Conflict Management Organized FINALS Class Notes

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April 20, 2021 annoying, but it causes unnecessary tension in the relationship

Complementary Forms of Conflict Management between boss and employee.

Traditional Complementary 2. “I am disappointed because …” – Talk about how you feel

➔ Imperative ➔ Individual If you think you have been wrongly accused of making a mistake,
➔ Issue-related ➔ Integrated
you should definitely address the issue. Do not simply absorb
everything, but talk about what is bothering you, and why, in a
The Difficult Boss
How to Manage your Boss (Video) clear and measured way.

Step 1: Listen & Learn 3. “Next time it will be better” – Deal with mistakes
Truly listen, Pick up on what he’s not saying constructively
Mistakes are completely human, and happen to all of us. It is
Step 2: Become Self-Reliant
important to explain them without putting yourself down.

Step 3: Get better at communicating Explain errors confidently, and make suggestions for
Bring up the awkward subjects, Talk about your poor results, improvement. This way, you demonstrate a proactive attitude,
Show the boss your initiative required to do your job. This builds
and the ability to learn from your mistakes.
trust over time.

Step 4: Choose your battles 4. “Today I should just leave him alone” – Sit out tantrums
Good leaders will test your logic, reasoning, and sense of Sometimes even the best strategy simply doesn’t help. If the
flexibility to commit. If you’ve lost a battle, let it go. Don’t keep boss is steaming with anger, it is not a bad idea to wait, and
track on who’s winning or losing.
tackle the situation when he has calmed down.

Step 5: Act of Random Kindness (ARK)

Develop rapport with your boss - find a common interest; ask a 5. “Can I have that in an e-mail” – Get agreements in writing
few genuine questions; try to get to know them better Trust is good, control is better. Try to have important agreements
or promises in writing. You are then on the safe side, and you can
10 tips for dealing with difficult bosses (Video)
avoid arguments. With a difficult manager, this can only be an

1. “I didn’t know that” – Avoid lack of clarity advantage!

Do you have the feeling that instructions from your manager are
6. “It’s my boss, not my family” – Don’t take things personally
unclear or even incomplete? It is better to address such issues
clearly and immediately. To work at cross purposes is not only
Is your boss is being difficult again? Try not to take it too much to
Managing a difficult boss is essential in conflict management
heart. You shouldn’t just put up with it but, every now and then, of the workplace. Communication is important. As long as you
not taking everything too seriously can be calming. do your job, don’t take what they say too much to the heart. Try
to avoid and create conflict with your boss. You can apply these
tips in the video.
7. “I recognize that from somewhere” – Study the behavior
patterns of your manager
True to the motto ‘knowledge is power’, you should study the Basic Complementary Forms of Conflict Management
1. Mediation
typical behavior of your boss and draw your own conclusions
2. Moderation
from it. If you know in advance that, with your manager, after 3. Supervision
point A often comes point C, you can prepare accordingly. 4. Coaching
5. Team Development
8. “How do you see the whole picture?” – Listen to the
assessment of your colleagues One should know when which method is appropriate

Do you have a problem with your manager, and don’t know what
to think about the situation? Ask a colleague that you trust for an The word “mediation” is derived from the Latin “mediare”. The
assessment. The opinion of a third party can often be very goal of mediation is that conflict participants autonomously
develop a sustainable solution for the future which corresponds
to their interests and needs.
➔ goal oriented,
9. “He has a sense of humour” – Find something positive
➔ structured phase model,
about your manager
➔ by need-oriented discussions, and
Even if the boss is difficult, there is usually at least one thing that ➔ by modification of the parties’ communication patterns.
is, on reflection, not so bad. Try to find something positive about
your manager – even the little pleasures in life can make the day Neutrality/Impartiality, ensure openness and transparency. All
easier. parties participate equally.

Employed in managing partnerships, relationships, conflicts in

10. “Now I’ll switch off” – Clear you head in your free time
the public arena
Of course, stress with the boss can’t always be completely
avoided. At home, it is therefore important not to think too much Moderation
about work and your boss. Try to switch off and enjoy your free The moderator is responsible for the process and acts as
time, and the time with friends and family. impartial discussion leader.
➔ ensures that all participants are equally involved, that ➔ developing and expanding their capabilities
participants’ contributions are clearly explained and that ➔ helps make people aware of the social
results are documented. ➔ institutional and subjective conditions associated with a
➔ may draw on resources such as discussion rules, methods professional occupation, and
using flashcards, feedback or paraphrasing. ➔ effects on professional actions

Working process of the groups What differentiates supervision from mediation?

