SPE 90241 Can You Have Probable Without Proved Reserves?: Fig. 1 - SPE/WPC/AAPG Resource Classification

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SPE 90241

Can You Have Probable Without Proved Reserves?

John R. Etherington, PRA International, SPE; Elizabeth J. Hunt, Hunt Wallace & Associates, SPE

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

to reserves subdivided into parallel certainty categories of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and proved (1P), proved plus probable (2P) and proved plus
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26–29 September 2004.
probable plus possible (3P).
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to It may or may not be that simple; this paper critically
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at examines associated issues with examples.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Introduction
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous Petroleum resource classification systems have evolved
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. significantly over the last 10 years. The February 2000
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
resource classification (figure 1) published jointly by the
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), World Petroleum
Abstract Congress (WPC), and American Association of Petroleum
One of the unresolved issues in reserves evaluations is the Geologists (AAPG)1 (hereafter referred to as the SPE
continuing practice of assessing probable reserves for projects classification) is now accepted as an industry standard
where no proved reserves have been claimed. framework for characterizing hydrocarbon assets and
The practice typically arises in the early delineation stage.
The initial assessment of best estimate recoverable quantities When applied in combination with the underlying
(proved plus probable (“2P”)) meets internal criteria SPE/WPC 1997 reserves guidelines2, the classification allows
sufficiently to justify development. While the project is categorization that separately recognizes technical and
potentially commercial, it may not meet all the criteria for commercial uncertainty. It further supplies a bridge between
disclosure of proved reserves under regulatory guidelines. In deterministic and probabilistic analyses in that, if probabilistic
this paper, it is assumed that governing agency is the U.S. techniques are applied, the 1P (Proved), 2P (Proved +
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Probable) and 3P (Proved + Probable + Possible) volumes
should not exceed P90, P50, and P10 respectively.
The issue is an interesting exercise in logic. Is probable a
discrete entity or is it merely the incremental volume beyond
proved in a 2P estimate? If no part of the accumulation meets PRODUCTION


the proved reserves criteria, then can the total 2P estimate be 1P 2P

classified as probable reserves?

The resolution may lie in more careful application of the full
resource classification published by the Society of Petroleum CONTINGENT

Engineers (SPE) in 2000. The SPE recognized that ambiguity RESOURCES

may exist between their definitions of uproven reserves and LOW BEST HIGH
contingent resources. While reserves are accumulations that
are recoverable under current conditions, this same UNRECOVERABLE

distribution of volumes would be classified as contingent PROSPECTIVE


resources if technical and/or commercial risks prevent RESOURCES


development commitment. The separation of risk and LOW BEST HIGH

uncertainty in the assessment process is critical. ESTIMATE


One solution is to initially classify volumes associated with Range of Uncertainty

all new discoveries as contingent resources with its internal
Fig. 1 - SPE/WPC/AAPG Resource Classification
certainty categories (low/best/high estimates) until such time
as the SEC proved reserves criteria are satisfied. As Thus, it is surprising that many companies still retain a
contingencies are removed, volumes would then be transferred practice that allows estimates of probable (and possible)
2 SPE 90241

without associated proved reserves. This may be due to a assessments. Whether using deterministic scenarios or a full
combination of factors: probabilistic distribution (figure 3), probable cannot exist in
1. influence of historical risk-based reserves assessment isolation but is a portion of a continuous range of estimates. In
approach. this approach, commercial uncertainty is handled separately.
2. conflicting criteria and objectives in “SEC/SPE hybrid"
classifications. 1.0
CF1 = 0.95
3. lack of consistency in assessing commercial risk and 0.9
X 1P scenario

Cumulative Probability of “X” or greater

uncertainty. 0.8

It appears that the industry may have a lack of understanding 0.7

of, and a cultural bias against, fully utilizing, the contingent X 2P=scenario
EV 52
resource category. 0.4

