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Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

Parliamentary System
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

Comparison between India-UK

India Great Britain
Republic Limited Monarchy
Constitutional Supremacy Parliamentary Supremacy
PM can be the member of either house PM should be member of House of commons
No legal responsibility for ministers Legal responsibility for ministers (counter sign official
acts of head of state)
No such institution Shadow cabinet
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU
Harmony Between Legislature and Executive - The greatest advantage of
the parliamentary system is that it ensures harmonious relationship and
cooperation between the legislative and executive organs of the government.
• The executive is a part of the legislature and both are interdependent at work.
As a result, there is less scope for disputes and conflicts between the two
Responsible Government By its very nature, the parliamentary system
establishes a responsible government.
• The ministers are responsible to the Parliament for all their acts of omission
and commission.
• The Parliament exercises control over the ministers through various devices
like question hour, discussions, adjournment motion, no confidence motion,
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

Prevents Despotism Under this system,

• the executive authority is vested in a group of individuals (council of ministers)
and not in a single person.
• This dispersal of authority checks the dictatorial tendencies of the executive.
• Moreover, the executive is responsible to the Parliament and can be removed
by a no-confidence motion.
Ready Alternative Government
• In case the ruling party loses its majority, the Head of the State can invite the
opposition party to form the government.
• This means an alternative government can be formed without fresh elections.
Hence, Dr Jennings says, ‘the leader of the opposition is the alternative prime
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

• Public Interest:
• Respect of Public Opinion:
• Discussion and Deliberation:
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU
1. Unstable Government
• The parliamentary system does not provide a stable government. There is no
guarantee that a government can survive its tenure.
• The ministers depend on the mercy of the majority legislators for their
continuity and survival in office.
• A no-confidence motion or political defection or evils of multiparty coalition
can make the government unstable.
• The Government headed by Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, V P Singh, Chandra
Sekhar, Deva Gowda, I K Gujral and A B Vajpayee are some such examples.
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU
2. No Continuity of Policies
• The parliamentary system is not conductive for the formulation and
implementation of long-term policies.
• This is due to the uncertainty of the tenure of the government.
• A change in the ruling party is usually followed by changes in the policies of
the government.
• For example, the Janata Government headed by Morarji Desai in 1977
reversed a large number of policies of the previous Congress Government.
• The same was repeated by the Congress government after it came back to
power in 1980.
• Modi reversed various policy of the previous Congress Government
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU
3. Dictatorship of the Cabinet
• When the ruling party enjoys absolute majority in the Parliament, the cabinet
becomes autocratic and exercises nearly unlimited powers.
• H J Laski says that the parliamentary system gives the executive an opportunity for
tyranny. Ramsay Muir, the former British Prime Minister, also complained of the
‘dictatorship of the cabinet’.
• This phenomena was witnessed during the era of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.
4. Against Separation of Powers
• In the parliamentary system, the legislature and the executive are together and
• The cabinet acts as the leader of legislature as well as the executive.
• As Bagehot point out, ‘the cabinet is a hyphen that joins the buckle that binds the
executive and legislative departments together.’
• Hence, the whole system of government goes against the letter and spirit of the
theory of separation of powers. In fact, there is a fusion of powers.
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU
• Party politics: Party politics is more evident in the parliamentary system
where partisan interests drive politicians more than national interests. Its
Suitable for Two party System like UK.
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

5. Government by Amateurs
• The parliamentary system is not conductive to administrative efficiency as the
ministers are not experts in their fields.
• The Prime Minister has a limited choice in the selection of ministers; his
choice is restricted to the members of Parliament alone and does not extend to
external talent.
• Moreover, the ministers devote most of their time to parliamentary work,
cabinet meetings and party activities.
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

• We should ensure a system of government whose leaders can focus on

governance rather than on staying in power. The present parliamentary system
has been tried and tested for nearly 70 years. It can be reformed thoroughly to
remove the challenges thrown up by it.
• Parliamentary system rests upon three principles - the principles
representation, discussion and responsibility. The record of the Parliament on
all these three counts is a creditable one. The Parliament has successfully
represented the people of India It has also, maintained a high level of
discussion, and debate and executive is responsible to the legislature here.
• Further there is a need to reform the electoral processes to make democracy
more robust. The debate should be on various loopholes in electoral
processes i.e from limiting expenditure of political parties and deciding the
ceiling on the expenditure, to holding simultaneous elections, declaring the
results for a combination of booths instead of constituencies, etc.
Aashutosh Aahire/HNLU

• ‘Indian Polity’ by M. Laxmikanth
• ‘Comparative Politics: Institutions and Process’ by Tapan Biswal
• ‘Political Theory’ by Eddy Ashirvatham and K.K. Mishra

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