NSTP 2-Lts 2: 2 Semester SY: 2018-2019

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Daraga, Albay


2nd Semester SY: 2018-2019

Field Immersion Portfolio

Prepared by:

Jessa Mae M. Herrera


Address: 120 P-5 Brgy. Calabidongan, Camalig, Albay

Mobile No.: 0947-192-3383
Email Add: jmae.18herrera@gmail.com

Age : 18
Date of Birth : April 18, 2000
Nationality : Filipino
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


Bicol University
College of Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science
A.Y. 2018-present


Caguiba National High School

Caguiba, Camalig, Albay
S.Y. 2012-2018


Calabidongan Elementary School

Calabidongan, Camalig, Albay
S.Y. 2006-2012

It was the second semester for our Literacy Training Service (LTS) and our task
is to have a project or an immersion that will complete our National Service Training
Program (NSTP), practicing to give or lend our services in our own little way. So, we the
BSEd 1 Science A decided to conduct a Science Caravan with a theme: “I am a Child,
Science Enthusiast at Heart”. We are divided into 4 groups wherein each group has a
specific subject or branch of Science to be discussed. We’ve chosen physics to discuss
in Grade 5, 4, and 6 which we are assigned to. Our target is to have at least four school
(one for each week), luckily Rawis Elementary School (RES), Maroroy Elementary
School (MES), Bagtang Elementary School (BES) and the First Pilgrims Faith Baptist
Academy (FPFBA) accepted or let us us to do this activity.

The Science Caravan started on the 30 th day of January 2019. The first school
that we’ve went is the Rawis Elementary School. Secondly is Maroroy Elementary
School. Next to that is Bagtang Elementary School and then the First Pilgrims Faith
Baptist Academy. Our aim in doing this caravan is to show students in elementary
grades that there are lot of things that science offers and that are what makes it an
interesting subject, not a boring one that they think it is. Our goal is to open the eyes of
the children to love the Science subject as much as we love it. We’ve wanted to
encourage them to know more and to have an interest in studying the works of science.
Our group let them see some of the experiments involving physics for them to have a
clearer understanding on what we are discussing. We also challenge the students to
solve some of the experiments.

Students playing a game and solving an experiment

In doing this caravan, I was assigned for the documentation but I’ve also help my
group mates in preparing the materials needed for each of the experiments. I’ve also
help assessing in explaining what the students will do in the game that we asked them
to do (the maze with magnets). While doing my job taking pictures as part of the
documentation I also make sure that the students are listening, rather monitoring the
students that they are well arrange. Even though each of the members of our group
were assigned to different task we all share the same goals. Our group wants to show
the various works of physics in real life and at the same time we want them learn these
things and hopefully they would appreciate, bring those learning in the future as well as
share it to others.


“Every experience in your life is being orchestrated to teach you something you
need to know to move forward”-Brian Tracy. All the things that we experience is a tool
for our future, depending on you how you will use it.

As part of our NSTP we’ve conducted a Science Caravan. A Science Caravan

with a theme: “I am a Child, Science Enthusiast at Heart”. This activity let us experience
a lot of things that bring realizations to everyone one of us. Before we end up doing this
caravan, we had a meeting to talk about what project we are going to propose and
honestly the Science Caravan is not really the first thing that comes in our mind. We
listed various projects that we wanted to do encompassing different advocacy
addressing different problems for instance, Clean and Green environment, planting
medicinal plants inside the BUCE premises or creating a small garden wherein in we
named it “Meet your Garden” that sounds like meteor garden (the new release/Chinese
version), we also got an idea of creating a Facebook page that will cater students that
are experiencing depression or hard time in studying but none of those seems to be the
right one, none of those seems to fit or aligned in all of our interest. With the guidance
and advices that we’ve got from our professor, Sir Gerard M. Protacio our minds, goals
and the path that we want to take got clearer and straightened. Finally, we’ve came up
with the idea of addressing the problem involving our future profession and the major
subject that we are taking up which is Science. Since we notice that nowadays most of
the students didn’t really find Science as an interesting subject and think that it is a
difficult one, we decided that we want to show to them what we’ve seen that makes us
love it and prove that this subject is indeed an amazing one. This is one of the
circumstances that we’ve experience in doing this project that I find interesting, for in
deciding what to choose we got time to think and recognize some of the problems (in
both school and community) that needs to be address. This activity serve as an
opportunity for all of us to experience what it is like to be with those students and at the
same time let us practice in handling and teaching them.

