Mechanical Stratigraphy and (Palaeo-) Karstification of The Murge Area (Apulia, Southern Italy)

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Mechanical stratigraphy and (palaeo-) karstification of the Murge

area (Apulia, southern Italy)
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, K.U. Leuven, BE-3001 Leuven, Belgium
ENI E&P – SPES Department, Via Emilia 1, IT-20097 S. Donato Milanese, Italy
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The Cretaceous Apulia Platform, exposed in the Murge area (southern Italy), suffered
intense (palaeo)karstification. This study focuses on the controlling factors of karstification with
emphasis on fracturing. Mechanical stratigraphy was used to calculate the fracture density
within different sedimentary sequences. Several mechanical units were defined and a characteristic
relationship was found between unit thicknesses and fracture density, that is, fracture density
increases if layer thickness decreases. In some of the quarries studied, sedimentary cycles are
clearly present that are also reflected in the fracture density logs. The degree of karstification
within a mechanical unit is proportional to the mean fracture spacing. Based on fracture orientation
data extracted from LIDAR scans, different orientation clusters were observed between fractures
that are karstified and fractures that are not karstified, post-dating karstification. The clusters of kar-
stified fractures are related to the compression of the southern Apennines. The fractures became
dissolution enlarged during the Pleistocene uplift caused by bulging of the Apulia Platform.
This main karstification phase occurred prior to Late-Pleistocene deposition and before the for-
mation of orthogonal fracture sets.

Karstified limestones are often exploited as a an important influence on karstification and a mech-
hydrocarbon reservoir. However, the distribution anical stratigraphic approach is used.
of karst cavities is often poorly understood. In the For a reservoir analogue study, the absolute
southern Apennines the karstified Apulia Platform timing of karstification is not necessarily of vital
hosts some important oil fields. In this study a multi- importance, since similar karst development can
disciplinary approach on karstified carbonate reser- occur within time-equivalent platform carbonates,
voirs is applied on different reservoir analogue but the timing of karstification can be different.
outcrops. The study of the relationships between Mainly the relative timing of events is important
the sedimentary framework and the structural and instead of the absolute timing. The proposed karsti-
tectonic evolution in several three-dimensional out- fication concepts are valid without absolute time
crops in Apulia (Fig. 1) is key to interpreting and constraints, but a similar succession of diagenetic
forecasting the porosity –permeability properties in events is essential for application to subsurface
Southern Italy’s time-equivalent Cretaceous car- reservoirs.
bonate reservoirs.
From the Upper Cretaceous, the Apulia carbon-
ate platform underwent several phases of exhuma- Geological setting
tion (Mindszenty et al. 1995) and karstification
with the creation of vugs and caverns of different The Apulia province mainly consists of Mesozoic
shapes and sizes. Apart from the duration of limestone deposited on the Apulia Platform (Fig. 1).
exposure and intensity of sea-level fall, the distri- This platform was an isolated shallow-water car-
bution as well as the organization of the karst cav- bonate platform located on the Adria plate, com-
ities are influenced by several factors. The aim of posed of 5–7 km thick Triassic –Miocene shallow
this study was to define the dominant factors for water deposits. It is commonly compared with the
the observed karst types. present-day environment of the Bahamas (Bernoulli
In the Apulia Platform, karstification is mainly 2001; Spalluto et al. 2008). The platform extended
vertically oriented and appears to be related to frac- from the present-day Abruzzi region in the NW
turing. The most common karst types are fracture to the island of Cephalonia (Greece) in the SE
enlargement and karst cavities in an inverse drop- (Sachpazi et al. 2000). On top of Permian –Late
like shape that terminate into a fracture (Fig. 2a). Triassic clastics, the Apulia carbonate platform
Therefore the organization of fractures will have was deposited among many other peri-Adriatic

From: Garland, J., Neilson, J. E., Laubach, S. E. & Whidden, K. J. (eds) 2012. Advances in Carbonate Exploration
and Reservoir Analysis. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 370, 169– 186.
First published online June 26, 2012, # The Geological Society of London 2012.
Publishing disclaimer:
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Fig. 1. (a) Overview of southern Italy with partial outline of the Apulia Platform. Study area is indicated by the
rectangle. (b) Cross section across Apulia and the southern Apennines along the transect shown in (a) (modified from
Sella et al. 1988). (c) Geological map of the study area. The four studied outcrops are indicated by stars.

platforms, such as the Apenninic, Adriatic, Panor- from the overlying Altamura Limestone Formation
mide, Latium-Abruzzi and Gavrovo-Friuli plat- (Turonian to Maastrichtian). Bauxite deposits have
forms. These platforms were separated from each also formed along this unconformity (Mindszenty
other by deeper marine environments (e.g. Molise et al. 1995). The lower part of the Altamura Lime-
and Ionian Sea basins). stone is composed of peri-tidal deposits and only
In the Murge area mainly Upper Cretaceous the lowest 5 m is exposed in some of the out-
limestones are exposed (Azzaroli & Valduga crops studied.
1967; Borgomano 2000). The Bari Limestone For- This study focuses on two quarries of layered
mation (Aptian to Cenomanian in age) is present mudstone (Bisceglie, Trani) and two quarries of
in all four outcrops studied. The upper part of the massive rudist floatstone (Barile, Cavallerizza), all
Bari Limestone consists of stromatolites and mud- part of the Bari Formation. The Bisceglie quarry
stone at the base and rudist floatstone at the top. (Lama Paterno, Fig. 2a; 41814′ 37.9′ N 16827′
In the Murge area, the top of the Cenomanian 43.1′ E) exposes more than 35 m of an Aptian
rudist limestone is characterized by 4– 10 m thick subtidal succession (Sacchi 2009). In this outcrop,
palaeosol representing a major unconformity that karstification is clearly present as metre-scale dis-
is Turonian in age and separating the Bari Formation solution cavities and as enlarged fractures. The

