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Patterns can be seen everywhere. Study of patterns have been one
of the foci in the study of mathematics. Several real world problems
such as shell spirals, flower petals, or growth of some bacteria are
best described using a special type of functions known as

These sequences can either be arithmetic and geometric which can be added to
form series. Moreover, the series of integers are mostly claimed to be true for every
positive integer. The series of positive integers can be easily checked for the first few
positive integers. However, given that the number of positive integers is infinite, we
cannot readily conclude that it is true for every positive integer unless proven using
principle of mathematical induction.

Hence, this module will focus on sequence and mathematical induction. As such,
arithmetic progression, geometric progression, series, and principle of mathematical
induction will be discussed in this module.

After completing this module, you should be able to:
1. give examples and identify types of sequence;
2. determine the equation describing a sequence;
3. solve practical problems involving arithmetic and geometric progression;
4. solve problems involving arithmetic and geometric series; and
5. apply the principle of mathematical induction in proving mathematical
Topic 1: Arithmetic Progression

It is expected that children aged 3 – 11 normally increase in height of about 6 cm

per year which could be observed in the sequence

102, 108, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144

This growth pattern of children follows an arithmetic progression.

Definition: An arithmetic progression (or arithmetic sequence) is a sequence in

which each successive term differs from the preceding term by a fixed constant, called
the common difference.

In the growth of children, the sequence

102, 108, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144
is an arithmetic progression because the term after the first is
obtained by adding the common difference, 6, to the previous
That is
108 = 102 + 6, 114 = 108 + 6, 120 = 114 + 6, 126 = 120 + 6, 132 = 126 + 6, and so on.
If the common difference is represented as d, then
d=an+ 1−an
for every positive n in the domain of the sequence.

Concept Check 1!
Which of the following sequences form arithmetic progression?
1. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
2. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, …
3. 5, - 2, 10, -4, 15, -6, 20, -8, …
4. 2, 6, 36, 216, 1296, 7776, …
5. 6, 1, -4, -9, -14, -19, -24, -29, …
Please see the correct answers at the end of this module. If you have a perfect
score, proceed to Example 1. If you were not able to identify the correct answer, you
need to watch a video on the following link:
Example 1:
Determine the common difference of the arithmetic progression
−15 ,−10 ,−5 , 0 , …
Solution: In determining the common difference, subtract the first term from the second.
d=an+ 1−an
Hence, the common difference is 5.

Example 2:
Find the first five terms of each arithmetic progression.
a. The first term is 8 and the common difference is – 3.
b. a 1=−15 , d=2
a. Starting with the first term, add the common difference
a 1=8
a 2=8+ (−3 )=5
a 3=5+ (−3 ) =2
a 4=2+ (−3 )=−1
a 5=−1+ (−3 ) =−4
As such, the first five terms are 8, 5, 2, – 1, and – 4.
b. Given that the first term is – 15 and the common difference is 2, then
a 1=−15
a 2=−15+2=−13
a 3=−13+2=−11
a 4=−11 +2=−9
a 5=−9+2=−7
Hence, the first five numbers are – 15, – 13, – 11, – 9, and – 7.
Based on these examples, it could be observed that
a 1=a1
a 2=a1 +d
a 3=a2 +d =a1 +d +d=a1 +2 d
a 4=a3+ d=a 1+ d+ d +d=a 1+3 d
a 5=a 4+ d=a 1+ d+ d +d +d=a1+ 4 d

This means that in an arithmetic progression with first term a 1 and

common difference d, the nth term a n, is given by the following:
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d

Example 3: Find the 15th term and a n of the arithmetic progression: 12, 15, 18, 21, …
a. a 1=12 and d=an+ 1−an =15−12=3 . To find a 18, substitute 15 for n in the formula for
the nth term.
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d Formula for a n
a 15=12+ (15−1 ) 3 Let a 1=12, n=15, and d=3
a 15=12+ (14 ) 3 Subtract
a 15=12+ 42 Multiply
a 15=54 Add
Thus, the 15th term is 54.
b. To determine the value of a n, use the formula for a n given that a 1=12 and d=3.
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d Formula for a n
a n=12+ ( n−1 ) 3 Let a 1=12 and d=3
a n=12+3 n−3 Distributive property
a n=3 n+9 Simplify
Hence, the formula in finding for a n in the given arithmetic progression is
3 n+9.
Example 4: The 8th term of an arithmetic sequence is – 2 and the 16 th term is 22. Find
the common difference and a 1.

Solution: We obtain a 16 by adding the common difference to a 8 eight times.

a 16=a8 + ( 16−8 ) d Definition of arithmetic progression

a 16=a8 +8 d Subtract
22=−2+ 8 d Let a 8=−2 and a 16=22
24=8 d Add 2
d=3 Divide 8 and interchange sides
Therefore, the common difference is 3.

This time determine the value of a 1 by using the formula for a n .

a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d Formula for a n

−2=a1 + ( 8−1 ) 3 Leta 8=−2, n=8 and d=3
−2=a1 + ( 7 ) 3 Subtract
−2=a1 +21 Multiply
a 1=−23 Subtract 21 and interchange sides
Thus, the first term is – 23.