➔ structuring,
➔ visualisation and Mediation is not to improve professional capability or to analyse
➔ other techniques. institutional relationships.

Areas of application include task Mediator accompanies the parties through the process from
➔ coordination, dissent to consensus.
➔ planning,
➔ strategy development, Coaching
➔ problem analysis and Coaching is goal-oriented counselling given to an individual to
➔ problem solving. help them reflect on and deal with an existing problem.
Coaching is consequently an interaction between two people,
Facilitates the working process
where the client is an expert in matters pertaining to him
(problem) and the coach is an expert in the process (questions,
Moderators may draw on resources, such as methods
structure, etc.).
When you say moderation, it enables a group to structure and
This equality between the positions of coach and coachee (the
efficiently deal with the topic. The moderator ensures optimal
client of the coach) is of central importance, as the coaching
utilization of existing synergy potential and goal. Management
process should be viewed as a dialogue between partners.
of conflict is not the priority but the achievement of an
The coach agrees on the goal with the coachee. Both work
In mediation, Amicably resolve a conflict between 2 or more together on a strategy to achieve the goal.
people with the help of a neutral 3rd party (Moderator).
Opposition and obstacles are identified and courses of action
Ex: Moderation - A team plans and implements a new product are agreed on.
The coach works as a discreet adviser. A coach also guides the
coachee through the process and provide feedback
Supervision is the specialist support of a team or a person by a
trained supervisor
Excessively used of coaching today and in a way open to
Team development has a purpose of transforming a group of
misinterpretation, “the boss as coach”
people into a team. To achieve this goal, a process driven by
group dynamics takes place.
This phrase goes against the principle of coach neutrality. We
can’t say that the coach is a boss. Reasons for team development:
➔ Improvement of Communication
Coaching here is different from a basketball coach who is the ➔ Cooperation and working relationship between the
boss. team members
➔ Development of team identity or clarification of
Coaching can make a valuable contribution to conflict functional roles
Team Development is used when a company or department
merges or when new teams are put together.
What differentiates coaching from mediation?

Mediation, there are always at least two parties to the conflict What differentiates team development from mediation?
and two different positions.
Team development enables a group to work together and deal
Mediator works on bringing the two parties together, a coach with conflicts.
focuses on the interests of his client and assists him in Team development is a means of conflict prevention, as the team
understanding and dealing with conflicts. is brought into a position that enables it to independently deal
with and resolve conflicts.
An example of coaching: A department head establishes that his
whole team suffers due to conflicts between employees. He At this point a word of caution: If a conflict already exists within a
seeks the expert advice of a coach to determine how to best deal team, it is better to use mediation, as in certain circumstances
with it. team development can exacerbate a conflict.

