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University of Rizal System

Morong Campus

College of Engineering

Name: Bautista, Darlene Joy C. Yr./Section: 3CE - C

Instructor: John Julius Kim Bellido Course Title: Ethics

Assignment 1 – Knowledge of Right and Wrong

(White Lies)

White lies are an idea that is generally right/accepted by everyone, but I see it in
the other way as ethically wrong. White lies are the most commonly used by everyone
since they are done intentionally to avoid hurting people, which is literally wrong, because
in the first place, you know that you’ve been lying to someone, no matter how simple it is.
What I see is that people see white lies as the right thing to do because they avoid hurting
others and they see lying as a solution. They try to close the door on the truth by adding
good points to it. For example, telling your friend that she doesn't look fat in her dress
when she asks because you don't want to tell her that she's gained a lot of weight and
looks heavy. The deception concerns a morally insignificant matter. They aren't told often
enough, so they discount what you have to say.

There are numerous reasons why individuals believe lying is unethical. Which ones
connect with you the most will be determined by your ethical mindset. White lies are bad
because they treat those who are lied to as a means to achieve the liar's purpose, rather
than as a valuable end in themselves. Life would be exceedingly difficult if people typically
did not speak the truth, because no one could be trusted, and nothing you heard or read
could be trusted-you'd have to figure everything out for yourself. It is terrible because it
makes it impossible for the individual who is being deceived to make an educated and
free decision regarding the issue. White lies cause people to make judgments based on
erroneous information.

If white lies are still tolerated, viewed as ethically good, the general degree of
honesty declines, and others may be encouraged to lie. In some circles, lying may
become a commonplace behavior.

I am not perfect. Yes, I definitely did white lie a couple of times. And I am not
convincing people to stop doing white lie because it is not avoidable, but I want them to
be aware that how little a lie is, and how much they do it for the sake of good, is still a
wrong thing. White lies are still lies.

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