WEB Link
To learn more about arithmetic progression, you may watch a video
on the following link: After that proceed to Exercise 1.

Exercise 1
1. Determine the common difference d for the arithmetic progression:
a+ 3b ,2 a+5 b , 3 a+7 b , …
2. Find the first five terms of each arithmetic progression.
a. The first term is 20, and the common difference is – 7.
b. The first term is – 3, and the common difference is 5.
3. Determine a 10 and a n for each arithmetic sequence
a. −13 ,−17 ,−21 , …
b. a 1=2 and a 3=8
4. Given that a clock strikes the proper number of chimes each hour on the hour, how
many times will it chime in a month of 31 days?
Topic 2: Geometric Progression
A population of fruit flies is growing in such a way that each generation is 1.5
times as large as the last generation. Suppose there are 100 insects in the first
generation, 150 in the second generation, 225 in the third generation, 337.5 in the fourth
generation, and so on. How many would there be in the 20 th generation? This question
can be answered using geometric progression.

Definition: A geometric progression (or geometric sequence) is a sequence in

which each succeeding term is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by a fixed
nonzero real number, called the common ratio.

Given the population of fruit flies, the first term is 100 and
the common ratio is 1.5. This implies that the sequence is
100, 150, 225, 337.5, …

Notice that dividing any term after the first term by the preceding term will obtain
the common ratio r = 1.5.
a2 150 a 225 a 337.5
= =1.5, 3 = =1.5, 4 = =1.5
a1 100 a2 150 a3 225

This implies that the formula in determining the common ratio, r, is

a n+1

From the given geometric sequence, it could be observed that

a 1=100
a 2=150=100 ×1.5=a1 r

a 3=225=150 × 1.5=100 ×1.5 ×1.5=100× 1.52=a1 r 2

a 4=337=225 ×1.5=100× 1.5 ×1.5 ×1.5=100× 1.53=a 1 r 3

This means that in a geometric progression with the first term, a 1, and common
ratio, r, the nth term a n has the formula

a n=a1 r n−1
Concept Check 2!
Considering the same sequences in Check-up 1, which of these sequences form
geometric progression?
1. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
2. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, …
3. 5, - 2, 10, -4, 15, -6, 20, -8, …
4. 2, 6, 36, 216, 1296, 7776, …
5. 6, 1, -4, -9, -14, -19, -24, -29, …
Please see the correct answers at the end of this module. If you have a perfect
score, proceed to Example 5. If you were not able to identify the correct answer, you
need to watch a video on the following link:

Example 5: Let us now consider the question posted at the beginning of this topic on
geometric progression: A population of fruit flies is growing in such a way that each
generation is 1.5 times as large as the last generation. Suppose there are 100 insects in
the first generation, 150 in the second generation, 225 in the third generation, 337.5 in
the fourth generation, and so on. How many would there be in the 20 th generation?

Solution: Using the formula for a n,

a n=a1 r n−1 Formula for a n

a 20=100(1.5)20−1 Let n = 20, a 1= 100, and r = 1.5

a 20=221,683.78 Evaluate

Hence, approximately there are 221,684 fruit flies in the 20th generation.

Example 6: Determine the common ratio, r, and the first term, a 1, for the geometric
−1 −1
sequence with a 4= and a 9= .
4 128

Solution: The 9th term, a 9, can be obtained by multiplying the 4 th term, a 4 , to the common
ratio five times.

a 9=a 4 r 5 Definition of geometric sequence

−1 −1 5 −1 −1
= r Leta 9= and a 4=
128 4 128 4
=r 5 Multiply by – 4
r= Take fifth roots and interchange sides.
Therefore, the common ratio is .
1 −1
This time use the computed common ratio, , and the given a 4= to compute
2 4
the first term, a 1.

a n=a1 r n−1 Formula for a n

−1 1 −1 1
=a1 ( ) Let n = 4, a 4= , and r =
4 2 4 2

−1 1
8 () Apply the exponent

a 1=−2 Multiply 8 and interchange sides

This means that the first term, a 1, is – 2.

Example 7: Suppose a strain of bacteria divides every 40 minutes. In two hours, the
bacteria cells manifested the sequence 200, 400, and 800. Based on this sequence,
determine a 10 and a n.

Solution: The first term, a 1, is 200. Let us first compute r by dividing the next term by the
preceding term. This means that r = =2.

To find a 10,

a n=a1 r n−1 Formula for a n

a 10=200(2)10−1 Let n ==10, a 1=200, and r =2

a 10=102,400 Evaluate

As such, the 10th number of bacteria cells in the sequence is 102,400.

The nth term can be found using

a n=a1 r n−1 Formula for a n

a n=200(2)n−1 Let a 1=200, and r =2

a n=25 ∙23 (2)n−1 Express 200 as a product of 25 and 23

a n=25(2)n+2 Simplify

Therefore, the nth number of bacteria cells is 25(2)n+2 .

WEB Link
To learn more about geometric progression, you may watch a video on the
following link: After that proceed to Exercise 2.

