Ly Thuyet Infinitive - Gerund (Full)

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English 9 TO INFINITIVE AND GERUND Summer 2021



1. It’s adj + (of sb)+ to V: ai đó thật như thế nào khi làm việc gì
Các tính từ sau dùng với cấu trúc này: kind, good, stupid, clever, careless, sensible, brave, timid,
coward, wise, rude, polite, generous, mean, thoughtful, tactful, selfish…
Ex: It’s kind of you to help me
lt is stupid of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.
2. S+ be + Adj + To V/ Sb
Các tính từ sau đây dùng với cấu trúc này: happy, sad, glad, nice, pleased, disappointed, difficult, easy,
eager, ready, surprised, sorry, hesitant, amazed, able, willing, reluctant, sure/bound/certain,…
Ex: I am very glad to see you again. - They have always been very nice to me
3. Động từ nguyên thể có “To” đứng ngay sau động từ khác với 2 cấu trúc:
3.1. Verb + to ... ( infinitive)
Afford Cã thÓ/ kh¶ n¨ng Fail ThÊt b¹i, quªn Plan Dù ®Þnh
Agree §ång ý Happen T×nh cê Refuse Tõ chèi
Aim Nh»m môc ®Ých Hope Hi väng Swear ThÒ, høa
Appear Cã vÎ Intend §Þnh, dù ®Þnh Seem Dường như
Arrange Thu xÕp Learn Häc Threaten §e däa
Attempt Nè lùc Mean Chñ ý, cè t×nh Tend Cã khuynh híng
Claim Tuyªn bè Manage Qu¶n lý, cè ®¹t ®ưîc Try Cè g¾ng
Decide QuyÕt ®Þnh Offer Xung phong, ®Ò nghÞ Volunteer Tình nguyện
Dare D¸m, ®ñ c. ®¶m Prepare ChuÈn bị Want Mong muèn
Determine QuyÕt ®Þnh/tâm Prove Chøng tá Would hate GhÐt
Expect Tr«ng mong Promise Høa hÑn Would like Muèn
Would love/
Elect Chọn làm gì Pretend Gi¶ vê ThÝch / thích h¬n
Eg: I agree to lend him some money. We decided not to go out because of the weather.
I can’t afford to go abroad study She refused to answer personal questions
3.2. Verb + object + to ... ( infinitive)
Advise Khuyªn Force B¾t buéc Remind Nh¾c nhë
Ask Yªu cÇu, hái Get Nhê lµm, khiÕn cho Request Yªu cÇu, ®ßi hái
Allow Cho phÐp Invite Mêi Require Yªu cÇu, b.buộc
Ban CÊm Implore Cầu Khẩn Show how Chỉ, bảo
Beg Nµi nØ Induce Xui, Xui khiến Teach how Dạy bảo
Cause G©y ra Instruct Hướng dẫn Teach D¹y dç
Enable Cho phÐp Need CÇn Tell (how) B¶o, ra lÖnh
Encourage KhuyÕn khÝch Order Yªu cÇu Tempt Lôi cuốn
Expect Tr«ng chê Oblige Bắt buộc Train Huấn luyện
(Be) entitled Được quyền Persuade ThuyÕt phôc Urge Thóc giôc
Forbid CÊm Permit Cho phÐp Want Muèn
Warn C¶nh b¸o
Eg: Who taught you to drive?
Can you remind me to phone Ann tomorrow?
1. Những động từ được là danh động từ (V-ing):
Admit Thõa nhËn Enjoy Yªu thÝch Mention Nãi ®Õn, nh¾c ®Õn
Avoid L¶ng tr¸nh Escape Thoát, tránh Mind Ng¹i, phiÒn
Anticipate Liệu tríc Excuse Tha lỗi Miss Bá lì
Appreciate Đánh giá cao Fancy Mª mÈn, MÕn Postpone Tr× ho·n
Complete Hoµn thµnh Finish Hoàn thành Practise Thùc hµnh
Consider Xem xét Forgive Tha thứ Prefer thÝch h¬n
Dislike Kh«ng thÝch Hate GhÐt Risk LiÒu lÜnh, m¹o hiÓm
Deny Phñ nhËn Imagine Tưởng tượng Resist Kháng cự
Delay Tr× ho·n Involve Liªn quan Report B¸o c¸o
Defer Hoãn Keep LÆp ®i lÆp l¹i/liên tục Stop ChÊm døt
Detest Ghét Love Yªu mÕn Suggest Gîi ý, ®Ò nghÞ
Dread Kinh sợ Like Yªu thÝch Would mind Ng¹i, phiÒn
Ex: I’ ll do the shopping when I’ ve finished cleaning the floor.
I couldn’t avoid meeting him
2. Danh động từ (V-ing) đứng sau giới từ : at, on, in, before, after, with, up, without, by, in addition to…..
Ex: We can improve our English by practicing much
He came in without saying hello to anybody
In addition to going to university she also takes a part- time job
3. Đi với một số thành ngữ cố định:
Can’t stand It’s no good
Kh«ng thÓ chÞu ®ùng næi
Can’t bear It’s no use Kh«ng Ých g×
Can’t help Kh«ng thÓ kh«ng There’s no point (in)
Have difficulty (in) GÆp khã kh¨n It’s ( not) worth (Kh«ng) ®¸ng g×
Be (am/is/are/…) busy BËn, bËn rén. Look forward to Trông mong/ hi vọng
Ex: I’ m sure you’ ll have no difficulty ( in) passing the exam
I live only a short walk from here, so it’ s not worth taking a taxi.
4. Một số đông từ được theo sau vừa To-infinitive and Gerund (V-ing)
4.1. Cã sù kh¸c biÖt vÒ nghÜa.

