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April 23, 2021

Talent gives the competitive advantage and differentiates

Part 8: Employee Turnover
organization from each other

Ex: What differentiates banks from one another?
➔ The rate at which the employees leave the workforce and
The quality of service that the employees provide; Their
are replaced
acquired talent.
➔ Measurement of the number of employees who leave an
organization during a specified time period, typically one
year. While an organization usually measures the total Causes of Turnover
number of employees who leave, turnover can also apply Employees value:
to subcategories within an organization like individual 1. Lack of opportunity for growth or career development
departments or demographic groups. ➔ We want to make sure there is room for us to
develop and grow
2. Natural Career Progression
(Check recording)
➔ When employees reach the pinnacle of their career;
it’s like retirement’ you’ve attained the position
Demographics have changed; The way of thinking has
you’ve reached
3. Internal Promotion or Transfer
➔ Once you promote someone, that slot becomes
Before, employees tend to think that their first job is their last
vacant therefore you need new people to fill that
slot; there will be vacancies or gaps being left by
that person moving
In today’s day and age, that’s not how employees think
4. Feeling overworked/burnout
➔ Ensure employees are engaged well enough and
are not at risk of overworking
Millennials and Gen Z tend to transfer from organization to
5. Negative feelings
organization. It is not necessarily a good or bad thing.
➔ Unavoidable in any organization; We need to
empower the management to get to know the staff
From the organization perspective, it’s hard to retain
and avoid situations that can lead to negative
employees because they leave naturally
6. Toxic work environment
From the employee perspective, given their voluntary nature
Ensure that you are fostering and developing a proper
they value their work and professional careers
work environment
7. Family or life event
Why is turnover important?
➔ Most employees will value their family or their own
development; If it means they have to leave because
of these events
8. Competitive offer ➔ Recruiting, selecting, and training replacements
➔ Some organizations may offer something more ➔ Lost productivity
competitive that will lead to turnover; We need to ➔ Loss of Acquired Talent
ensure our organization is at par with what our
competitors are offering What happens when we lose talent?
9. Lack of work-life balance
If we lose our talent, we will start from square one again in
➔ Not every employees is the same (Check recording)
the talent supply chain. It entails cost and time and greatly
10. Involuntary departure
affects the organization. It is important in the TA standpoint
that we ensure the talent we acquire. Because TA does not end
in selection, you have to ensure that they stay and retain in the
Is Employee Turnover Voluntary or Involuntary?
➔ It is both voluntary and involuntary
Perspective #1: Ensure talent stays
Voluntary and Involuntary Turnover
Perspective #2: Ensure we have a plan just in case the talent
Voluntary Turnover
leaves the organization
➔ Turnover initiated by employees
➔ Often when the organization would prefer to keep them
Involuntary Turnover Employee Separation
➔ Turnover initiated by an employer ➔ Turnover is associated with the departure/separation of
➔ Often with employees who would prefer to stay employees with the organization.
➔ Compared to turnover, separation is only associated with
the employee’s departure. Turnover looks to “fill the gap”
Examples of Involuntary Turnover:
- Retrenchment - reduction of cost
- Employee goes against rules and regulations; policy and Separation - Looks at employee leaving
procedures Turnover - Looks at how we fill the gap once that employee
When it comes to turnover whether voluntary or involuntary,
cost is included In Talent Acquisition, what should be our priority?
Addressing Turnover or Addressing Separation?
Involuntary turnover Costs
➔ Recruiting, selecting, and training replacements We should not belittle separation but from a TA standpoint, we
➔ Lost productivity need to ensure that we acquire and retain the right talent in
➔ Lawsuits the organization. That is why we need to address turnover.
➔ Workplace violence

Voluntary turnover Costs
➔ Employee Retention is the ability of the Organization to
Voluntary Separation Involuntary Separation
➔ Voluntary retirement ➔ Dismissal retain its employees, often presented as a statistic
➔ Resignation ➔ Termination (Retention Rate)
➔ Transfer by request ➔ Suspension ➔ Employee job satisfaction and engagement factors are key
➔ Retrenchment ingredients of employee retention.
➔ Retirement
HR Programs in Place to Address Turnover
3 Causes of Preventable Separation and Turnover ➔ Mentoring Programs
1. Financial Stress/Wellness ➔ Long-Term Incentives
2. Stagnancy ➔ Engagement Surveys
3. Dissatisfaction with Job Parameters ➔ Others

