I Term Examination (2020-21) Class Xi Chemistry ' MM: 50 Section A Time: 3 HR

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MM: 50 Section A Time: 3 Hr. (Each question of two mark)
Q1- Write down the molecular configuration of CN- with bond order and magnetic property.
Q2- Write Electronic configuration of Mo after 15 element what will the next element name,
atomic No, symbol and electronic configuration?
Q3- Draw the graph of Charles law when P1=13 Bar, P2=17 Bar P3=10 Bar
P4=5 Bar. Q4- i) Define laminar flow & Si unit of viscosity
ii)Define shielding effect and relation of K.E. with initial energy and final energy in
photoelectric effect.
Q5- Which one is more paramagnetic N2-2 & O2-1.
Q6- 40g of nitrogen and 20g of hydrogen are mixed to produce ammonia. Calculate
ammonia formed & which one is the limiting reagent.
Q7-Write down the electronic configuration, block name, atomic no., group period of element Sg.

Section B
(Each question of three marks)
Q8- Write down the formal charge of SO42- (for each atom) with resonance of SO2. Q9-
According to MOT write down the molecular configuration of F2+ (with proper block diagram)
& write its bond order and magnetic property.
Q10-Draw the structure and Hybridize structure with shape name, hybridization
name. (i)Hydrogen sulphide (ii) Phosphine (iii) IF2-
Q11-Prove with the help of VBT and then write down the Hybridization name, shape name,
bond angle of SF6 .
Q12-i)Draw the structure of NH3 & NF3 .write down the shape name, Hybridization and dipole
moment values & define why dipole moment of NH3 value is greater.
ii)draw the structure of ClF3 with shape name & hybridization.
Q13- A neon-di oxygen mixture contains 70.6 g dioxygen and 167.5 g neon. If pressure of the
mixture of gases on the gases in the cylinder in 25 Bar. What is the cylinder is 25 bar. What is
the partial pressure of dioxygen and neon in the mixture?
Q14-Neon gas is generally used in the sign boards. If it emits strongly at 616 nm.
Calculate a)the frequency of emission b)Distance travelled by this radiation in 30s
c)energy of quantum d)no. of quanta present if it produces 2 J of energy.
Section E
(Each question of five marks)
Q15-a) Identify which one doesn’t obey the octet rule. 1 i)SO2 ii)SF4 iii) ii)SF2 iv) SF6
b) Define the relation between IE1 & IE2 in S and P. 2 c) Calculate mass of Iron which will
convert into its oxide Fe2O3 by action of 36 g of steam on it. 2 Q16-a) Draw the Lewis dot
structure of acetic acid and 2-bromo 1-chloro 3-ido cyclopropane. 2 b) Define sp3d
hybridization, shapes & names with examples of each type. 3 Q17-a)why H2O is a liquid while
H2S is a gas? 1 b)find hybridization of each carbon atom in 3-chloro pent-2-en-1-al . 2 c)
Prove Ideal gas equation with the help of the law’s. 1 d) what is the oxidation state and
co-valency of Al in [Al(H 2O)6]2+ 1

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