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Raymart T.


1.Who is the professional teacher?
 The professional teacher is the licensed professional who possesses dignity and
reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence…
s/he adheres to observes, and practices, a set of ethical and moral principles, standards
and values.(Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, 1997). The professional teacher is
one who went through four to five years period of rigorous academic preparation in
teaching and on who is given a license to teach by the Board of Professional Teachers of
the Professional Regulation Commission after fulfilling requirements prescribed by the
law such as passing the License Examination Teachers (LET). S/he is registered in the
roster of professional teachers at the Professional Regulation Commission and
undergoes continuing professional education.
2.To facilitate learning, what attributes are expected of a professional teacher?
 The expected attributes of a professional teacher is composed of professional attributes which
means that the teacher are expected to be knowledgeable in the area which he/she teaching
and personal attributes which means all that the teacher must have a passion for teaching, with
pleasing personality, humor, patience, enthusiasm and a model of values.
3.Which teacher trait is more important – competence or commitment?
 For me, I preferred that both of them are important, the absence of one may lead to a
half-cook learning. What I mean is the teacher must have both of them for it to be
efficient and effective.
4.Briefly discuss and write a reaction paper on Once a teacher, forever a student
Once a teacher, forever a student
The quotation" Once a teacher, forever a student" is true and meaningful since the teacher is
always do reading, listening,attending useful seminars, to enhance their knowledge and
experience, so that they can share it to their students to become a successful person someday.
During teaching, the teacher may learn also to their students,about the perspectives of
students,the needs,priority and etc.

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