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Phoneme Blending & Spelling

A - Short /a/ Sound

Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided.

f u d c o n ur a k u sh
b a n k a m er t c a ch
fan . ___________________ ___________________
(fan, camera, cash)

h u mm ir s d u m p w u n
r a m er w t a n q m a m
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(hammer, stamp, man)

c l u sh c i v d le i u m p
k r a ch b a n p l l a n q
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(crash, candle, lamp)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
A - long /ay/ Sound
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided.

g ai d e p l ay s e d e u p e
j a t a f r a t u g r a ch b
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(gate, plate, grape)

s k ay p i s p r a r ai m
s t a t e t u o ay g a n
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(skate, spray, rain)

c l ay m ai b c u k e
t r ai b a d k a c y
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tray, maid, cake)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /ar/

c ur f er m d ar n
f ar d ar t b or k
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(car, farm, barn)

c ar p s t or ch ar t
b or t b l ar sh or k
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cart, star, shark)

c ar p a c j ur ar t u c t
p or b e t b ar or p i s a
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(carpet, jar, artist)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
/aw/ /au/
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided.

c r aw p aw m s au
k l au f ow n c aw
___ . ___________________ ___________________
(claw, pawn, saw)

h aw ck u p l au d s t r oa n u a k
P oa k a pp r a k p l e aw b e rr y
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(hawk, applaud, strawberry)

c r au t a s t e f p au t d oa m
t o aw l o c p r o n or b l aw n
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(crawl, astronaut, dawn)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /b/

c a b b e r m k u z
b o t d i l t b a s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bat, belt, bus)

b r ou m b u d l d o x
p l oo n q t bb le b a k
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(broom, bubble, box)

b a u e s ea b l u ck s
d u b y b ee d r o k a
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(baby, bee, blocks)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /c/

c a p b l o k s o ck z
k u t c r a ck c u k s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cat, clock, socks)

t r u c c l e f m o m k ey
n l a ck q r i p n u n c ie
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(truck, clip, monkey)

c a u d e d u k r o c i t
k u n b y p a ck b u ck e d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(candy, duck, rocket)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. "ce", "ci", "cy"

c i p a i c i k ol s or c le
r e t y f a n c le c ir k l
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(city, icicle, circle)

p e n c a f 5 c e m k s c e m ee l
d a t r i l 5 d a n t z b i r ea f
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(pencil, 5 cents, cereal)

b i u d e le c i g ur i ce t a be
p a c y c re b u t ar l se c u de
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bicycle, cigar, icecube)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /ch/

ch e ck b ee ch ar sh er
b u ss d ea ck or ch ur
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(chess, beach, archer)

ch i k a n b e a f b ee ss
p o ck e t p a n ch ch ea se
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(chicken, bench, cheese)

p or c sh o p w u tch c l u n k
b ur k ch a t m a ch b r a e ch
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(pork chop, watch, branch)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /d/

d o k z b e s t r a d
n u t s d a z k t e b
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(dots, desk, red)

a o n c p l a z er g p a m g a
d l a u t d i s ar d q u n d e
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(donut, lizard, panda)

t a u d b l u n b ur d o i f i n
b u n k m r e a d er t u l ph e g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(band, blender, dolphin)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /e/

d o d r e s t a l f
b e t n a z b e n d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bed, nest, elf)

b e l t l e t er j a m t er
s a n k r a tt r g e s p r
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bent, letter, jester)

t o u d m m e l n e n j e n
r u t e n b r a t r u g i ne
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(totem, belt, engine)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. "ee" "ea" "y"

f ee d e t le l ee f
m ea t ea g l w ea p
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(feet, eagle, leaf)

ch ee ss s l ea d s ee ch e ll
c ea se b r ee p f ea sh a le
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cheese, sleep, seashell)

e r ai z er w ee l p ea se
ea p a s ir wh e d b ee ce
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(eraser, wheel, peace)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /er/, /ir/, /ur/

d ir d h e m er s i f w ur
b ur p p a mm ur c a l v er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bird, hammer, silver)

th ir d ee t ur t le c ir k le
sh ur t y p er p ol s er c l
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(thirty, purple, circle)

t ur u ol d er g ur b ur p e ng
j er t le b ur p er s er f i ne
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(turtle, burger, surfing)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /f/

m i er f ar m r i ch
f y re p or k f a sh
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(fire, fork, fish)

ch i p g e r t f a m e r y
sh e f p i f k b e t i l e
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(chef, gift, family)

f l ou ur k a ff ee kn a f
b r ow er c o f ey ng i fe
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(flower, coffee, knife)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /g/

b ur l ee g le g o b
g ir o ea b l m ol d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(girl, eagle, gold)

