General Studies-1 (419) 06302021105752

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General Studies-l
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 25O
i$oS : 3 rlotJd$o rlo{ ecodrlg: : 25O

(t/ Candidates have to attempt all questions.

/it/ Marks carried by each question are indicated at its ead.

l. E<plain Ashoka's corccpt of Dhamma. (Not Eore than 15O wordsf

odnedd C{ Bode.:dod:$* ado:r. (15o dddgfi &eddod eirgoa) [10]

2. Dlacuss about the Brltish Lead Revenue System ta Beagal. (!Iot morc than
15O wordsf

aoroddQd Eu3# C6 do.roo$ dq,so$ Dq .ldFA. (lso dddail $eddod uu{oal

3. cRaJa Ram Mohan Roy inaugurated the modera age ofladlan history". f)lscuss.
lNot morc thaa 15O wordsf

'r+'oddd qga"rdO_ oocuod;o doea'or sooSf ddd: eJe'J0d oS::ridd:o

udoQAd6'. .!dFn. (lso Edrl9fi aoeddoc Elgonl [1o]

4. Dlscuss about the cultural contrlbutlons of the Pallavas to the Natloa. l ot

more thaa 15O wordsl

96 s9d6
- oeBd xDodgd *.o6,tdd$,
* age.3F,l. l15O ddil9?t eDeddod eNEpnl [1o]

5. The Anclent Indians showed lnsatlable curloslty to scleace and technology

and thelr contrlbution to Astroromy ls inmense. Dlscuss. (Not aore than 25O

edcd ?Fd.gco$d, ae$J *:{ Ao$argi*, Ssdod)d sd,/odo d.oeond6. sD?i/oe$@IiJtd

odd AJadd ermdaoddl. alelrn. (25o ddded ireddog e,!go:rl [15]

419lGeneral Studies-1 (l)

6. The Mughal Art and Architecture under Akbar ras a happy synthesis of the
Islamlc and Hindu ert tradltlona and elements. Discuss. (Not more than 25O
eidd rood dJorlc, dei d)q -ot$e, eeeDd d:{ E od.o dcro *dodd ;$d: elodrlC
nod:d noobedalRdJ. aldFn. (2sO ddderl iDeddog Elgonl t15I

7. The part played by Karnataka ln the "Qult Indla Movement" was unlque.
CoEme,lt. (Not more thaa 25O wordsl
'itd eoBojD r3g:da'o3rQ *uoFu3, odrEe:,d mgi DdC oQEeo$-!*&. ad)9r,1.
(2so *dd9,t ioeddo€ oldoa| IlSl
8. Dlscusa the determlnlstlc theory of soclal change. (Not more than 15O wordsl

rodDAd DdeDdlto$g OtraFdd 3Ed a6Bodd&d d)0* r3dFrro. (15O *drled eDcddod
eru{oaf llol
9. Dlscuss the dlffererrt development progremmes almed at reco[3tructlon of
rural soclal llfe. lNot more than 15O wordsf
fi3,Aoero E?d.rodd Acddd dcdd iofudo$ erudocd d,ao6dcd aAC o?tddq
o3roc*dilC$u e3a3rno.(lso ddded aoeddog slgonl ttol
10. Explala the concept of Sanskrltlzatlon. (Not more than 15O wordsl
,ofbgeidro -$${ ado:,. (15O ddrte eDcddod qDdonl IIOI

11. Dlscuse the factors that are responslble for changlng etatus of women. (Not
more than 15O wordsl

Dderotugd)d $Eo€o$d FBddDdt+ rodrouotud oodilg Dq ddF:). (15o ddded

egeddod erugo:Jl tlOI
L2. Is defectlve System oflrrdlan education aa lrrdlcator to youth uarest? Aaalyze.
lNot more than 15O wordsf
qradgeo$ 5110 dd.eo$gd &ocdd odDdEdd eeoEod: iraddEondo$c? agr&:,.
(lso dddgri egcddod e'l)qonf IlOl
f3. Sloclal Pollcy (Legtslatioaf brlage soclal chaage. Discuss. (Not more than 2SO
Eoalrod* ne.g (eno xodDd* z.ldendr€o$$* 36dd. delF,$o. (25o dddgd aDeddod
Elgonl tls]

419/General Studies- 1 (2)

L4. What ls moderolzation? &rplaln the factors that are responslble for the process
of moderaization. (Not more thaa 25O wordsf
u+oeddso oodde&? s*oedd$ gilo3:il odmao$d oords rr4 addd oeB.
(2so ddileil aDeddod etDgonl [1s]

15. How car the digitd Irdia Programme help farmers to lmprove farm productlvlty
and lncome? What are the steps taken by the goverament i! thls regard? (Not
more thea 15O words)
de,3$ dd& e,ougdd dd3 elmoi:d$u eD=i$da,1i/ogec.)o adseo .ao6olD aoo$ryia$$ ded
dda?Rd? * ioe^)oC irordd; oirod $d:dgdru dlidrd.-ooad? (15o ddritrd
aocddog erDgonl [1o]

16. How does 'PIIRA' help in the rural economlc development? Dlscuss. (Not more
than 15O wordsf
rBaDero uQFd eruddS,t 'PIIRA'de,l idrooojDnd? aisrrn. {15o dddgtl eDcddog
eru$o,:r) trol

17. Explatn the defects of Agrlculture market in Karaataka. (Not morG thaa l5O
dF"FEddO- dr& drodcdt3.,oJr doedriCdr4 adon. (15o ddded areddod
s1)gonl [1ol

18. Drpfafn the lmportaace of Soclo-Economic infrastructure la Karaataka. lNot

more than 15O words|
ddrort3ddg Eldtadd - (JQrd d:oc) Sdo,:rriC rgdc:eDrdoJrJ:a d:odc
adon. (15o ddded aDcddod qtqonl [1o]

19. The Nature of economic growth in Indla in recent tlmea ia oftea described as
Jobless growth. Do you agree wtth the vlew? Give argumetrts ln favour of your
alawer. ll{ot more thaa 25O words)
8td ndroi)dg r,ndddQ erQFd dsde6fo$ da"*A o6do0etiaDR zSdddfioJDrbgd
oorrD@R AJOnQ,dgd. * o0eosi${ sed ?.qaoD? sq s!gdd${ i;bQ.,l.
(25o *dderi eDeddog erudo,l) IISI

20. Descrlbe the lmPortatrce of small scale iadustrles in Indlan Rural Ecoaoay.
(I{ot more thaa 25O wordsf
qDddd (9oFddo$g nq tnDo€rlg *dddde4 *o$ ado:,. (2so ddriQ,l eDcddod
s,r)go:r) [15]

419/General Studies- 1 (3)

2\. Greea Revolutlon was almed to achleve self-rellance ln food productlon.
Aaalyze. (Not more than 25O wordsf
6',1dr EgoEoJc: elaad erDd.ddd O_ FX-,oozJ dojr o,ca xae i:a, wd e ,ddr4
dJooa$. a&&:r. (2so ddria,i iDeddoC erugon) tlsl

419/General Studies- 1 (4) UU21

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