a b c


Fig. 2. Overview of the different quarries. (a) Southern wall of the Bisceglie quarry (vertical view 35 m). Most of the
karst cavities have a distinct inversed drop-like shape. (b) Eastern wall of the Trani quarry (vertical view 50 m).
(c) Overview of the Barile quarry (vertical view 50 m).
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large dissolution cavities are generally stratabound Mechanical interfaces are stratigraphic horizons
and have formed along fractures. One large NW– impeding the propagation of fractures within a
SE oriented normal fault with an average vertical given fracture pattern (Cooke et al. 2006). In the
displacement of 2 m crosscuts this quarry. The quarries studied, karst cavities appear to be
deposits exposed in the Trani quarry (Fig. 2b; 418 induced by fractures and often begin or end at inter-
15′ 45.2′ N 16823′ 31.5′ E) are composed of thin faces where a significant number of fractures halt.
peri-tidal beds grouped into two 5 –10 m thick shal- In the interval of the Apulia Platform covered in
lowing upward cycles. These strata are also Aptian this paper, the various fractured lithologies may
in age, but do not correspond to the stratigraphic have experienced differing diagenetic histories,
interval of the Bisceglie outcrop. At the top of the and thus the mechanical properties stratigraphy
quarry, an erosional contact on the Bari Limestone (which we did not measure) and the fracture strati-
is present, unconformably overlain by 10 m of graphy could be decoupled, as they are in some
Pleistocene deposits. Karstification in this quarry other carbonate rock sequences (Laubach et al.
is limited to fracture enlargement. The Barile 2009). It is not credible that this carbonate sequence
(Fig. 2c; 41800′ 24.8′ N 16828′ 24.5′ E) and Cavaller- has no depositional nor diagenetical differences
izza (41800′ 12.3′ N 16825′ 48.6′ E) quarries are very (except for bed thickness) and would thus results
similar to each other. Here the uppermost part of in a stack of mechanical identical rocks. Therefore
the Bari Limestone is exposed (Cenomanian– it is assumed that the fracture patterns in this study
Turonian). Both quarries show more than 15 m of area reflect an underlying mechanical stratigraphy.
bioclastic floatstone with rudists, topped off by a Although it is believed the overall diagenetic altera-
clayey palaeosol of Turonian age. The thickness of tion of these rocks, apart from karstification, is fairly
this Turonian palaeosol is on average 4–5 m, gradu- uniform, these results suggests that an investigation
ally changing from unaltered limestone at the lower of subtle mechanical property differences in this
part towards a 1 m thick horizon of clay with car- sequence is warranted.
bonate pebbles at the top. The palaeosol is overlain Most mechanical stratigraphic studies focus
by 5 m of Senonian peri-tidal deposits of the Alta- on small-scale outcrops that are relatively easy to
mura Limestone Formation (Iannone & Laviano reach or are laterally extensive rather than vertical
1980; Luperto Sinni & Reina 1996). (Becker & Gross 1996; Di Naccio et al. 2005;
Several periods of subaerial exposure have Bertotti et al. 2007). In these studies fractures can
affected the carbonates, during which karstification be detected and spacing measured on the outcrop.
may have occurred. During the first phases of the Because the majority of the exposed karst cavities
Alpine orogeny, several of the peri-Adriatic plat- in the outcrops are greater than several square
forms were uplifted (Mindszenty et al. 1995) and metres, large surfaces need to be covered. The ver-
locally emerged. During the Cenozoic, the Apulia tical quarry walls in this study are too large and
Platform became part of the Apenninic foreland inaccessible to perform the necessary fracture
(Ricchetti et al. 1988) and was uplifted (bulged) analysis in the field. Only the lowermost 2 m of
during the Pleistocene (Doglioni et al. 1994, the outcrop can be reached where fracture par-
1996). During these events several fracture sets ameters can be measured. To resolve this access
were created with limited to no displacement, and and scale problem, the spacing of the fractures
normal faults have formed since the Pliocene was studied on high-resolution outcrop photo-
(Ciaranfi et al. 1983) parallel to the bulging of the graphs (see also in Odling et al. 1999) and on
Apulia Platform (Billi & Salvini 2003). 3D digital outcrop models obtained by LIDAR
On the photographs all visible fractures are
Methodology traced in a standard drawing program (CorelDraw).
Mechanical stratigraphy The minimal fracture trace height that was possible
to detect reliably was 30 cm using high-resolution
Mechanical stratigraphy describes the link between orthorectified photographs (c. 7000 pixels/m2). The
the mechanical behaviour of sedimentary rocks and fractures could then be divided into two categories:
their lithological parameters (Wennberg et al. (1) non-stratabound fractures that undoubtedly
2006). This mechanical behaviour is for a large belong to systematic fracture sets that crosscut the
part expressed by fracturing in brittle rocks. A whole outcrop; and (2) stratabound fractures that
mechanical unit defines a part of the sedimentary do not evidently belong to a fracture set and termi-
series formed by one or several sedimentary nate at mechanical interfaces. In Bisceglie, two
layers, in which a single homogeneous fracture layers were excavated by explosives; in these
pattern (fracture stratigraphy) is observed, presum- layers tracing blast-related fractures was avoided.
ably reflecting variations in underlying mechanical These show an elliptical pattern around the explo-
properties (mechanical stratigraphy) and interfaces. sives’ boreholes and are often not continuous
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along the whole thickness of a blasted unit. Conse- fractures is calculated and a mechanical interface is
quently all karst occurrences and sedimentary concluded when at least 25% of the fractures do not
layers are delineated on the photographs. continue. Based on the MWW test and the number
On the photographs, fracture spacing is docu- of stopping fractures, mechanical units are deter-
mented along several bedding parallel scan lines mined and marked on the photographs.
covering the height of every outcrop. Inside most The normalized fractured density, FDn (m/m2),
sedimentary layers multiple scan lines are recorded, is defined as the ratio of the cumulative length of
with an average vertical distance of 40 cm between all fracture traces in a mechanical unit and the
scan lines. In total 240 scan lines have been covered, surface area of that unit. This value should corre-
with an average length of 39 m, yielding more than spond to the fracture density of every scan line
25 000 spacing measurements. within the unit. Because some units are represented
Scan line analysis on outcrop photographs pro- by only one scan line, correspondence of the frac-
vides the most important mechanical stratigraphic ture density measured along the scan line to the nor-
parameters, such as fracture spacing, fracture den- malized fracture density over the mechanical unit
sity (i.e. the inverse of mean spacing) and apparent indicates that this scan line is adequate to represent
dip. Because fracture orientation is not necessarily the whole unit.
perpendicular to the outcrop surface, the mea- In every mechanical unit the ratio between the
sured spacing is not the true (fracture-normal) surface area of visible karst cavities in 2D on the
spacing of the fractures. Therefore the spacing cliff faces and the entire mechanical unit is calcu-
data need to be compared with fracture orientation lated, resulting in the karstification percentage (por-
data obtained in the field and on LIDAR-scans. osity) of that unit. Inside these karst cavities it is
The apparent dip is the dip of the fracture trace often difficult to recognize fractures because they
that is formed by the intersection of a fracture have been severely enlarged by dissolution, and fre-
plane and the quarry wall surface. This information quently several fractures may be combined to form
can be used to link fracture traces to specific fracture one karst cavity. Therefore, fracture recognition
sets. To limit the loss of information and obtain and fracture density calculation are only done in
reliable data, scaled high-resolution orthorectified between large karst cavities. It is thus assumed
pictures were used and ground truthing was that fracture density is relatively constant along
carried out. However, some fracture information the whole unit, and was not higher/lower where
such as attitude (strike and dip) or infill was lost. the karst cavities presently exist. Moreover a
As suggested by Ortega et al. (2006) fractures’ number of the observed karst cavities are not
(kinematic) aperture measurements should be stan- wider than the average fracture spacing and thus
dard practice; however, the level of detail of the clustering could be recognized if present. Odling
photographs does not allow the measurement of et al. (1999) show that stratabound fractures are
apertures because these are very small (millimetre- not clustered relative to longer non-stratabound
to centimetre-scale). Additionally, the majority of fractures. This could rather be the result of a
fractures are affected by dissolution and thus aper- scaling effect, that larger fractures are progressively
ture measurements are likely to be different from less abundant (Gillespie et al. 1993). However Gale
those that may have existed as a result of fracture (2002) and Ortega et al. (2006) show clustering in
generation. stratabound fractures systems in carbonate rocks
The division into mechanical units is based on and both show that the widest aperture and thus
the distribution of fracture data and the number of most conductive fractures tend to be within the
stopping fractures between them. The spacing distri- clusters. Unfortunately no aperture measurements
bution is compared between every two successive were collected owing to the scale of the photographs
scan lines. Because there is a significant overlap and potential dissolution enlargement. The presence
in consecutive spacing distributions and the dif- of clustering along line samples can be deter-
ferences between the mean spacing are small mined by calculating the coefficient of variation
between most successive scan lines, their distri- Cv (Cox & Lewis 1966, Gillespie et al. 1999),
butions are tested by a Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon defined as the ratio between the standard deviation
(MWW) test (Hollander & Wolfe 1999). This stat- and the mean value of the spacing data. For fractures
istical hypothesis test checks whether the median with Poisson distribution, clustered fractures result
of one of the two spacing distributions is statisti- in a Cv . 1, while anti-clustered (evenly spaced)
cally larger, and thus different. When values fractures result in Cv , 1.
approach zero, the spacing distribution is signifi-
cantly different. However, in some cases the Lidar scanning
spacing distribution of two successive scan lines
appears to be similar, but the number of fractures Three 3D photo-realistic Digital Outcrop Models
differs clearly. In these cases the number of stopping (DOMs) were obtained by LIDAR scanning of the
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Bisceglie, Trani and Cavallerizza quarries with a Trani (layered carbonates)

