3.reading Material On Applications of Normal Distribution

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6.5 Applications of the Normal Distribution 273

6.31 Determine the area under a normal distribution curve with ␮  55 and ␴  7
a. to the right of x  58 b. to the right of x  43
c. to the left of x  68 d. to the left of x  22
6.32 Find the area under a normal distribution curve with ␮  37 and ␴  3
a. to the left of x  30 b. to the right of x  52
c. to the left of x  44 d. to the right of x  32
6.33 Let x be a continuous random variable that is normally distributed with a mean of 25 and a standard
deviation of 6. Find the probability that x assumes a value
a. between 29 and 36 b. between 22 and 35
6.34 Let x be a continuous random variable that has a normal distribution with a mean of 40 and a stan-
dard deviation of 4. Find the probability that x assumes a value
a. between 29 and 35 b. from 34 to 50
6.35 Let x be a continuous random variable that is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard
deviation of 12. Find the probability that x assumes a value
a. greater than 69 b. less than 73
c. greater than 101 d. less than 87
6.36 Let x be a continuous random variable that is normally distributed with a mean of 65 and a standard
deviation of 15. Find the probability that x assumes a value
a. less than 45 b. greater than 79
c. greater than 54 d. less than 70

6.5 Applications of the Normal Distribution

Sections 6.2 through 6.4 discussed the normal distribution, how to convert a normal distribu-
tion to the standard normal distribution, and how to find areas under a normal distribution
curve. This section presents examples that illustrate the applications of the normal distribution.

䊏 EXAMPLE 6–11
According to a Sallie Mae survey and credit bureau data, in 2008, college students carried an
Using the normal distribution:
average of $3173 debt on their credit cards (USA TODAY, April 13, 2009). Suppose that cur-
the area between two points on
rent credit card debts for all college students have a normal distribution with a mean of $3173 different sides of the mean.
and a standard deviation of $800. Find the probability that credit card debt for a randomly se-
lected college student is between $2109 and $3605.

Solution Let x denote the credit card debt of a randomly selected college student. Then, x
is normally distributed with

m  $3173 and s  $800

The probability that the credit card debt of a randomly selected college student is between
$2109 and $3605 is given by the area under the normal distribution curve of x that falls be-
tween x  $2109 and x  $3605, as shown in Figure 6.40. To find this area, first we find the
areas to the left of x  $2109 and x  $3605, respectively, and then take the difference be-
tween these two areas.
2109  3173
For x  $2109: z   1.33

3605  3173
For x  $3605: z  .54
Thus, the required probability is given by the difference between the areas under the standard
normal curve to the left of z  1.33 and to the left of z .54. From Table IV in Appendix C,
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274 Chapter 6 Continuous Random Variables and the Normal Distribution

Figure 6.40 Area between x  $2109 and

Shaded area
x  $3605. is .6136

$2109 $3173 $3605 x

–1.33 0 .54

the area to the left of z  1.33 is .0918, and the area to the left of z  .54 is .7054. Hence, the
required probability is
P1$2109 6 x 6 $36052  P11.33 6 z 6 .542  .7054  .0918  .6136
Thus, the probability is .6136 that the credit card debt of a randomly selected college stu-
dent is between $2109 and $3605. Converting this probability into a percentage, we can also
state that (about) 61.36% of all college students have credit card debts between $2109 and
$3605. 䊏

Using the normal

䊏 EXAMPLE 6–12
distribution: probability that A racing car is one of the many toys manufactured by Mack Corporation. The assembly times
x is less than a value that is for this toy follow a normal distribution with a mean of 55 minutes and a standard deviation
to the right of the mean. of 4 minutes. The company closes at 5 P.M. every day. If one worker starts to assemble a rac-
ing car at 4 P.M., what is the probability that she will finish this job before the company closes
for the day?

Solution Let x denote the time this worker takes to assemble a racing car. Then, x is nor-
mally distributed with

m  55 minutes and s  4 minutes

We are to find the probability that this worker can assemble this car in 60 minutes or less
(between 4 and 5 P.M.). This probability is given by the area under the normal curve to the
left of x  60 as shown in Figure 6.41.

Figure 6.41 Area to the left of x  60.