Assessment Methods 0.2 Possible

In the SPE supplemental guidance on resource definitions 0.1 X
3P scenario

(chapter 2)3, J. Ross summarizes two fundamentally different 0.0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
philosophies in applying the deterministic approach to Estimated Ultimate Recoverable (EUR)

reserves estimation: one is risk-based and the other is Fig. 3 – Uncertainty-Based Reserves Assessment
While both approaches are valid for reserves estimation, the
Historically, many North American assessments utilized a uncertainty-based approach is more commonly applied due to
“risk-based” approach to reserves classification wherein the several advantages:
reserves quantities for each category (Proved, Probable, and - it accommodates both deterministic and probabilistic
Possible) were estimated deterministically as a discrete estimation methods.
volume. - it allows the application of uncertainty tracking over
Possible time.
- it clearly separates technical and commercial
- it better aligns risk and uncertainty as applied within the
portfolio planning processes.

SEC/SPE Hybrids
Risked Risked
For those companies listed on US stock exchanges, disclosure
Proved Probable Possible of reserves is governed by Security and Exchange
Commission (SEC) regulations. The SEC proved reserves
Fig. 2 – Risk-Based Reserves Assessment guidelines are similar to those of the SPE; however, some
criteria may be more restrictive. A prime example is the
No uncertainty is implied in the reserve quantity assigned as evidence for establishing a new exploration discovery. Except
probable and possible. Instead, there is an associated risk in very special circumstances in the Gulf of Mexico, the SEC
assigned (figure 2). The risk may apply to the presence of the requires demonstration of productivity through a well test that
petroleum, the likelihood of the necessary development flows at commercial rates. While the SPE prefers a flowing
proceeding and being successful in recovery of the estimated well test, proved reserves may be assigned, in certain cases, on
marketable products quantities, or some combination of these the basis of well logs/and or core analysis that indicate the
risks. This approach attempts to capture both volumetric subject reservoir is hydrocarbon bearing and is analogous to
uncertainty and commerciality risk in a single system. reservoirs in the same area that are producing or have
demonstrated the ability to produce on formation tests.
Some analysts claim that this approach justifies estimating
probable reserves where no proved reserves are defined. When obligated to disclose proved reserves under SEC
Others maintain that probable reserves are those volumes “in criteria, most companies utilize the SPE classification for
addition to proved” that are reasonably probable to recover; internal project planning. The objectives of the two systems
thus probable cannot exist without proved reserves. are quite different. SEC proved guidelines are designed to
yield a very conservative estimate of future recoveries; the
The uncertainty-based approach is derived from the criteria constraints are designed to promote consistency in
probabilistic evaluation method in which the recoverable reporting to support company asset comparisons by investors.
hydrocarbon estimates are a range of outcomes with It is rare that a company would base its future investment
increasing associated uncertainty. strategies solely on SEC proved reserves. The SPE
classification is designed to characterize the full range of
When applied using deterministic methods, the continuous potential outcomes for consideration by management in
probabilistic distribution is replaced by three scenarios: a low, making project investment decisions. If asked for a single
best, and high estimate that are consistent with 1P, 2P and 3P number to represent the best estimate of ultimate recoverable
volumes, most technologists will quote the proved plus
SPE 90241 3

probable (2P) estimate (but emphasize that their management Discovered

should also consider the low (1P) and high (3P) estimates and 1P

P1d 2P
their associated economic indicators). P1u 3P

Total Petroleum-Initially-In-Place
P2 P3

Many companies are listed both on the US and their home- Commerciality Chance (Pct)
country stock exchanges (in some cases, they are listed on

Low Est
exchanges in multiple countries). In many cases, these non-US Best Est Contingent
High Est
exchanges require disclosure of 2P reserve estimates that Resources
utilize either their national criteria, or in the case of Canada, Unrecoverable Hydrocarbons
companies have the option to use the SPE classification. Prospect Chance (Pg)

