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Raymart T.

Santiago( 18-08065)

1.What does learning environment consist of?
 The learning environment consists of the physical environment as well as the
psychological atmosphere or the socio-emotional climate which is mainly a product of
the interaction and relationship between teacher and students and among the students

2.When is learning environment facilitate learning?

 Learning environment facilitate learning when;
A.Which encourages people to be active - a psychological classroom environment which is
supportive of learning engages the learners in the learning process.
B.Which promotes and facilitates the individuals discovery of the personal meaning of idea –
meaning is not imposed by teacher. This is personally arrived at by the learners considering the
uniqueness of their experiences.
C.Which emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of learning – every learner is
D.In which difference is good and desirable – there is no respect for diversity. To be different
does not mean to be deficient.
E.Which consistently recognizes peoples right to make mistakes – learners feel at ease and
learn best when mistakes are welcome because they are recognized as part and parcel of the
learning process.
F.Which tolerates ambiguity – this leads to openness to ideas add prevents teacher and
learners alike to be judgmental.
G.In which evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-evaluation – this makes
evaluation less threatening. The learner is not alone when he evaluates learning, he is with a
group. His/her progress is seen against his/her targets not against the performance of his/her
H.Which encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self – people at ease and so
arent afraid to be transparent.
I.In which people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in external sources – there
is a strong social support, and it is not difficult to trust others.
J.In which people feel they are respected – everyone is convinced of the inner worth/dignity of
each individual and so it is easy to respect everyone.
K.In which people feel they are accepted – there is a sense of belongingness.
L.Which permits confrontation – since learners feel at ease and feel they are accepted; they
are not afraid to confront themselves.
M.A conducive learning environment is necessary in the full development of the cognitive
and appetitive faculties of the learner – his senses, instincts, imagination, memory, feelings,
emotions and will.
3.Is a conducive learning noise-free? Explain your answer.
 It depends,because the conducive learning should be quite classroom,but when there is
an activity that needs to be active in speaking like debates,speech,election of officers,
sometimes the students needs to be noisy to express his/her feelings, perspective,
4.Search on the net a picture of a conducive learning environment. Below the picture, describe
it and its characteristics to be called as conducive to learning.

The picture is an conducive to learning since the physical condition of the classroom are neat, tidy,
orderly, spacious, well-lighted, well- ventilated and quiet. The students will tends to study
better, listen to teacher attentively, share thought to co-student and teacher.

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