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TEST 1 A (module 1) MARK: —— 100 (Time: 80 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar A Fill in the missing word. 1 James can run much faster Paul. 2 Sarah looks her mother. They have the same dark hair and green eyes. 3. Tina works as a traffic 4. The red dress is not as expensive .... the blue one. 5 Mark oves the oro and bustle ofthe busy city 6 katie is best student in the clas. TL alWQY$ ooocsooonon ON Weight during holidays. 8 Tomis jealous his brother. 9 | can’t put with his bad behaviour any more. 10 Where do they from? {Mais — \ to 1 B Circle the correct item. 1 She can't get the shack of crashing her car. | 6 MrJones on the phone at the moment. A on B over C off A is talking B talks talking 2 It is important for everyone to have a(n) 7 Living in this town is great because there are a lot lifestyle, of facilities. ‘A healthy B modern C elegant A busy B local C congested 3 A.good teacher is always... with students 8 Do you mind to the supermarket for me? A confident B responsible C patient A go B going C togo 4 Claite is very She always tll the truth 9 Most chitdren enjoy cartoons on TV. A palte B honest — friendly A watching = B towatch watch 5. A.good leader should be and not get angry or | 10. Frank is a very person. He likes to look after upset people A sensitive B practical © € calm A cheerful B careful caring Marks: — tox 10 Use of English C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. 41. I prefer the city to the countryside Like the city the countryside 2. There are only a few shops in the neighbourhood. There aren't . in the neighbourhood. 3 No student in the class is as intelligent as Peter. Peter is student in the class. D Fill in the correct preposition. 1 You shouldn't be rude your teacher. 2. Wendy is afraid the dark, Communication E Complete the exchanges. 4 | profer watching comedies to watching thrillers | prefer comedies rather than watch thrillers. 5. Lucy and her sister argue all the time. Lucy doesn't with her sister. this area? playing football 3. Are you familiar 4. David Beckham is famous a Pretty good b Idrather Take the first turning on your left d_ Don’t mention it @ See you tomorrow Goodbye! B: Bye! Excuse me. How do | get to the post office? Hi there! How are you doing? B: , thanks. Thank you very much for looking after my cat. Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? B: Not really. go out for a meal. Listening F You will hear a radio programme about Prague. For each question, put a tick (7) in the correct box. 1. Visitors to Prague should not go 4. The tallest building in Prague is A in winter, AC Ja church, B C1 in summer. 8 (a monument. C 1 during the Spring Festival Ca tower. 2 These days, Prague Castle is home to 5 The TV Tower in Zizkov does not have A Czech kings AC anar galley B Czech princes. B Ca viewing terrace. CL the president. ¢ arestaurant. 3. You can see thirty sculptures 6 At Prague's concert halls, you can listen to AL at Prague Castle. AC jaz. B Jon Charles Bridge. B 1 dassical music. C Zin the Old Town Square. CD alternative rock music. ( Marks: *) 2 62 Reading G Read and choose the correct word for each space. What is Beauty? Have you ever wondered what makes people beautiful? Why do we 1)........ some people more attractive than 2) sou? They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but is that really true? ‘According to research, the friends, employees and role models that we choose depends 3) ...... their facial symmetry. That is, on how alike the 4) .... sides of their face are. Scientists 5)... that human beings have developed this characteristic in order 6) ..... make sure that the healthiest and smartest humans survive. However, 7) ....... @ more symmetrical face does not make one person better than another. Other human characteristics, 8)... a8 being kind, generous, caring and thoughtful ae all important 9)... the survival of our species. Itis therefore inaccurate, not to 10)... unfair, to ignore these traits in favour of physical beauty. 