Most companies internally accommodate the SEC Low Est Prospective

Total Petroleum
Best Est
definitions by substituting SEC for SPE proved but retaining High Est
all other SPE resource classes. In the uncertainty-based
Unrecoverable Hydrocarbons
approach, probable reserves then become the 2P estimate TECHNICAL UNCERTAINTY
minus SEC proved. Since the SEC only defines proved
reserves, its criteria become the definition of reserves in
general. Based on this logic, if the accumulation does not meet Fig. 4 – Modified SPE/WPC/AAPG Resource Classification
SEC proved criteria, there are no reserves of any uncertainty
class. Another approach to achieve consistency in the treatment of
commerciality is the use of project maturity categories. Project
Commerciality Modifiers represents the link between the petroleum accumulation and
The distinction between commercial and sub-commercial the decision-making process, including budget allocation.
known accumulations (and hence between reserves and Figure 5 illustrates the ”data model relationship” of project to
contingent resources) is of key importance in ensuring a the operational entities (well/completion zone, facility)
reasonable level of consistency in reserves reporting. On the ownership entities (leases and associated fiscal terms) and to
basis of the SPE classification system, it is clear that the the geotechnical resource entities (field, pool, zone). The
accumulation must be assessed as commercial before any resource entity we are assessing is the intersect of several
reserves can be assigned. The SPE recommends that, if the entities; in this case well zones can be grouped as lease zones.
degree of commitment is not such that the accumulation will Project is a business entity and may constitute the
be developed and placed on production within a reasonable development of a single reservoir or field (or well), or an
time frame, the estimated recoverable volumes for the incremental development of a producing field, or the
accumulation should be classified as contingent resources. A integrated development of a group of several fields. Projects
reasonable time frame for the initiation of development may be “nested” with sub-projects and may be dependent on
depends on the specific circumstances but, in general, should other projects. Projects and their associated lease-zone
be around 5 years3. resources can be aggregated to the business unit, country, or
corporate level for both internal assessments and regulatory
Thus, commerciality is more than meeting economic disclosures.
hurdles! Other contingencies that must be satisfied may
include internal and external approval of plan of development
(including satisfaction of environmental issues), Field Resource Business
Entities Entities
demonstration of technical feasibility, confirmation of markets
(e.g. a gas contract), or approval of construction of a key Terms Country
facility (e.g. a gas pipeline). What is not clearly defined by /Reservoir
either the SEC or the SPE are the exact financial instruments Lease Well
required to demonstrate commerciality. For example, is /Property
confirmation of a gas sale signified by a Letter of Intent, a Zone
well-zone Completion
Memorandum of Understanding, or does it require a final Facility
signed delivery contract?
Fig. 5 – Project Entity Relationships
Several companies have modified the SPE classification
In general, an individual project will represent the level at
scheme4 (figure 4) to specifically treat contingencies as risk
which a decision is made whether or not to proceed and is thus
factors. In this case “Pct” is the chance the contingency will
a key factor in establishing commitment. The project status
be satisfied within a reasonable timeframe and is analogous to
categories are independent of the uncertainty associated with
the geologic risk factor (Pg), that is, the chance that an
the range of potentially recoverable volumes. As the
exploration prospect will be successful in finding significant
accumulation moves to a higher level of maturity, there will be
recoverable hydrocarbons.
a higher probability (lower risk) that the accumulation will
achieve commercial production.
4 SPE 90241

The project status categories illustrated in figure 6 are those 1200 bcf and highside 1600 bcf. With current well control,
currently utilized by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 300 bcf would meet SEC criteria as “technically proved”.
(NPD)5 . The project maturity is illustrated as a continuous The major contingency is the chance that the pipeline will
distribution. Annual assessments then focus on the progress in be built and operational such that gas production may be
improving project maturity towards “on production” status. initiated within a 5-year time frame. While the economics are
robust and third party companies are prepared to build the
1 On Production pipeline, the project lacks full regulatory approvals from the
Reserves 2 Approved Development federal, territorial and local governments. Additional
3 Plan Approval Pending environmental studies may cause significant delays. As a
further complication, there is potential for a competing project
4 Planned for Development to deliver gas from Alaska into the same northern Alberta hub