Take note from recording

Engagement Surveys - We appreciate it when someone checks
in on us.
Precursors to Voluntary Separation
1. Absenteeism
2. Disengagement How else can we engage our employees to address retention?
3. Decreased Productivity If you feel valued, would you work harder?
You need to know what you value as a future professional; You
Precursors or warning signs to voluntary separation need to be clear of what you truly value and never compensate
for your value and dreams.
Not only supervisors and managers would talk to the
employees What do I truly value and what would truly retain me in an
You create a work environment where when co-workers see
that something wrong, they talk to that person since they are So that when you look for a job, you know what to look for.
all a part of the same organization; that sense of empathy and
helping with others Retaining our Acquired Talent
➔ Ensure Proper Compensation and Benefits
If we can empower our acquired employees to be more ➔ Work Environment
empathetic and help each other, that will help with retention. ➔ Training and Career Development
We need to ensure that we are doing our part to help retain ➔ Clear Communication
our employees
April 30, 2021
Employee Retention Part 9: Principles of Justice & Retention
Employee Separation
➔ Turnover is associated with the departure/separation of
HR must ensure that policies and procedures are being
employees with the organization.
implemented properly and the employees are informed, aware,
➔ Compared to turnover, separation is only associated with
and knowledgeable about it.
the employee’s departure. Turnover looks to “fill the gap
Managers and supervisors must be trained and instill positive
What guiding factors should we consider for employee

Principles of Justice Outcome Fairness should be Accompanied with Positive

➔ Outcome fairness Discipline
➔ Interactional Justice ➔ Positive Discipline is a model based on Adlerian
➔ Procedural Justice Psychology. It can be used by parents, teachers, couples,
business and community leaders to learn to create
responsible, respectful, and resourceful relationships in
We do it for the benefit of the employee and the organization
their community.

These principles are present to be as our checklist when

making decisions with someone’s employment Key Takeaway from everyone’s answers about the video on how
to managers can approach “difficult” employees: Empathy
Outcome Fairness ➔ Core principle of positive discipline
➔ A judgment that the consequences given to employees
are just When it comes to certain unexpected behaviors, defer
➔ Outcomes must be consistent judgment and be curious
➔ Employee must be knowledgeable and aware of such ➔ Instead of jumping into conclusions, we think why. We
outcomes eliminate our own biases.
➔ Ask questions, Talk to the person. Ask why this is
➔ Outcome is linked to appropriate behavior
➔ Have a conversation and get to know our employees
The punishment must fit the “crime” or the act. That is why we ➔ There might be something personal going on in the
employees’ lives
have policies and procedures in place.
➔ Hear the employees’ side and get the solution from the
If something were to happen, there are appropriate disciplinary ➔ If you communicate and coordinate with the employee,
actions to follow. That is why we have rules and regulations. they will cooperate and work towards the betterment of
their performance
The moment they are not being treated equally, they have the
power to resign and even influence others. That is why we have How does this Outcome Fairness and Positive Discipline
connect with Talent Acquisition?
to be fair.
➔ Build a proper culture where employees are not afraid to ➔ They want us to change our behavior, our way of
open up, share, and talk to their managers/supervisors, thinking, our perception so that if it happens again we
where they can do their best and improve their will avoid it and be aware of it.

Coaching is an aspect of performance management that uses Disciplining an Employee with Outcome Fairness
positive discipline

Minor Offense Communicate Standard

Question: What was discussed during onboarding?
Informal Discussion
In order for outcome fairness to work, the employees need to
be made aware of the outcomes and consequences through Verbal Warning
the policies and procedures discussed in Onboarding.
Moderate Offense Written Warning

Even during employment, HR can remind employees of the Serious Offense Suspension
policies through emails.
Investigative Suspension