1A think B find C believe D see 2 A other B another © each D others 3 A on B of © with D for 4 A both B each c wo D either 5 A say B tell © ask D speak 6 A of B for Cas D to 7 A having B has C have D had 8 A alike B such C 50 D like 9 A at B in C for D of Maris: 10 A speak B mention C tell D ask 1012 H_ You received a letter from your friend in which he/she says that he/she is having trouble losing weight. Write a reply giving your friend advice on how to get in shape (100-120 words). Use the plan below to help you. Writing Plan Dear 5 (Para 1) — express your sympathy - offer help (Para 2) — give your advice (e., leave car at home / walk to work / eat fruit and vegetables / less Junk food / Jon fitness club take up / sport) (Para 3) — end your leter (e.g. hope / advice / help you / write soon) Love, Dear fi Love, (vers w) TEST 1 B (module 1) (Time: 80 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar > wanvausuns 10 Fill in the missing word. Tina doesn’t want to con weight, so she's on a diet Brian looks his brother. They have the same blue eyes. | prefer the quiet of the countryside to the and bustle of the city The French restaurant in not as popular... the Italian one Joan is tallest git in the school Tony is rather jealous Mark's new car. Jane can’t put up the noise of the city, so she’s moving to the country. John is much older Peter. "Do you from the USA?" “No, I'm from Canada." Paul WOKS 85 2 nnesonnom WAFdEN, Circle the correct item. Mr Brown is always with his students. 7 Mum Tat the moment. A patient B responsible C confident A iswatching B watches. © _watch Ain) diet includes lots of fruit and vegetables. 8 It’s taken Phil a long time to get the flu A elegant B healthy — C_moder A on B over Coff Kate always tells the truth, She's Very a.m 9 Youneed to be to be a good manager and not A polite B honest C_responsible lose your temper. A friendly B sensitive C calm Live in a small town with a lot of facies A busy B congested C local 10 I can’t stand two hours to work every day. A drive B driving —C-todrive | enjoy more than anything else A shopping Btw shop shop Paula looks after her brothers and sisters. She's a very -. person. Marks: — A careful B cheerful C caring tor 10 C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. Use of English 1. My brother and | are always arguing, | don't with my brother 3. Sarah prefers cooking at home to eating at restaurants 2 Tom is one of the most reliable employees in the | 4 | prefer Paris to Rome. company. Very few employees in the company are D Fill in the correct preposition. 1 Mary is afraid spiders, 2. Alexander Graham Bell is famous the telephone. Communication E Complete the exchanges. Sarah prefers at home rather than eat at restaurants. Like Paris Rome. 5) There aren't many restaurants in this town. Tom. There are restaurants in this town. Marke sa. 3. Paul is always rude inventing | 4 I'm not familiar people this place. Marks — a2 8 a Don’t mention it b See you later ¢ Not bad dd Idrather Take the first turning on your right 1A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the 4A Thank you very much for watering my plants. bank? 8: 8: 5 A: Hil How are you? 2 A Do you fancy going to a concert on Saturday? 8 . thanks. B: Not really. 90 to the cinema. 3 A: Goodbye! B: Bye! Test 1B Listening F You will hear a radio programme about Prague. For each question, put a tick (/) in the correct box. 1. Visitors to Prague should not go 4 The tallest building in Prague is A during the Spring Festival. ACI a church. 8 (1 in winter. B (Ja TV tower, CC in summer. ¢ (a monument. 2 These days, Prague Castle is home to. 5 The TV Tower in Zizkov does not have AT_1 the president. AT 1a viewina terrace. B (“J Czech princes. B CJ anart gallery. ¢ Czech kings. ¢ Ca restaurant. 3. You can see thirty sculptures 6 At Prague's concert halls, you can listen to ATL in the Old Town Square. A) dassical music. B (1) at Prague Castle. B (1 alternative rock music. ¢ Fon Charles Bridge. ¢ Cp. (x3) Reading G Read and choose the correct word for each space. Saying Goodbye to the Rat Race ‘A recent study has shown that people in Great Britain work harder than 1)... ese in Europe with an average working week of 44 hours. However, more and more Britons are deciding to 2)... the rat race in favour of a 3) coc Simpler life Research shows that many people are not happy in their jobs and do not enjoy the work they do. One in fourteen British workers have already given 4) ....... high powered jobs in order 5)... take less stressful ones, and more than half a million workers will 6)... them in the next three years. Why are so many people searching 7)... the simple life all of a 8)... ? Well it seems that the pressures of work are greater than ever 9)......., and people are beginning to value free time more than a 10)... Salary. 