Write The Letters in The Empty Boxes

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English Literature Class Test

Class: 8 Marks: 20
Name: Azaz Ahmed Date: 2/9/21

A. Match the terms on the left with their definitions on the right. (Write the letters in the empty boxes) (10)

1. Anaphora h a. Exaggeration used to evoke strong feelings or create an impression

which is not meant to be taken literally.
2. Cliché d b. it is a type of feeling that readers get from a narrative, based on details
such as setting, background, objects, and foreshadowing.
3. Oxymoron g c. means a strong inclination of the mind about something or someone.

4. Atmosphere b d. a phrase or opinion that is overused to the point of losing its original
meaning or effect.
5. Antithesis q e. it is a fictional character with whom the audience can identify, or who
expresses the questions and confusion of the audience.
6. Bias c f. it is a kind of misconception that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an
argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original
issue. In literature, this fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels
to mislead readers or characters or to induce them to make false
7. Audience’s surrogate e g. it is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a
sentence to achieve a contrasting effect.
8. Fallacy m h. a certain word or phrase that is repeated at the beginning of clauses or
sentences that follow each other. This repetition emphasizes the phrase
while adding rhythm to the passage, making it more memorable and
enjoyable to read.
9. Chekov’s gun l i. a literary device used to give non-human or lifeless object trait of human
where the object or animal is actually doing something humanlike.
10. Emotional appeal k j. it refers to a literary practice wherein the writer exaggerates the sentence
by adding more information to it in order to increase its worth and
11. Amplification j k. it is a method of persuasion that's designed to create
an emotional response.
12. Red herring f l. it is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be
necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed; elements should not
appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play.
13. Pathetic fallacy s m. it is a display of faulty reasoning that makes an argument invalid, or a
faulty belief based on an unsound argument.
14. Anthropomorphism i n. Implicit yet intentional efforts of an author to suggest events which have
yet to take place in the story.
15. Cliffhanger t o. Threat of approaching disaster—often used in thrillers where salvation
and escape are essential elements
16. Frame story r p. direct address

17.Ticking clock o q. Two contradictory words put together in a sentence.

18.Breaking the fourth p r. the main story that organizes a series of shorter stories.
19. Hyperbole a s. Reflecting a character's (usually the protagonist) mood in the atmosphere
or inanimate objects. 
20. Foreshadowing n t. The narrative ends unresolved, to draw the audience back to a future
episode for the resolution.

B. Which literary device or element has been used in each of the following examples? Identify. You
can use an option only once. (10)

1. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it
absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there. __Chekov’s
2. Arabian Nights includes 1001 stories within, told by the princess. Here Arabian Nights is-
____________Frame Story_______
3. Voldemort had raised his wand. His head was still tilted to one side, like a curious child, wondering
what would happen if he proceeded. Harry looked back into the red eyes, and wanted it to happen now,
quickly, while he could still stand, before he lost control, before he betrayed fear, before Voldemort
utters those words, before Harry sees a flash of green light — ___Amplification________________
4. The storm in The Cay mirrors the anxiety and the constant internal conflict of the characters
between hope and despair. ________Pathetic Fallacy___________
5. The wind was cruel and lashed at timothy mercilessly. ____ Anthropomorphism_______________
6. In The Cay, the writer makes the readers worried by the disappearance of stew cat along with
Timothy’s superstitions and mysterious behavior related to it. However in the end the audience
can see that stew cat was safe and sound. ___Red Herring________________
7. Let us not discuss the economy of this country; let us also not discuss the spending habits of its citizens;
and finally, let us not discuss the divide between the rich and poor; instead, let’s talk about the best
restaurants. __________Antithesis_________
8. Instead of 'the channel crashed....'
' the channel reverberated with the ear-splitting boom'. __atmosphere_________________
9. He is as brave as a lion. ___Cliche________________
10. I am trying to solve a million issues these days. __________Hyperbole_________

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