Exercise 2
1. Suppose an employee agrees to work for PhP300.00 the first day, PhP350.00
the second day, PhP408.33 on the third day, and so on. How much is earned on
a. 10th day
b. 20th day
c. 30th day
2. Given that a new car costs PhP1,000,000, determine its depreciation value after
6 years if it depreciates 20% each year.

Topic 3: Series
Suppose a stack of poles has 30 in the bottom row, 29 on the next, and so on,
with one pole in the top row. How many poles are in the stack? It could be noted in this
problem that the progression is
30, 29, 28, ….3, 2, 1
However, this kind of problem requires the total number of poles in the stack.
Hence, we need to add the values in the given sequences. This type of problem is an
arithmetic series.

Definition: Arithmetic series refers to the sum of the terms of an arithmetic

From the given problem, the total number of poles in the stack could be
determined by the sum of the terms of this sequence. This could be represented using
the formula

Sn=a1 + ( a1 + d ) + ( a1 +2 d ) +⋯+ [ a1 + ( n−1 ) d ]

¿ 30+29+28+ …+3+2+1
However, it could be noticed that the sum of the first and last terms, the sum of
the second and second from the last terms, and so on are the same.
30+29+28+ …+3+2+1
This simply means that the arithmetic series could be computed by multiplying
the sum of the first and last terms with the number of pairs in the given sequence, .
As such, the formula in determining the arithmetic series if the first term and the
last term are known is
Sn= ( a1 +a n )
Otherwise, substitute a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d to get the alternative formula for the sum of
the first n terms
Sn= ( a1 +a n )
¿ ( a + a + ( n−1 ) d )
2 1 1
( 2 a1 + ( n−1 ) d )
This means that the alternative formula in determining the arithmetic series given
that the first and last terms are unknown is
Sn = ( 2 a1 + ( n−1 ) d )
Example 8: Consider the problem above: Suppose a stack of poles has 30 in the bottom
row, 29 on the next, and so on, with one pole in the top row. How many poles are in the
Solution: Since there are 30 values in the given arithmetic progression, then n=30.
Given that the first and last terms are known, we will use the first formula.
Sn= ( a1 +a n ) First formula for Sn
S30= ( 30+1 ) Let n=30, a 1=30, and a 30=1
S20=15 ( 31 ) Simplify

S20=465 Multiply

This means that there are 465 poles in the stack.

Example 9: A person borrows PhP10,000 and agrees to pay PhP500 monthly with an
interest of 2% a month on the unpaid balance until the loan amount is fully paid. How
much will be the total amount of paid interest?

Solution: Based on the problem, a 1=10,000× 2 %=200,

a 2=9,500 ×2 %=190 , d=190−200=−10 , and n= =20. Since the last term could not
be determined, we will use the second formula.
Sn = ( 2 a1 + ( n−1 ) d ) Second formula for Sn
S20= ( 2 ( 200 ) + ( 20−1 )(−10 ) )Let n=20, a 1=200, and d=−10
S20=10 ( 210 ) Simplify

S20=2,100 Multiply

Therefore, the total amount of paid interest is PhP2,100.

Example 10: The sum of the first 12 terms of an arithmetic sequence is 156. If a 12=35 ,
find a 1 and d.

Solution: Use the first formula to determine the value of a 1.

Sn= ( a1 +a n ) First formula for Sn
156= ( a +35 ) Let n=12, S12=156 , and a 12=35
2 1
26=a1 +35 Multiply by
a 1=−9 Subtract 35 and interchange sides

Therefore, the first term is – 9.

Find d using the formula for the nth term.
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d Formula for a n
35=−9+ ( 12−1 ) d Let a 12=35 , a 1=−9 and n=12
44=11 d Add 9 and simplify
d=4 Divide by 11 and interchange sides
This means that the common difference in the given problem is 4.

This time, let us consider the problem posted under geometric progression on the
population of fruit flies.
A population of fruit flies is growing in such a way that each generation is 1.5
times as large as the last generation. Suppose there are 100 insects in the first
generation, 150 in the second generation, 225 in the third generation, 337.5 in the fourth
generation, and so on.
If we are now interested to know the total number of insects in the 20
generations, then this becomes an example of geometric series.

Definition: Geometric series refers to the sum of the terms of a geometric


Recall that
a 1=100

a 2=150=100 ×1.5=a1 r

a 3=225=100 × 1.52=a1 r 2

a 4=337=100 ×1.53 =a1 r 3

To find the formula for the geometric series, Sn, we write
Sn=a1 +a2 +…+ an

¿ a1 +a 1 r + …+ a1 r n−1 (Equation 1)

This means that if r =1, then

Sn=n a1
If r ≠ 1, the multiply both sides of the equation by r to obtain

Sn r=a1 r + …+ a1 r n−1 +a 1 r n (Equation 2)

Then solve for Sn by subtracting equation 2 from equation 1

Sn=a1 +a1 r +… +a1 r n−1 (Equation 1)

- Sn r=a1 r + …+ a1 r n−1 +a 1 r n (Equation 2)

