete floor or
plinth and the moist soil shall be compacted into the mould, with the
extension attached, in three layers or approximately equal mass, each layer
being given 25 blows from the 2.6kg rammer dropped from a height of 310
mm above the soil. The blows shall be distributed uniformly over the
Surface or each layer. The operator shall ensure that the tube of the
rammer is -kept clear of soil so that the rammer always falls freely.
The amount of soil used shall be sufficient to fill the mould, leaving not
more than about 6mm to be struck off when the extension is removed. The
extension shall be removed and the compacted soil shall be levelled off
carefully to the top of the mould by means of the straightedge. The mould
and soil shall then be weighed (m1).
The compacted soil specimen shall be removed from the mould and placed
on the mixing tray. The water content of a representative sample of the
specimen shall be determined.

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

The remainder of the sell specimen shall be broken up, rubbed through the
19-mm IS test sieve, and then mixed with the remainder of the original
sample, Suitable increment of water shall be added successively and mixed
into the sample, and the above procedure shall be repeated for each
increment of water added. The total number of determinations made shall
be at least five and the range of moisture content should be such that the
optimum moisture content, at which the maximum dry density occurs, is
within that range.

5. Calculations
Bulk Density:
m = (W - Wm) / Vm
where, m = wet density of compacted soil
W = weight of mould with moist compacted soil
Wm = weight of empty mould
Vm = volume of mould
Dry Density:
d = [ m / {1+ (w / 100)}]
where, d = dry density of soil

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

Test Performing of M.D.D. & O.M.C

5.2.4. Swelling Pressurre

1. Purpose
2. The pressure which the expansive soil exerts, if the soil is not allowed to
swell or the volume change of the soil is arrested.
3. Apparatus:
Dial Gauge - accurate to 0.002 mm with a traverse of at least 10 mm.
Moisture Room
Soil Trimming Tools -shall be in conformity with 3.5.
Balance - sensitive to 0.01 g.
Oven - thermostatically controlled oven with interior if no corroding
material to maintain temperature between 105 to 110°C.
Desiccator - with any desiccating agent other than sulphuric acid.
Moisture Content Cans
Loading Unit of 5 000 kg Capacity - Strain controlled type.
High Sensitive Proving Ring of 200 kg Capacity
4. Procedure
The consolidation specimen ring with the specimen shall be kept
between two porous stones saturated in boiling water providing filter
paper ( Whatman No.1 or equivalent ) between the soil specimen and the

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Chapter 5 Selection of Soil

porous stone. The loading block shall then be positioned centrally on the
top of the porous stone.
This assembly shall then be placed on the platen of the loading unit as
shown in Fig. 1. The load measuring proving ring tip attached to the load
frame shall be placed in contact with the consolidation cell without any
eccentricity. A direct strain measuring dial gauge shall be fitted to the
cell. The specimen shall be inundated with distilled water and allowed to
Detailed Procedure for the Test –
The initial reading of the proving ring shall be noted. The swelling of the
specimen with increasing volume shall be obtained in the strain
measuring load gauge. To keep the specimen at constant volume, the
platen shall be so adjusted that the dial gauge always show the original
This adjustment shall be done at every 0.1 mm of swell or earlier. The
duration of test shall conform to the requirements. The assembly shall
then be dismantled and the soil specimen extracted from the
consolidation ring to determine final moisture content in accordance with
IS : 2720 ( Part IX )-1973*.
5. Calculations
The difference between the final and initial dial readings of the proving
ring gives total load in terms of division which when multiplied by the
calibration factor gives the total load. This when divided by the cross-
sectional area of the soil specimen gives the swell pressure expressed in
kN/m2 ( kgf/cm2 ).

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