Procedural Justice Dismissal

➔ A judgment that fair methods were used to determine
the consequences an employee receives
There is a process and steps, so that the employee will be more
➔ Consistent Procedures
aware of not doing things again.
➔ Avoidance of Bias
➔ Ways to correct mistakes
➔ Representation of all interests Interactional Justice
➔ Ethical Standards ➔ A judgment that the organization carried out its actions in
a way that took the employee’s feelings into account
➔ Explanation of decision
Based on outcome fairness, we have certain procedures to do
➔ Respectful treatment
➔ Consideration
The reason why we discipline or have positive discipline is in
➔ Empathy
order for the organization to retain them. Policies are in place
to protect the employees, the organizations, and to ensure
that they do their best. We take into consideration what the employee is going
through, we take into account their feelings and emotions.
Why is it that when we were younger our parents got mad at We have to have proper interactions with the employee to
us? ensure we know both sides. We have empathy and
consideration. Coordinate with employees as well.
We are all part of the organization, employees are our
Sometimes we get motivated too much or push ourselves too resources. Each one of our resources is a person.
much to the point that when we make a mistake, we get easily
demotivated. Do not forget that what entails to be a human being in the
workplace entails having empathy, and compassion. Everyone
We have to remember that we make mistakes, it is part of has a situation we are all going through.
being human. Never get disheartened from making mistakes.
What’s important is we learn from our mistakes and pick Never forget the human element.
ourselves up afterwards.
➔ We should instill this thought to our employees and
Going back to employee retention
➔ All that we discussed relates to retention
➔ We should create a healthy culture and environment
where it’s okay to make mistakes but that learning from
Employee Retention Strategies
them is emphasized. So that it won’t affect their
➔ Increases Embeddedness
➔ Enhances Functional Turnover
➔ Reduces Voluntary Turnover
Sir: It’s okay to make mistakes, remember everybody makes
mistakes. We should keep moving forward.
Recommendation, It creates that image for an organization.
Retention strategy: Being aware of how employees might feel
about certain towards them and be proactive Retention Strategies
1. HIRING THE RIGHT PEOPLE = Talent Acquisition
No matter what happens in an organization, when it comes to 2. Proper Employee Development
turnover and separation. It is highly personal, there will be 3. Better Benefits (employee needs)
times where we are forced into these types of situations. We 4. Employee Recognition
should be aware of how we do it. 5. Work-life Balance
6. Monetary Benefits
Film: Up in the Air 7. Proper Feedback
➔ A company hired by other companies to fire people 8. Exit Interviews
9. Health and Wellness Programs
10. Leadership Opportunities
One thing that HR employees and organizations tend to
forget is empathy. It entails that we become desensitized to
people's feelings. We tend to forget that employees are people. We can have all these retention strategies, but the #1 retention
strategy is hiring the right people. Knowing they will stay with
the organization. If they encounter problems, they will solve
them and learn from their mistakes.
➔ The level of employee’s commitment and connection to
the organization
If we focus on hiring, acquiring, and retaining the right people.
➔ Quantum Workplace - Employee engagement is the
strength of the mental and emotional connection
Employee Engagement Strategies employees feel toward their places of work.
➔ Increases Likelihood of Engagement ➔ Gallup - Engaged employees as those who are involved in,
➔ Greater Motivation and Citizenship enthusiastic about and committed to their work and
➔ Greater Innovation and Creativity workplace.
➔ Willis Towers Watson – Engagement is employees'
For retention, engage employees willingness and ability to contribute to company success.
➔ Aon Hewitt - Employee engagement is "the level of an
If employees are engaged, they will be motivated and have employee's psychological investment in their
better citizenship. We can be assured of greater innovation and organization."
Underlying connections and variables

Other Questions to Sir: The common theme: Commitment & Connection

What factors did you consider when choosing a job:
➔ Area
When it comes to employee engagement, there has to be a
➔ Travel Time/How I will commute
➔ Role/Position sense of commitment and connection

Tips when writing resumes: How is it connected to Talent Acquisition?

➔ Be honest. Practice Integrity. Talent engagement is part of retention/retaining strategies
➔ If you want to make your resume look better, attend We know those we hire have great influence towards the
more clubs and organizations inside and outside of organization’s success.
➔ Your hobbies still entail discipline, and characteristics Last week’s discussion on Employee Retention Strategies:
that organizations are looking for. Describe why it helps
and what it helped you gain. Increased Embeddedness - Likelihood of employees to stay
➔ Wordplay and being honest
If we have retention strategies we should also have
engagement strategies
May 7, 2021
Part 10: Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement Strategies
Employee Engagement ➔ Increases Likelihood of Engagement
➔ Greater Motivation and Citizenship
➔ Greater Innovation and Creativity
We choose to do so because we know it will contribute to
something bigger, development of proper empathy and
Increases Likelihood of Engagement - If one person could be a compassion within our friend groups and classes. We are
good influence towards engagement, can they influence building a culture that looks after each other.
others in the organization? YES
Organizations need to build a good culture of engagement,
Some organizations focus too much on the resume, whether compassion, empathy towards their employees to influence
the person can do the job, yes these are important but do not the OCB.
forget to look at the person’s character
Reflect: If you get a job. Will you conform to their culture if it’s a
Does this person have a positive disposition? Are they more bad or good one? If it’s a bad culture, will you bring something
likely to influence others in the organization? new?

