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Geofrey G.

Opalla 9/1/2021
BS Criminology CorAd3n


A. What is psychological and emotional aspects?

• BJMP residents who are detained are basically psychologically and emotionally challenged. They
share one thing in common, that is being incarcerated with uncertainties as to the outcome of their
Individual cases. They feel isolated, helpless and at times hopeless brought about by separation from
their loved ones and society in general and all other issues that confront them while incarcerated. Such
emotional turmoil needs to be addressed to help them bounce back and experience a life of normalcy
despite their unique situation. The TCMP provides activities and services that cater to this particular
need. This topic tackles the discussion on the therapeutic value of processing of feelings which does not
only lie on how freely one expresses them but more so on the person’s ability to identify, acknowledge,
and express them appropriately.

B. What is the purpose of Counselling to the Persons Deprived of Liberty?

• Counselling is a professional activity of helping individuals, groups or communities enhance or

restore their capacity for psychological, emotional and social functioning and creating an environment
favorable for the attainment of these goals.

C. Discuss the psychosocial skills and characteristics of counselling.

• Empathy is the ability to perceive the client’s feelings and to demonstrate accurate perception
of the client. It is merely “putting oneself in the client’s shoes”. When the client feels understood, a
sense of trust or “rapport” is developed. Rapport paves the way to a more meaningful communication
and may enable the client to understand and accept more of his or her complexity of feelings.

• Warmth is also called “unconditional positive regard”. It involves accepting and caring about the
client as a person, regardless of any evaluation or prejudices on the client’s behavior or thoughts. It is
most often conveyed through our non-verbal behavior or bodily gestures.

• Respect is our belief in the client’s ability to make appropriate decisions and deal appropriately
with his or her life situation, when given a safe and supportive environment in which to do so. It is often
showed best by not offering advice or cheap comfort. The counselor shows his utmost respect to the
client by listening in silence and giving him the opportunity to design his own solutions to the problem. A
similar term for this is “empowerment” as the counselor likewise demonstrates that he values the
integrity of the client.

• Congruence or genuineness is being honest and authentic in dealing with the client. It is showing
real concern rather than focusing on techniques during sessions. It is also being aware of the counselor’s
own unmet needs and how it may affect his relationship with the client.
• Confidentiality means that anything discussed during counseling sessions is held absolutely
private and not to be discussed anywhere. This contract should be held sacred so as to maintain the
client’s trust and enable him to disclose sensitive matters to the counselor without fear of any breach of

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