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Term 3

Class: Primary 2
Marks: / 40

Parent’s signature & date

Total Time: 1 hour
-- ---——- — — - - —- - — - —- — -"-

T. Wri†e your name and register number in †he sp‹ice provided.

2. Do not †urn over †he page un†iI you are told †o do so.

3. Follow all ins†ruc†ions carefully.

4. Read and qnswer al) questions carefully.

Section A: Vocabulary (5 x 1) marks
Read each sentence carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and write1,
2, 3 or 4 in the brackets provided.

Kellie fell down and hur† herself. She loudly as it WQs

very painful.

(1) wniled
(2) laughed
(3) shivered
(4) ‹quirmed

2. Aishah was when she los† †he race.

(1) lonely
(2) deli9h†ed
(3) frightened
(4) disappointed

3. When Bala’s mo†her woke him up, he go† up and rubbed his eyes

(1) busily
(2) happily
(3) sleepily
(4) excitedly
4. My brother ge†s excited when the trains go through a long

(1) lane
(2) †unnel
(3) bridge
(4) driveway

Alice enjoys †he cold because she can make


(1) summer
(2) autumn
(3) win†er
(4) spring
( ).

Section B: Grammar (5 x 1) marks

Read each sentence carefully. Choose †he correc† answer and wri†e 1, 2, 3
or 4 in †he brackets provided.
6. Tom’s stomach loudly as he had not eaten for the
whole day.

(1) growl
(2) 9 ^ O W! S
(3) growled
(4} growling

7. The baby always loud(y when he sees his favourite †oy.

(1) laugh
(2) laughs
(3) laughed
(4) laughing

8. Jessica wen† to see †he doc†or she was sick.

(1) or
(2) bu†
(3) and
(4) when ( J

9. "Le†’s pack up now. Teacher is waiting for ,“ Peter told the


(1) us
(2) him
(3) her
(4) them

10. “John, please take cookies here †o our neighbour tlex†

door. She should be waiting eagerly for †hem,” said Mother.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) †hese
(4) those

Section C: Grammar Cloze (8 x 1) marks

Read †he passage carefully. Bill in †he blanks wi†h †he mos† suitable
answer from the worlds in the box. You may use each word only Of JCE.
Passage 1


Z† was a Sa†urdoy morning. Ben was si††inp

(11) a s†ool looking ou† of †he window. A blue car

(12) red wheels caugh† his a††en†ion. Immediately, Ben

decided to draw a picture of the car (13) fun. He ron
(14) his s†udy †able to ge† a piece of paper artd a box
of crayons. Ben began drawing.

Read †he passage carefully. 4ircle the correc† answer in †he brackets.
Passage 2

Sunny Bear and his family have jus† moved to a new

neighbourhood. They are building a house. I† (15) (is , are ) nex† to
e river. The house (16) ( has have ) a red roof and a green
When everything is ready, Sunny Bear and his family
(17) ( is . are ) going to have a picnic near †he †rees. funny Bear

asks his mo†her †o (18) ( sing , sings ) a song. Sunny bear listens and
ea†s his favourite honey.
o< /
Section D: Vocabulary Cloze (ii x 1) marks
Rend the passage carefully. Fill in †he blnnks wi†h †he mos† suitable
answer from the words in the box. You may use each word only ONCE.
take buy started lef†
poor lked hated deep

Once upon a time, there lived a mctn with his wife and

two children, Hansel and Gretel. They were very (19)

and had no food to eat. The mon’s wife ordered the man in

send the children away.

The nex† morning, the man †ook †he children (20)

into a fores† and lef† †hem †here. The children begged him to

(21) †hem back bu† he refused.

The children walked dee.per in†o †he fores†. They saw a

delicious-looking house tha† was made of gingerbread and cakes. They

(22) †he house very much. The children ran towards

it and (23) oa†inp †he cakes on the house. They were

too hungry to think of what was to come.

Section E: Edi†i forGrammar and PuncNa†ion (7 x 1) marks
Read †he passage carefully. Fill in †he correc† punc†ua†ion in †he circles
provided. Circle †he correc† word in bold for grammar.

Every afternoon after school, the children would play in the

(24) ( Giant / Giant's ) garden. It was (25) ( a / an ) large, lovely

garden wi†h sof† green grass and plen†y of colourful f lowers. The garden

was beautiful and many birds would si† (26) ( on / ever )

†he branches of †he †rees. They (27) ( sing / sang ) sweetly

and †he children would stop playing †o lis†en.

One day, †he Gian† returned (28) ( while / for ) †he children

were playing in the garden. “Who† are you doing here (29) ” he asked in

a gruff voice. ”Ge† ou† of my garden (30) “ he yelled a† †he children

who immediately ran away.

Adapted from ’The Ne/Yi“sh 5i“ant’by Decay' Wi“lde

Section F: Corfiprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage be(ow and answer the questions that follow. Your
answers mus† be based on the given †ex†.
There was a grocery shop in town. Many mice loved i† as †hey

could find food easily there. They a†e all †he food and spoiled all †he

bags in the shop.

The shopkeeper go† worried and though† of a solution, “I will

buy a cat and ie† i† stay in †he shop." The cat had a good †ime

hunting and killing †he mice in †he shop.

The mice could no† move as freely now and were afraid of †he

cat. They held a meeting end one of †hem saicl, “We mus† get rid of

tha† ca†!“

The mice sa† down and †hough† long and hard. They realised

†ha† †he problem was †he ca† moved quietly. Suddenly, a smar† mouse
s†ood up and said, “Le†’s †ie a bell around i†s neck. Tha† way,

we can hear i† when i† is coming. ”

"Yes, †ha† is a brillinn† idea!” said †he mice, "now †ha† we

have a solution, who will †ie †he bell*" All †he mice stood silen†

and s†iIl.

Adopted from ’Who Wi”ll Bell the dot "by Cynthia Von 0uh/er

31. Choose †he bes† op†ion and wri†e i†s number in †he
bracket provided.(Zm)

Why did †he mice enjoy living in †he grocery shop*

(1} The cat took good care of them.

(2) They could play with one another.

(3) They did not hQve to hunt for food.

(4) The shopkeeper gave them food †o eat.

32. Choose †he best op†ion and put a †ick ( ) in †he box provided. (1m)

The shopkeeper was worried as †he mice the

thing.s in his stop.




33. Based en the passage, state whether each statement in the table is
†rue or false. (Z x 1m)

(a)The shopkeeper’s ca† frightened the mice.

(b)The ca† moved noisily around †he grocery shop.

34. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the blanks below †o indicate †he order in which
the events occurred in the passage. (km)

The mice did no† know who would †ie †he bell on †he ca†.

The mice †hough† abou† how †o ge† rid of the cat.

The shopkeeper wanted to save his damaged items.

Wri†e your answer in the space provided. All answers mus† be in complete
sentences. ( 2 x 2 marks )

35. Wha† did †he shopkeeper do to save †he things in his shop*

36. Why did †he smar† mouse wan† †o †ie a bell around the ca†‘s necks

- End of Paper



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

1 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 1 3
Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 §15 Q16 Q17 t}18 Q19 t}2 0
on with for to is has are sing poor deep
Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30

talie liked started Giant’s a on sang while ? !


Q32 destroyed

Q33 a) True

b) Fqfsq
3 The c *d t kfiow who would tie the bell on the cat. 2

The who ght about how to get rid of the cat.

I The s}n›pke er wanted to save his damaged items.

Q35 H u nt cat.
Q36 It w ha the mice could hear the cat coming and escape Qotn/t)

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