Team development
Ex: A new working team is put together and supported by an
Team development presents a multitude of problems (power
expert adviser in its initial phase in order to optimize
struggles, formation of coalitions, conflicts of customs...), which
cooperation within the group,
can paralyse or even destroy a group before they become a team.
In team development, the process is managed by a professional
advisor to quickly get the team fit for work Organisational development versus Mediation
Organisational development (“OD”) is a long-term process aimed
at the further development and transformation of an
organisation or part of an organisation.
Objective: ➔ Improve the information flow
➔ simultaneous improvement of the performance of the ➔ Take the conflict skills(!) of candidates into consideration in
organisation (efficiency and effectiveness) and the employee selection process
➔ the quality of working conditions ➔ Create promotion and career opportunities along with
opportunities for personal and professional development
OD is concerned with ➔ Direct training not only towards professional skills, but also
➔ strategic social skills.
➔ structural and/or cultural problems.
Mediation is Complementary to Organisational development
April 22, 2021 OD has found few answers to conflict management. As the
Continuation frequency of conflicts in society increases, a universal, clearly
structured method of conflict management was long overdue.
Organisational development and Conflict Management
In the context of organisational development, conflict This can also explain why mediation as a “new” method spread
management plays a decisive role in successful change so quickly and is met with so much interest.
Organizational Development
Phenomenon of conflict is important in organizational
➔ The affected parties become participants and are
included in all phases of the process.
➔ The advisor (change agent) is responsible for the process
There is still a gap of literature regarding this issue. and not for the outcome.
➔ The process is managed by neutral change agents /
A review of conflict literature shows that today there are only a
➔ The goal of OD is to improve the problem-solving and
few empirical studies of conflict and conflict management in transformation processes in the organisation and
organisations thereby initiate ongoing learning processes.
➔ The OD advisor encourages focus on solutions, resources
and future possibilities, instead of problems and
Often assumed that within the scope of OD, the differences of
conflicts can be settled by addressing and resolving it
Organisational development provides some indications as to how ➔ All participants in the conflict are included in the
conflicts can be avoided: mediation process.
➔ Make clear agreements about objectives and targets ➔ The mediator is the manager or director of the
➔ Involve your employees in the decision making process negotiations. He is not responsible for the content or the
➔ Reduce the dependency of employees on supervisors outcome.
➔ Arbitration by neutral or impartial third parties, the
➔ Give employees more individual room for manoeuvre
still frequently feels challenged. The teamwork with her
➔ Constructive learning processes are initiated.
Participants learn how to deal differently with conflicts colleagues runs smoothly. When there are differences of opinion,
going forward. they sit down together and discuss the problem. While her boss
➔ Mediation is not concerned with problems from the has his faults, everyone knows what to expect of him. If
past, but with how the parties want to shape the future. something doesn’t go well occasionally and there is trouble with
customers, he can always be counted on to back his team. A
April 27, 2021 team meeting takes place once a week. This ensures that
Conflict Prevention everyone has the same information and issues can be openly
discussed. Only the offices are slowly becoming too small, but
Conflict Prevention that’s a different story.”
➔ Everyday Disputes in the Office
➔ Productive and Unproductive Conflicts Productive & Unproductive Conflicts
➔ Conflict Prevention Through Self-Reflection and Personal 1. What differentiates Kirsty’s working environment from
➔ Development that of her friends?
2. Why is there a much better atmosphere at her company?
Everyday Disputes in the Office 3. Is it just luck? Or is there more to it?
“Kirsty Norman meets regularly with her friends from student
days. Mostly they talk about books, politics or other current ➔ Conflicts, disagreements, and issues/problems
affairs. Lately she has noticed that the others complain more ➔ Dispute
frequently about problems at work. Sabine, for example, handed
in her notice, as she could no longer endure the constant Conflict prevention – a constructive process to manage conflicts
arguments with her boss. She’s been looking for a new job for or tensions not to magnify.
more than 2 months now. Joseph’s long-term issue is his
“favourite colleague”. If he can avoid him, the day is saved. But if Conflict prevention does not mean generally stopping conflicts
they can’t escape another in a meeting, it’s a disaster. Then there from taking place or suppressing them. Surprisingly, there are
is trouble ahead. Derogatory remarks are the norm. Recently a circumstances that management requires to incite conflicts, in
heated argument erupted. His boss appeared overwhelmed by order to set changes to established habits in motion.
the situation and changed the subject. Mark is now waiting for
an opportunity to take revenge. Paul reports with a wry smile Conflict prevention consists:
that the internal communication in his company has become ➔ avoiding unproductive conflicts
contaminated, as it’s now common practice to answer enquiries ➔ promoting constructive debate
or information emails with everyone in copy. Everybody is on
their guard and a culture of justification and blame has evolved. Productive Conflicts
➔ aimed at change
Kirsty herself is happy in her job, although that makes for a less ➔ means to an end.
interesting topic of conversation. She works as a project manager ➔ Examples
for a PR agency. She has become proficient in what she does, but ◆ strategic decision
◆ allocation of resources
◆ new hiring or outsourcing of workforce Conflict Prevention through Communication Structure
➔ Every conflict, no matter how common, can turn out to be Configuration
productive. The first fundamental aspect of conflict prevention is the
➔ Most have a positive core. In a conflict, differing structural organisation of the team.
interpretations of information clash. ➔ Constructive teamwork - an “appreciative” communication
➔ Systems theorists speak about how meaning and structure.
interpretations are negotiated in a conflict. ➔ Opportunity to frequently exchange ideas and information
➔ Often only possible in retrospect to determine whether a ◆ varying points of view can be aligned
conflict had positive aspects and what these are. ◆ differences can be recognized
◆ and tensions can be eased by discussion before
Unproductive conflicts they escalate.
➔ Misunderstandings
➔ Inadequate information or strong emotional reactions. Consequently, communication channels to facilitate regular
➔ End in itself or serves the purpose of asserting one point of exchange of information need to be established.
view over another
➔ Most conflicts are hybrid forms and contain both Formal Communication Structures
productive as well as unproductive elements Each has a role as part of a whole - opportunity to exchange
3 Different Levels of Prevention
1. Structural - organised forms of communication within a Ex. call centre; law firm.
2. Communicative - identifies how and for which reasons There are organisations where employees suffer from an
people in the organisation speak to one other or exchange excessive number of inefficient meetings. Boredom
written communications. non-attendance is the consequence. In other companies, there
3. Personal - relates to the way in which employees and are too few meetings and problems arise due to a lack of
managers consider their own behaviour and how they information exchange.
think about approaching tense situations.
For example, the communication structure in a company
➔ Regular weekly meeting with colleagues and direct
In the communicative level, conflicts arise as a result of
insufficient discussion, needs, expectations are not met.
➔ Quarterly or semi-annual personal review meeting with
direct manager
On a personal level, conflicts occur due to inner tension or
➔ Annual staff outing or informal team development
individual dissatisfaction or frustrations.
workshop for the entire team.