Along with the preparation we cannot avoid interruption or hindrances to happen

specially that we are also doing some errands in other subjects. There is delay in
submitting of some needed papers that causes of numerous times of delaying the
caravan. There are also misunderstanding happen among of my groupmates. These
circumstances let us experience struggles that bring us all together and work together
for the caravan to be possible. Each and everyone made efforts and show cooperation.
Even though there are lot of problems that we met along the way we still manage to do
Since this is our first time to implement such activity together, on the first school
that we went, we are like searching something in the dark. Our groupmates and I are
still hesitant and a little disorganize. We can really say that there are still a lot of things
that we need to improve, this is due to lack of preparation and communication between
us. The experience in RES serve as an evaluation on how we handle things and it help
us to determine which we should improve and which are not to be done on the next
school. In this we also got an idea to add more experiments for the students and
organize the sequence of the discussion as well as how we will approach them in a
much effective one. Besides all of these problems we are able to finish it with a smile
drawn on our faces. We end our caravan (in RES) by doing a commitment making
wherein the students will mark their hands on a white fabric, symbolizes that they are
now certified “Science enthusiast at heart”.

The next school is MES wherein we didn’t have a problem with the transportation
since it is near unlike with the first school because of its long distance to our school. At
that moment we made sure to be more organized. We also added other experiments
that will challenge the students’ minds, through this they didn’t just enhance thinking
skills but they also have the chance to participate and excel in the activities that we
provided. The discussion went well; the students participated and enjoyed all of the
experiments we’ve shown to them. For the second time around we end it with the
commitment making of the students. It was another success for all of us.

The third one is BES where there is a little bit of a problem because at the same
time we are also preparing for the cultural show. We got problems in time management
for we didn’t have yet the required cloths for the show, in the same day that we need to
pick up the cloths it is also the same day of our schedule in BES to do the Science
Caravan. Some of my classmates are late and wears PE uniform (for we had a general
practice that morning of our performance the next day) which is improper according to
our professor. It also happen that because of the pressured time that we have some of
my groupmates forgot there lab gowns as well as I forgot to bring the DIY water
dispenser that is needed in our discussion but never the less we still manage to
innovate or use other resource like the plastic bottle. That same day there is also a
sudden change of weather, in the afternoon heavy rain falls that unable for us to the
commitment making. So, we decided to just ask the students write in the piece of paper
what they’ve learn or what they want to say to all of us. The third time implementing the
caravan give us an extra challenge, from the time that Sir Protacio said that we need to
be extra careful for it is again the first time that they accepted one from Bicol University
after a long time there is no room for mistakes and it brings pressured to all of us, then
our problems in the cultural show added to it made us really want to freak out. Even the
weather itself were against us, but we still done our best. Luckily we did it and I think
that’s another achievement for us.
The last school that we’ve went is way far from or school, so we expected that
the trip would take a lot of time, so we decided to go there a bit earlier. The First
Pilgrims Faith Baptist Academy is a small school wherein the population of the students
are also small. The students are in group and each group were assigned to go to our
various group a stationary like routine. This time the challenge that we’ve got is in every
group of the students it doesn’t compose of same grade level instead it was a mix. One
group compose of students from grade 11 to 10, 9-8, and so on. So it means that we
are going to level or adjust our discussion to the level that will also aligned to their grade
level from one group to another. But the students there are indeed are all smarts
because they can easily relate or understand things that we are discussing to them. All
things ended well with a commitment making, I can say that those students enjoyed our
company as well as we enjoyed their company. Before we bid goodbyes to each other,
one of the teachers there, gathered us in one room and tell us something that really
inspires me. He acknowledged all our efforts and recognized those who are good in
discussing. He also gives us advices on how to be a good teacher, and shares some of
his experiences in college life that made us motivated to do more. I really appreciate
what he did especially when he told us the things he notices that are needs to be
improve. My classmates and I are in shocked but thankful at the same time that they
gives us not just snacks but also they share an unforgettable experience to us. It is
indeed a nice way of ending our Science Caravan.