To – infinitive V_ing
Nhí sÏ ph¶i lµm viÖc g× Nhí lµ ®· lµm viÖc g×
Remember Please remember to call me as soon as you get I remembered locking the door before going
there. out.
Quªn mét viÖc ph¶i lµm ( cha lµm viÖc ®ã) Quªn mét viÖc ®· lµm
Oh, I forgot to turn off the gas stove. He will never forget meeting Uncle Ho.
Hèi tiÕc ®· lµm viÖc g×
LÊy lµm tiÕc sÏ ph¶i lµm viÖc g×
Regret He regrets saying such words. He shouldn’ t
I regret to say that your result is not very good.
have said it.
Thö lµm viÖc g×
Cè g¾ng lµm viÖc g×
Try Try pressing the green button. It may be
He tried to learn well for the final exam.
Ngõng viÖc ®ang lµm ®Ó lµm viÖc kh¸c ChÊm døt viÖc ®ang lµm
He stopped to have a rest because he felt tired He stopped smoking last year
CÇn được lµm viÖc g× ( bÞ ®éng)
CÇn phải lµm viÖc g× (chñ ®éng)
Need Her shirt is dirty. It needs cleaning.
She needs to work harder.
(= It needs to be cleaned)
He means to take the coming exam.
Mean Failure in the exam means having to learn
(.. dù ®Þnh/ muốn …)
one more year. (..cã nghÜa lµ….)
Go on doing something. (tiếp tục làm viêc
Go on to do something (tiếp tục làm việc khác)
trước đó đang làm)
Go on She finished one letter and went on to write
She went on writing till midnight.

4.2. Kh«ng cã sù kh¸c biÖt vÒ nghÜa: begin, start, intend, continue, bother, prefer, like, love, hate
John intends to move to another flat. vs. John intends moving to another flat.
He began to work here last year. vs. He began working here last year.
5. Với động từ advise/allow/permit/forbid/encourage/recommend .
S + advise/allow/permit/forbid/encourage/recommend + (O)Sb + To V
S + ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ving
S + Be advised/ allowed/permitted/encouraged/recommended + to –inf (Passive)
Ex: They allowed me to use a new car.
=> I was allowed to use a new car.
=> They allowed using a new car.
6. Với động từ Make và Let.
S + Make + O + bare-inf Be + made+ to - inf
S + Let + O + bare-inf Be + allowed/told + to - inf
EX: The manager made all the employees work at the weekend.
All the employees were made to work at the weekend.
She lets her son play computer games on Sunday afternoon.
Her son is allowed to play computer games on Sunday afternoon.7
7. Với động từ chỉ giác quan: see, hear, watch, listen to, smell, feel, observe and notice
S+ see/ hear/ watch/.. + O + bare – inf S+ Be + V3/ed + to –inf
(nhìn/ nghe... thấy toàn bộ sự việc)
S+ see/ hear/ watch/.. + O + V-ing S+ Be + V3/ed + V-ing
(nhìn/nghe/... thấy sự việc đang diễn ra)

EX: They saw the man run away. The man was seen to run away
They saw the man running away. The man was seen running away.
8. Với thể truyền khiến: Ta dùng động từ Have hoặc Get

S + have + S.O + do something S + have Something + V3/ed + (by S.O)
S + get + S.O + to do something S + get Something + V3/ed + (by S.O)

EX: I had a technician repair my computer. I had my computer repaired by a technician.

I got a technician to repair my computer. I got my computer repaired by a technician.

C. WITHOUT “TO” INFINITIVE. Sau các động từ khiếm khuyết: can, could, may, might,
should, had better , must, will, would rather, would sooner, … + bare - Inf

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