The role of a manager, team leader or departmental head:

➔ Regular weekly meetings with employees
➔ Quarterly or semi-annual personal review meeting with Conflict Prevention through Discussion and Expectation
direct manager Management
➔ Quarterly or semi-annual personal review meeting with Managing expectations is therefore an important function of
each employee successful leaders. If employees’ expectations are kept at a
➔ Regular monthly team or department head meeting realistic level, their degree of satisfaction tends to be higher, and
➔ Annual staff outing or informal team development unproductive conflicts are avoided.
What does that mean in practice?
Other Structural Forms of Communication ➔ regularly seeking discussions with employees.
➔ Company structure ➔ creating opportunities to talk on an informal level, such as
➔ Regulations laid out in the mission statement with respect over coffee or during lunch break, to address needs and
to dealing with one another interests, and
➔ Corporate culture or conflict culture. ➔ making time for the expression of personal concerns and
➔ The organisational structure is the framework of the
company. A discussion about expectations does not automatically result in
➔ Clear structures provide assurance and minimise rivalry an obligation to fulfill them. However, a clear statement should
and power struggles. be made. A clear statement can take five basic forms:
➔ The mission statement is a well-established tool for ➔ Binding commitment - “I firmly commit to doing it.”
behaviour regulation and conflict prevention. ➔ Conditional commitment - “I will try to do it, but cannot
◆ Example: make a firm commitment because...”
● “Active customer service is at the centre of ➔ Conditional refusal - “I will probably not be able to do it
our activities. because...”
● We seek respect and trust. We are open to ➔ Firm refusal - “I will not be able to do it because...”
innovations. ➔ Deferral - “At this point in time, I cannot say whether I will
● We strive to fulfill our responsibilities with be able to do it because... let’s discuss it again at a later
expertise and independence, while working date.”
in partnership as a team.”
Conflict Prevention through Self-Reflection and Personal
The company culture is the product of all norms and values that Development
the company, either intentionally or unintentionally, has Conflicts can arise as a result of inner tensions, discontent and
developed over time. similar issues, which erupt into conflicts in the work
The culture determines what is important within the company
and what is not. As a consequence, the culture has a strong An older employee, for example, envies a younger one because
influence on the (conflict related) behaviour of its members. he has better qualifications and consequently better promotion
prospects. He treats him with excessive criticism and contempt. Starting points for conflict prevention on a personal level are
This leads to an unproductive conflict for the company. training and development activities, coaching or supervision, and
also targeted employee selection measures.
Models that try to explain why people’s inner problems lead to
conflicts with those around them. Coaching can be helpful if the goal is to work out the extent to
➔ Psychology approach which one has contributed to a problem oneself and which
➔ Decision theory approach possibilities exist to address it.