Sn−S n r =¿ a 1−a 1 r n Subtract

Sn ( 1−r ) =a1 ( 1−r n ) Factor

a 1 ( 1−r n )
Sn= Divide both sides by 1−r
This means that the formula in computing finite geometric series is

a 1 ( 1−r n )
Sn = , where r ≠ 1

Moreover, given that a 1 r n=an r, then the alternative formula for finite geometric series
given that the last term is known is
a 1−an r
Sn= , where r ≠ 1
Concept Check 3!
Find r for each infinite geometric sequence. Identify any whose sum diverges.
1. 12, 24, 48, 96, …
2. -81, -27, -9, -3, …
3. 2, -10, 50, -250, …
4. 625, 125, 25, 5, …
Please see the correct answers at the end of this module. If you got a perfect
score, proceed to Example 11. Otherwise, you need to watch a video on the following
Example 11: Going back to the problem: a population of fruit flies is growing in such a
way that each generation is 1.5 times as large as the last generation. Suppose there are
100 insects in the first generation, 150 in the second generation, 225 in the third
generation, 337.5 in the fourth generation, and so on. What is the total number of
insects in the 20 generations?
Solution: Let us use the formula for Sn since r ≠ 1.

a 1 ( 1−r n )
Sn = Formula for Sn

100 ( 1−(1.5)20 )
S20= Let n=20 , a1=100, and r =1.5
S20 ≈ 664,851 Evaluate
Hence, the total number of fruit flies in the 20 generations is approximately

Example 12: Determine the sum of a geometric sequence if the first term is 3, the last
term is 46,875, and the common ratio is 5.
Solution: Let us use the alternative formula for Sn since r ≠ 1 and the last term is known.
a 1−an r
Sn= Formula for Sn
3−46,875 ( 5 )
Sn= Let a 1=3,a n=46,875 and r =5
Sn=58,593 Evaluate
Hence, the sum of the geometric sequence is 58,593.

Example 13: Evaluate ∑ 4 ∙−3

Solution: This series is the sum of the first 5 terms of a geometric sequence having
a 1=4 ∙−31=−12 and r =−3. Given that r ≠ 1, we will use the formula in finding for the
finite geometric series.

a 1 ( 1−r n )
Sn = Formula for Sn

−12 ( 1−(−3)5 )
S5 = Let n=5 , a1=−12, and r =−3
1− (−3 )
S5=−732 Evaluate
Thus, the sum of the first five terms in the given geometric sequence is −732.
1 1 1
Example 14: Evaluate 1+ + + +….
2 4 8
Solution: Notice that we need to add an infinite geometric sequence. Let us first use the
formula for finite Sn, we will obtain

a 1 ( 1−r n )
Sn= Formula for Sn

Sn =
( ( ))
1 1−
Let a 1=1 and r =
1 2
1 n
The table below shows the values of ()
for larger values of n.

n 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 50
1 n
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 4 8 16 32 1024 1048576 1125899906842624

It could be observed that as n increases without bound, ( ) approaches 0. This
means that
1 n

This means that


lim S n=lim
( ( ))
1 1−
1 (1−0 ) 1
= =2
n→∞ n→∞ 1 1 1
1− 1−
2 2 2
1 1 1
1+ + + +…=2.
2 4 8

As such, if |r|< 1, then the formula in computing infinite geometric series is

lim S n=S ∞=
n→∞ 1−r

Example 15: Evaluate ∑ .
i=1 5

31 3 3
Solution: Based on the problem, a 1= = and r = . Since |r|< 1, the sum converges.
5 5 5
S∞ = Formula for S∞
5 3 3
S∞ = Let a 1= , and r =
3 5 5
3 1
S∞ = or 1 Evaluate
2 2
Thus, the sum of the infinite geometric sequence is 1 .

Example 16: Find the first three terms of an infinite geometric sequence if it is known
that the common ratio is and the sum is 16.
Solution: Let us first compute the value of a 1.
S∞ = Formula for S∞
16= 3
3 Let S∞ =16, and r =
1− 4
a 1=4 Evaluate
Considering that a 1=4 and r = to determine the first three terms.
a 1=4
a 2=a1 ∙r =4 ∙ =3
9 1
a 3=a1 ∙r 2=4 ∙ =2
16 4
Hence, the first three terms in the given geometric sequence are 4 , 3 ,and 2 .

Example 17: Evaluate ∑ −3∙ 5 .

Solution: Here, a 1=−3 ∙51 =−15 and r =5. Notice that |r|> 1, let us observe the values of
−3 ∙5 i for larger values of n in the table below.
n 1 2 3 10
−3 ∙5 i −15 −75 −375 -29296875

It could be observed that if |r|> 1, then n increases without bound, so there is no

limit as n → ∞. This means that the terms of the sequence will not have a sum.

Example 18. A square has an area of 144 in2. A second square is constructed by
connecting in order the midpoints of the sides of the first square, a third by connecting in
order the midpoints of the sides of the second square and so forth. Calculate the sum of
the areas of these squares.

