Ple Evidence Set - Student Observation Notes

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• EALD (Urdu)
• Literacy goals from 2019 were to increase accuracy of complex sentences in writing and to ensure that
language choice was appropriate for the purpose and intended audience of the text
• Will often need to be prompted to contribute to class discussions and ask clarifying questions

• EALD (Persian)
• Literacy goals from 2019 were to develop evaluative language and create more complex meaning and
analysis and improve word knowledge
• Can become distracted by friends but also has chosen to remove herself to the breakout space in class when
working on assignments so she can be on task - more willing to ask questions and for assistance in this
situation which was great to see.
• Lower attendance rate - 62% at end of week 1
• Wants to become a lawyer.

• Chooses to sit with Adam and Caleb who are very distracting for her. May need to talk to her about moving
to the other side of the table or to another table when doing independent work so she can get more done.
• Will often be the person at her table to ends up doing all of the work when in groups - not by choice.
• Unwilling to participate in activities which are a bit more active - need to find ways to get her more engaged.
Figure out what she in into.

• Intervention and support - difficulty following verbal instruction and sequencing. History of non-
• Need to provide amble amounts of scaffolding for assessments. Break down the questions for him to
understand a bit better.
• Use visual cues
• Make sure he knows what is expected of him before jumping into the task.
• Will try to do the bare minimum so negotiate word counts with him on what you expect.
• Suspension and re-entry plan form Sep 2020
• Will need to snapshot him in week 3
• Has been answering some questions in class but doesn't always give serious answers.
• Lower attendance - 64% at end of week 1

• Likes drama :)
• Wiling to speak up in class to answer questions. Make sure not to rely on him for answer and allow everyone
else the opportunity to answer as well.
• Literacy readiness is average and struggles more with written work. Has a very strong idea of content and is
better at sharing his ideas verbally.

• Not interested in the content so need to try find ways to make it interesting for her. For the pop culture unit,
deffinelty have activities/tasks where she can focus on the fashion and makeup styles of different decades, I
think she would engage in this really strongly as she did her PLP assignment on wanting to become a
• Sits with April and doesn't get any work done. Seems to work somewhat better in PLP when she sits with
Nahal. Consider group tasks where she can be separate from April.

• EALD (Filipino)
• Literacy goals from 2019 were to work on punctuation in speech and organising complex sentences and
paragraphing as well as the editing/drafting process.
• No interest in the content. Sits with Lola and the two often achieve no work. Consider separating them?
• Has some interest in music - tap into this during the Pop Culture unit.

• Wants to become a paramedic.

• Probably the most engaged out of the group she sits with so will often be the one to speak up and answer a
question. I have a gut feeling she would really thrive working with different groups (maybe with Steven and
Sarah? Or with Ella, Brooklyn, Cedella, Ghazala and Isabel).
• Can be easily distracted by her friends, however have had some really engaging conversations with her
when she is focused.
• No internet access at home at the moment
• Easily stressed - came and had a chat to me as soon as introduced the first assignment about requesting
extension and not being able to do work at home.
• Often away from class, however I do see her walking around the school frequently. Discuss with mentor if
this is due to wagging or absence from school over all.

• Shows little interest in class - often puts her head down on the desk. Need to figure out what she is
interested in.
• Has demonstrated that she will leave work to the last minute and this often results in her work being below
passing. Need to figure out ways to hold her accountable during class to complete work. Set class goals or
individual goals for her of what she can achieve in 20 minutes/by the end of the lesson etc.

• Not confident to ask questions - need to put time aside to sit with him on tasks and ask him if he
understands what we are doing.
• Interested in sport
• Works better individually rather than with his mates.

• EALD (Welsh)
• Literacy goals from 2019 were to work on correct use of pronouns and punctuation in writing.
• Sits with Adam and is super distracting but is also easily distracted by Adam

• Works well with her friends and will respond to questions in one on one conversations but not with the
whole class.
• Highly academic student who may need extending.

• Highly motivated student in regards to academia

• Super passionate about music and is involved in the school musical - how can we tap into this more during
the Pop Culture unit (update - wrote a song for assessment)
• Will happily answer questions in class however do not rely solely on her for class discussion.

• Very quiet - doesn't appear to have any friends in this class. For groups tasks, try and place her with people
who will encourage her to share ideas.
• Lower literacy levels - will likely need modified assessments or additional support
• After school 'catch up' support attended to have one on one time for Source Analysis task before
introducing it to the whole class.
• Can certainly get work done however tends to take longer than her peers.
• Noticing that she is being bullied or excluded from the girls that she sits on the same table with - needs

• Happy to work quietly on her own or with the group. Will get work done quickly and to a high standard
• Unlikely to ask questions so make sure to check in frequently with her and start those conversations.

• Interested in sport
• Is less likely to complete work when with his mates and but will respond to questions and have discussions
when asked directly.

• Competes in mountain bike riding comps

• Has dyslexia and will need some modification for assessment – voice to text is a good option. Will ask
clarifying questions a lot.
• His mates will often rely on him in group work to take the lead – maybe try getting him to work with other
people in the class so the work load is fairer.

• Happy to work quietly on her own or with the group. Will get work done quickly and to a high standard
• Unlikely to ask questions so make sure to check in frequently with her and start those conversations.

• Has suspension and re-entry plan from June 2020

• Sits with Jono, Logan, Brodie and Daniel. Out of these boys, he does tend to speak up a bit more in class and
participate. Possible that sitting with these boys is holding him from engaging more??? Maybe get him to do
paired tasks with Daniel? Think this could work well.
• Low attendance in history so far.
• High literacy levels
• Happy to contribute to class discussion
• Often asks clarifying questions even though she knows what she is doing.

• EALD (Urdu)
• Learning goal from 2019 was to increase use of verbs and verb groups, adverbs and adverb groups and
prepositional phrases.
• High literacy readiness however which allows her to produce high quality work, however has demonstrated
that she will often submit incomplete work. Will need to find ways for her to be most productive in class to
overcome this.

• Very distracting to those around him. Says he will do work but hasn't demonstrated this so far. Had to move
him the other day to allow Gemma and Caleb to get some work done. Set stronger expectations of what he
needs to achieve in a lesson.
• He says he prefers to do work outside of class for homework instead of in class (however then distracts
friends as a result). Have attempted to set goals in class of getting a certain amount done by the end of the
lesson however this has been unsuccessful thus far.
• Does seem to always submit work still (however is often below passing).

• Happy to work quietly on her own or with the group. Will get work done quickly and to a high standard
• Unlikely to ask questions so make sure to check in frequently with her and start those conversations.

• Highly motivated student in regards to academia

• Interested in music and is involved in the school musical

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