An Nb-Iot-Based Smart Trash Can System For Improved Health in Smart Cities

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An NB-IoT-based smart trash can system for

improved health in smart cities

Yujie Zhu1 , Gangyong Jia1 , Guangjie Han2 , Zeren Zhou2 , Mohsen Guizani3
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
Department of Information and Communication Systems, Hohai University, Changzhou, China
College of Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar

Abstract—The intelligent treatment of urban garbage is an STCs and determine if the operating conditions are normal or
important component of creating a smart city and also solves if emergency measures are required. The NB-IoT technology
several problems associated with urban garbage. Many tra- achieves data reception and transmission with low power, wide
ditional garbage cans are widely distributed, resulting in a
waste of human and material resources, untimely government. coverage, high security, and low cost[5]. The control platform
Therefore, in this paper, we propose an intelligent system based can be operated on different terminals such as large servers,
on edge computing and the narrow-band Internet of things (NB- personal computers, or tablets, providing mobile and scalable
IoT) for monitoring smart trash cans (STCs). The deployed applications.
intelligent garbage cans are distributed throughout the city and The platform was implemented in the XiaSha District of
are equipped with a variety of sensors, including a compression
sensor, a location sensor, an infrared sensor, and an alarm sensor. Hangzhou and the experimental results demonstrated good
The data sent from the smart bins are preprocessed through edge system performance. The proposed STC increases the load
nodes for data classification and priority transmission, which capacity of the garbage cans, requires less human and material
reduces the required network transmission bandwidth and the resources, and allows for intelligent management[6][7].
computational tasks at the centralized data center. The NB-IoT The main contributions of this study are:
is a narrow-band communication technology with low power
consumption, wide coverage, low cost, and large capacity. The • Smart trash cans are equipped with different types of sen-
experimental results show that the proposed STC system shows sors to increase system functionality, including Improving
good system performance, and allows for intelligent management carrying capacity, detecting the amount of harmful sub-
of garbage in smart cities. stances, and even detecting faults.
Index Terms—smart trash cans, NB-IoT, sensor, intelligent
• The edge nodes process in situ information and transmit
the data, which reduces the computing load and transmis-
I. I NTRODUCTION sion requirement.
• The collected data includes the location information on
In recent years, urbanization has increased due to increased
economic development, resulting in explosive growth in the the trash can, which facilitates the fixed-point search
amount of garbage[1]. Inappropriate disposal of garbage pol- and maintenance of the post-workers, and improves the
lutes the city and may cause bacterial diseases[2]. In most overall work efficiency.
• We conduct a detailed analysis of the data obtained from
cities[3][4], garbage disposal is associated with a number of
problems, including large amounts of garbage, large service the control platform, which is a reflection of system
areas, leakage of waste gas and water, difficulties in timely performance.
disposal, and financial loss. In consideration of these problems, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We
in this paper, we propose the smart trash can (STC) system, first review the related literature to provide an understanding
which is effective, easy to implement, secure, and extendable. of the existing communication technology. Next, we describe
The proposed STC system consists of three components, the system architecture including the STC, the edge nodes,
i.e., the smart garbage cans, the edge nodes and the narrow- NB-IoT, and the control platform. Subsequently, we describe
band Internet of things (NB-IoT), and the control platform. experimental application and the results of the data analysis.
Each garbage can is monitored by the platform 24 hours a The last section concludes the paper.
day. Smart garbage cans are equipped with various sensors. II. RELATED WORKS
Specifically, a compression sensor provides information on
In recent years, rapid developments in communication tech-
the garbage volume and a warning system provides alerts for
nology in the field of the IoT have resulted in changes from
full garbage cans, spills, fault or massive harmful substance.
the previously used wireless local area network (WLAN),
Location information can also be detected in real time. The
Bluetooth, and Zigbee to Sigfox, LoRa, and NB-IoT[8].
deployed edge nodes collect feedback information from the
WLAN is a local network using wireless communication
technology to provide users with network access. The imple-