6 √ 2∈¿

Solution: Let us first compute for the area6∈¿

of the second square. Given that the area of
the outermost square is 144 in 2, then each side measures 12 in. In computing for the
side of the second square, we need to consider one of the outer isosceles right
triangles. Since the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is √ 2 times the length of a
leg, then each side of the second square is 6 √ 2 in.
A=s 2 Formula in computing for the area of a square
A=( 6 √ 2 ) Let S=6 √ 2
A=72 Simplify
This means that the area of the second square is 72 in 2.
Then, determine the common ratio by dividing the area of the second square by
the area of the first square.
a n+1 72 1
r= = =
an 144 2
Let us now compute for the sum of the areas of all the squares.
S∞ = Formula for S∞
S∞ = 1
1 Let a 1=144, and r =
1− 2
S∞ =288 Simplify
Therefore, the sum of the areas of all the squares is 288 in2.

WEB Link

To learn more about series, you may watch a video on the following link: and After that proceed
to Exercise 3.

Exercise 3
1. Compute the sum of all integers from – 3 to 40.
2. Consider the arithmetic sequence: -11, - 7, -3, 1,… Evaluate S20.
3. Find a 1 and d if Sn=1090 and a 20=102.
4. The population of a city is 49,000. If the zoning commission permits an increase
of 580 in the population each year, what will the maximum population be after 5
5. Determine the sum of the first six terms in the geometric sequences below using
the formula for Sn.

a. 2, 8, 32, 128, … c. a 1=−3.772 ,r =−1.553

1 1
b. 18 ,−9,4 ,−2 ,…
2 4

6. Evaluate each geometric series.

a. 18+6+ 2+ +…
b. ∑ 4
3 k =1

7. A ball dropped from a height has a distance travelled (in m) of 128/9, 32/3, 8, 6,
… How much distance will it travel before coming to rest?
Topic 4: Principle of Mathematical Induction
Mathematical statements are claimed to be true for every positive integer. It is
said that if a mathematical statement is true for n=1 ,n=2, and so on. However, it is
difficult to prove a mathematical statement given than the set of positive integers is
Let us try to examine the following cases:

1 = 1
1+3 = 4
1+3+5 = 9
Try to give a general rule that gives the mathematical relationship of integers on
the right side of the equation: ____________________.

The next question now will be: “Is the general formula true for all integers greater
than 1?”
1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 n−1 ) =¿ ¿

This can be answered by Principle of Mathematical Induction.

Definition: Principle of Mathematical Induction

Let Sn be a statement concerning the positive integers, n, such that

1. Sn is true, and
2. for any positive integer k, k ≤ n, if Sk is true, then Sk +1 is also true.

Then Sn is true for every positive integer value of n.

Mathematical induction is a standard procedure for establishing the validity of

mathematical statements which we shall call as propositions involving a series of
positive integers. However, a disadvantage of this tool is that it gives no aid in
formulating mathematical statements.
Concept Check 4!

Write out S4 for each of the following, and decide whether it is true or false.

3 n ( n+1 )
1. 3+6+ 9+…+3 n=

2 2 2 2 n ( n+ 1 )( 2 n+1 )
2. 1 +2 + 3 + …+n =

3. 2n <2 n
Please see the correct answers at the end of this module. If you have a perfect
score, continue reading the module. If you were not able to identify the correct answers,
you need to watch a video on the following link:
Considering the cases above:

1 = 1
1+3 = 4
1+3+5 = 9
It could be observed that Sn=1+3+ 5+…+ ( 2 n−1 )=n2. This time, let us prove that
the general formula is true for all positive integers above 1 by applying the principle of
mathematical induction.
The Procedure for mathematical induction consists of four steps.

Step 1. Verification
We verify the validity of the proposition for a few particular cases of n. We start
with the smallest value of n for which the proposition holds, usually n = 1, unless
otherwise stated. We can have another value of n such as n = 2.

Step 2. Induction Hypothesis

This is the assumption made in carrying out of the proof of the induction. This
means that we have to assume that the statement is true for some positive integer n =

Step 3. Proof of the Induction

This is the basis of induction where the hypothesis is utilized to carry out the
desired result. Show whenever the hypothesis holds, then the proposition also holds for
the next integer n = k + 1.

Step 4. Conclusion
The proposition is true for all positive integral values of n.

Example 19: Let Sn represent the following statement

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 n−1 )=n2

Prove that Sn is true for every positive integer n.

Step 1: Verification
To verify S1 and S2, show that the statement is true when n=1 and when n=2.

Let n=1 Let n=2.

( 2 n−1 ) =n2 1+ ( 2 n−1 ) =n2

( 2 ( 1 )−1 ) =( 1 )2 1+ ( 2 ( 2 )−1 ) =( 2 )2

1=1 4=4

Step 2: Induction Hypothesis

Let n=k

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 )=k 2

Step 3: Proof of the Induction

Let n=S k+1

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 ) + [ 2 ( k +1 )−1 ] =( k +1 )2

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 ) + ( 2 k +1 )=k 2 +2 k +1

To prove that Sk is a true statement, let us add 2 k +1 to each side of this equation
to obtain Sk +1. Then let us use algebra to change Sk to Sk +1.