Project Maturity
Contingent 5 Recovery Likely thus saturating southern pipeline capacity and causing the
Resources 6 Recovery Unlikely Mackenzie Delta projects to be deferred until excess capacity
7 Being Evaluated is restored. Thus, there is a significant risk that this gas field
will not be on production within 5 years.
8 Prospect
Resources There are two opinions on characterizing this asset’s
9 Lead
- Zero proved, 1200 bcf Probable and 400 bcf Possible
Fig. 6– NPD Project Maturity Categories
The NPD (and the SPE) may be willing to accept estimates - No reserves but only contingent resources with a
as reserves where, although the equity partners have judged volumes assessment range of low estimate 300 bcf, best
the project as economic and have allocated funding, the estimate 1200 bcf, and high estimate 1600 bcf.
regulatory authorities have not yet approved a development
plan. For example, the SPE3 requires only reasonable certainty Using hybrid SEC/SPE guidelines, this would appear to be a
(greater then 90% chance) that the project will proceed. clear case for categorization as contingent resources until such
However, the SEC proved definition appears to require a fully time as gas pipeline and marketing contingencies have been
approved development plan. resolved; once resolved the contingent resources “flip” to 1P,
2P and 3P reserves. In this case, the low estimate has been
Examples adjusted to SEC guidelines and the Probable would be the
The following hypothetical examples critically examine 2P/best estimate minus SEC Proved.
scenarios in which some companies’ internal reserve
assessments have included probable (and possible) but no Example 2: A successful well and two appraisals confirm a
proved quantities. major oil discovery in the ultra-deep water offshore West
Africa. All of the wells have a full suite of logs, cores, and
Example 1: A successful wildcat and five appraisal wells detailed wireline test data. A high-resolution 3-D seismic
confirm a major gas discovery in the onshore area of the survey clearly defines the limits of the discovered reservoirs.
Mackenzie Delta in northern Canada. Each well has tested No conventional flowing well tests were conducted due to
high quality gas at commercial flow rates. A gas water contact cost and environmental concerns However, the wireline tests
has been penetrated; both pressure and seismic data indicate can be directly compared to those conducted in analog fields
continuity of reservoir over the mapped closure. This where commercial production has been established.
discovery is one of several in the area, which on a combined
basis can support a 1220 km. pipeline to connect to southern Results of a detailed volumetric assessment for this
gas markets (figure 7) and still yield an excellent rate of discovery are: lowside 150 million recoverable barrels of oil
return. (mmbo), best estimate 450 mmbo and highside 1400 mmbo.
With current well control, 100 mmbo would meet SEC criteria
as “technically proved”.

The partners have agreed on a development plan utilizing a

floating production facility. Economics are robust and
contracts for facilities construction have been awarded. All
regulatory approvals have been obtained.

While SPE guidelines would accept the discovery evidence,

the SEC currently requires a conventional well test flowing at
commercial rates to confirm a discovery and the existence of
Fig. 7 – Pipeline Project Contingency reserves. Thus, even though a project has been funded and is
being implemented, no SEC proved reserves may be disclosed
Results of a detailed volumetric assessment for this field until facilities are installed and the first production well has
are: lowside 600 billion cubic feet of gas (bcf), best estimate
SPE 90241 5