resolution of 10 mm. The Barile quarry was dis-
regarded because of the flat-cut quarry walls that The quarry wall used for the mechanical stratigra-
would not allow fracture orientation to be calcu- phy analysis is indicated in Figure 3b. Fracture
lated. By scanning these outcrops, inaccessible tracing on the DOM of the Trani quarry results in
locations (e.g. middle and upper parts of the vertical 408 fractures planes. Four steeply dipping fracture
quarry walls) could be accessed digitally to perform sets can be distinguished on an equal-angle stereo-
measurements. The aim was to interpret the fracture net (Fig. 3a). They all occur along the whole outcrop,
network, particularly in relation to karst features. no immediate relation to karstification can be seen
Therefore all fractures that could be identified in and no crosscutting relationships between fractures
the virtual outcrop were picked. Because of the have been found on the scans or on the field. Based
scale of the outcrops and the karst cavities, a on the density plot in the stereonet, the NW–SE
minimal trace length for fracture selection was set fracture set is the most abundant. The fractures are
at 1 m. In practice, this resulted in a large set of sketched on an aerial photograph of the quarry
3D polylines, corresponding to the picked surface (Fig. 3b). Notice that two quarry walls are oriented
traces of exposed fractures. Best-fit planes were at a very low angle (less than 58) with regard to two
then computed to represent the fractures and their of the fracture sets. The NW –SE fracture set is the
orientation (strike and dip). Afterwards the picked only set that is nearly perpendicular to this wall.
planes were reviewed individually to classify them Near the top of the Trani quarry, an erosional
as karstified or non-karstified fractures. From each contact is present between the Bari Limestone
digital outcrop model between 400 and 600 fracture and the overlying Pleistocene deposits. Just below
planes were extracted. this unconformity some karst cavities are present.
Above these cavities the Pleistocene sediments
show some depression and some layers pinch out
Case studies laterally. No disturbance (fractures, cave-ins, brec-
ciation, etc.) of these layers is observed directly
In this paper, four quarries are analysed to under- above karst cavities. Fractures are visibly present
stand the mechanical stratigraphy and the link in the Bari Limestone, but are absent in the Pleisto-
between fractures and karstification. In the layered cene deposits.
Trani quarry (Fig. 2b) only limited karstification The high-resolution photograph of the Trani
is present, but the fracture pattern is clearly influ- quarry (Fig. 4a) covers a rectangle of approximately
enced by mechanical stratigraphy. The layered 25 × 80 m for the mechanical stratigraphic analy-
Bisceglie quarry (Fig. 2a) shows karstification, sis. In total 3500 fractures are traced on the
which appears to be governed by fracture orien- picture. Based on their orientation (apparent dip)
tation and is limited to specific layers. The Cavaller- and their persistence across the outcrop, the fracture
izza and Barile quarries (Fig. 2c) do not show much traces are divided into four categories: (1) a persist-
layering (rudist buildup), but karst cavities are ent SW dipping fracture set (Fig. 4c); (2) a persistent
aligned along fractures. NE dipping fracture set (Fig. 4d ); (3) a persistent

