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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Project Introduction

Digital Classroom will be an online android-based mobile phone application
for academia including faculty members, students and parents. The overall objective
of this app is to provide online platform for teachers, students and parents to manage
and stay informed about teacher/student educational activities, keep-in-touch with
class, schedule, electronic resources, announcements, and communication among
themselves along with reporting feature.

1.1.1 Main Theme

This application will engage all users in a collaborative social environment to

improve overall learning experience through online interaction. Moreover, it will
inform all registered participants with latest updates about class activities, schedules,
results anytime anywhere, help students to track their performance, assist teachers to
manage e-resources as well as students at the same time.

1.1.2 Scope of the Project

A system context diagram (SCD) in software engineering and systems

engineering is a diagram that defines the boundary between the system, or part of a
system, and its environment, showing the entities that interact with it. This diagram is
a high level view of a system. It is similar to a block diagram. They also represent the
scope of the project at a similar level of abstraction. It is also called DFD level-0. The
context level diagram of the system can be as follows.

Digital Class Room 2

Chapter 1 Introduction

Context Level Diagram for Digital Class Room

Download Assignment

Download Lecture
Login View Course
Get FeedBack Download Marks Sheet Student
Assign Course

Administrator Add Teacher Profile

Remove Course
Digital Class

Upload Resourses

Teacher Upload Marks Sheets

Create Account
Upload Assignment

Figure 1-1: System Context Diagram

A well-defined scope sets expectations among the project stakeholders. It identifies

the external interfaces between the system and the rest of the world. The scope
definition helps the project manager assess the resources needed to implement the
project and make realistic commitments. In essence, the scope statement defines the
boundary of the project manager’s responsibilities.I’ll define project scope as: “The
portion of the ultimate product vision that the current project or iteration will address.
The scope draws the boundary between what’s in and what’s out for the project.” The

Digital Class Room 3

Chapter 1 Introduction

second part of the project scope definition is most important. The scope identifies
what the product is and is not, what it will and won’t do, what it will and won’t

1.1.3 Objectives of the project

1. The system shall provide facility for users to online register and manage profile in
a secured, reliable manner.
2. The teacher shall be able to upload and/or share online class resources for their
students including; course contents / overview, notes (handouts), FAQs, course
books, grading scheme.
3. The students shall be able to access (view and/or download) online class resources
uploaded by teacher.
4. The system shall provide facility for parents to stay informed about all educational
activities of their children.

5. The system shall have functionality for online communication and collaboration
among all users in a secure and reliable way through online.

6. System provides different authentication level to access the system.

1.2 Introduction to Organization

We will approach organizations from a different viewpoint. We will consider an

organization to be a social structure which allocates costs and benefits, both
symbolic and substantial. This way of looking at the education place is made
possible by the development of organization theory.
 Organization theory ranges, for example, from studies of the effects of
management, of administrative structures, or of technology, to the systems of
motivation and learning established in an organization.
Model institutionis institution in Dera Ghazi Khan.Model Institution is a multi-
disciplinary institution that is dedicated to provide education to the people of the

Digital Class Room 4

Chapter 1 Introduction

area of southern Punjab. It was established in 1999 under the Federal Government
Act xxx. The Institution offers degrees in almost all areas of today’s modern
scientific world.

1.2.1 Organizational Setup and Structure

The current institutional structure of education and its system of funding leave very
little room for provisions to be made for high quality teaching or for complementary
education in support of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. In some cases
even basic services are hardly covered by available resources. Institutional changes
are needed to maintain long-term high standards in education services.

1.2.2 Main Aim and Work Environment

 The system should both make visible high quality and expose quality

 The system should contribute to continuous improvement of quality and be

both dynamic and development-oriented.

 The system should include the means to transfer experiences with quality
enhancement measures in and between academic environments.

 Development and implementation of routines for quality work will

strengthen quality awareness at the university.

 The quality system should comprise all programs and courses within the
academic responsibility of the university.

 The system should contribute to clarification concerning the distribution of

responsibility for different assignments and to excellentordering and
management of resources (human resources, infrastructure and service).

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3 Conclusion and Future Prospectus

The information infrastructure offers both promise and peril: promise in the
form of extraordinary ease of access to a vast array of information, and peril from
opportunities both for information to be reproduced inappropriately and for
information access to be controlled in new and problematic ways. Providing an
appropriate level of access to digital IP is central to realizing the promise of the
information infrastructure. Ensuring that this appropriate level of access becomes a
reality raises a number of difficult issues that in the aggregate establish the digital
dilemma. This report articulates these difficult issues, provides a framework for
thinking about them, and offers ways of moving toward resolving the dilemma.

This application will engage all users in a collaborative social environment to improve
overall learning experience through online interaction. Moreover, it will inform all
registered participants with latest updates about class activities, schedules, results
anytime anywhere, help students to track their performance, assist teachers to manage
e-resources as well as students at the same time. Creates unprecedented opportunities
for individuals to access information in improved and novel ways, but also could have
a negative impact on public access to information.

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