C. The Ta The of Eat Ons Stress Ety: 4-Z-Gz Febru4Ry

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IIt,}IMANDUM C I PCULAE I.icrte Febru4ry 7, 1992 /

\{,. 4-z-gz

StiLiJEC;I : Amendments ta the li,.74 Saf et-v of L i f e at Sea Convent i on

t M. C. No,O2-2-82l concern i n€ Eatl i oconmun i cat i ons f or
the Global ilar i t i me D i stress and Saf etY System.

F.ul'suant tc ttre prov i s i ons of the lg74 SOLAS Canvent i on as

amenrJecl. cc)ncel'n i nE rad i occ,mmun i cat i tins f or tlre G l cha l,+{ar i t i me
Distr-ess and Safett' Sy'sten, ttte folloxiltE guidelines ancl
pr=cicedul''es shall tre strittl?' trbserved by all trtrilippine
registerecl vessels eilgaEed in ttre int,ernatianal tt-ade.

!. Definitions
Cargo Ship Safety Eadio Certif icate A safet.-y" r'adic-i
{'er'tif icate slrall lre issuerl a{ter itrsp+it'tictn tc, a c.rt^trc
\irlss*l xit,t-l t'.rrlic, iftstaltatic,ft, whictr camt}lies *ittr tl"le
vgr-!$ i rament s {.rf tlr* StiL AS Ct.rnvent i r:n . il$ affit'rldt'd .

Exemtion Certif icate .- This {.ertif iq.ate shall he issued,
after' i*specticrn l{] & {.arg(} ve-q$el ettgaged {}n a v*y'age
+{lrer=e t,hq? maximum distance c'f ttre strip fr-om t}re sh*r"e. the
I en€th cf ttre vfiya€e. t lre ahsenr-,e cf gen*r'a tr nav i {li}t. i c'ila I
lrazards, and rttter cosrd i t i c;ns af f +ct i n€ saf et,l' are sttc;lt as
i:,r, rt*uder ttre full aBfllication {-'f ttre regul.:,tirn lrec{.-,ltl*
ulrr esrso$aLtIe.
Classification Society Atr itttr:r'natic,nal {rrEanizat ic,ttr
rcrn5lan)'' clr- crirpc,rat i ogr estalrl i sh*rl t.c fac: i i i tat* ef Fec t i r,'e
f unct i cn i rr€ af the rnat' i ne i ssuance qy'st em ancl t r-i saf e€uat^d
Iits and ]rrr.rperty at sea t]]'undert.alring inspecticin *f ships
struc tures .
anEl * f f sltcire
J. Ship tradio Station License ls a cer-t",if iq:ate ril" written
auth*r-ity' issued l3!' ttre f\iTC tc; a $er-scn! f il^ff. {:c!t!i}aft!'.
.Isso{. i at ion. c,r' ccl'trrr-rr at i an aut}rcr i z i ntr tlre lrri ldet^ ther"eaf
tc., oper=flte during the peric,rl str*cif ierl in saicl
ituthcr-iz,ation a mc&ile stati*n in the mar"itime matrile
ser^i, i re I ncatecl ctn l (;ar-d fi vesse I .

Ship Earth Station License ls a certif icate {:r' written

rrutlrc,r" i t,i,' i ssuecl lry NTC tf-i a persott ! f i rrn, coflBsan)' !
.rssfir iat ian rlr- {-or-par-at. ion autlror izin€ the tra !det- ther"eof
t-r., cper'ate durirrg t.?re irericid specified in saicl
autl:r:l'izatic;ii a m{ifuri1g sf,at.irln irt the marit,ime i*nlliIe.-
sat*IIite set-1,ic-.* Iecated {.,r! tr*at"d vesEe!,


t v -t

s" NTC or Cormission Eefers tc, the National Telecarm?iunitir-
t i ons Commi ss i on.

7 Digital. Setective Cal I ing [DSC] - ls a redic corfilunication

.teetrnique usin€ digital codes nhich enables a radio
, stat i on to estab t'i sh contact n i th , and transf er i nf ormat i crn
to, anot,her stat i on or Eroup af stat i ons r
I I N|'IAPSAT - The or€an i zat i on estab I i shed fry' the Ccnvent i orr
{in th*l lnternatlonal I'taritime Sat.ellite Organizat.ion
atlopted on 03 Sptember I 076 .

