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1. People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad. (leave, terk etmek)
2. We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens. (admit, Kabul etmek)
3. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic
system. (reach, erişmek)
4. The more excuses you make, the less you will accomplish. (achieve, başarmak)
5. The author is going to adapt his stories for television. (uyarlamak, uymak)
6. Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.
(sufficiently, yeterli bir şekilde)
7. I admire her coolness under pressure. (hayran olmak)
8. The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. (unbelievable, inanılmaz,
9. A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do. (foresee, öngörmek)
10. You cannot fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. (value, takdir etmek)
11. My secretary will phone you to arrange a meeting. (organize, düzenlemek)
12. It is difficult to assess the building's value properly without seeing it. (evaluate,
13. It is reasonable to assume the economy will continue to improve. (suppose, farzetmek)
14. One does not have to be religious to lead a moral life or attain wisdom. (obtain, elde
15. Two very clear and comprehensive handbooks are available. (mevcut)
16. He has barely enough money to live on. (hardly, scarcely, hemen hemen hiç)
17. I had no choice but to cancel my holiday. (call off, iptal etmek)
18. This advertisement will capture the attention of TV audiences. (yakalamak)
19. Caution is the parent of safety. (precaution, Temkin, ihtiyat)
20. Air can circulate freely through the tunnels. (dolaşmak, deveran etmek)
21. To clarify matters, let us go back a step and ask some basic questions. (make clear,
explain, açıklamak)
22. The country's economy is on the verge of collapse. (downfall, çöküş)
23. David is a colleague of mine. That is, David and I are coworkers. (iş arkadaşı)
24. Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. (ticari)
25. The law will compel employers to provide health insurance. (force, zorlamak)
26. Professional athletes may now compete at the Olympics. (yarışmak)
27. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with
teaching. (yakınmak, şikayet etmek)
28. It is impossible to be completely objective. (entirely, tamamen)
29. Women comprise 51 percent of the population of France. (consist of, oluşturmak)
30. It is difficult to guess what they will conclude from the evidence. (deduce, sonuç

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