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Rainfall distribution is affected by:
1. Monsoon System
2. Distance from the sea

Distance from the sea

- In summer, onshore winds (and sometimes typhoons) bring heavy rains
to coastal areas.
- The wind loses moisture when going inland.
-Distance from the sea (rise)  Rainfall (drop)

Wet and dry regions in China

Dry regions
- Annual rainfall: <250mm
- Inland area
Semi-arid regions
- annual rainfall: 250-400mm
Semi-wet regions
- Annual rainfall: 401-800mm
Wet regions
- Annual rainfall: >800mm
- Mainly in south of the Chang Jiang

Human Activities VS Water Cycle in China

1. Deforestation
- for land, timber, firewood
 Evaporation (rise)
 river flow (rise)
 overland flow (rise)
 infiltration (drop)
 transpiration (drop)
 precipitation (drop)
2. Building Dams
- for irrigation / river flow control
 river flow downstream (drop)
3. Reclaiming Lakes
- for more land (agricultural, residential use)
 river flow downstream (rise)
4. Overdrawing Groundwater
- for industrial, domestic use
 groundwater storage (drop)
 river flow / groundwater flow (drop)

What is a monsoon?
- Seasonal change in wind direction due to differences in the heating of
land & sea
- Caused by difference of air pressure

- Absorbs heat quickly
- Hot air expands & rises
- Air over the land: warmer / low pressure
- Absorbs heat slowly
- Cold air contracts & sinks
- Air over the sea: cooler / High pressure

Air movement:
High pressure (sea) Low pressure (land)

Wind / Rainfall:
Onshore winds  more rainfall near the coast

Winter Monsoon
- Releases heat rapidly
- Cold air contracts & sinks
- Air over the sea: cooler / High pressure

- Release heat slowly
- Hot air expands & rises
- Air over the land: warmer / low pressure

Air movement:
High pressure (land) low pressure (sea)
Wind / Rainfall:
Offshore winds  less rainfall near the coast

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