This Science Caravan wouldn’t be possible without TEAMWORK. As what Henry

Ford said, “Teamwork, coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress,
and working together is success. I am so thankful that I experience all of with such
determined people, that there is always cooperation with one another. Together we are
creating our dreams, maybe we have different dreams, one might be the opposite of
one, but at that moment we are facing the same struggles, so it is would be better if we
stick together and help each other. As what they said, it would be better if you have
someone by your side.

All of those experiences that we met while implementing the Science Caravan
from all the hardship, to all the hindrances, and to all the tiredness that we’ve got
besides all of those are the happiness, the learnings/knowledge and the success that
we’ve also got. Those experiences brings realizations that being a teacher is not an
easy job, you will get sore throat from talking and talking discussing the lessons yet you
need to injure and keep going if you want your students to learn. Another is the extra
challenge of keeping your students in there sits listening, monitoring them from time to
time specially those elementary students, encouraging them to participate in the class
and the likes. This is just a part of a whole of the teacher’s job there are a lot more, after
realizing all of these instead of giving up it made me more determined to do more and to
improve myself so that I can meet all the qualities of a good teacher has.
“The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the
losers.”-Brian Tracy. This immersion serves as the first step to the journey in reaching
our dreams, to be a teacher. This little step, it doesn’t matter how small it is, what is
important is that little by little we are moving forward, we are getting nearer and nearer.
Though we already met struggles in our first step that we really find it hard but still we
will continue to move forward. We will show those people who will try to bring us down
that we will make it and continue our step even we already reach the finish line.

Our group (Group Physics) decided to assigned each one of the members to a
certain task in the implementation of the Science Caravan, there are the two general
host, others will monitor the students, and the one that were given to me is to have a
documentation of the said activity. Before at hand, I’ve help in the preparation of the
materials needed for each session. While during each session I also help my
groupmates monitor the students and make sure that they are all participating and
listening to the discussion. There are times that when they needed my assistance in
doing the experiment I’ve wouldn’t hesitate to help them do the thing. Right after we’ve
finish the Science Caravan and right after listening to what one of the teachers in
FPFBA told us, I had a moment to think to assess myself at that moment and in all
honesty I feel bad about it. Although I’ve help my groupmates, but I don’t think that was
enough and I think that I didn’t done things as much as they did. It is true that I’ve help
for like explaining to the kids what they will do, the mechanics of the game that we
made for them help my groupmates do the experiments but still I think that wasn’t
enough. If I will rate myself it will be a rate of 90%.


Participation/involvement 35% 30%
Time exerted 35% 35%
Efforts done 30% 25%
Total: 90%

I rate myself in participation/involvement 30% out of 35% for even though I help
in explaining to the students, I didn’t do other discussion just like my groupmates did, it
meaning that for me they’ve done better than I did. For the time I exerted I think I got
35% out of 35% for I know to myself that I’ve been there all the time and didn’t missed
any session and I also accomplished the assigned task which is the documentation.
For the efforts done, I rate myself 25% out of 30% because I really do think that the time
I exerted wasn’t enough, it must be the efforts done during the implementation but still I
didn’t meet what are expected for me to do as member of the group, I could have done
more, I could have help more but I didn’t make it.

I learned in this immersion that I should do what I can and exert more effort
helping my groupmates for even if they don’t tell me but I feel that I made them
disappointed for I didn’t done as much as what they’ve done. Hopefully, I can make it up
to them and I will make sure that next time we had any activity I will work better.

Rawis Elementary School

Grade 6 students

The first school: Introducing

Presenting DIY:
“Dancing Lights”

Showing to grade 4 students the siphone Grade 4 students

RES Grade 6 students playing the DIY maze game using magnets


Maroroy Elementary School

Grade 4 students listening to the discussion Grade 5 students’ active participation

Grade 6 boys who volunteer to do a challenge/experiment involving “center of mass” of a matter


Grade Commitment
students of MESmaking

Elementary School

Grade 5 student’s active participation in doing different experiments

Experiment showing the work of air pressure Doing an experiment with a student

Grade 4 students

Grade 6 student doing the challenge: make the spoon and pork float using a glass and a piece of match

First Pilgrims Faith Baptist Academy

Presenting DIY: “Dancing Lights” (Light and mirrors)

Commitment making

Materials used:

DIY water dispenser DIY Dancing Lights


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