Depth Psychology May 11, 2021

Conflicts arise as a result of the tension between biological Special Applications of Interpersonal Conflict
instincts, the “id”, and social nature (formed by parents and
upbringing), the “super-ego”. The “ego” stands between the two Analyzing Conflicts
and is supposed to bring both poles together. During the course Focus on thinking analysis about conflicts in a reflective manner.
of socialisation of human beings, through upbringing and living
within the community, we learn to keep our instincts, the “id” Micro-level analysis
(aggression, sexual drive), under control and not to let them run ➔ writing a paper on specific conflict
free unchecked. If however, the other pole, the “super-ego”, ➔ Intervene in conflicts
becomes too strong, it causes instinct-driven, creative energy to ➔ decide to think through intimate and family conflicts
dwindle. Therefore, the (healthy) “ego” has to integrate both
tendencies, in order to mature into a productive collective entity Conflict can make misunderstanding and disorder.

Decision Theory Approach Stimulated by emotions, “thinking while feeling” – harder and
Decision theorists argue that we are confronted with difficult.
contradictory demands on a daily basis.
➔ Expectations can conflict with our values. Shall I go home Analyze conflicts both macro and micro level.
and have dinner with my partner, or finish my work? ➔ System dynamics (macro level) – figure out the system
➔ Or the search for pleasure clashes with the desire for a ➔ Micro-level – implicates usual state of communication
healthy lifestyle. Shall I open a bottle of wine or drink behaviour
Macro-Level Analysis
This gives rise to dissonance, an inner conflict, which the person Systems Theory
must in some way resolve. This is achieved by information 1. Describing the workings of the overall system and how
selection, reinterpretation or re-evaluation. Sometimes it is done those connect to.
by bringing the inner conflict into the outside world by way of 2. Recurring communication patterns inside the system.
Informs regarding the workings of entire systems and
subsystems in organizations, small groups, and families.
➔ helps answer the question, “How does this work?” Complexity refers to “ a high degree of system interdependence,
which…leads to nonlinearity, emergent order creation, other
Major theories of systems thinking surprising dynamics” ( Hazy, Goldstein, and Lichtenstein 2007).
➔ Wholeness
➔ Organization Systemwide Patterns
➔ Patterning We are all embedded within larger systems, thus whether a
conflict rages out of control or just simmers on the back burner,
Systems Theory Principles and Practices there are system wide forces at work. Everyone affects everyone
1. Selected principles derived from systems theory will help else.
you understand the holistic, or systematic, nature of any
conflict. Micro-Level Analysis
➔ Conflict in systems occurs in chain reactions. Several methods to the micro-level analysis
➔ Circular causality ➔ Describing triangles
➔ Descriptive language ➔ Coalitions
2. Each member develops a label and a specific role in the ➔ Interaction rules
system. ➔ Microevents
3. Cooperation among system members maintains conflicts.
4. Triangles form in systems when relationships are close and Conflict Triangles
intense (positive or negative). If you experience a conflict with someone and you talk another
5. Systems develop rules for conflict that are followed even if about it, you are joining in a conflict triangle.
they work poorly.
6. The conflict serves the system in some way “three’s a crowd”.