a b 10m

270° 90°


N = 408
max. density = 271
min 180° min. density = 0

Fig. 3. (a) Equal angle stereonet of the 408 fractures picked on the Digital Outcrop Model (DOM) of the Trani
quarry. Four fracture sets are identified. (b) Aerial photograph of the quarry. The four fracture sets derived from the
fracture attitudes are sketched arbitrarily on the overview. The two quarry walls are oriented at low angle (c. 58) to two of
the fracture sets. The quarry wall used for mechanical stratigraphy is marked with a dotted line and arrow.
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(a) NE SW (b) NE SW

5m 5m

(c) NE SW (d) NE SW

5m 5m

Fig. 4. (a) Overview of the Trani quarry with all defined mechanical units in black. (b) All fracture traces of the
‘stratabound fractures’ (n ¼ 3017). (c) Fracture traces of the SW-dipping fracture set (n ¼ 185). (d) Fracture traces of
the NE-dipping (red, n ¼ 240) and low-angle SW dipping (green, n ¼ 25) fracture sets.

low-angle (LA)-SW dipping fracture set (Fig. 4d ); of stopping fractures (Fig. 5c) was counted at these
and (4) non-persistent stratabound fractures mechanical interfaces and in between scan lines
(Fig. 4b). The NE, SW and LA-SW sets intersect with similar spacing, but a different number of
the whole quarry and are not restricted to a single fractures (Fig. 5d). Based on these two parameters
mechanical unit. The stratabound fractures do not the Trani quarry was subdivided into 17 mechanical
intersect the whole quarry, but are delimited by units. Within these units, most parameters appear to
mechanical interfaces and are generally (sub)verti- remain relatively constant. The mean and median of
cal. The NE set has an average apparent dip of the spacing show a strong correlation with a corre-
358. The SW and LA-SW sets have an apparent lation coefficient R 2 of 0.95 (Fig. 6). There is a
dip of 40 and 208, respectively. These fracture sets strong linear correlation between the mean spacing
correspond to the non-perpendicular fracture sets and FDn (Fig. 7). This shows that every sampled
derived from the digital outcrop model. Their scan line is satisfactory to represent the whole mech-
low apparent-dip values are caused by their acute anical unit it belongs to. The coefficient of variation
angle with the quarry wall. Because these fractures Cv for spacing along the scan lines varies from 0.65
are persistent across the quarry wall, they are to 0.95. Because Cv , 1, the stratabound fractures
excluded from the mechanical stratigraphy analy- are anti-clustered.
sis. Additionally, the obtained spacing data is The fracture density evolution from bottom to
mainly derived from the wall-perpendicular NW– top for all fracture categories is shown in Figure 8.
SE oriented fracture set and thus the spacing data The stratabound fractures show a cyclicity of frac-
along the scan lines will correspond to the true ture density (two cycles). From bottom to top, two
spacing. peaks respectively at 5 and at 10 m height delineate
Fracture spacing is measured along 74 scan lines. the beginning of two decreasing trends in which
Results are shown in Figure 5a. The difference or fracture density decreases with increasing bed
similarity between scan lines was checked by the thickness. These trends coincide with the sedimen-
MWW test (Fig. 5b). Therefore, values close to zero tary cycles mentioned above (Fig. 8). The relation-
correspond to mechanical interfaces. The percentage ship between mechanical unit thickness and

Fig. 5. (a) Boxplot of the spacing data for the scan lines along the Trani quarry wall. Mechanical units from top to
bottom are indicated by capital letters. The mean spacing is indicated by a black star. From mechanical unit C to unit K a
decrease in spacing values is observed. A similar decrease is present from unit L to unit O. (b) Results for the Mann–
Whitney– Wilcoxon test. Different spacing distribution results in values close to zero and suggests the presence of a
mechanical interface. (c) The percentage of stopping fractures in between scan lines. (d) Number of fractures
encountered along the scan lines. (e) Fracture density results for every scan line. Two cycles of fracture density increase
are present from top to bottom.
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Spacing of fractures [m]











100 c
% stopping fract.


Number of fractures





Fracture density [1/m]

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1 0.8
Trani (R2=0.95)
0.9 Bisceglie A(R2=0.89) 0.7
Bisceglie B (R2=0.94)

1/Normalized fracture density [m²/m]

Median of spacing [m]


0.5 0.4

0.4 0.3
0.2 Trani (R²=0.96)
0.1 Bisceglie B (R²=0.85)
0.1 Bisceglie A (R²=0.79)
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mean spacing [m] Mean spacing [m]

Fig. 7. Crossplot of the mean spacing v. the inverse of

Fig. 6. For all mechanical units a strong linear
the normalized fracture density. For the Trani quarry
correlation exists between the mean fracture spacing and
both variables show a strong linear correlation
the median of fracture spacing.
(R 2 ¼ 0.96). For walls A and B in the Bisceglie some
scatter exists; R 2 is respectively 0.79 and 0.95.
mean spacing of stratabound fractures shows a
linear increase (R 2 ¼ 0.84; Fig. 9). Fracture Bisceglie (layered carbonates)
spacing increases with increasing unit thicknesses.
Karstification in this quarry is limited to All 467 picked and best-fitted fracture planes were
decimetre-scale dissolution enlargement of frac- divided into three classes. The first class contains
tures; only few large karst cavities (.1 m) are 154 fractures that are not obviously related to karsti-
present and they occur mainly in the top cycle fication and do not show dissolution enlargement.
(Fig. 4a, left). The orientation of only six fractures The second class groups 323 fractures that are
along which these few karst cavities formed could clearly related to karstification, that is, severely
be retrieved. These belong to the NW– SE and dissolution-enlarged or undoubtedly connected to
NE–SW fracture sets. a karst cavity. Based on their attitude, this fracture