1A anyone B_ someone C everything dD no-one 2A depart B leave C exit D go 3A more B less much D even 4A off B on C down D up 5 A of B to © with D for 6 A join B add © connect D link 7 A of B in € for D with 8 A sudden B_ moment minute D second 9A yet B since C still D before 10 A tall B long high D wide Pras ror 79 H_ You saw the advertisement below in The Daily Star and you want to apply for the position. Write a letter of application (100-120 words). Use the plan below to help you. Writing (CHEF WANTED for busy French restaurant. Experience necessary. Must be reliable and efficient. Knowledge of French preferred. Would suit a creative, energetic person. Contact: Ms Marsaud, PO Box 3492 Plan Dear Ms Marsaud, {Para 1) — reason for writing / position / where advertised (Para 2) - age? qualifications? (e.g. speak fluent French) previous experience? (e.g work French restaurant / years) personal qualities? (e.g. creative, energetic, reliable et) {Para 3) — closing remarks (e.g. hope / consider / me / tor position / be /able /attend / interview / any time Yours sincerely, Dear Ms Marsaud, Yours sincerely, Marks: —| 20 TEST 2 A (module 2) (Time: 80 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar wovauaune 10 Fill in the missing word. Jack and Judy have working together for years came a very old painting in an antique shop last weekend, I've always wanted to go to .. United States of America ‘While on holiday we went on a guided .......... Of an ancient palace | am really fed with this weather. | need a holiday in the sun David has been to Paris. He knows the city very well. My brother us hs bike to school every morning. | was having a shower... the phone rang so | couldn't answer it Let’s get this bus. It goes to the town centre, \joined the gym in to keep fit. Circle the correct item. Cats and dogs aré........ animals. 7 Ireland has a very mild A wild B domestic C endangered A temperature B climate weather Some types of shark will become if we don't | 8 Have you been to the Italien restaurant on protect them. Belm Street? A extinct B dead C hunted A ever B yet C never I've been living in ry new fiat in town last | 9 We ran petrol on the way to the airport and August. missed our fight. A for B since C yet A into B over C outof 1 tive in a small house in the country. 10 Tower Bridge is one of the most important in A am used to B would C used to London. A landmarks B actions facilities Tina is very .. because she lost her wedding ring. A exhausted —B pleased == C_upset. We managed to catch a of the movie star as she left her hotel last night. A glimpse B look sight ( Marks: *) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. Use of English 1. There's nothing I'd rather have than a vanilla ice creém on a hot day. There's nothing | like .. a vanilla ice cream on a hot day. 2 It’s years since | last saw Benjamin. 1 Benjamin for years. 3. This is the first time I've been here. i here before. D Fill in the correct preposition. 1. Lamty always goes to school foot 2. The boat to Santorini was full so we had to go plane. Communication E Complete the exchanges. 4 Brian is too young to join the senior rugby team. Brian is not _ to join the senior rugby team. 5 Sophia and Sonya started learning English seven years ago. Sophia and Sonya English for seven years. 3 I think this bag belongs John 4 He tied his dog up to prevent it running away. Marks: — 4a 8 a How wonderful How dare you speak to me like that Oh dear. | do apologise It’s excellent What a shame 1 A: How do you find the food? B: ! 2 A; John and Mary are getting married next month! B 1 3A: Excuse me, but my soup is cold 4 A: Have you heard that Joan got fired? 8 5A: Stop talking so much. B 2 Marks: — sq "0 Listening F You will hear a radio interview about an environmental group. For each sentence, put a tick (7) in the correct box. 1. Dr Harris 4 So fat, the group has A.C created the group. ‘A.C thrown a lot of rubbish away. B CJisa student. B CJ started a recycling campaign. C [Js the leader of the group. CZ) deaned up the beach. 2. The students wanted tw 5. The yroup wants to A. help bigger groups. AC build a home for birds. B [J help the local environment. B [J build a home for cats and dogs CD help Dr Harts C collect money to buy plants. 