O, NAVTEX ls an'inter'national automated direct printin€

service for promulgation of navi€ational and met,ecr-alogical
Harn i n€s , meteoro I og i ca I f orecast,s and other urgent saf et y'
re I ated messages broadcasts to sh i ps us i n€ the en€ I i sh
I an€ua€e ori 5f B hhz '
l O. Sea Area At A,n area w i th i n t.he rad i ote l ephone coverage
of at I east one ( t ) slrore--baserl VHf coast stat. i an t ?O- 3C
tniles) in xhich ccrntinuous DSC alerting is available.
Il. Sea Area L2 A,n ar'ea excludin€ Sea Area Al, ,t{ithin ttre
rad i ote I ephone coverage crf at I east one t 1 ) shore-trased Mf
coast st.ation t 30-lOO miles ) in which ccntinuous DSC
alerting is available.
12. S*a At ea AI A.n area exc I ud i ng sea flreas A I and A2,
lritlrin the coverfl€e of an IN|-{ApSAT geostationary satelllt.e
in xhich continuous alerting is available ( ,&ppt'ox. lretween
North and 70 degrees South i .
7O degrees
13. Sea Area L4 The remaining sea area$ outsicle areas Al, A?
and A3.

I X. lssuance of Car€o Sh ir, Saf ety Qad i o Cert i f i cat.e

A. Genera I Procedul^es
! A,ny' applicant desirin€ to obtflin a Car€a Ship Safety'

Qadio Certificate for his vessel en€a€erl in t,lre

international trade siralt f ile in the Fr-egt-f ibed
application form Hith the main off ice of l.iTC at Quezqrr
Cityr '

( V v

2. Ttre Commission may issue a Cargo Slrip Safet-v tladio
Certif icate as a]rplied for, flfLer inspection of t.he
radic installation wtrich ccnrFlies Nitir tlre rerluirements
*f t tre SOLA.S Convent i on , fls amencled.
The i'nspectiCIn of the radio instatlation -of A cargo
vessel located.ip any philiBpine pcrrt shal'l be perfarmed
by any clu I'y' author i zed representat. i ve a,f IITC. . ticxever ,
when tlre vessel is located in a foreiEn [l6rt! the NTC
mey authorize fl classif ication sor"iety' cir^ reguest ttre
administration af the saicl fcrei€n por't t* ryerform the
inspectian and issue if H&rr-rrnted" the 'eertificat*
dpplied fsi^ in hetralf, *f ttre F;lrilippine Severgment-

{ The following crrgtrnizations wittr off ices in l{etr'o-Manila

flre recogn i zed by NTC ta cs:irduct, i nsp*ct i *n cf r"ild i rl
instal tation rrn lroard Phi I ir][rirte ['eEister-ed. vesselsr
a, American Gureau of Shifrpin€ {ABSI of ':
I !n I * ---rI
l.-jEI I t,t:qJ

States; I
b. Llsyd's Qegister ef sttippin{ of the unit*d Hin€rlom;
c: Nirrpon t{aiii Kyakai [.Nt{K} of Japang and
d. F:ltrr"eau Ver-itas iBV) *f frane,e
€. Det Nr:rske Ver i tas af N*r'r+ey
S" A classif icatiott society or tlre administratian,-$-ctlr-*r'ned
m*.i' he fluthor i zerl t)y' NTC ta conduct arl i trs;-*trc t i c,n {tf the
radia "imstaI Eat ion Llfi froard phi I ippine' register-ed v*ssei
and issue if Harra$ted! a safety radic cer'tif icate in
hehalf af the philippine Gev'ernment' subjer-,t. tn t-ht:
fet laxine ,conditions: -

ltr.iTtre iritial inspectic,n of 'tlre slrip stati*n oH lraarcj
( a philippine r-eEistered vessel lr-rcated in E forei€n
'st pert *ha t I be . conducted by tlre soc: i ety' q:r tlre
Bdministratic,n crlnc€rned anty upCIn r-eceipt. af
authorization from the Cornmissian *t the r**quest.' fff
tlre sh i p Cwiler i
tI. Tlte periadical insFectit:n of the iadio i*stallati*n
c)tr hcrard & PtrilifFinq r.e€istered vessel stralt tle
canducted b)- the f cncerned s€]c i et y' iir- .adm i n i strat, i an
uFcn request af tlre sh i ir cwfier ;


/' ....4
c.' The society or the administration concerned strall
f urn i sh the Comnr i ss i on a copy crf the SRC i ssued
to€ether w i th the techn i ca I i nspect i om report,
preferalrly on a prescribed NTC form xithin ten tl0l
days f rqm tlre date of i nspect i on i .