Complex Conflict Patterns Three people find it difficult to maintain balance in a conflict
All recurring conflicts follow patterns – predictable actions of relationship.
communication and response. Even when you can not
determine when a pattern “starts”, system regularities pervade. Drawing Coalitions-Who is in, Who is out?
A coalition forms when some are closer to each other than they
Often the structure of the conflict is only expressed indirectly or are to others.
implicitly so you can not just ask, “What is the structure of your
conflict?” When someone is in a coalition, they include select people in the
information flow and not others.
Inductive methods
1. Identifying specific system patterns, In all organizations and families with more than three members,
2. Charting conflict triangles, and coalition exist
3. Drawing coalitions.
People form coalition in order to
1. Share topic information 3. Make sure you generate rules for both behavior that must
2. Get support and understanding and behavior that must not be performed.
3. Have a sense of belonging 4. Go back over your list. Make each rule simple and
4. Gain power prescriptive. Write rules even for “obvious” communication
patterns. They may prove to be important possibilities for
Interaction Rules change
Content – Outcome (e.g., forgetting, avoiding the issue, and 5. Code each rule as to the following:
putting off a decision until something must be done). a. Whose rule is it?
b. What keeps the rule going?
“Rules” describe the underlying communications structure of c. Who enforces the rule?
the interaction. d. Who breaks the rule?
e. What function does the rule serve?
A more accurate definition of a rule is that it is “a followable 6. Discuss how the rules help or harm the productive
prescription that shows what behavior is obligated, preferred, or management of conflict.
prohibited in certain contexts@ (Shimanoff 1980, 57).
“Rules of Engagement” ➔ “repetitive loops of observable interpersonal behaviors
…with a redundant outcome” (Metcoff and Whitaker 1982,
The following are some examples of rules 253)
➔ Rules are prescriptions for behavior stated in the following ➔ Interactions that give information about other
form: interactions.
◆ “When in context X, Y must/must not occur.”
◆ “When father presents sadness or anger, mother The following are some ways you can discover and describe
must soothe him.” microevents:
◆ “When the program director decides to assign a 1. Act as a qualitative researcher who uses observation and
case to a counselor, the counselor must accept the interviewing to determine patterns.
case or convince the program director to reassign 2. Obtain a professional third-party description of common
it.” conflicts.
3. Keep a journal of conflict episodes that seem repetitive –
Steps to elicit system rules: those that have a “here we go again” theme.
1. List explicit and implicit rules that prescribe your own and 4. Ask newcomers to a system, such as new employees, new
other’s behavior in conflicts family members, or new committee members, to describe
2. If you have trouble thinking of rules for your system, think what they have experienced so far.
of times when the rule was broken. How did you know the
rule was broken? How was the violation communicated? Conflict Assessment Guide
Write about the prescription that became obvious upon ➔ The Conflict Assessment Guide will help you map all of the
breaking the rule. central elements of your conflict.
◆ Nature of Conflict ➔ Labor and management representatives negotiating a
◆ Orientation to the Conflict work contract
◆ Interests and Goals ➔ Diplomats meeting with great formality to resolve national
◆ Power disputes.
◆ Styles
◆ Conflict and Emotions Negotiation - to settle a dispute by discussion and mutual
◆ Analyzing Interactions and Overall Patterns agreement.
◆ Attempted Solutions
◆ Negotiation Approaches:
◆ Forgiveness and Reconciliation 1. “All efforts by individual disputants to resolve for
themselves, without any third-party interventions”
Conflict Assessment Guide (Bendersky 2003, 645)
➔ Brings forth the narratives (stories) that conflict parties tell 2. The process by which a third party assists primary parties
themselves and others. Useful for focusing on the in the conflict to settle their disputes
emotional component.
◆ What happened? What is my story? ➔ Focus shifts to argument, persuasion, and specific conflict
◆ What happened? What is the other’s story? strategies involving bargaining.
◆ The feelings conversation: My story ➔ Provides a process for conflict resolution when the topic,
◆ The feelings conversations: The other’s story relationship, identity, and process issues rise in importance
◆ The identity conversation in a conflict.

May 20, 2021 Outcome:

Continuation of Special Applications of Interpersonal Conflict a. Problem resolution
b. Partial resolution
Interpersonal Negotiation c. Impasse
➔ Negotiation in Everyday Life d. Additionally, may improve relationships as long as the
➔ Negotiation and Culture decisions reached are satisfactory.
➔ Constructive Argumentation: Test Ideas, Not People
➔ Approaches to Negotiation All layers of conflict issues (TRIP concerns) matter, no matter
➔ Competitive Negotiation what the form of conflict resolution is that is used. Negotiation is
➔ Integrative Negotiation just as embedded in emotional realities as any other form-but
➔ Seven Elements of Principled Negotiation emotion may be excluded from the table. Excluding feelings
➔ The Language of Negotiation seldom works for long.
➔ Competitive and Integrative Phases ➔ interpersonal skills
➔ competitive or integrative
Negotiation in Everyday Life ➔ formally structured, repeated, nor contain financial or
material outcomes
➔ Informal approach and range back and forth among 8. Control the pace of the argument
negotiation, ordinary problem solving, attempts at 9. Allow your opponent to save face
listening, identifying core concerns, and every other
conflict skill you have learned so far. Approaches to Negotiation
➔ Negotiation outside of the academic area show a limited
Negotiation presumes the following: perspective.
➔ Participants engage in the conflict rather than avoiding. ➔ Popular authors see bargaining as a “game of managing
➔ Parties resist using domination, or power-over tactics (if impressions and manipulating information.
they are using integrative bargaining). ➔ Limited view of the negotiation process is to conceptualize
➔ Parties use persuasive communication tactics in a variety it as a series of compromises.
of styles.
➔ Parties have reached an active, problem-solving phase in Limitation of most literature on negotiation is that centers on:
which specific proposals are traded. 1. Formal negotiation, between
2. Negotiating representatives, in which
Negotiation and Culture 3. The beginnings and endings of the negotiations are clearly
➔ Each culture designates areas that are off limits to delineated.
negotiation and areas in which negotiation is acceptable.
➔ Negotiation itself is viewed differently in different cultures. Competitive Negotiation
➔ We differ considerably from one another in our comfort Competitive or distributive, negotiations rest on the assumption
with negotiating and our willingness to negotiate in that what one person wins, the other person losses. Typically, the
different situations. distributive bargainer is not concerned about a future
relationship with the other party and is trying to maximize gain
Constructive Argumentation: Test Ideas, Not People and minimize loss.
➔ Skilled argumentation
➔ Same principles of adapting the argument to the situation The basic assumptions of distributive, or competitive.
➔ The “rules of evidence” are different Negotiation are as follows:
➔ Relies on persuasion ➔ The negotiating world is controlled by egocentric
Well-done argumentation you state what you are claiming and ➔ The underlying motivation is competitive/antagonistic.
present evidence for your claim. Arguers: ➔ Limited resources prevail.
1. Use the principles of argumentation with compassion ➔ One can make independent choices: tomorrow’s decision
2. Reaffirm your opponent’s sense of competence remains unaffected by today’s decision.
3. Allow opponents to finish what they are saying ➔ The resource distribution system is distributive in nature
4. Emphasize equality (either/or).
5. Emphasize shared attitudes ➔ The goal is to win as much as you can
6. Show opponents you are interested in their views
7. Use a somewhat subdued, calm delivery Communication Patterns in Competitive Negotiation
➔ Competitive assumes that the goals of the parties are in ➔ Men tend to maintain their advantage over women is
direct conflict and that what you gain, the other loses, you distributive negotiations
gain a competitive advantage by starting with a high or ➔ Men might consider asking for coaching from their female
extreme offer (Fisher 1985) friends when they enter a highly interdependent,
➔ Competitive bargainers withhold data from each other long-term set of negotiations
and try to throw off each other’s ability to predict
responses, meanwhile learning as much as possible about Competition is popularly viewed as a practice that stimulates
each other’s position (Putnam and Poole 1987 productivity, but in fact collaboration increases productive ideas.
Competition only builds healthy self-esteem in the winners;
The competitive bargainer: losers suffer lack self-esteem. Winning assumes there are losers.
➔ Makes high opening demands and concedes slowly
➔ Tries to maximize tangible resource gains, within the limits Integrative Negotiation
of the current dispute ➔ Negotiators attempt to settle a dispute in a way that
➔ Exaggerate the value of concessions that are offered maximizes all of their interests, as opposed to creating a
➔ Uses threats, confrontations, argumentation, and forceful winner and a loser (Lewicki and Tomlinson 2014).
speaking ➔ Integrative negotiation requires ongoing back-and forth
➔ Conceals information use of reflective listening and assertion skills by one or
➔ Manipulates people and the process by distorting both parties.
intentions,resources, and goals
➔ Tries to resist persuasion on issues Management of Conflict through effective negotiation
➔ Is oriented to quantitative and material competitive goals ➔ requires listening to the other party;
rather than relational goals (Adapted from Murray 1986). ➔ indicating that you understand his or her concerns;
➔ expressing your feelings; stating your points in a firm but
Power Interacts with Gender friendly manner;
Women and Men view competition differently. ➔ linking your points to points expressed by the other party;
➔ Women are as oriented toward achievement as men are. ➔ working toward a joint resolution that builds on the ideas
➔ Women often value self-in-relationship of both parties and addresses all concerns (Unbreit 1995).
➔ Women seem to maintain and advantage in collaborating
toward an agreement Assumptions
➔ Women might consider asking for coaching from their The process
male friends when they are entering into a highly ➔ The negotiating world is controlled by enlightened
competitive,single-session negotiation. self-interest
➔ Men tend to orient more toward status, especially with ➔ Common interests are valued and sought
other men. ➔ Interdependence is recognized and enhanced
➔ Me generally enjoy more favorable outcomes in ➔ Limited resources do exist, but they can usually be
competitive negotiation settings. expanded through cooperation.
➔ The resource distribution system is integrative (joint) in ➔ If you take a competitive approach, whether you are
nature negotiating about how to spend the evening with a friend
➔ The goal is a mutually agreeable solution that is fair to all or how much to offer on a house, the negotiation process
parties and efficient for the community will probably be a competitive, win/lose experience. On the
other hand, if you stick firmly to an integrative approach,
Seven Elements of Principled Negotiation you will find creative options that someone with a
“Negotiation on Merits” or Principled Negotiation competitive approach simply would not find.
➔ Creative options are often available but unless the
The seven elements of principled negotiation negotiators believe them possible and work to jointly
1. Attend to the relationship produce those options, the negotiations will begin and
2. Attend to all elements of communication end on a win/lose footing.
3. Focus on interests, not positions
4. Generate many options Competitive and Integrative Phases
5. Find legitimate criteria Cooperative and competitive phases of negotiation – returns to
6. Analyze the “best alternative to a negotiated agreement” collaborative phases when someone stresses the gains to be had
(BATNA) by both sides.
7. Work with fair and realistic commitments
No matter how far down the wrong road you go, you can always
What makes implementing the core concerns so difficult? turn back.