978-1-5386-7747-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 763

mentation of the WLAN allows devices to access the network granularity. The NB-IoT technology meets the requirements
as long as they are located within the signal coverage, which of a large number of connections, long distance transmission,
is different from the fixed network port[9]. However, the low power consumption, and low bandwidth and is well suited
performance of WLAN is not stable[10]. Buildings, vehicles, for the existing IoT[19].
trees, and other obstacles in the transmission path impede
the transmission of the electromagnetic waves and affect the III. SCT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
performance of the network[11][12].
ZigBee is an emerging short-range, low-complexity, low- The core idea of the proposed STC system is to solve the
power wireless network technology. ZigBee systems can com- problems associated with traditional garbage cans, i.e., a large
municate with each other across thousands of tiny sensors and number of garbage cans, large service area, poor environment,
are in sleep mode or in the non-operating state. The power and difficulties in garbage classification. This serves as an
consumption in the sleep mode is only one-thousandth of that inspiration for developing intelligent management systems.
in the normal operating state. However, the communication The STC system consists of three components: 1) The
stability of ZigBee is not high. A door, a window, and a STCs, which are categorized as STCs in a normal operating
nonload-bearing wall can greatly reduce the signal strength. state and a faulty state. Various types of sensors are installed in
Bluetooth establishes a general near-field wireless inter- the garbage cans. 2) The edge nodes and NB-IoT; The edge
face for the communication environment and achieves mu- nodes perform part of the computing tasks. The NB-IoT is
tual communication or operation within close range[13]. The used for communicating between the platform server and the
emergence of Bluetooth has solved the volume problem and STCs. 3) The operating platform, which consists of network
enables crossvendor operations[14]. Bluetooth applications are and computing, storage, and application systems. Figure 1
not limited to computer peripherals but can also be integrated shows the STC system architecture.
into any digital device, especially mobile devices and portable
devices that require high data transfer rates[15]. A. Smart trash cans
Sigfox is a low-power wide-area technology with a low
transmission rate. It uses unlicensed frequency bands and is Every STC is unique and is monitored 24 hours a day by
committed to building a global IoT network. The spectrum the control system. The sensors collect and upload data every
of the signal transmission is divided into two categories: one 40 minute. Fault trash cans trigger an alarm mechanism. The
is the private sector of the country in which the spectrum platform operators receive the alarms in a timely manner[20].
is licensed; the other is the common spectrum, which is the Subsequently, maintenance personnel is assigned to the desig-
unlicensed spectrum. Sigfox does not have its own licensed nated region[21].
spectrum and can only transmit on unlicensed radio frequency The garbage bins are equipped with a compression sensor,
bands. which detects the current garbage capacity and determines if
LoRa is a low-power wide-area network (WAN) tech- compaction is required. If the garbage can is 80% full, the
nology[16]. LoRa changes the previously required trade-off compression sensor will trigger the compaction of the garbage
between transmission distance and power consumption by using an extrusion operation, thereby providing additional
providing users with long distance, long battery life, and large- space. If there is no extra space after a number of compression
capacity transmissions. However, LoRa requires companies operations, the sensors will indicate that the bin has to be
to build their own networks. LoRa technology is generally emptied.
suitable for private network information transmission within The STCs can also detect harmful materials in the garbage
enterprises and communities but is not very suitable for the by using an infrared sensor. If the data indicate that the
IoT. corrosive components exceed the safety standards, the material
NB-IoT is a new technology in the IoT field. The NB-IoT of the bins will be changed to an anti-corrosion material. In
is built on a cellular network that consumes low bandwidth areas where large amounts of toxic waste are disposed of,
of about 180 KHz[17]. The NB-IoT technology is able to the source of the toxic substance will be determined and the
successfully cope with the characteristics of the terminal: wide relevant individuals will be contacted to carry out treatments.
coverage, large quantity, and low power consumption. NB-IoT The main operations in the check process of status informa-
employs narrow bands, retransmissions, and low-frequency tion monitoring of the trash can are presented in Algorithm 1.
technology to achieve long-range signal transmissions[18]. A The algorithm simplifies and comprehensively demonstrates
power-saving mode (PSM) is used to allow the terminal to the state discrimination basis and all running states of the
turn off the radio frequency reception and enter a dormant smart trash can in the system, which vividly reflects the
low power mode. In addition, the NB-IoT lengthens the time state detection and running logic of the smart trash can. The
of the discontinuous interception cycle and regular location description of the algorithm shows to some extent the diversity,
update cycle, which saves energy consumption of mass da- comprehensiveness and intelligence of the system functions.
ta transmission. At the terminal connection level, the NB- The maintenance personnel can locate the STCs precisely due
IoT supports a large number of concurrent connections and to the location sensor information. This improvement reduces
achieves mass terminal deployment through smaller resource the number of personnel and material resources.

Fig. 1. The STC system architecture.