6 The NTC reserves tlre r i gtrt to suspend or term i nate * i f

necessary the recognition or auttrority ,issued to a
classification society provided, that the said society
will be notified accbrdingly' tlrirty (30l days in
i-,, . GTNEPAL trEeU I Qf[tNTS

€r. For vessel lacatecl itt a philiplrine port

I . Pr^crlrer I y accotttp I i shed app I i cat i on for SACI
?. - ccrpy t_rf a va I id ship radio staticn I i cense clr-
pl^cjper I y-, accarrp I i shed app I i cat i on thereaf I

3. Certificate cf registration from the philippine Caast

Guard and;
4. Erroof of sea areas in which ship is {erti.f ied tr-r
L) . Fcir vesse I located in a forei {n port 3

{ Copy- c.rf the MAEINA approva I f or acqu i s i t [on of t.he

vesse I I t
2. L.etter request f or authrir i ty t,c, a I I ox a
classification sCIciety' te inspec,t the reidia
instal lation and issue the SRC if Harrafitecl and;
3 . Letter of request f or Tempcrr ary F;ermit to cperate ttre
existin€ rhdio installaticn on hoard vesse I end tlre
assignment of a Plri I ippine cat I s i gfi tilerefor .
NOTE: The slripowner slrall con{rly with all c,t.her .NTC
regu i rements fcr the i ssuance af the Sh i p Qad i o
station License witlrin the effec:tivity period e'f the
Temporflry Fermit. The Ship Radic Stati*tt Lic:ense
shall lre issuecl xittr eff,ectivity'periocl nat exceeding
r+itlr tlrat of ttre Saf et.y'Qadic Certif icate.


\'/ -v


C lssued Certif icate by a Classif ication Societ.y $r antlther

Contract i ng Government .
A certificate issued by any NTC recognized classification
soc i ety or another contract i ng government sha
same force and rece i ve the same recogn i tI iIontrave as
c er t i f i cate i ssuecl b.v NTC .

Durat i on and Va I i d i ty of Saf et.y Qadio Certificate anrt

Exemption Certif icate ,,

t. Tlre Cargo Ship Safety,padio Certif icate aud ' Exemption

Certif ic;ate shall be issued for a periad nc,t exceed i lrg
l?- months cr I year.
2 If a survey,/ inspection tahesplace xittrin t*c'c, firc,rrths
lref ore the exp i rat i on r-rf a certif ic;ate, said cer.tif icate
may lre x i thdrawn ancl a nel,{ cert i f i cate may be i ssued
which sha! t expire 12 manths after the end af the
xLthdl^flHn cert i f icate,
3 A cert i f i cate' stra l l cease to be va l id otrc,n transfer nf
t lre str i p ta tlre f t ag of anathergover$ment. .

r_ Sh ip Equ iprrcnt Carr iage pequ i rements


I. ship F-ntrageri on vciy'ages Exclusi\zel!.,cn sea Ar-ea Ai

{. Deg. 7 & 8. Chapter I V, SCL /tS L I t gS }
a. VHf radio iristallatiom capable of transE*itting and
t'ece i v i ng fin ,vo i ce and DSC ccimmun i cat. i crns .
VHf 'radia. installation capable of maintainin& s
cont i nuous Dsc xatch on vHF channe I zo -wh i ch rfifl), lre
separate f rom r Glr^ cor{r i ned r.r i th tlrat r.€qu i red in
sufrparsgraflh 6r.

r,. A receiver catrabte of receiving: i nternat iona I NAVTEX.

d. Sate I I i te or VHtr Emergency Position- In*ticatlon4
Qadio Beacon tEptAB)
e Qadar trarspander^ capalr I e of t"rperat i n{ i Er the gGhz
f . Frortafrle VHf tr-an$ceiver^