Stratabound fractures
NE dipping
20 SW dipping
karst LA-SW dipping

Height [m]


MS WS 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fracture density [#/m]

Fig. 8. Sedimentary log (left) and mechanical stratigraphic (fracture density) log (right) of the Trani quarry for the
different fracture types described in the text. The stratabound fractures show two cycles that start at 4 and 10 m,
respectively (black arrows). The fracture density results of the other three fracture sets are shown in red, blue and green
and show little variation (MS, mudstone; WS, wackestone).
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3.5 (NE –SW) contains fewer fractures and has no cor-

Trani (R²=0.84)
Bisceglie A (R²=0.64)
responding fracture set in Bisceglie.
Bisceglie B (R²=0.53)
In this quarry two walls were analysed on high-
3.0 resolution photographs, one of the NE-facing (wall
A) and a second of the north-facing wall (wall B;
Fig. 11). Both walls cover the same stratigraphic
Mechanical unit thickness [m]

interval and sedimentary layers can easily be recog-
nized on both of them. In this quarry, fracture traces
2.0 are mostly shorter than 3 m and do not crosscut the
whole outcrop. Only very few fractures are persist-
ent over the whole height of the quarry. These are
1.5 excluded from the analysis. No systematic fracture
sets or categories could be distinguished by apparent
dip as in the Trani quarry. Based on the orientation
data, obtained from the DOM, it can be assumed that
on both walls at least one fracture set will not be
0.5 exposed because the quarry walls are oriented paral-
lel to fracture directions. The NW– SE oriented frac-
ture set exhibits the same angle to both walls
(c. 558), therefore spacing data of this set is equal
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Mean spacing [m]
on both walls.
The high-resolution photograph (Fig. 12, top)
of the east-facing wall (wall A) next to the normal
Fig. 9. Plot of the mechanical unit thickness v. the
mean spacing for the stratabound fractures. A linear fault covers an area of 20 m high and 35 m wide.
correlation is observed between fracture spacing and unit Probably very few fracture traces of the north–
thickness in the Trani quarry (R 2 ¼ 0.84). For the south oriented fracture set are exposed in this wall.
fracture spacing in the Bisceglie quarry this correlation is On this photograph more than 1600 fractures are
less pronounced (wall A, R 2 ¼ 0.64; wall B, R 2 ¼ 0.53). traced and 75 bedding parallel scan lines are
drawn. The area covered in the photograph of the
north-facing wall (wall B) is 25 m high and 45 m
class can be subdivided further into three fracture wide (Fig. 12, bottom). This wall is oriented parallel
sets of karstified fractures. One of these is subverti- to the normal fault’s strike and thus very few or no
cally dipping and has a strike direction parallel to normal fault-related fractures will be exposed in
the normal fault described above. Therefore, these this photograph. A total of 2100 fractures were
49 fractures have been allocated to a third class, traced and 80 bedding parallel scan lines defined.
that is, karstified normal fault-related fractures. Based on the MWW test and the percentage of stop-
The corresponding orientation data of the three frac- ping fractures, the outcrop was subdivided into 25
ture classes is shown in density plots in lower hemi- and 26 mechanical units for walls A and B, respec-
sphere equal angle stereonets (Fig. 10), and the tively. Because walls A and B cover the same
karstified fracture sets are sketched on an aerial interval, results from both walls are considered sim-
photograph of the quarry. The fracture sets obtained ultaneously to assign the mechanical units. Conse-
from the DOM are consistent with field observa- quently mechanical units can reliably be compared
tions from both the quarry floor (Fig. 11) and the between the two photographs.
quarry walls. On the DOM no relation was found The correlation between the median and the
between the different fracture sets. Also, no cross- mean fracture spacing (Fig. 6) is strong (wall A,
cutting relationships or striations (could have been R 2 ¼ 0.89; wall B, R 2 ¼ 0.94), similar to results
erased by subsequent dissolution) were found in from the Trani quarry. No relation can be observed
the field. between fracture spacing and the mechanical unit
The ‘non-karstified’ fractures (Fig. 10c) plot in thickness. A general trend might be suspected
two steeply dipping fracture sets that are nearly towards wider spacing in thicker units, but the cor-
perpendicular to each other and are clearly oriented relation is too weak to fully support this.
differently than the karstified fractures and nor- The karstification percentage, which was calcu-
mal fault-related fractures. In the Trani quarry a lated for every mechanical unit as the ratio of the
similar combination of steeply dipping fractures was surface area of the karst cavities and the mechanical
observed. A similar resemblance exists between unit’s surface area (Fig. 12), varies from 0 to 45%.
the normal fault related fracture set that is oriented The coefficient of variation was calculated for all
quasi-parallel to the NW–SE fracture set in the scan lines and ranges from 0.55 to 1.11 for both
Trani quarry. The fourth fracture set in Trani walls (mean Cv ¼ 0.75). This implies that the
Downloaded from at University of Toronto on February 4, 2015



n = 274 n = 154
min = 0 min = 0
max = 50 max =28

270° 90° 270° 90°


180° 180°

n = 49
min = 0
max = 28
270° 90°



Fig. 10. Pole density projection on lower hemisphere equal-angle stereonets of the defined fracture sets in the Bisceglie
quarry. The black lines represent the mean orientation of their corresponding clusters. (a) The karstified fractures form
two conjugate fracture sets that can be linked to the Apeninnic compression. (b) The karstified normal fault-related
fractures have formed owing to SW–NE extension. (c) The non-karstified fracture clusters form two orthogonal
fracture sets.