B. Edge nodes and NB-IoT

Algorithm 1 : status information monitoring of the trash can.
Input: There are a large number of trash cans in a city and they are
safety line: acceptable maximum harmful substance content widely distributed, resulting in large amounts of data. It is not
harmful quantity: existing harmful substance quantity in appropriate to rely solely on centralized data processing[22].
the trash can Thus, the intelligent system based on edge computing and
trash quantity: the maximum amount of garbage that can NB-IoT technology is used. The edge nodes possess sufficient
be carried by the trash can computing power to conduct preprocessing of the source data
existing quantity: existing trash quantity of the trash can and then transmit the results to the centralized computing
compressed quantity: the amount of garbage left after center through the NB-IoT. The preprocessing determines
compression whether the operating conditions are normal or an emergency
equipment state: equipment failure detection result is occurring[23]. Emergency data have priority transmission.
failure: send alert message about equipment failure Figure 2 shows a flowchart of the data transmission process.
harmful: send alert message about excessive harmful
In addition to NB-IoT technology, existing Internet tech-
nologies can be used, including WiFi, 4G, Bluetooth, Sigfox,
dumping: send dumping information
and LoRa. However, these technologies have their own draw-
normal: send data indicating normal operation
backs and cannot meet the requirements of the platform. We
chose the NB-IoT as main communication technology, which
S: the state of the trash can
has the following advantages[24]:
01: if equipment state==1 • Large capacity: there are thousands of trash cans in a
02: S=failure; city and the large capacity of the NB-IoT allows for the
03: return; synchronous connection of all trash cans.
04: else • Wide coverage: NB-IoT has a 20 dB higher gain than
05: if harmful quantity>safety line the existing network, which is equivalent to increasing
06: S=harmful; the capacity of the coverage area 100 times.
07: if existing quantity / trash quantity>0.8 • Low cost: the module cost, power supply, and operating
08: existing quantity=compressed quantity; cost of the NB-IoT are cheaper than those of other com-
09: if existing quantity / trash quantity>0.8 munication technologies. With the ongoing development
10: S|=dumping; of the NB-IoT, the expected price of a single connection
11: else module will not exceed 5$ or even 2$, thereby greatly
12: return; reducing the cost of deployment.
13: else • Low power consumption: the NB-IoT module operates
14: S=normal; in 3 states: normal connection state, idle state, and PSM
15: return; state. In PSM mode, the maximum power consumption is
End 5 uA and it is about 6 mA in the idle mode. Both states
greatly reduce the energy consumption.

Fig. 2. The transmission of data.

C. Operation platform A. Removal Cycle

The management platform is part of the STC system ar- The removal period is based on the time it takes to reach
chitecture[25]. As described above, the intelligent platform 80% of the garbage can volume after a few compaction cycles.
receives the data collected by the edge nodes, including the In addition, the removal cycle of the STCs is recorded and sent.
priority transmission alarm data and normal feedback informa- In order to demonstrate the suitability of the STC system, we
tion. Subsequently, the platform conducts overall analysis of deployed the STCs in different locations and collected the data.
the data. If the feedback data indicate that garbage removal The location and number of the STCs are based on the area,
occurs too frequently, additional garbage cans should be population, population flow, etc. We collected data from 10
added. If too much fault alarms occur, it should be investigated trash cans located in different regions. Each trash can collect
if there was intentional damage to the garbage cans. If there 100 groups of data. Figure 4 shows the removal cycles of the
are too many alarms regarding corrosive or toxic substances, trash cans. The X-axis represents the number of trash cans
it is necessary to contact professionals in the relevant gov- and the serial number of the can. The Y-axis is the removal
ernment departments to determine the source of the harmful cycle of the trash can. Figure 5 shows that the average removal
substances. Moreover, The platform regularly performs data time is similar and is around 18-20 minutes. The data do not
backup operations for all information, preventing the loss of fluctuate much because an adjustment was made when the
data caused by unexpected failures. STCs were deployed. The number of trash cans is reduced by
using compaction, which increases the bin capacity. This will
IV. EXPERIMENTAL APPLICATION result in a marked reduction in the number of trash cans in
the city.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the STCs in a trial
application in Xiasha, Hangzhou, China. In normal conditions,
the sensors collect data on the garbage volume, harmful B. Harmful substances warning information
waste, and so on[26]. Regular data are transmitted every 40
minute[27]. In contrast, alarm information is sent immediately. The condition of STCs has four states: normal, excessive
The intelligent platform manages all the data. In the display, harmful substance, broken, and full. Figure 6 shows the
different colors are used to indicate the different states of harmful substance warning result in the 1000 test. In Figure 6,
the trash cans. When a trash can is removed or added, the the X-axis depicts the number of tested garbage bins and the
display in the platform is updated immediately. The real-time Y-axis indicates the alarm state, where 1 represents the normal
data obtained by the platform are closely related to the actual situation, 2 means that the amount of harmful substances
conditions[28]. exceeds the safety standard, which will trigger the safety
alarm. The alarm state is one of the key values for the edge
V. RESULTS AND EVALUATION node to determine whether the transmission takes priority.
The results show that 6 of the 1000 test cases were alerts
The data results are presented in this section. The results of for hazardous substances, accounting for 0.6% of the total.
the trial application demonstrate the intelligence and suitability The quantity of hazardous substances is relatively small and
of the STC system. is accepted by the system.

Fig. 3. The distribution of smart trash cans.

Fig. 4. Scatter diagram of removal cycle. Fig. 6. Alarm state of excessive harmful substances, where 1 denotes the
normal state, and 2 denotes the alarm state.

C. Fault warning information

Figure 7 shows the detection result of the broken bins
in the 1000 test. The X-axis depicts the number of tested
garbage bins and the Y-axis describes whether there is a fault
state, where 1 indicates a normal condition, 2 indicates that
there is a fault and warning information is sent. The fault
alarm information causes the edge nodes to execute priority
forwarding similar to the alert information for the harmful
substances. The results show that 10 of the 1000 tests were
alerts for faults, accounting for 1%, which is an acceptable
We proposed an STC system based on edge computing
Fig. 5. Average dumping time of the trash can. and NB-IoT. The STC system consists of the STCs, the

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