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HUL-261: (Introduction to Psychology)

Response Note on Motivation Experiment

BY- Isha(2019CE10250)
Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside factors, whereas intrinsic
motivation refers to motivation that comes from the inside. The given Experiment shows
the effect of extrinsic motivation on intrinsic motivation. With seven experimental
parameters, the experiment uses two dependent variables - Money and Verbal
Reinforcement. The cognitive evaluation theory hypothesis states that when people are
rewarded with income, their intrinsic motivation is decreased, while when they are
rewarded with verbal reinforcements, their intrinsic motivation is increased. According to
the inequity theory, a person's action or success would be increased if he is overpaid to
achieve equality because they believe there is inequity.
The findings of the experiment reveal that when a person is given money directly after
solving a problem, their intrinsic motivation decreases more than when they are not
rewarded or when they are paid first. While verbal feedback has no impact on intrinsic
motivation, males' intrinsic motivation increased when the experimenter was attractive.
Another result is that there is little distinction between the individuals who received both
verbal and financial assistance and those who did not.
Improvements: - I agree with most of the conclusions of the experiments, but there are a
few issues that I would like to discuss by modifying the experiment in the following ways:
1. The person may be more or less interested in solving puzzles. So, instead of giving
them only a puzzle to solve, I'd give them other tasks in too which the participant is
truly engaged, and then I'd like to see if his/her motivation is influenced by external
rewards or if his/her intrinsic motivation is excessively high at the beginning. In this
case, the outcome could be more precise.
2. If I am to conduct such an experiment then I'd use a case study to examine the
impact of verbal affirmation from the opposite gender. I will select a group of
students with a male and a female experimenter. Then examine the results to see if
verbal feedback is dependent on the opposite sex.
3. Another drawback may be that all participants may not be in the same age group.
According to me, more experienced and mature adults should be included in our
experiment. Because then participants of a student age group may show more
interest in money than a higher age group. I'd raise the reward money and make the
challenge a little harder.
4. I will experiment with a new number of participants with a different set of tasks. I
will then determine whether or not the task affects the experiment.

I agree with the results of the experiment but in my belief, I will be able to accurately
predict the outcomes and generalize them after these changes.

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