Take into consideration how this employee/candidate affect OCB is powerful

engagement in the long run
Benefits of OCB
Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ➔ OCB can boost employee morale
➔ Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a term that’s ➔ It creates better social interactions between employees
used to describe all the positive and constructive ➔ It is good for your Employer Brand
employee actions and behaviors that aren’t part of their ➔ It increases people’s levels of work meaningfulness
formal job description. It’s anything that employees do, out ➔ It reduces stress
of their own free will, that supports their colleagues and ➔ It is good for employee performance and productivity; in
benefits the organization. fact, research shows that OCB positively predicts
➔ OCB is not something that’s required from employees to ➔ It creates a sense of community among employees
do their job and it’s not part of their contractual tasks.
There are organizations who don’t look at the person’
From Industrial Psychology character, they only look at the resume. This will affect the
organization in the long run.
Why do we check up on our friends and classmates? Even if it
is not required of us?
Employee Engagement Activities
➔ Workplace Parties
Compassion & Empathy - going above and beyond what is
➔ Learning Lunches
expected of you
➔ Games, Tournaments Competitions
➔ Special Days Video:
➔ Training Is job satisfaction the same as employee engagement?
➔ Recognition Programs
➔ Sports Events Take note of sir’s words in recording
➔ Team Building Activities
➔ Fundraisers / Charity Events Measuring Employee Engagement
➔ To improve employee engagement you need to know
what your organization is doing well and where you can
It can be for individual teams, departments or
improve. Knowing how to measure employee
organization-wide. As long as it positively affect employee
engagement is the jumping off point for evolving your
engagement strategy
➔ Research shows that organizations with highly engaged
Video: employees have 17% higher productivity and 21% higher
Shows how good entrepreneurial thinking is and workplace profitability. Bottom line: engaged employees work harder
culture and engagement and stay longer.
Their roles are based on their talents and expertise.
A culture and process where new ideas are constantly thought of
By measuring engagement, you acknowledge that no
and created.
organization, even your own is not perfect. Understanding the
strengths and weaknesses, you are looking into how this affects
The company promotes that people are free to look outside the
the organization.

Measuring is the jumping off point towards betterment of

They developed a good culture that influenced employee
engagement, proper communication, connection, fairness. It
influences OCB.
Benefits of Measuring Employee Engagement
Job Satisfaction 1. To identify strengths, problem areas, and “hidden truths.”
➔ Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an 2. To build trust
employee feels self-motivated, content and satisfied with 3. To help everyone understand what’s going on/Awareness
his or her job 4. To understand trends
➔ Job satisfaction happens when an employee feels he or
she is having job stability, career growth and a
Showing employees that you care about them
comfortable work life balance
“Hidden truth” - ex: You are confident that you build a good
Job satisfaction and Employee engagement are not the same. culture but in reality iba iba culture between teams and
departments. The culture has to be aligned.
Talent Acquisition Approach
➔ Acquire Talents who have the potential to influence the
Understand trends - If they understand the situations outside,
retention, engagement, and satisfaction of others within
they will know what the employees need and value.
your organization

4 Steps to Measuring Employee Engagement May 21, 2021

1. Determine Engagement Outcomes (or Objectives) Part 11: Compensation & Benefits Package
2. Identify What is Important to Employees
3. Perform Drivers Analysis What is Salary like in the Philippines?
4. Develop a Continuous Listening Strategy ➔ A person working in the Philippines typically earns around
44,600 PHP per month. Salaries range from 11,300 PHP
Identify what is important to employees - gather data and (lowest average) to 199,000 PHP (highest average, actual
information maximum salary is higher).

