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Questionnaire for the acceptance of

Electronic Bill Presentment and

Payment system in Lebanon
1. Welcome to My

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

Definition of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment system.

The electronic Bill Presentment and Payment EBPP is composed of two main parts; the presentment of
the bill which refers to getting the customer’s billing information, and the payment of the bill which refers
to paying the amount of the bill to biller from the customer (Hallis, 2002). It is a process of creating,
delivering, and paying the bill over the internet and not with the traditional paper based methods.

Purpose of the questionnaire

To assess the acceptance of a new system of electronic bill presentment and payment in Lebanon. We
used the Technology Acceptance Model TAM established by Davis (1989). This model is grounded on
the intention to use new technology, to describe and forecast the acceptance of new information and
communication technologies by potential users. This model was subject to several studies and have
been validated. It includes the following variables: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use,
Attitude toward, and the Intention to use the new technology.

This questionnaire is based on a modified TAM, where new dimensions were added to be test their
relationship with the intention to use the new EBPP system. Dimensions to be studied are: Perceived
Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Resources (PR), Trust (T), and Attitude

Who can participate in the study?

The aim of this questionnaire is to collect the thoughts of Lebanese citizens toward using a single online
payment system for their bills. Participants should be above 18 years and receiving bills in a regular

Next steps
1- Read carefully the questions listed below.
2- Assign a rate for each question according to the proposed scale.
3- Questionnaire should be completed electronically, by checking the desired box for each question.
4- After submitting the electronic version, answers will be automatically saved for analysis.

Your contribution and opinion are very important.
Your answers will be treated confidentially and will be analyzed to prove or reject our proposed

Questionnaire for the acceptance of
Electronic Bill Presentment and
Payment system in Lebanon
2. Section A~Profile of

* 1 Frequency of usage
Never Rarely Usually Always

Do you use

Do you use online


* 2 How many bills you receive monthly?




15 and more

* 3 Preference
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Do you prefer to
receive and pay bills

Do you prefer to
have all your bills
aggregated in a
single channel?

Questionnaire for the acceptance of
Electronic Bill Presentment and
Payment system in Lebanon
3. Section B~Demographic

* 4 What is your gender?



* 5 What is your age?

20-29 50-59

30-39 60 or older


* 6 What is the highest level of school that you have completed?

Primary school 2-year college degree

Some high school, but no diploma 4-year college degree

High school diploma (or GED) Graduate-level degree

Some college, but no degree None of the above

* 7 Which of the following best describes your current job level?

Owner/Executive/C-Level Intermediate

Senior Management Entry Level

Middle Management

Other (please specify)

Questionnaire for the acceptance of
Electronic Bill Presentment and
Payment system in Lebanon
4. Section C~Perception Attitude and

Below are the questions related to the different factors affecting the intention to use the new Electronic
Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) system.

Please assign a rate for each question according to your agreement level using the following scale.

* 8 Perceived Usefulness (PU)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel
enables me to pay
bills more quickly

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel to
pay bills will save
me time

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel
improves my
performance in
paying bills

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel
enhances my
effectiveness of
paying bills

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel will
save me financial
costs (banking
transaction cost)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel
make it easier for
me to pay bills

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel is
useful for me to
retrieve old bills and
keep track of them

Overall, an
aggregated online
EBPP channel is
useful for me to get
and pay all my bills

* 9 Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

I can easily utilize e-

Commerce websites
and online stores

Learning to use a
new system to pay
bills would be easy
for me

I find it easy to do
what I want to do in
any new system to
pay bills

My interaction with
any new system to
pay bills would be
clear and

I find an online bill

payment system to
be flexible to
interact with

It is easy for me to
become skillful at
using any new
system for bill

I would easily find

the information I am
looking for in any
new system

Overall, I find
paying bills online is
easy to use

* 10 Perceived Resources (PR)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

I have the resources

necessary to use an
aggregated online
EBPP system

I have the
necessary to use an
aggregated online
EBPP system

Given the
opportunities, and
knowledge it takes
to use the system, it
would be easy for
me to use the

There are no
barriers to my using

* 11 Trust (T)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Paying bills online

via an aggregated
EBPP channel
(Bank) is financially

I trust in the ability

of an aggregated
online EBPP
channel to protect
my privacy

I could use an
aggregated online
EBPP channel if the
provider is widely

I could use an
aggregated online
EBPP channel if it
protects the privacy
of its users

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

I could use an
aggregated online
EBPP channel if I
feel that the data
returned by it is

I could use an
aggregated online
EBPP channel if I
feel confident that I
can keep it under

I am not worried
about the security of
using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel to
pay bills

Matters of security
have no influence
on using an
aggregated online
EBPP channel to
pay bills

* 12 Attitude (ATT)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

I like the idea of

using an
aggregated online
EBPP to get and
pay bills

An aggregated
online EBPP system
is valuable
instrument for
getting and paying
bills online

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP system is
beneficial for getting
and paying bills

Using an
aggregated online
EBPP system to get
and pay bills is a
wise idea

* 13 Behavioral Intention (BI)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

I predict that I will

use EBPP system
on a regular basis in
the future

I expect that I will

use EBPP system
for checking and
paying bills online

Questionnaire for the acceptance of
Electronic Bill Presentment and
Payment system in Lebanon

Thank you for your time


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