The concerns (appreciation, affiliation, autonomy, status, and a The central finding from phase research
satisfactory role) sometimes become very difficult to put into ➔ successful negotiations eventually move toward
practice, even when we want to. collaborative, or integrative, processes
➔ integrative and competitive processes can be seen as
The following obstacles are adapted from Riskin’s work: intertwined
➔ Excessively self-centered perspectives ➔ the bargainers can be seen as moving from differentiation
➔ Strong negative emotions
➔ Automatic ways of thinking Third-Party Intervention
➔ Insensitivity to emotions ➔ The Need For Third Parties
➔ Insufficient social skills and lack of mental focus ➔ Advantages of Using Skilled Third Parties
➔ Informal Help
The Language of Integration ➔ Formal Intervention
Collaboration is both a mindset and a set of techniques. If one
does not believe that energetic cooperation will provide better The Need For Third-Parties
solutions than competitive techniques, all the language of Conflicts present lots of challenges that we turn to others for
integration that could be memorized will not ultimately produce help.
a collaborative outcome.
➔ not talking with your romantic partner, yelling at one Informal Help
another Informal interventions serve “to interrupt a self-maintaining or
➔ arguing about rent payments escalating malevolent cycle in one way or another and to initiate
➔ enmeshed in a family dispute • endure a situation at work a de-escalating benevolent cycle”(Walton 1969).
where you continually struggle with your supervisor over
your job assignments Conditions for Helping
➔ conversation is sarcastic, indirect, or defensive ➔ Are they ready for a third party?What evidence do you
have to indicate readiness?
Situation such these: ➔ How do you know that they want you to help?
➔ Your roommate stops paying her share of the rent. ➔ What skills prepare you to help them? Can you best help
➔ A friend keeps using your clothes without permission. by referring them to someone else?
➔ Your sister won’t pick up or return calls or texts. ➔ Are you biased, committed to one of the parties, grinding
➔ You and your romantic partner are separating but neither your own ax, or unable to help because of time, position, or
of you say you want to. other matters?
➔ You are a teacher and see your students fighting during ➔ Can you say no? If not, then you are probably too involved
breaks. in the conflict to be an effective helper.
➔ Your workgroup stops meeting and team members do not
reply to e-mails. Cautions about Informal Intervention
➔ An employee is injured on the job and wants health 1. Be certain the parties want help in managing their
benefits. conflict.
➔ Students are being harassed and bullied. 2. Avoid becoming “the enemy”.
➔ A customer tries to return a defective product, but the 3. You must constantly remain aware of conditions.
retailer refuses to accept it 4. Once the work is completed, the third party exits from the
Advantages of Using Skilled Third Parties
The transformation may take many forms. It may Formal Intervention
➔ Change the style of expression in the conflict. The Intervene Continuum
➔ Alter the degree of interdependence between the parties ➔ Formal intervention needs specific training or education
➔ Change their perceptions or their goals so they are not ➔ Western culture, the formal third party is paid
seen as incompatible. ➔ Other cultures use formal intervention to restore peace
➔ Balance the power and justice in the culture
➔ Modify the actual or perceived scarcity of resources. ➔ Some religious organizations use a form of unpaid
➔ Adjust the actual or perceived interference by the intervention i.e convening a group to decide or advise on
opposing parties. an issue
➔ Arrive at solutions to problems that caused the conflict. ➔ Formal intervention differ based to the degree to which
conflict parties determine the outcome

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