3. Some animals 6 Next week, the group A need birds to ive. Ais holding a festival B C2 ate in danger. B [Js going to collect money, C Care a problem to wildlife C is going to clean up the streets. Macks: — o2 ? Reading G Read the holiday advertisement and decide if each statement (1-5) is true (T) or false (F). Bloom Valley Lodge, Kenya A Safari Holiday You'll Remember Forever Situated in the country near the Great Rift Valley with its volcanoes and lakes, Bloom Valley Lodge is only 30 minutes from Nairobi. Accommodation ranges from luxuty suites to log-cabin style rooms and camping, Come see all of Kenya's beauty, from snow-capped mountains to savannah. Choose from a wide variety of safaris, guided tours of coffee plantations, craft fairs, and traditional markets. You can even take a balloon safari or try some 4x4 off-road driving. We offer flight deals from London, Paris, Rome and Madrid to Nairobi and Mombassa all year round. For more information call toll free at 1-800-543210 wanes There are lakes and volcanoes near Bloom Valley Lodge. Al accommodation is very basic. You can visit coffee plantations in Kenya. Bloom Valley Lodge organises adventure activities. Phone calls for information are free of charge. H_ Your teacher has asked you to write a short story with the title: An Exciting Adventure (100-120 words). Use the plan below to help you. Write about: Writing + whereAwhen + what happened + who with + how you felt Pee AA (Para 1) when / where / main characters (e.g last month - picnic - my fiends & 1) (Para 2) — events in the order they happened (e.g. get into car / car break down / arrive woods / start raining / no blankets / see bear / terrified / bear go away) (Para 3) how you felt (€.9, go back home - exhausted - exciting adventure) Marks: — 20 TEST 2 B (module 2) (Time: 80 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar A Fill in the missing word. 1. Iwas watching TV my friends arrived, 2. It started to rain so we decided to get the next bus. 3. My friend came a very interesting article about birds in the newspaper. 4 River Shannon runs through the west of Ireland. 5 took a taxi in to get to the concert on time, 6 My sister loves to her bike in the park on Sundays. 7. My father has been to Spain twice this year. 8 Uncle Jack was fed With his old car so he bought a new one 9 Ihave collecting stamps since | was six years old 10 My class is going on a guided of the local museum tomorrow. Marks: — ton 1° B Circle the correct item. 1 We ran milk and had to drink our coffee | 6 Many species of fish have become because black. of overfishing A over B into C outof A hunted B extinct dead 2 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most interesting | 7 | love ice cream when I was a child in Paris. A would B amusedto C used to A actions B landmarks ¢ facilities 8 We managed to catch a of the Queen as 3. Greece has a very pleasant she rode past in her carriage A climate B temperature C weather A sight B glimpse look 4 Dogs and cats are animals. 9) Have you eaten frogs legs? They're delicious A endangered - B wild C domestic A ever B never C yet 5. My friend Judy has been staying with me 10. Sue was terribly because she crashed her September. friend's car. A since B for C yet A pleased B exhausted C upset Use of English C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. 1. My brothers started learning the guitar two years ago. My brothers the guitar for two years 2. There's nothing I'd rather do than lie on the beach in the summer. There's nothing | like lying an the heach in the summer 3. | am too short to reach the top shelf in the kitchen. Lam not to reach the top shelf in the kitchen, D Fill in the correct preposition. 11 Who does this coat belong 7? 2. I missed the bus and had to go all the way home foot. Communication E Complete the exchanges. 4. This is the first time my uncle Bob has been to my house My uncle Bob to my house before. 5 It's months since | last went to the cinema. 1 to the cinema for months ‘Marks: — so 3. I had to close all the doors and windows to prevent the bird flying away. 4. {simply love traveling plane. Marks: — 42 8 a Oh dear. | do apologise b How wonderful Ws excellent d What a shame eHow dare you speak to me like that 1A: Sheila won fist prize for her painting B: 1 2. A: How do you find the service here? 8 3 A: Take your bags and leave! 