been tested. In the interim, the owners have two options for Reserves versus Contingent Resources
internal assessment; It is the authors’ opinion that claiming probable where no
- zero proved, 450 mmbo probable, and 950 mmbo proved reserves have yet been disclosed is not in line with the
possible logic underlying the 2000 SPE resource classification. The
- no reserves but only contingent resources with a range of classification is based on separation of technical and
lowside 150 mmbo, best estimate 450 mmbo and a high commercial uncertainty. The technical uncertainty is a
estimate of 1400 mmbo. continuous distribution of recoverable quantity estimates that
can either be derived from probabilistic analysis or
In this case the contingency is not significant, it appears to represented through multiple deterministic scenarios. These
be a disclosure delay until such time as the SEC “commercial scenarios incorporate deterministic criteria (e.g. lowest known
flow test” requirement has been met. Given the commitment hydrocarbon limits) using SPE guidelines. Local regulatory
to facilities construction, the chance of project failure is guidelines, for example, SEC proved criteria, can be
minimal and the Pct would approach 100%; however, it substituted within the overall framework. In this case the SPE
should still remain in contingent resources until a flowing well 2P estimate is retained but the probable volume is now SPE 2P
test is obtained. minus SEC proved.

Other examples include: It is also the authors’ opinion that, if a company chooses to
- a major gas discovery offshore Australia meets all the use a SEC/SPE hybrid classification, then the SEC criteria for
technical criteria for SEC proved reserves but the LNG proved must be satisfied before reserves of any uncertainty
sales is only supported by a letter of intent from buyers. class can be attributed to a project. If the project fails to meet
Without a firm sales contract, no proved reserves may be one of the SEC criteria, then the full range of recoverable
attributed. It is recommended that the discovered volumes associated with the project should be classified as
volumes be assessed using hybrid SEC/SPE technical contingent resources.
certainty categories but be classified as contingent
resources until such time as a binding sales contract is Much of the confusion that gives rise to the ”probable
in-place and the owners have committed to the necessary without proved issue” is due to poor implementation of
processing and transportation facilities. Given the commerciality characterization. The 1997 SPE reserves
number of competing LNG projects, the chance of guidelines2 defined unproved reserves as those where
concluding a firm sales contract such that production “technical, contractual, economic, or regulatory uncertainties
would commence within a 5-year period is significantly preclude such reserves being classified as proved”. The 2000
less than 100%. classification1 retained the underlying SPE reserves guidelines
but defined contingent resources as those volumes “not
- A discovery and several appraisal wells combined with currently considered to be commercially recoverable”. The
high quality 3-d seismic in the Norwegian offshore SPE recognized “that some ambiguity may exist between the
indicates a major gas discovery. Based on detailed definitions of contingent resources and unproved reserves”.
engineering studies, the owners have committed to field
development including pipeline access to European Moreover, many companies have a bias towards classifying
markets. Although there are no disagreements, the host volumes as “reserves”, even unproved reserves, as they are
government has not given final approval to the perceived as having greater value than contingent resources.
development plan Thus the SEC will not accept proved This is especially true for dual-listed companies that disclose
reserves attribution. Again, the prudent approach would 2P reserves in their annual reports. While internal asset
be to retain the volumes in contingent resources until aggregations could associate a modifying commercial risk
final government approvals are received. In this case the factor with the contingent resources, none of these quantities
Pct probably approaches 100%. There is an additional could be included in asset disclosures to investors.
caution that, once the plan is approved, the SEC will not
accept the 3-d seismic as evidence of proved extensions Other companies have embraced the 2000 classification as a
beyond those areas tested by drilling and the resulting logical scheme to maintain an organized recording of an
proved volumes will be significantly less than those asset’s technical and commercial status. Many European
estimated using SPE guidelines. organizations such as the NPD have recognized that the
commerciality is an attribute of the development project and
- A major gas field in South America has been discovered not directly of the resource entity. Thus, they have subdivided
and extensively appraised such that it meets all the the “y-axis of commerciality” into stages of project maturity
technical criteria for SEC proved. The current leading ultimately to production status. Other companies
assessment defines 400 bcf proved, 900 bcf probable and prefer to characterize the commerciality axis as a discrete
400 bcf possible. A gas sales contract has been rather than continuous function. There is a defined risk that the
concluded for 300 bcf only. Under our logic, the owners contingencies that prevent classification as reserves will not be
may claim 300 bcf proved reserves with the remaining resolved within a reasonable time frame. By combining the
100 bcf proved, 900 bcf probable and 400 bcf possible commercial risk with technical uncertainty, these companies
still classified as contingent resources until additional create a single database that supports resource classification,
gas volumes are contracted for sale. reserves disclosure, and portfolio management.
6 SPE 90241

