Language Acquisiton (2152) Syllabus

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Spring, 2011


Meeting Time: Wednesdays, 11:30-14:20

Meeting Place: C-201


Office: C-122
Phone: (312) 202 84 55
Listserv: Cem

Office Hours: Mondays (12:30-14:20)

Wednesdays (14:30-16.20)


A collection on several articles and book chapters

Course Description

This course aims to provide an introduction to the study of first and second
language acquisition along with learning theories that have a huge impact on
language learning. We first examine the essential concepts such as learning,
teaching and foreign language teaching. Then, students are introduced to basic
learning theories, and are expected to base their analytical skills on those
theories. In the second part of the course, we focus on both first and second
language acquisition. We begin with the study of first language development in
children and the acquisition of formal grammar. We explore the universal in
second language acquisition. As we deal with the various topics including SLA
theories ranging from the innanist to social constructivism model, we always look
at the implications of SLA findings for L2 teaching.

By the end of the course you will

• have a clear understanding of basic concepts such as learning, teaching and

• are knowledgeable about the major learning theories and can discuss them
in relation to issues of language teaching practice
• can articulate the relationship between first and second language
• have an awareness of historical developments in first and second language
educational theory
• will learn to apply these concepts to improve classroom instruction for all



Mid-term examination 50 %

Reflections on Facebook 50 %


Final examination 50 %

Reflections on Facebook 50 %

Mid-term Examination

The mid-term will be approximately 45 minutes in length and will cover concepts
and terminology from the book and class discussions. It will include only open-
ended questions (50 %)

Reflections on Facebook

You are expected to create a Facebook account other than your own, if any, which
youl put your reflection at the end of each session weekly. Even the notes taken
in class and session journals (of 5-6 sentences) will be included in the portfolio.
This work will make it easier to follow the progression and to have an archive of
the course for possible use in the future. Also, each student HAS TO formulate
FOUR questions about the relevant topics and SHARE them on Facebook. Those
who do not do so ARE NOT ALLOWED to take the midterm examination (% 50).

Final Test

The mid-term will be approximately 45 minutes in length and will cover concepts
and terminology from the book and class discussions. It will entail both multiple-
choice and open-ended questions. (70 %)

Attendance and Participation

All students are expected to attend each class, arrive and depart on time, and be
prepared to participate actively (Active listening, asking questions, making
remarks, etc.).

Students will be allowed 10 hours of absence without the need to provide a

reason. Excuses for absences (health problems, family problems, etc) will be
allowed but must be made up for by out-of-class time with the instructor. After 10
hours of absences, students will fail the class.

Absolutely no cell phones (or other communication device) are to be used in class,
as these are highly disruptive. This includes silently checking your messages or
sending text messages! If you are in an emergency situation where you feel you
must be in contact with someone, please speak to me ahead of class time.
Office Hours
Please feel free to come to see me during office hours. If you cannot see me
during my office hours, make sure that you contact me to make an appointment
that fits both your schedule and mine.
E-mail and Facebook (our online platform) are the quickest and most reliable way
to contact me.

Review of Syllabus
Week 1
Introduction and Course Overview

Reflection on
Week 2 School of Thoughts
(Behaviorism, Rationalism and Constructivism)

Reflection on
Week 3 First Language Acquisition (1)

Week 4
Reflection on
First Language Acquisition (2)

Educational Psychology
Reflection on
Week 5 Approaches to Educational Psychology
(Positivist school, Cognitive Psychology)

Approaches to Educational Psychology (2)

Reflection on
Week 6 (Constructivism)
Humanism in ELT (Rogers and Maslow)

Social Interactionism
Week 7
Reflection on
(Vygotsky, Feuerstein)
How people learn? Various perspectives on learning


Reflection on
Week 9 A closer look into other learning theories (1)

Reflection on
Week 10 A closer look into other learning theories (2)

Week 11
Reflection on
A closer look into other learning theories (3)

Reflection on
Week 12 Second Language Acquisition (1)

Week 13
Reflection on
Second Language Acquisition (2)

Week 14
Reflection on
Course Round Up

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