Fig. 11. The walls studied in the Bisceglie quarry are indicated on an aerial photograph. The karstified fracture sets are
marked by coloured lines. The normal fault is oriented parallel to the red fracture set. Spacing distance is chosen
arbitrarily. The dotted lines are traced along fracture exposures on the quarry floor. Two of the fracture sets are
quasi-parallel to the walls studied.
Downloaded from at University of Toronto on February 4, 2015


Height [m]

0 1 2 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
E W Fracture Intensity [#/m] Karstification Percentage [%]
Height [m]


0 1 2 3 4 0 5 10 15 20 25
Fracture Intensity [#/m] Karstification Percentage [%]

Fig. 12. Photograph of wall A (top) and B (bottom) in the Bisceglie quarry. Number of fracture traces is respectively
1658 and 2716. Mechanical unit boundaries are traced in orange, fractures are traced in blue, and karst cavities in
transparent grey. On the right the fracture density (black) and the karstification percentage (red) results are plotted
for every mechanical unit. The relation between fracture density and unit thickness shows limited karstification
where fracture density is high and vice versa.

fractures are anti-clustered. Only for six scan lines is mechanical units correlate very well. Mean spacing
Cv . 1, suggesting clustering of the fractures. values in wall A are slightly higher than in wall B.
The fracture spacing was compared between The five uppermost mechanical units and one of the
both walls per mechanical unit (Fig. 13). Most lower units in the outcrop do not follow the same
correlation. For a wide range of mean spacing
values of these units on wall B, the spacing on wall
0.5 A remains constant at c. 0.15 m.
Subsequently the karstification percentage was
compared between both quarry walls (Fig. 14).
0.4 Different relationships can be observed: (1) if karsti-
fication in wall B is not present, up to 11% of karsti-
Mean spacing (wall A) [m]

fication might by present in wall A; (2) similarly,

fairly low degrees of karstification in wall B,
lower than 10%, can correspond to very high
degrees of karstification in wall A; and (3) further-
more, for some mechanical units a proportional
relationship is observed between the karstification
percentage of both walls.
Barile and Cavallerizza (massive rudist
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 The fracture orientation results from the best-fit
Mean spacing (wall B) [m] planes of the Cavallerizza quarry are plotted in
Figure 15. Three steeply dipping clusters can
Fig. 13. Cross plot of mean fracture spacing in wall A clearly be recognized. Fractures along which karsti-
v. wall B. Most mechanical units are well correlated
(R 2 ¼ 0.92) and fracture spacing in wall A is slightly fication occurs belong to all three clusters. There is
higher than results of wall B. However six mechanical no non-karstified fracture set. The orientation of the
units (squares) do not follow the same trend. For a wide largest set of fractures is parallel to normal
range of spacing values on wall B from 0.15 to 0.38 m, fault-related fractures in the Bisceglie and Trani
the mean spacing on wall A is 0.15 m for all these units. quarries. The two remaining fracture sets are
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Karstification percentage (wall B)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Karstification percentage (wall A)

Fig. 14. Comparison between the karstification percentages of both quarry walls. Several different scenarios can
be recognized. Units that are not karstified in wall B show some (≤10%) karstification in wall A (triangles). Fairly
low karstification in wall B and high karstification in wall A (squares). Linear correlation exists between karstification
in both walls (circles, R 2 ¼ 0.95).

oriented differently with respect to fracture sets Because the Cavallerizza and Barile quarries are
inferred in the two layered quarries. The orientation mainly composed of massive rudist mudstone,
of the clusters derived from the DOM is consistent mechanical units can hardly be defined and the
with field measurements along scan lines and on number of strata to which mechanical stratigraphy
the quarry floor. analysis can be applied is limited. However, fractur-
Karstification in both quarries is visibly not ing is clearly present in these quarries and played a
related to specific layers. The occurrence of karst vital role in karstification. The layered Altamura
cavities is related to large-scale (sub)vertical frac- Limestone above the Turonian unconformity shows
tures that crosscut the whole outcrop (Fig. 16). intense karstification. However, only few metres are
Several large-scale vertical fractures exist but not exposed that are heavily affected by present-day
all are dissolution enlarged or have been overprinted surface weathering. Therefore this interval is disre-
by karstification. garded for this study.
In the Bari Limestone in Cavallerizza two
bedding parallel scan lines (Fig. 16) are placed
above (SL C2) and below (SL C1) an interface
n = 420 0° where clearly several fractures terminate. Both
min = 0 scan lines span the distance (9.6 m) in between
max =261
two karst cavities along two vertical persistent frac-
tures. Fracture spacing (Fig. 17) was measured in
the field and results of the MWW test (p ¼ 0.02)
and the percentage of stopping fractures (58%)
confirm the presence of a mechanical interface.
The coefficient of variation for both scan lines is
270° 90° 0.69 and 0.74 for SL C1 and SL C2 respectively,
indicating that the fractures are anti-clustered.

Mechanical stratigraphy and karstification
min 180°
in layered outcrops
Fig. 15. Lower hemisphere equal-angle stereonet of all Sedimentological cycles are, apart from compo-
fractures picked in the Cavallerizza quarry (n ¼ 420). sitional changes, also reflected in layer thickness
The WNW–ESE fracture set is parallel to the normal (Fischer 1986), and when regarded as or combined
fault in Bisceglie. into mechanical units they hence control fracture
Downloaded from at University of Toronto on February 4, 2015


Fig. 16. Overview of karstification in the Cavallerizza quarry. The Turonian palaeosol (green) protects the Bari
Limestone below from meteoric water infiltration. Karst cavities (blue) occur along large-scale fractures (red). Between
two persistent karstified fractures, fracture spacing is measured along two bedding parallel scan lines, separated by a
mechanical interface.

