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TU101 Thailand, ASEAN and The World

Unit 1 – Thailand

A: The shift from rural to urban population might affect:

— Lifestyle

— How people live?

- People live in condominiums and apartments more than homes.

- Using more public transportation than private vehicles such as
skytrain, bus, and subway.

— What they do (work, study freetime…)?

- Most people who live in the city will work in a company or do their
own business.
- Some people also move to the city for studying in a university and
- In their free time, they tend to go shopping at the mall, hanging out
with friends, and traveling around the city

— Families

— Who people live with?

- Most people live alone or with their parents and relatives.

— Number of children?
- 1-2 or none

— Age of having children

- Around early 30

— Culture – might the changes above affect any of these traditional values (-/+)

— Respect for elders (เคารพผูอ

้ าวุโส)

- Positive = Living in the city will teach us how to respect different

kinds of people in the society, not only elders.
- Negative = When you live in the city where there are many people
from different places, it means that other’s opinions will be different
from ours and sometimes it can cause some kind of misunderstanding
and can cause a conflict if we do not know how to respect other
people’s opinions.

— Goodwill (น้ำใจ)

- Positive = Living with a lot of people will teach and encourage us to

help and to share with other people.
- Negative = The competition is always high in the big city and it can
urge the selfishness in the human, which sometimes can cause people
to have less goodwill.

— Avoiding disturbing others - Krengjai (เกรงใจ)

- Positive = The city is full of many people who we do not know

personally and this means that we will be more considerate with other
people and we will think about others more when we want to do
- Negative = In the big city where everything is always in a rush can
make people have less avoiding disturbing others because sometimes
people might only concern about themselves and just do not think
about other people.

— Heart of Merit (ใจบุญ)

- Positive = In our society where there are a lot of people who have
more difficulty than us, and this will urge the kindness in ourselves to
want to help other people.
- Negative = To live in a city is not easy at all and can cause people a
lot of stress and problems and it can cause us to care only about
ourselves and forget to care about others around us.

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