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Question 1/10 1/10correct 00:29:34

Data Privacy is a matter..

Select the comect option and click Submit.
Select only one answer.

O ..of human desire

O of human dignity and personal liberty

O .of human dreams

Question 2/ 10 2/ 10 correct 00:27:58

Which of the following is true about the 'Right to portability'?

Selectthe comect option and click Submit.
Select only one answer.

Data subjects can request a copy of thepersonal data held on themin a commonly used machine-readable format

Data subjects can transfer their personal datafrom one controller to another or have the data transmitted directly between controllers

Applies only to data processedelectronically

O All of the above

Question 3/ 10 3/ 10 correct 00:25:49

Failure to meet the GDPR regulations exposes organizations to the risk of substantial adminis trative fiies
Seiect all that apply.
select all that apply.

Minor breaches will be subject to fines of up to e10,000,000, or 2% of gobal turnover,whichever is highe

Major breaches will be subject to fines of up to E20,000,000, or 2% of glohaltumover whicheveris higher.

Minor breaches will be subject to fines of up to e10,000,000, or 3% of globaltumover whicheveris higher

Major breaches will be subject to fines of uUp 20.000.000. pn 4% l turnd

Question 4 / 10 3/10 correct 00:23:22

What is protected by the GDPR?

Select the corect option and click Submit.
Select only one answer.

Intellectual Property Rights

Personal Intomation

OCorporate Financial Data

Question 5/ 10 4110 correct 00

Select the stages ofpersonalinformationlife cycle, where security aspects need to be considered
A) Collection B) Storage C) DistributionD) Use
Select thecorrect option and click Submit.
select onty one answer.

A and B

A,Band C ww


B, C and D

All of the above

i d

Question 6/ 10 5/ 10 correct
An breach
onne services
company became
steps taken by the
a victim of dala as a resuln of an attack wich compromised the names, enail addresses, telephone numbers and date of birth of 5009 U5ers what shoutd te the
Select all that apply
Select all that apply.

Report the breach to theSupervisory Authority wlthout undue delay, and In any event within 72 hours of becoming aware of it

Mantain records comprising the facts and effects ofthe breach and any remedlal action taken

Notity the affected data subjectsifthe breach poses high risk to them.

Analyze the impact of the data breach in detail and report It to the Supervisory Authorlty wilhin 7 day5 of occurrence


Question 7/ 10 6/ 10 correct

What is the maximum penalty you could expect when GDPR comesinto effect (onMay 2018)?
Select the corect option and click Submit
Select only one answer.

O 1,000 ¬

O1,000,000 e
e20,000,000, or 4% of global tunover, whicheveris higher

Question 8/ 10 6/ 10correct 00:13:24

When designing a new system, process, service etc. that processes personal data,it should be ensured that data protection considerations are taken into account starting from the early stages of the design
process. This is in accordance with
Select the comect option and click Submit.

Select only one answer.

Purpose limitation principle

O Secunty by design

Prvacy by design

Data minimization principle

Question 9110 7110correct

Company XYZ collects the personal data ofits employees for some stated organizationalneeds. On behalf of the company, a travel agency processes the employee records to provide travel arra
With regards to this, which of the following statement iscorrect?
Select the corect option and olick Submit
Select only one answer.

O Company XYZ is Data Processor Travel Agency is Data Controller

Company XYZ is Data controller Travel Agency is Data Processor, Employee is Data Subiect

Company XYZ is Data Controller, Travel Agency is Data Subject, Employee is Data Processor

Question 10/ 10 7/ 10 correct

The protection of natural persons in relation to processing of personal data is a

Select the correct option and click Submit
Select only one answer.

Fundanental right

Healthy right

OEmployee desire

Question 2/ 10 2/10 correct 00:27:2
GDPR is a directive comprising a set of rules which can be interpreted and implemented differently by each of the member states of the European Union
Select the corect option and click Submit
Select only one answer.


Question 3/10 2/10 correct
An oniline services company wants to process the data of children under the age of 16 years to gauge market preferences. What are the factors they need to ensure?

Select the ocorectoption and click Submit

Select only one answer.

They can process the data directly without obtaining any consent

GDPR does not allowto process personal data of children

The companycan processthedata after obtaining consentiromthe


ONone of the above

Question 5/ 10 4/ 10 correct 00:22:38

Which of the following is considered as sensitive data?

Select the correct option and click Submit
Select only one answer.

)Political opinions

Medical records

OReligious beliefs
OAll the above

Question 9/10 8/ 10 correct 00:18:33

Who in an enterprise IS responsible for overseeing data protection strategy and imptementation?
Select ihe correct option and click Submit
Select oniy one answer.

Data Protection Authonity

The Managing Director

O Data Prolection Oicer


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