8 2 4 A: Excuse me, but this knife is dirty. B ' 5 A: James filed his driving test 8: so 1 Listening F You will hear a radio interview about an environmental group. For each sentence, put a tick (/) in the correct box. 1 Dr Harris 4 So far, the group has A CJisa student. AL started a recycling campaign B [Js the leader of the group. B [J cleaned up the beach. CC ceeated the group. CZ thrown a lot of rubbish away. 2. The students wanted to 5. The group wants to ‘A help Dr Harris A.C callect money to buy plants B [J help bigger groups. B [build a home for birds [help the local environment. build a home for cats and dogs. 3 Some animals 6 Next week, the group A need birds to live. ‘ACs going to collect money. 8 LJ are a problem to wildife. B C1 isholding a festival ¢ Date in danger € is going to cleen up Ue suet, ( Mats 62 Reading \ G Read the holiday advertisement and decide if each statement (1-5) is true (T) or false (F). Crocodile Valley Zoo Crocodile Valley Zoo, located in 25 acres of Greenway National Park, is the country's largest 200. The 200 exhibits a diverse collection of wild and exotic animals including polar bears, leopards, giraffes, rhinoceroses, and elephants. Children can feed and even play with some of the animals. Crocodile Valley Zoo helps the environment by protecting endangered species and by teaching children how to save the world's wildlife. The 200 receives over 250,000 wisitors every year and is open trom March to October. Adults: $6 Children (under 12): Free Children (12 = 17): $4 For more information call toll free: 716 825437 wun Crocodile Valley Zoo is the biggest zoo in the country. Children can play with all the animals. The zoo protects animals. The z00 is open all year round, Children under 12 do not have to pay. Test 2B H_ You have just come back from a holiday. Write a letter to a pen friend telling him/her about your holiday (100-120 words). Use the plan below to help you. Write about: Writing + where you went and who with + what you saw and did + how you felt Plan Dear . (Para 1) — reason for writing (where / when / with who you went on holiday) (Para 2) — details about your holiday (hotel, food, activities, souvenirs etc) (Para 3) — how you felt (e.g. relaxed) closing remarks, Love, Dear oeeseesee ; Love, (Marks: w) TEST 3 A (module 3) Vocabulary & Grammar Fill in the missing word. Can you buy me a magazine from the please? I'm not really the mood to go out - can we stay in instead? Children in my country don't ‘to wear a school uniform. This jacket is expensive. | can't afford it | wonder if this fat is sale. A burglar broke ‘our house and stole everything This time next week, | will iying on a sandy beach vn looking present for iy brottes My cousin is married on Saturday. That outfit is too fashioned. Why don’t you wear something trendier? Circle the correct item. They have been married for twenty years, so they are | 6 This dress is on special having a(n) party. A offer B discount © sale ‘A anniversary B engagement C retirement 7 Can you get me some medicine from the 2 This time next week, | vue to Paris. A confectioner's B chemist’s C jewellers A will fy B willbe flying C_be fying 2 James bought a leather jacket from a shop This skirt is the wrong size. It doesn’t me. A handmade B second-hand C hard-earned A suit, B match C fit 9 Excuse me, | try these trousers on, please? | didn’t think much the film we saw last night. A might B must C an It was awful A on B in C of 10 passed my driving test!" " ! You must be very pleased.” She always wears beautiful with her outfits. A Get well soon B Good luck C Well done A dothes —B_ accessories. C_-materials Use of English C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. 1 Kate will possibly he late for this afternoon's meeting. Kate for this afternoon's meeting It's not necessary for you to go to the supermarket. You to go to the supermarket. This dress is not big enough for me to wear. This dress for me to wear. Fill in the correct preposition. Would you like to pay cash? Jane always pays cheque when she goes shopping. Lee succeeded passing his exams, Communication E 1 2 3 Complete the exchanges. 4. Why don't you buy yourself some new clothes? You yourself some new clothes. 5 | can’t wait to go to the new shopping centre on Saturday. I to going to the new shopping centre on Saturday. 4 He paid for the meal credit card because he didn’t have any cash 5. Did you remember to congratulate Claire getting a promotion? Marks: — a a. Can | try this shirt on, please b That's very kind of you ¢ Congratulations d_ That sounds great e Certainly A: May Isit here, please? B: A: bought this for you 8: A: Guess what! I've got a new job! B: 4 A: How about going to the cinema this evening? 