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 )=k 2 Equation for Sk

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 ) + ( 2 k +1 )=k 2 +(2 k +1) Add 2 k +1 to each side

1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 ) + ( 2 k +1 ) = k 2+2 k +1 Simplify

Notice that 1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 k−1 ) + ( 2 k +1 ) = k 2+2 k +1 is the statement for Sk +1.

Step 4: Conclusion
Since we have shown that the equation is true for n=1,2 , and k +1, then
1+3+5+ …+ ( 2 n−1 )=n2 is true for any n ∈ Z .

2 2 2 2 n ( 2 n−1 )( 2 n+1 )
Example 20: Prove that 1 +3 +5 +…+ ( 2 n−1 ) = for any n ∈ Z +¿¿.
Step 1: Verification.
Let n=1 Let n=2
n ( 2 n−1 )( 2 n+1 ) n ( 2 n−1 ) ( 2 n+1 )
( 2 n−1 )2= 12 + ( 2 n−1 )2=
3 3

2 1 ( 2 ( 1 ) −1 )( 2 ( 1 ) +1 ) 2 2 ( 2 ( 2 ) −1 )( 2 ( 2 ) +1 )
( 2 ( 1 )−1 ) = 12 + ( 2 ( 2 )−1 ) =
3 3
1=1 10=10

Step 2: Induction Hypothesis

Let n=k
k ( 2k −1 ) ( 2 k+ 1 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2=

Step 3: Proof of the Induction

Let n=k +1

2 ( k +1 ) ( 2 ( k +1 )−1 ) ( 2 ( k +1 ) +1 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2+ ( 2 ( k +1 )−1 ) =

( k +1 )( 2 k +1 ) ( 2 k +3 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2+ (2 k + 1 )2 =

Assume that Sk is true and use algebra to change Sk to Sk +1 by adding ( 2 k +1 )2 to

each side of this equation to obtain Sk +1.

k ( 2k −1 ) ( 2 k+ 1 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2= Equation for Sn
k ( 2 k −1 )( 2 k +1 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2+ (2 k + 1 )2 = + ( 2 k +1 )2 Add ( 2 k +1 )2 to each side

k (2 k −1 )
¿ ( 2 k +1 ) [ 3
+ (2 k + 1 ) ] Factor out 2 k +1 on the right

k (2 k −1 ) +3 ( 2 k +1 )
¿ ( 2 k +1 ) [ 3 ] Add inside the brackets

2 k 2+5 k + 3
¿ ( 2 k +1 ) [ 3 ] Simplify the brackets
( 2 k +3 )( k+ 1 )
¿ ( 2 k +1 ) [ 3 ] Factor 2 k 2 +5 k +3

( k +1 )( 2 k +1 ) ( 2 k +3 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 k −1 )2+ (2 k + 1 )2 = Multiply ( 2 k +1 )

2 2 2 2 2 ( k +1 )( 2 k +1 ) ( 2 k +3 )
Notice that 1 +3 +5 +…+ ( 2 k −1 ) + (2 k + 1 ) = is the statement
for Sk +1.

Step 4: Conclusion
Since we have shown that the equation is true for n=1 ,2 , and k +1, then
n ( 2 n−1 )( 2 n+1 )
12 +32 +52 +…+ ( 2 n−1 )2= is true for any n ∈ Z +¿¿.

Example 21: Prove that if x is a real number between 0 and 1, then 0< x n <1 for any
n ∈ Z +¿¿.

Step 1: Verification
Let n=1 Let n=2

0< x n <1 0< x n <1

0< x 1 <1 0< x 2 <1

0< x <1

Step 2: Induction Hypothesis

Let n=k 0< x k <1

Step 3: Proof of the Induction

Let n=S k+1

0< x k +1< 1

0< x k ∙ x <1

To prove that Sk is a true statement, let us use algebra to simplify the inequality.
0< x k <1 Inequality for Sk

0 ∙ x< x k ∙ x <1 ∙ x Multiply x to each side

0< x k +1< x Simplify

Based on Step 1, we know that x <1. This means that in the inequality 0< x k +1< x,
x can be replaced with a bigger number and the inequality is preserved. Therefore,
since x <1, we can replace x with 1. This will lead to the inequality

0< x k +1< 1
Step 4: Conclusion

Since we have shown that the equation is true for n=1 ,2 , and k +1, then 0< x n <1
is true for any n ∈ Z +¿¿.

Example 22: Prove that n<2 n for any n ∈ Z +¿¿.