Shaded area is


55 60 x

0 1.25

60  55
For x  60: z   1.25
The required probability is given by the area under the standard normal curve to the left of
z  1.25, which is .8944 from Table IV of Appendix C. Thus, the required probability is
P1x  602  P1z  1.252  .8944
Thus, the probability is .8944 that this worker will finish assembling this racing car before the
company closes for the day. 䊏
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6.5 Applications of the Normal Distribution 275

䊏 EXAMPLE 6–13
Hupper Corporation produces many types of soft drinks, including Orange Cola. The filling
Using the normal distribution.
machines are adjusted to pour 12 ounces of soda into each 12-ounce can of Orange Cola. How-
ever, the actual amount of soda poured into each can is not exactly 12 ounces; it varies from
can to can. It has been observed that the net amount of soda in such a can has a normal dis-
tribution with a mean of 12 ounces and a standard deviation of .015 ounce.
(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected can of Orange Cola contains 11.97
to 11.99 ounces of soda?

(b) What percentage of the Orange Cola cans contain 12.02 to 12.07 ounces of soda?

Solution Let x be the net amount of soda in a can of Orange Cola. Then, x has a normal
distribution with ␮  12 ounces and ␴  .015 ounce.

(a) The probability that a randomly selected can contains 11.97 to 11.99 ounces of soda Calculating the probability
is given by the area under the normal distribution curve from x  11.97 to x  11.99. between two points that are
This area is shown in Figure 6.42. to the left of the mean.

11.97  12
For x  11.97: z   2.00
11.99  12
For x  11.99: z   .67

Shaded area
= .2514 – .0228
= .2286

11.97 11.99 12 x

–2.00 –.67 0

Figure 6.42 Area between x  11.97 and x  11.99.

The required probability is given by the area under the standard normal curve be-
tween z  2.00 and z  .67. From Table IV of Appendix C, the area to the left
of z  2.00 is .0228, and the area to the left of z  .67 is .2514. Hence, the
required probability is
P111.97  x  11.992  P12.00  z  .672  .2514  .0228  .2286
Thus, the probability is .2286 that any randomly selected can of Orange Cola will
contain 11.97 to 11.99 ounces of soda. We can also state that about 22.86% of Or-
ange Cola cans contain 11.97 to 11.99 ounces of soda.
(b) The percentage of Orange Cola cans that contain 12.02 to 12.07 ounces of soda is
Calculating the probability
given by the area under the normal distribution curve from x  12.02 to x  12.07,
between two points that are to
as shown in Figure 6.43. the right of the mean.

12.02  12
For x  12.02: z   1.33
12.07  12
For x  12.07: z   4.67
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276 Chapter 6 Continuous Random Variables and the Normal Distribution

Figure 6.43 Area from x ⫽ 12.02 to x ⫽ 12.07.

Shaded area is

μ = 12 12.02 12.07 x

0 1.33 4.67

The required probability is given by the area under the standard normal curve between
z ⫽ 1.33 and z ⫽ 4.67. From Table IV of Appendix C, the area to the left of z ⫽ 1.33
is .9082, and the area to the left of z ⫽ 4.67 is approximately 1.0. Hence, the required
probability is
P112.02 ⱕ x ⱕ 12.072 ⫽ P11.33 ⱕ z ⱕ 4.672 ⫽ 1.0 ⫺ .9082 ⫽ .0918
Converting this probability to a percentage, we can state that approximately 9.18%
of all Orange Cola cans are expected to contain 12.02 to 12.07 ounces of soda. 䊏

䊏 EXAMPLE 6–14
Suppose the life span of a calculator manufactured by Texas Instruments has a normal distribution
Finding the area to the left
of x that is less than the mean.
with a mean of 54 months and a standard deviation of 8 months. The company guarantees that any
calculator that starts malfunctioning within 36 months of the purchase will be replaced by a new
one. About what percentage of calculators made by this company are expected to be replaced?

Solution Let x be the life span of such a calculator. Then x has a normal distribution with
␮ ⫽ 54 and ␴ ⫽ 8 months. The probability that a randomly selected calculator will start to
malfunction within 36 months is given by the area under the normal distribution curve to the
left of x ⫽ 36, as shown in Figure 6.44.
36 ⫺ 54
For x ⫽ 36: z ⫽ ⫽ ⫺2.25

Shaded area
is .0122

36 μ = 54 x

−2.25 0

Figure 6.44 Area to the left of x ⫽ 36.

The required percentage is given by the area under the standard normal curve to the left of
z ⫽ ⫺2.25. From Table IV of Appendix C, this area is .0122. Hence, the required probability is
P1x 6 362 ⫽ P1z 6 ⫺2.252 ⫽ .0122
The probability that any randomly selected calculator manufactured by Texas Instruments
will start to malfunction within 36 months is .0122. Converting this probability to a percent-
age, we can state that approximately 1.22% of all calculators manufactured by this company
are expected to start malfunctioning within 36 months. Hence, 1.22% of the calculators are
expected to be replaced. 䊏

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