Salaries Distribution Philippines

Common Tools Used
Average Monthly Salary
➔ Surveys are commonly used to determine employee
➔ 100% - almost everyone earns P199,000 or less
satisfaction and engagement.
➔ 75% of employees earn P134,000 or less
➔ HOWEVER: determine your approach and focus
➔ 50% of employees earn P48,200 or less
➔ 25% of employees earn less than P26,800
Surveys are not the only tools used, you can make use and
maximize of other data gathering methods
Some organizations stick to providing entry level positions with
minimum wages, and others offer above minimum wage.
Do not only focus on one department. Take into consideration
that each department is different
➔ Generally speaking, employees having experience from
two to five years earn on average 32% more than freshers
Approaches to Consider
and juniors across all industries and disciplines.
Measure Engagement:
➔ Professionals with experience of more than five years tend
➔ Across the Organization
to earn on average 36% more than those with five years or
➔ Across teams and Departments
less of work experience.
➔ Among Individual Talent
➔ Measure the Institutional Relationship
Take Note: Change in salary based on experience varies
➔ Measure the Vertical Relationship
drastically from one location to another and depends hugely on
➔ Measure the Horizontal Relationship
the career field as well.

360 degree feedback

➔ Salary is affected by many factors such as number of years
Supply & Demand
of experience and educational attainment of potential
Years of experience help in increase of salary

Talent Acquisition
Other ways to help justify an increase in salary:
➔ In order for us to maximize Talent Acquisition, we need to
- Pursuing higher education
ensure the compensation and benefits of our potential
- Additional trainings and certifications
and current talents are up to par

➔ Workers with a certificate or diploma earn on average 17%

We need to ensure that our compensation and benefits
more than their peers who only reached the high school
packages are justified and up to par
➔ Employees who earned a Bachelor's Degree earn 24%
It is rare for people to separate individuals from the whole
more than those who only managed to attain a certificate
or diploma.
➔ Professionals who have attained a Master's Degree are
Talent Acquisition is tricky, down to recruitment and selection.
awarded salaries that are 29% more than those with a
How they present themselves, they are representatives of the
Bachelor's Degree.
whole organization.
➔ Finally, PhD holders earn 23% more than Master's Degree
holders on average while doing the same job.
When an experience of an applicant is bad, for example a
position being offered was provided with low wages. Word of
Many people pursue higher education as a tactic to switch into a
mouth will travel fast.
higher paying job.

The average increase in compensation while changing jobs is

Salary/Pay Structure Pay Grades
approximately 10% more than the customary salary increment.
Pay policy resulting from job Pay grades are the basis for
Take Note: Change in salary based on education varies drastically structure and pay-level salary ranges of different
from one location to another and depends hugely on the career decisions positions within the company
field as well.
Establishing pay grades is important because it defines the
Compensation can also be based on Position. minimum and maximum salary ranges. This lowers the chances
of salary disputes. It also helps keep salaries within reasonable

Clear that there is a specific system in place when it comes to performance should be good to be eligible for promotion. Also,
pay grades and structure. how long it would take.

This will allow more people to be more open to wages and

Pay Grades
1. Identify the number of pay grades your company will have.
2. Use minimum wage (for lowest ranks)
3. Identify the pay range per grade Salary Computation
4. Price the next grade Computing Pay for Work Done on
5. Identify which positions fall within each pay grade. ➔ A Regular Day (basic daily rate = monthly rate x number of
6. Establish and adjust current salaries to fit your new pay months in a year (12) / total working days in a year)
structure. ➔ A Special Day (130% x basic daily rate)
7. Calculate your total payroll and review the numbers based ➔ A Special Day, which is also a scheduled Rest Day (150% x
on the Organization's budget. basic daily rate)
➔ A Regular Holiday (200% x basic daily rate)
How should you determine an employee’s salary? ➔ A Regular Holiday, which is also a scheduled Rest Day
(260% x basic daily rate)

Computing Night Shift Premium where Night Shift is a

Regular Work
➔ Ordinary Day (110% x basic hourly rate)
➔ Rest Day, Special Day or Regular Holiday (110% of regular
hourly rate)