Step 1: Verification
Let n=1 Let n=2

n<2 n n<2 n

1<21 2<22
1<2 2< 4

Step 2: Induction Hypothesis

Let n=k

k < 2k
Step 3: Proof of the Induction

Let n=S k+1

( k +1 )<2 k+1

( k +1 )<2 k ∙ 2

( k +1 )<2 k + 2k

To prove that Sk is a true statement, let us simplify the inequality.

k < 2k Inequality for Sk

k +1< 2k + 1 Add 1 to each side

Given that 1<2k based on Step 1, then 2k +1<2k +2k . This means that in the
inequality +1<2k +1<2k +2 k . Therefore,

( k +1 )<2 k+1

Step 4: Conclusion

Since we have shown that the equation is true for n=1 ,2 , and k +1, then n<2 n is
true for any n ∈ Z +¿¿.
This time, prove 2n >2 n+1. Let us verify n=1, n=2, and n=3.
Let n=1 Let n=2 Let n=3
2n >2 n+1 2n >2 n+1 2n >2 n+1
21 >2 (1 )+1 22 >2 ( 2 )+1 23 >2 ( 3 ) +1
2>3 4 >5 8>7

It could be observed that the inequality is not true if n=1 and n=2 but it becomes
true if n=3. This means that there are some mathematical statements that are not true
for the first few values of n but is true for the rest of the values of n that are equal or
greater than a fixed integer j. This leads to the generalized principle of mathematical
Definition: Generalized Principle of Mathematical Induction

Let Sn be a statement concerning the positive integers, n, and let n be a fixed

positive integer, such that
1. S j is true, and
2. for any positive integer k, k ≥ j, if Sk is true, then Sk +1 is also true.

Then Sn is true for every positive integer value of n, where n ≥ j.

Example 23: In the example above, let us prove that 2n >2 n+1 is true for all value of n
such that n ≥ 3.
Step 1: Verification
Let n=3 Let n=4

2n >2 n+1 2n >2 n+1

23 >2 ( 3 ) +1 2( 4) >2 ( 4 ) +1
8>7 16> 9
Step 2: Induction Hypothesis

Let n=k 2k >2 k +1

Step 3: Proof of the Induction

Let n=S k+1

2k +1>2 ( k +1 )+1

To prove that Sk is a true statement, let us use algebra to simplify the inequality.

2k >2 k +1 Inequality for Sk

2k ∙2> ( 2 k +1 ) ∙ 2 Multiply 2 to each side

2k +1> 4 k + 2 Product rule and Distributive Property

2k +1>2 k + 2+ 2 k Rewrite 4 k as 2 k +2 k

2k +1>2 ( k +1 )+2 k Factor out 2

Given that 2 k >1 for positive integers k ≥ 3, then replacing 2 k with 1 will maintain
the truth value of the inequality. Therefore,

2k +1>2 ( k +1 )+1

Step 4: Conclusion
Since we have shown that the equation is true for n=1 ,2 , and k +1, then
2 >2 n+1 is true for all value of n such that n ≥ 3.

WEB Link To learn more about principle of mathematical induction involving

inequalities, you may watch a video on the following link: After that proceed to Exercise 4.

Exercise 4
1. By the method of mathematical induction, prove that the following statements
are valid for all positive integral values of n.
a. 1 ∙3+2 ∙ 4+ …+n ( n+2 ) = n ( n+1 ) ( 2 n+7 )
7 ( 7n−1 )
b. ∑ 7 n= 6
n =1

1 n
c. ∑ n ( n+1 =
n =1 ) n+1
n ( n+1 )
d. 13 +23 +33 +…+ n3= [ 2 ]
If you find any difficulty in answering the activities, seek the assistance
of your teacher or peers or refer to the module you have gone over earlier. You may
post your clarifications in our chat box in Google Classroom.


Goggle Classroom, Facebook and Chat, Exercises, Problem Sets
Activity 1
Directions: Give two examples of arithmetic sequence and two examples of geometric
sequence. Write your answers on the space provided.
Arithmetic Sequence 1: ___________________________________________
Arithmetic Sequence 2: ___________________________________________
Geometric Sequence 1: ___________________________________________
Geometric Sequence 2: ___________________________________________
Differentiate arithmetic sequence from geometric sequence. ______________________

Activity 1 Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Mathematical Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
Concepts shows complete shows substantial shows some shows very limited
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the mathematical the mathematical the mathematical underlying
concepts used to concepts used to concepts needed concepts needed
solve the solve the to solve to solve the
problems. problem(s). problem(s). problem(s) or is
not written.
Mathematical 90%-100% of the Almost all (85%- Most (75% - 84%) More than 75% of
Errors given examples 89%) of the given of the given the given
have no examples have no examples have no examples have
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
errors. errors. errors. errors.

Activity 2
Directions: Perform the activity below and answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers on the space provided.
The first three terms of the number of sequence represented by the tile figures
here are 7, 12, and 17. Build and sketch the fourth figure and record the number of tiles
needed to build it.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th

7 12 17 ____
a. Write directions for constructing the eight figure so that someone who has not
seen any of the figures could build the figure by following your directions.

b. Determine the number of tiles in the 50th figure.

c. Explain how you can determine the number of tiles the 50 th figure would contain.

d. Write a procedure using words or an algebraic expression to determine the

number of tiles for any figure n.