p o se l e g j i a ss e z
g oo f r o p g l u s i s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(goose, log, glasses)

a n d l y g ar k i p m o d f i ch
i m g r e t ur l a c g ol p a e sh
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(angry, garlic, goldfish)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /h/

p ur se h a p ey b a t
h or s n u pp y h u g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(horse, happy, hat)

h a p o m ou s h a n er
f i pp a h ow se b u ng r
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(hippo, house, hanger)

r a ck ey h a w i ur g ur b or n i k
h o k y r u m b er p er h el m e t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(hockey, hamburger, hornet)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /i/

r i n b r e ck s sh o d
b a ng p l i k z ch i p
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(ring, bricks, ship)

e p l oo l a p se d r a p k
i g r u r i m s b l i n c
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(igloo, lips, drink)

s a c k w i m i n i le m i n d o
c i n c p u n d m p ll w a r e ow
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(sink, windmill, window)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. Long "i"

p i ce b r i er z k a te
b a ke p l u r s c i t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(bike, pliers, kite)

f a v l a ce s p a p er
l i ve r i se r b i d r
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(five, rice, spider)

s a i de i ce k l ea m l i te
c l n d r s c r ee w r igh t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(slide, ice cream, light)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /j/

j ea n r a ck er j u n k
b ee p j o k ur r a m p
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(jeep, joker, jump)

n i l g a j e l e j a k e t
r a n j u k i ll y g u ck i b
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(ninja, jelly, jacket)

p a c k o g a l y f i s l i b u ar
b i n j a j e ll e t p sh j a g o er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(banjo, jellyfish, jaguar)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /k/

j u ck n a c b a u k j u ck e p
b a k p o ck d o n c r o k i t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(backpack, bank, rocket)

k i n p u m e c e n d o n e y
p o ng q a n p k i u e u b k ey
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(king, pumpkin, donkey)

s n e k k i c b i n k e r
b r a ke p a ck c a s h o t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(snake, kick, basket)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /l/

r u m n c l u ck l u d er
l a k p k i o c r a dd r
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(lamp, clock, ladder)

c l ow b p u b s c r q l n s e s
k i ou d l o n p t er g r a ss i d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cloud, lobster, glasses)

l ee f f r o g l i zz er d
j ea n c l a p b a z ar b
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(leaf, flag, lizzard)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /m/

m u s t b r ou m b u s e p
w a c k f l oo d m o k i c
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(mask, broom, music)

f oo d m o n d ay p o g n u d
m o n r a s k ey m a r k e t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(moon, monkey, magnet)

m ow er c o p m ar k r
h ou se m a d b er u er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(mouse, mop, marker)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /n/

s u b kn i t n u t e i n
b a n n e fe m a p k o l
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(sun, knife, napkin)

c oo p m o n d a er s n o m u d
t or n l a p s t r g l ow c a n
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(corn, monster, snowman)

t e ai n b a n d n u m p ur d
c r ar d h o p r b a n b er s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(train, hand, numbers)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /o/

l a p p a t c l a p
r o ck q o d p r o ck
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(lock, pot, clock)

i p e n o c n d p u s r a b i t
o v u l a k t o k t r g o b o g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(oven, octopus, robot)

b o g b a g p o p d o t
l a t d o t h a t b u g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(log, dog, hotdog)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /oi/ /oy/

b oi oi t d oy z o n
s oy oy l p oi s a r
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(boy, oil, poison)

t oi p a n t oa s d ir n s
v a l e t n oy z c oi f d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(toilet, toys, coins)

p ow b or c oa t oy s d ur
c ou p oy p oi l oa f t er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cowboy, coil, oyster)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /ol/ /oa/ /ow/

b ow t ol d c ol t
c oa l oa t b oa d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(coat, old, cold)

p i c a oa b l oa f a ch b ow f ie
b o s t ol d r ow w i sh g oa t ee
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(pistol, blowfish, bowtie)

th r ou b al d j oa f er e
ch a ow m ol t l ol p ur s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(throw, bolt, loafers)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /oo/ /ew/

l oo k n ey s s t or k
b oa t f ew d b r oo l
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(book, news, stool)

p ou t s sh oo l f u n f a oo n
c oo l r ch ew l b a s s p or t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(pool, school bus, spoon)

t oo n s f oa m r oo s d ur
c oa l e b oo t f or z t er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tools, foot, rooster)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /or/

c or p ar k s w i ng
k ore f or t b u or d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(core, fork, sword)

n or ph s t oa t w or k
b a th c l or k f ar m
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(north, stork, worm)

n or ss d ar k f or p d t
h ur se c or d n ur e s g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(horse, cork, forest)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /ow/ /ou/