Computing Overtime
On Ordinary Days
➔ Number of hours in excess of 8 hours (125% x hourly rate)
On a Rest Day, Special Day, or Regular Day
➔ Number of hours in excess of 8 hours (130% x hourly rate)
On a Night Shift
➔ Ordinary Day (110% x basic hourly rate)
If we know our employee’s ambitions through managers or ➔ Rest Day, Special Day or Regular Holiday (110% x overtime
supervisors, from there you can plot out their future hourly rate)
development plans. You help them create their plans. So that
how many times that person should be promoted and Computing 13th Month Pay
➔ Total basic salary earned for the year exclusive of overtime, ➔ Provision of holiday pay
holiday, and night shift differential pay divided by 12 = ➔ Paternity and maternity leave benefits
13thmonth pay
Conditions of Employment and Benefits provided for
Employment Conditions
➔ Normal working hours shall not exceed eight (8) hours a
➔ Payment of overtime work shall consist of an addition of at
least 25% of the regular wage per hour worked or 30%
thereof during holidays or rest days
➔ Minimum wage rates for Agricultural and Non-Agricultural
lines of work vary in every region and should be properly
➔ Minimum age of employment is 18 years old but those
aged 15 to 18 can be employed given that they work in
non-hazardous environments
➔ In the event of a bankruptcy or liquidation, workers shall The “Recruitment Incident”
be paid their full salary before other creditors may ➔ A Fresh Graduate turned down a position as she/he
establish any claim to a share in the employer’s assets expressed that they need 60k a month for a livable wage.
➔ What can you say about this situation?
Mandatory Benefits and Contributions
➔ Companies are mandated by the Labor Code to give their Defer judgment. Both sides have valid points and arguments.
regular employees a thirteenth month pay equivalent to At the end of the day, was it handled properly? No, the whole
one (1) month of their annual salary situation was handled poorly.
➔ Service incentive leave of at least 5 days with pay for every
year of service It should not have been posted online. Effects of data privacy
➔ Employees have a right to a weekly rest period of not less and the company’s reputation.
than 24 consecutive hours after every 6 consecutive
normal work days We need to go about things professionally, especially when it
➔ Withholding a portion of an employee’s monthly salary to comes to compensation and benefits. These are one of the
remit as contributions to government agencies is a most personal things that people tend to forget. These dictate
requisite for employers, these agencies are as follows: how someone will be able to live their lives with their jobs.
◆ Social Security System (SSS)
◆ Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)
◆ Philhealth
Social Media is not a diary. Some professionals tend to forget It shows who we are as an organization, in terms of talent
that. Freedom of speech does not necessarily mean you are acquisition.
free from the consequences that come after.
Wage and Compensation Benefits
The whole situation boils down to ethics and professionalism.
➔ Minimum Wage
➔ Overtime Pay
In the world of talent acquisition, how do we view potential
➔ Premium Pay
candidates and our employees in the organization?
➔ Night Shift Differential
➔ 13th Month Pay
Most Reactions ➔ Separation Pay
➔ “Why is the starting salary so low?” ➔ Retirement Pay
➔ “That’s only slightly above minimum wage, that’s
Required wage based compensation and benefits.
➔ “What a rip off, this organization obviously doesn’t value
new talent”
Leave Benefits
1. Service Incentive Leave - Sick Leaves or Vacation Leaves
As HR, we should empathize with others. We then explain why.
➔ Mandate: 1 year tenure are entitled to leaves
2. Parental Leaves - Maternity/Paternity/Solo Parent Leaves
What they don’t realize 3. Special Leave Benefits for Women - Magna Carta or
➔ Opportunities to earn more along with earning more work Victims of Violence
experience 4. Bereavement Leave - 3 days additional time of to mourn
➔ Salary might be “low”, but BENEFITS cover more that the the death of a family member
salary 5. De minimis Benefits
➔ The organization evolves with the industry and industry
standards. (3) Required Benefits in the Philippines
➔ The Philippine Social Security System, strengthened by
Talent Acquisition the provisions of the Republic Act No. 8282 or the Social
➔ Determining Salary must be just for the organization. Security Law, is the country’s social insurance program
➔ We value our talents, both potential and current. They and consists of the following bodies:
need to be properly compensated. ◆ Social Security System (SSS) – The SSS was created
➔ How we present ourselves during the Talent Supply chain to provide private employees and their families
reflects the organization as a whole as well. protection against disability, sickness, old age, and
➔ Talent Supply Chain: Source, Recruit, Select, Retain death. The Government Service Insurance System
(GSIS) is the equivalent system for Philippine
government employees.
◆ Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) – The
HDMF, also known as the PagIBIG Fund, is a
provident savings system supplying housing loans
to private and Philippine government employees,
and to self-employed persons who elect to join the
◆ Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth) – PhilHealth is administered by the
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, and
provides employees with a practical means of
paying for adequate medical care in the Philippines.

Talent Acquisition
➔ Determining Benefits must be just for the organization,
not omitting any mandatory benefits.
➔ We value our talents, both potential and current. They
need to be properly compensated.
➔ How we present ourselves during the Talent Supply chain

What additional benefits can you think of?

- Healthcare
- Insurance
- Employee Stock Options

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