spacing. This explains the coincidence of the frac- not occur in clusters where the widest aperture frac-
ture density evolution to the sedimentary cycles tures tend to occur (Gale 2002; Ortega et al. 2006).
observed in the Trani quarry. The increase in fracture spacing with respect to
The coefficient of variation Cv is ,1 for almost bed thickness has often been described in the litera-
all scan lines. Therefore it can be concluded that ture (Ladeira & Price 1981; Underwood et al. 2003;
the fractures studied are not clustered but are anti- Van Noten & Sintubin 2010). Billi and Salvini
clustered (regularly spaced), and karstification did (2003) and Billi (2005) studied vertical, bedding
normal fractures across the Apulian platform and
also calculated an increasing linear relationship
between unit thickness and mean spacing of 0.38 m
per metre thickness for the Apulia Platform. How-
90 ever the study of Larsen et al. (2010) on fracture
systems in the Apulia Platform on the Gargano
80 peninsula did not observe this proportional relation-
ship. In the Trani quarry this proportional relation-
70 ship is clearly present (Fig. 9) and the mean
Fracture spacing [cm]

spacing and the mechanical unit thickness are well

correlated. However for the Bisceglie quarry a
50 blurred increasing trend might be identified, but it
is not well correlated and is largely based on few
40 wider-spaced mechanical units. The results of the
six spurious units mentioned above do not signifi-
30 cantly influence the correlation. The lack of or
poor correlation with this proportional relationship
might be due to the fact that several different frac-
10 ture sets are incorporated in the spacing data. Alter-
natively, as observed by Larsen et al. (2010), this
0 spacing v. unit thickness relationship might only
exist for a subset of the data.
(n=41) (n=26)
The comparison between the normalized frac-
ture density FDn and the mean spacing (Fig. 7)
Fig. 17. Fracture spacing data along two scan lines in the shows a strong linear correlation for the Trani
Cavallerizza quarry, separated by a mechanical unit. The quarry. For the Bisceglie quarry, however, some
mean spacing is indicated by stars. scatter exists. The scatter is caused by the shape of
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the karst cavities. Scan lines skip karst surface areas. However, karstification mainly occurs along long
Because karst cavities are not always continuous persistent non-stratabound fractures that are typi-
across whole mechanical units, differences in scan cally clustered (Odling et al. 1999).
line length and thus slightly different spacing data The relation between karstification and fracture
are obtained. spacing (Fig. 18) shows a clear linear correlation:
In the Bisceglie quarry the mean fracture spacing R 2 is 0.81 and 0.76 for wall A and B respectively.
correlates well between both walls A and B Higher fracture spacing (and hence lower fracture
(Fig. 13). However, this proportional relationship density) in a mechanical unit yields a higher
is not valid for all mechanical units. The upper degree of karstification. However, the six deficient
five units and one of the lowest units differ distinctly mechanical units differ clearly from this relation-
from this trend. For these units the mean spacing is ship. The majority of karstification in the Bisceglie
constant around 0.15 m on wall A, but varies from quarry occurs where thick (1–1.5 m) sedimentary
0.15 to 0.4 m on wall B. This is probably caused units are overlain by thinner units of decimetre
by the exposed surface area of these units in wall thickness. According to these results, the thinner
A being approximately 50% smaller than most units are more intensely fractured. It is therefore
mechanical units. The mean fracture spacing of likely that the meteoric water flows through these
these units will thus poorly or not correspond to units more dispersed and relatively slowly. The
other parameters (karstification percentage, FDn, underlying thicker units are less densely fractured,
etc.) compared with the other remaining units. so the same volume of fluid passes through fewer
This will be taken into account in the discussion fractures, where it causes intense karstification.
given below. This mode of karstification is illustrated in
In the Bisceglie quarry the surface area of karst Figure 19. The karst development phase is preceded
cavities was not used for measuring fracture spacing by cave gestation and formation of small tubes
for the reason that the observed spacing cannot be (Slabe 1995) along inception horizons. It is quanti-
precisely measured on surfaces that are not parallel tatively (statistically) shown that the development
to the photo-plane. Because the fractures are not of karst conduits under phreatic conditions is
clustered, it is reasonable to assume that fracture strongly related to a restricted number of inception
corridors were absent in the Bisceglie quarry. How- horizons (Filipponi et al. 2009). The inception hor-
ever, in other parts of the Apulia Platform, fracture izons in the Bisceglie quarry are located at the
corridors (Bazalgette et al. 2010) as well as clus- boundaries between intensely fractured thin units
tered fracture sets (Larsen et al. 2010) are present. and less fractured thick units where the main flow
Along the two scan lines in the Cavallerizza quarry, direction becomes horizontally oriented owing to
the stratabound fractures are anti-clustered (Cv , 1). lower fracture density. Only along tubes that form
Therefore it is concluded that no clustering of the at the intersection of this inception horizon and ver-
stratabound fractures is present close to the karst tical fractures are large karst cavities formed. Once
cavities that might have favoured karstification. breakthrough occurs in these tubes, practically all



Karstification percentage






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Mean fracture spacing [m]

Fig. 18. Plot of the fracture spacing v. the percentage of karstification of all studied mechanical units. High
karstification percentage increases with increasing fracture spacing. The correlation coefficients R 2 are 0.81 and 0.76 for
wall A (squares) and B (circles) respectively. The empty squares and circles represent the mechanical units that showed
poor correlation for fracture spacing between both walls. This is also reflected in the karstification percentage.
Downloaded from at University of Toronto on February 4, 2015


Fig. 19. Illustration of the influence of mechanical stratigraphy on karstification in the quarry of Bisceglie. Where
fracture density is high, fluid flow is slow and dispersed. When the meteoric fluids reach a mechanical unit with low
fracture density, fluid flow is redirected horizontally (inception horizon) and focused through few fractures where
karstification develops.