Produced Discovered
On Production

Lower Risk
Pd Pud Prospective
Prob Poss Reserves Approved Development
Pvd Commercial Sub-commercial Resources
Plan Approval Pending

Planned for Development

Contingent Resources

Project Certainty
Pvd Prob Poss Contingent Recovery Likely Reserves
Recovery Unlikely

Unrecoverable Hydrocarbons Being Evaluated

(Pg) 1P 2P 3P low est best est high est

Prospect SEC

Higher Risk
Low Best Prospective Proved
Est Est Resources
High Lead
Unrecoverable Hydrocarbons Fig. 9 – Assessment Process Flow
Figure 9 illustrates the recommended assessment process
Fig. 8 – Modified SPE/NPD Resource Classification flow as an accumulation is sequentially tested against the
appropriate criteria, first as a geologic discovery and then as a
Figure 8 is an example of a modified SPE/NPD resource commercial discovery using SPE guidelines. Thereafter the
classification schema that combines the two approaches to proved volumes are compared to SEC guidelines and adjusted
defining commercial maturity. Note that contrary to SPE as necessary. In some cases, where the project does not meet
guidance, the terms proved, probable, and possible are applied SEC commercial guidelines, the total project may be returned
both to reserves and contingent resources. This emphasizes to the contingent resources category.
staff that the technical criteria and inferred probability ranges
are the same but there is an associated contingency risk factor. Implementing such a model will create a single inventory
Once the contingency is satisfied, the contingent resource that supports integrated asset assessment, reserves disclosures,
“flip” to reserves with no change in technical certainty classes. and project/portfolio management.

To further emphasize the commerciality hurdles, some References

companies initially classify all new discoveries as contingent 1. “Petroleum Resources Classification and Definitions”
resources. Reserves are not assessed until staff have approved by SPE, WPC, and AAPG, February 2000,
documented that all commercial contingencies have been published by SPE.
satisfied. 2. “Petroleum Reserves Definitions” approved by SPE and
WPC, March 1997, published by SPE.
Conclusions 3. “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Petroleum Reserves and
The guidelines of those agencies that require disclosure of Resources”, 2001, published by SPE.
reserves beyond proved do not specifically preclude reporting 4. Etherington, J.R., Hunt, E.J., and Adewusi, A.O.,
probable where no proved reserves have been claimed. Thus, “Aggregating Reserves and Resources for Portfolio
while the practice is not “illegal” it may be “illogical” and Management”, paper SPE 71424 presented at the 2001
distorts the orderly characterization of asset risk and SPE 76th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
uncertainty. Key recommendations in the proposed model are: New Orleans, Louisiana.
5. “Guidelines to Classification of Petroleum Resources on
1. Utilize SPE/WPC/AAPG Petroleum Classifications the Norwegian Continental Shelf”, Norwegian Petroleum
and Definitions published in February 2000 as the Directorate, July 2001.
basis for internal resource management.
2. Adopt a project maturity categorization to characterize
commerciality and assign risk factors for “Chance of
Commerciality” (Pct) for each maturity stage.
3. Initially classify all new discoveries as contingent
resources until such time as contingencies are
4. If a SEC/SPE hybrid classification is adopted, then:
the SPE proved volume must be adjusted to meet
SEC criteria.
the project must meet all SEC criteria for
commercial development.

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