Activity 2 Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Mathematical Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
Concepts shows complete shows substantial shows some shows very limited
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the mathematical the mathematical the mathematical underlying
concepts used to concepts used to concepts needed concepts needed
solve the solve the to solve to solve the
problems. problem(s). problem(s). problem(s) or is
not written.
Mathematical 90%-100% of the Almost all (85%- Most (75% - 84%) More than 75% of
Errors steps and 89%) of the steps of the steps and the steps and
solutions have no and solutions solutions have no solutions have
mathematical have no mathematical mathematical
errors. mathematical errors. errors.
Diagrams and Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or
Sketches sketches are clear sketches are clear sketches are sketches are
and greatly add to and easy to somewhat difficult difficult to
the reader’s understand. to understand. understand
understanding of
the procedure(s).
Strategy/ Typically, uses an Typically, uses an Sometimes uses Rarely uses an
Procedures efficient and effective strategy an effective effective strategy
effective strategy to solve the strategy to solve to solve problems.
to solve the problem(s). problems, but
problem(s). does not do it
Activity 3
Directions: Solve the following problems and box your final answer.
1. An amphitheatre has 35 rows of seats. The back row has 85 seats, the next row
83 seats, the next row 81 seats, and so on. How many seats are there in the first

2. A PE teacher instructs his athletes to undergo a jogging program. He told them to

jog for 15 minutes each day for the first week. Each week thereafter, he told them
to increase the time by 7 minutes per day. How many weeks will it be before the
athletes are jogging 71 minutes per day?

3. Mr. Aquino, the Director for Office of Student Affairs and Services, informs the
Student Body Organization Officers of school cancellation by phone. He calls two
officers, each of whom in turn calls two other officers, and so on. In order to
inform all of the officers, six rounds of calls are made. How many officers were
informed on the last call?

4. Find the sum of the first 12 terms of the arithmetic sequence if the first term is 3
and the tenth term is 39.

5. A collection of five-peso coins is arranged in a triangular array with 15 coins in

the base row, 14 in the next, 13 in the next, and so forth. Compute the value of
the collection.

6. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jason was among the laid-off workers. He
decided to borrow PhP8,100 and promised to pay PhP120 on the first month,
PhP150 on the second month, and PhP180 on the third, and so on. How many
months will it take him to pay the debt?

7. What is the sum of the first 15 terms given the sequence 64, 16, 4, …?
8. If the sum of the first five terms in a geometric sequence is -93 and the common
ratio is 2, find the first and the third terms.

9. How many times will a clock strike in 12 hours if it strikes 2 times in the first hour,
6 times in the second hour, 18 times in the third hour, and so on?

10. The pendulum has travelled 100 cm. if it is known that each swing is as long as
the preceding one, how far was the first swing?
11. A circle has area that is approximately 50cm 2 and the succeeding circles are
constructed the area of the previous one. What is the sum of the areas of
these circles?
Activity 3 Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Completion All procedures are All but one of the All but two of the Several problems
completed. problems are problems are are not
completed. completed. completed.
Mathematical 90%-100% of the Almost all (85%- Most (75% - 84%) More than 75% of
Errors steps and 89%) of the steps of the steps and the steps and
solutions have no and solutions solutions have no solutions have
mathematical have no mathematical mathematical
errors. mathematical errors. errors.
Neatness and The work is The work is The work is The work appears
Organization presented in a presented in a presented in an sloppy and
neat, clear, neat and organized fashion unorganized. It is
organized fashion organized fashion but may be hard hard to know what
that is easy to that is usually to read at times. information goes
read. easy to read. together.
Strategy/ Typically, uses an Typically, uses an Sometimes uses Rarely uses an
Procedures efficient and effective strategy an effective effective strategy
effective strategy to solve the strategy to solve to solve problems.
to solve the problem(s). problems, but
problem(s). does not do it
Activity 4
Directions: Let Sn represent the given statement, and use mathematical induction to
prove that Sn is true for every positive integer n.
3 n ( n+1 )
a. 3+6+ 9+…+3 n=

2 2 2 2 n ( n+ 1 )( 2 n+1 )
b. 1 +2 + 3 + …+n =

c. If a> 1, then a n>1 .

d. n !>3 n, for all n such that n ≥ 7

Activity 4 Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Completion All procedures are All but one of the All but two of the Several problems
completed. problems are problems are are not
completed. completed. completed.
Mathematical 90%-100% of the Almost all (85%- Most (75% - 84%) More than 75% of
Errors steps and 89%) of the steps of the steps and the steps and
solutions have no and solutions solutions have no solutions have
mathematical have no mathematical mathematical
errors. mathematical errors. errors.
Neatness and The work is The work is The work is The work appears
Organization presented in a presented in a presented in an sloppy and
neat, clear, neat and organized fashion unorganized. It is
organized fashion organized fashion but may be hard hard to know what
that is easy to that is usually to read at times. information goes
read. easy to read. together.
Strategy/ Typically, uses an Typically, uses an Sometimes uses Rarely uses an
Procedures efficient and effective strategy an effective effective strategy
effective strategy to solve the strategy to solve to solve problems.
to solve the problem(s). problems, but
problem(s). does not do it
Mathematical Correct Correct Correct There is little use,
Terminology and terminology and terminology and terminology and or a lot of
Notation notation are notation ate notation ate used inappropriate use
always used, usually used, but it is of terminology and
making it easy to making it fairly sometimes not notation.
understand what easy to easy to
was done. understand what understand what
was done. was done.

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