fluids are focused through them and karstification orientation exerts a major effect on the
commences (Mylroie & Carew 1995; Worthington collected datasets.
et al. 2000).
The karstification percentage strongly differs Karstification in massive limestone
between the walls in the Bisceglie quarry (Fig. 14).
Three scenarios are observed: Karstification in the massive rudist accumulations is
visibly related to large-scale (sub)vertical fractures
(1) Units that are not karstified in wall B are kar- (.10 m). Nevertheless, dissolution phenomena are
stified up to 10% in wall A. All these karst not present along all fractures. The overlying Alta-
cavities occur along normal fault-related frac- mura Limestone, however, is intensely karstified,
tures that are exposed in wall A, but not in wall so it has been readily affected by meteoric water
B (Fig. 14). None of the other fracture sets percolating through the fracture system. The under-
host karst cavities in these units and therefore lying Bari Limestone is separated from these infil-
the karstification in wall B is zero. trating fluids by a clay-bearing palaeosol below
(2) Units that are equally karstified in both walls the Turonian unconformity. Owing to the imperme-
probably belong to the NE –SW oriented frac- able nature of this clay-rich horizon, the underlying
ture set. This fracture set cuts wall A and B at rock is shielded against meteoric water infiltration.
approximately 558; hence the fracture spacing Impervious palaeosols are capable of diverting
of this set is theoretically equal in both walls meteoric water to a limited number of input points
and thus the karstification percentage is also to the subsurface (Mylroie & Carew 1995). These
equal. The same relationship might be inlet points are formed where the palaeosol is cut
achieved if the two fracture sets that are paral- by a fracture or fault (Fig. 16). All fluids that infil-
lel to the quarry walls have the same spacing trate into the Bari Limestone have to pass through
and the same karstification potential. these infiltration points. Thus in the Bari Limestone,
(3) Karstification in wall A is much greater than in karstification is only present below weaknesses in
wall B. The NNE– SSW fracture set is oriented the palaeosol where water could infiltrate. Almost
parallel to wall A. If a karst cavity that is all karst cavities form along fractures that crosscut
aligned along this set is exposed in wall A, it the whole quarry from bottom to top. Vertical frac-
will yield a very large surface area, while the tures that do not crosscut the palaeosol will not
same karst cavity would be much smaller in transmit fluids and show no dissolution. Therefore
wall B. Several of these karst cavities are almost no karstification is observed in the Barile
exposed further along wall A (outside of the quarry (Fig. 2c). The thickness of the Turonian
analysed photograph). Therefore, orientation palaeosol in these outcrops is on average only 4–
of the quarry wall with regard to fracture 5 m. This seems to be thick enough to protect
Downloaded from at University of Toronto on February 4, 2015


underlying rocks from infiltrating meteoric water conjugate pair; however no additional data (stria-
and karstification. tions, etc.) are available to confirm this. Further-
more the main compression direction of the
Fracture orientation and karstification Apennine fold and thrust belt bisects this conjugate
pair. Compression in this area can be caused by the
The lack of striations (possibly owing to karst over- development of the Apennines (Doglioni et al.
printing) and crosscutting relationships between the 1994), Dinarides (de Alteriis 1995) or Tethys sub-
fracture sets makes it difficult to work out the duction (Gelabert et al. 2002).
sequence of fracture formation for the different frac- Karstification exclusively occurs along the
ture sets. Based on their orientation, some assump- aforementioned three fracture sets. Consequently it
tions can be made and a tentative development is assumed that the non-karstified fracture sets in
evolution of the fracture generation composed. The the Bisceglie quarry post-date the karstification
relation between karstification and fracture orien- phase and thus formed most recently. These fracture
tation is summarized in Figure 20. sets are oriented perpendicular to each other. A sim-
One of the fracture sets in the Bisceglie quarry is ilar pair of perpendicular fracture sets is observed
oriented parallel to the major normal fault that cross- in the Trani quarry and is thus supposed to have
cuts the whole quarry (displacement c. 2 m). There- formed post-karstification. This pair of fracture
fore, it is assumed that this set contains joints that sets could be related to the present-day strike-slip
formed during the extension phase that caused structures that are NS-sinistral and EW-dextral
normal faulting. In the Cavallerizza and Trani faults (Del Gaudio et al. 2007) and are the same
quarries, fracture sets are found with a comparable sets as documented by Di Bucci et al. (2008) with
orientation. Because the whole Murge region is cut a maximum age of Middle Pleistocene.
by normal faults along this direction (Ciaranfi et al. The fracture sets in the Trani quarry cannot be
1983), these are also assumed to be extension linked directly to subsequent karstification because
joints. The extensional regime can be explained by dissolution is limited in this locality and mainly
the bulging of the Apulian platform (Billi & involves fracture enlargement, which is hard to
Salvini 2003; Barba et al. 2010). Bulging provides quantify. It furthermore occurs in fractures that orig-
an extensional regime in the upper layers and sub- inate from different clusters. The orientation of the
aerial exposure required for karstification. The bulg- fractures along which the few large-scale karst cav-
ing is dated to the Pleistocene (Doglioni et al. 1994). ities formed is gathered from only six fractures. This
The two remaining sets of karstified fractures number is not representative and confident con-
in the Bisceglie quarry geometrically form a clusions cannot be inferred; nevertheless, the
results are similar to the observations made on the
Bisceglie quarry. The large-scale karst cavities
formed along the NW–SE and NE–SW cluster.
Extension joint
The NW– SE set is parallel to the normal fault in

Bisceglie. The NE –SW fracture set contains fewer

fractures and cannot directly be linked to fracture
sets observed in other quarries. This set is,
however, oriented parallel to the Ofanto graben a
few kilometres to the NW of the quarry. Therefore

the fractures in this cluster could be extension

joints resulting from this graben. The occurrence
of karst cavities along this fracture set suggests
these fractures formed before or during karstifica-
tion. The Ofanto graben was formed during the Plio-
KARSTIFICATION Pleistocene (Ciaranfi et al. 1983).
Above the unconformity between Cretaceous

and Pleistocene deposits no signs of cave-ins or


disturbances are observed directly above karst cav-

ities. Additionally, no fracturing is observed. This
leads to the conclusion that fracturing and karstifi-
cation occurred before the overlying layers sedi-
Fig. 20. Evolution of fracturing events in the Murge area
mented. Therefore it can be concluded that these
of the Apulia Platform relative to timing of karstification. karst cavities formed during the Pleistocene,
Fracture orientation results are mainly obtained by after Apenninic compression and bulging of the
LIDAR scanning and complemented by Apulia Platform, but before Late Pleistocene
field measurements. sedimentation.
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