The Pretty Lilac Lily

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The Pretty Lilac Lily

Once a upon time in a beautiful land called Tulipa where there was a Tilya
Tulip, she has a lovely petals and have a beautiful leaves that’s why all of the
pond respect and adore her cause she is the only one who notice by others,
even the person who leisure walk in the side of the pond she is the always
notice among the tulips. One morning when everyone busy doing their work
Tilya Tulip looks around and proudly tells the other lilies. “I’m the most
beautiful tulip here.” That is how she feels.

In the side of the pond there are three girls that watching the Lilies in the pond
“Look at Lilac Lily. How pretty it is!” say Ivy
“I want to touch her velvety petals,” says Catherine
Lilac Lily hears what the girls say. She looks other lilies and tells them, “Do
you hear that? They like me. Not anybody else.” Without them knowing, the
flower fairy hears and sees everything. Flower fairy does not like what proud
Lilac Lily does.

On the other day there has a three lady that watch the lilies in the pond. “Wow,
look at my favorite lily.”
“The White Lily?” Novie asks.
“The Yellow Lily?” asks Joyce.
“No,” Shemie answers.
“The Pink Lily?” asks Irise.
“No!, the Lilac Lily. She’s the prettiest, she is the best!” Shemie replies. Lilac
Lily looks at Pink Lily and say, “No one will pick you because I’m the loveliest!”
As she speaks those words, Flower Fairy Flicks her wand flicks, flicks,
ssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrssssss and Lilac Lily grow tall as some of her petals fall.
Lilac Lily goes on with her proud ways. Every time she speaks with pride, one
or two of her petals fall. One day, a storm strikes the village. It hits the pond
and the lilies badly destroy their house and the other lilies died.

Everyone in the village looks for Lilac Lily.

“Where is Lilac Lily?”
“Where are you, Lilac Lily?” shout the other lilies.
“Am here,” says a tiny sad voice.
They all look at her and say, “Oh! No! you’re not Lilac Lily!” Lilac Lily became
super tin and here petals became dry and she think that she never be pretty
again in the eyes of everyone. “Yes. I am. I’m sorry. I was so proud. I always
thought, I was the best,” cries Lilac Lily. “Now I know that you are also
beautiful.” Flower Fairy listens.

She sees how sorry and sad Lilac Lily is. Flower Fairy smiles and quietly say,
“Now you have learned your lesson, Lilac lily. It is not good to be proud.” And
she flicks her wand, flicks, flicks ssssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssss. Look
Lilac Lily is lovely once more.

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