c ou f l ou er c l ow p
r ow p o ow r p r ou d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(cow, flower, cloud)

c l ou n sh oa er f oa ss
k r ow u ch ow ur h ou se
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(clown, shower, house)

m ou ss t r oo p c r ow s
h or se b l ou t k l or n
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(mouse, trout, crown)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /p/

p ai n p a d s t o p l r
m ay l b i g c l a c k er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(pail, pig, stapler)

p ea c h y p e n d i p p i b r o
f l a o ck h a t c e l c o a n g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(peacock, pencil, piano)

t e n t m e t p u zz d
p ai d s c a p h a ss le
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(paint, map, puzzle)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /q/

qu i n z p ar t ir a t i p
m o l t qu ur p er s qu a d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(quilt, quarter, squid)

s qu er le p e s ti c s a qu a ch
f l irr el qu a t sh o n s o p sh
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(squirrel, question, squash)

a qu ir i u n m e z qu e t
p ai ar b e m qu i t q ee n
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(aquarium, quiz, queen)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /r/

n o se r ai d l ow s t r o p z
r a ss p ay n b ou c l p i pe s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(rose, rainbow, stripes)

r a b o t p e s t r r a b e o
c l bb i ck r oo t c er g o d i g
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(rabbit, rooster, radio)

t a ke b e s n b e b ch
r o de t r ai d c r u sh
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(rake, brain, brush)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /s/

s ay p ea l s e c p n
p aw s ee d b l v e d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(saw, seal, seven)

s p a c er d e n s oa p g a s o p s k
b r i d ur s ai l b e t b u z m a p s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(spider, sailboat, gasmask)

s p ar b u t g a z t
a t er h i s gh o s e
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(star, bus, ghost)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /sh/

w a ch s d ir t sh or k e
m u sh er sh ar p ph er t s
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(washer, shirt, shorts)

sh o p f i sh ch i p s
ch i n b a th sh a f t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(ship, fish, shift)

sh r p a p t i p s d a ss a s
c or i m b c r a sh p u sh e d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(shrimp, trash, dashes)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /t/

s o pe t a k e t i p ar
t a p p i c o b o g er
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tape, taco, tiger)

t e a k s t r a p d or b ow p ie
p a nn i c s p o c t ar s aw t ey
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tennis, tractor, bowtie)

t ar th b u n t c ar p
b oo sh t e p y p or t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tooth, tent, cart)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /u/

m u p b u k e l c l a sh
w a g p i ck o t b r u ch
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(mug, bucket, brush)

m u p u r u m a p e ll a p u p ie
b a ff i n s o b r u t r q a pp y
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(muffin, umbrella, puppy)

s u n w a ll g e u g l a b g e u g
r a m m i n p l a t f i d y b a t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(run, wall plug, ladybug)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /v/

v u g c u o l r e l a w
c a n v i a b i n c o ve
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(van, violin, love)

r i p ur v a c p e n r e d e
p a v er b o b u u m v a s t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(river, vacuum, vest)

v i k a m b ee r a ke y oa c a e u
h a m i ng d ea h i ve v ol k b n o
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(viking, beehive, volcano)

Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /w/

wh i p h i ng t w a y
w a le w a n s c e b
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(whale, wings, web)

w i s p v a ll e n w e p d
p a c t w i b u t c a n t
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(wasp, wallet, wand)

w ee l w ol k y oo p
wh e t p ul f w ol d
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(wheel, wolf, wood)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /x/

b i g b u i t a ks
f o x e x a m o xe
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(box, exit, axe)

c r e x t e s t r e p i x
f l a t b o x e f o l a k
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(flex, text, relax)

m a x r s a x o ff a ne e x i t o de
p i p er d o p a ph o m f o p l a te
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(mixer, saxophone, explode)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /ee/ /ea/ /y/

t r y b ea i t y e le
c l ee p ee r d b a ll
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(tree, beard, yell)

f ee t s ee p e d y o p er t
j ea p p ea q o b b o g ur k
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(jeep, peapod, yogurt)

m e g a p ea ch e s n ee s t
y o p i b ee c o ck b ea c p
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(yoga, peacock, beast)
Phoneme Blending & Spelling
Instructions: Circle and blend the proper sounds of the image shown. Write the
word in the space provided. /z/

z e d l e b i zz a m e ze
c l b r a p a ss t b a ll
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(zebra, pizza, maze)

c a pp ur z a p z a p m a g o s i ne
z i p er b i g p i g w i p a z a ng
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(zipper, zigzag, magazine)

z e w a m a n z u cch a z y n a zz ar d
g a pp e l i g s ee ck i n i b u ss er p
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
(zeppelin, zucchini, buzzard)

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