V v

,y' -.. .$
,} Sh i tr E,nEa€edon Voya€es Exc I us i ve I y om Sea Area A,2
t Qe€ulation 7 & Elr chapter tv, soLAS loSE i
a.. Vtjtr r-adio installatiogr capaflle of transmittinE end
r'eceirring vcice on voice and DSC comrnurricatir,ils.
Vl'lF r-adio irstallation capfible of maintaining it
eent i nuous ftSC watch cn VHF ehanne I 70 xh i ch mey lre
separate f rom, oF .ccrrilr ned i th
i w that requ i r-ed in
subparagraph E,
C: A receiver capable of rece ivi n€ i nternat i ona I NAVTE.X.

d Hf rad i o siat i on us i n€ DSC'

Satel I ite EPIAB CIr'
s. Radar transponder capable of cperat.ing in tlre S Ghz
f trcr talre VHF transce i ver

g. i{f radia instatlation capable of transmittin{ and

rece i v i n€ vo i ce and DSC cofiImun i cat i ons.
h. Mf radic instaliatir:n capalrle of maintaining a
cont i nuaus DSC xatch on the f requency 1lB7 .5t{hz.
xh i ch may be separate f ronn r oF, .cordr i necl H i th that
t^equired in subparagraFh g.
3 Sh i t] Efigagect
"on Voy'a€esi Exc I us i ve I -v- on Sea Ar"ea A3
t Aeg$rflticn 7 & lO.. Chapter lV, SOLAS to88 l'
a. VHF radio installation catrflble of transmitt,ing and
rece i v i n€ on vcr i ce and DSC colmun i cat. i ons.
f!. Vh'f rad i o i'nst.a I I at i a* capab I e af rmairrtainin{
c:c3tt i rtuous xatch cn VHf clranne I 7fr wh i clr mfty'
separate f rom: ot' condr i ned x i th tlrat requ i red
subpara€r'aph il.
C A !-ece i ver cafralr I e of receivinS internaticnal NAVT"NX.
d Satel I ite EPIRB or HF usin€ DSC-
e Eadar transponder capable of c,peratin{ in ttre S Gtrs
f . Vlltr partalrle ts'ansceiver


g. I NMAPSAT Sh i p Earth Stat i on or flfFlHtr radio station
capable of transmitting and receivin€ on vo i ce, DSC
and d i rect Br i nt i ng corilnun i cat lons. .

4. Ship Engaged on Voyages Exclusively on Sea Area L4

( pegulation 7 * ll, Chapter lV, SOLAS lgSB l
il. VHF radio installation capabte of. transmitting and
rece i v i ng and recei y i n€ on vt: i ce and DSC
b, VHF rad-ic installation capable of maihtainin€ fl
cont i nuous xat.ch on VHf chenne I 7C r*lr i ch may' tre
separate f rom. Or cortilr i ned w i th that requ i recl i n
subpara€raph il.
rE. A receiver capable of.receivin€ international NAVTEX.
d, Fadar transponder capable of operating in the S Ghz

e. VHF portab I e transce i ver .

f. itF/HF radio.statiein. capable of transmittin{ and
receiving on voice, DSC and direct printin{
te I egraphy.
g. $atel I i te EP lPB.
h. INHAPSAT Ship Earth Station
+t^ F4 -4 : ^-

r. !r{a i ntenance Qequ i rements

t Sh i ps engaged on\ voyages i n sefl at-ea$ A t and A2 i the

availability of the functional requirements of' radio
equ i pment sha I I be ensured by us i ng at I east one nnethc,cl
such as dup I i cat i on of equ i ptnent , shore--based
maintenance and on*board elec:tronic maintenance
capabi I ity.
? ships engaged ofi voyages in ,sea areas A3 & Ad, the
availability' of the functic,nal reguirements of r-adio
equ i pment sha I I fre en-sured hy us i n€ at I east two methorj
such ; as dLlp I i cat i on of equ i pment " $hore--lrasecl
ma ntenance and . on*bo&rd e I ectl^on i c
i. ma i ntenance

) t
\r. I

{dditional Frovisicns
Act 38 lO, als q at I
prfivtstolls f the l'388 SOLAS Convent i on and ot raflr(
regulaticilts affect i ng mar ine te eco'mmun i cat, i ons . a hereh'r

trena I t, i tr:

ss i oner
( '$t |tq". 4+h't

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