8 5A , B: Of course. The fitting rooms are over there. Listening F You will hear two people talking about a party they have been invited to attend. Fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces (1-6). COME TO A PARTY!! Sarah 1) is having a2) party on Saturday 3) July at 4) , Millfield Road at 5) RSVP by 28th 6) please! Reading G Read the article and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Planning the perfect party There's no better way to have fun than by throwing a party. Everyone loves to spend time with their friends and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. However, as anyone who has ever thrown a party will know, a lot of hard work goes into hosting a party, and it is not always easy to make sure everyone has 2 good time. The following tips will help you to plan the perfect party. + Parties néed to be planned carefully. Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to prepare for your party. Make a list of everything you need to do and be organised, because things can get very busy as the day of your party gets closer. Ifyou are serving food at your party, choose foods which go together. You could pick a theme for your party and make food which fits that theme; for example, Mexican or Chinese. Make sure you don’t serve foods which are You should prepare for the party in advance. You should serve foods with a mixture of themes. You should clean up any mess straight away. aunsunes You should let your guests watch TV. You need to let your quests know when the party will finish, You should not play music until all your guests have arrived. going to make a mess. Remember ~ you are the one who will have to clean it up the next day! + Written invitations are a great idea, especially if you can make them fun or different. Don’t forget to put important information like the time, date and address Con your invitations. Tell your guests when the party starts and when it will end. Also, let them know if they should wear a certain type of clothes (e.g. fancy dress), + You can use decorations, lighting and music to create ‘the perfect party atmosphere. Choose your favourite music and play it in the background as your guests arrive. It is @ good idea to remove your television if it is in the party area. You can also replace some of your lightbulbs with coloured lamps. Just follow these simple steps and you are sure to have a fantastic party that everyone will enjoy! Good luck! (25) H_ You are spending two weeks with some friends. Write a postcard to your English pen friend (60-80 words). Use the plant below tw help you. Write about: Writing + where you are staying + what you think of the place + what you are doing there Plan Dear 35 (Para 1) — opening remarks (reason you are writing) (Para 2). - where you are / what itis like / What you are doing there (e.g. shopping, visits to museums) (Para 3) — closing remarks Love, Dear Love, Marks: —) 20 TEST 3 B (module 3) DATE cssssssese MARK: —— 100 (Time: 80 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar A Fill in the missing word. 1 My brother is married on Sunday. 2 I'msorry. This house is not sale 3. Tomisnet .. ‘the mood to go to the cinema tonight. 4. This time tomorrow, | will flying to Spain. 5 Are you looking anything in particular, sir? 6 My mum wears a lot of -fashioned clothes 7 'm going to buy a newspaper ftom the .. Do you want anything? 8 Thieves bike Une school and stole all the computers last night. 9 You don't .~. to wash the dishes. | did them earlier. 10. These trousers are B Circle the correct item. 1. Look! That jacket is on special Let's buy it! A. discount B offer C sale 2. This time next week, | house. A willbe moving B will move C_be moving 3. Sally didn't think @ lot Wie food at Ue party. She thought it was terrible. A of B in Con 4 I'm just going to the See you later. A jewellers to get some medicine B chemists C_confectioner's 5 A: “I passed my driving test!” 8: ig ‘A Goodluck B Get well soon C Well done 10 expensive. | haven't got enough money to buy them. |help you, madam? ‘A Might B Can Must It's their 10th wedding _ 80 they are having a party. A ‘retirement —B_ engagement anniversary That dress you perfectly, It’s just the right size A fits B matches suits You can find lots of bargains in shops. A hard-eamed B handmade second-hand Belts, bags and scarves are with the rest of ‘the on the 2nd floor. ‘A materials B accessories. C clothes Marks: — tor 10

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